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() When therain finally came, a strong wind began to

blow and very large hailstones began to fall.

Lencho's com fields were completely destroyed
because of the hailstones that rained on the valley
for an hour
() Lencho had faith in God. He found in God his last
hope. He therefore wrote a letter to God requesting
hundred pesos to sow his field again and live until
the next crop.
(i) No, Lencho never suspected that it could be
anybody else other than God who would send him
the required money and hence made no effort to
find the actual source of the money he had
(iv) Once the hail stopped, Lencho soul was filled with
sadness. He mentioned that there would be no
corn that year and they would go hungry.
Lencho compared the raindrops to 'new coins'
because his cropswere ready for harvest but they
needed a good downpour. After which he would be
able to sell the harvest and earn money. The
raindrops would make a good harvest and thereby
bring newcoins to Lencho.
(M) To keep the writer's faith in God, the postmaster
answered the letter. Upon reading Lencho's
Tequest for hundred pesos, he asked tor money
employees and gave a pat of his salary
om nis haltthe
He was able to collect a little more than
money in an envelope
Tequired amountand put the
addressed to Lencho.
(ii) When the postmaster read Lencho's letter
requesting God to send him hundred pesos, he
was so affected by it that he collected the money
and signed the letter as God so that Lencho's faith
does not get shaken. He wanted to keep Lencho's
faith inGod alive and firm.

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