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[Frontiers In Bioscience, Landmark, 23, 811-836, January 1, 2018]

Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

Elsa Lindgren1, Kyle Gray1,2, Gregg Miller1, Ryan Tyler1, Corinde E. Wiers1, Nora D. Volkow1,3,
Gene-Jack Wang1

Laboratory of Neuroimaging, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda 20892, Maryland, USA, 2Department of Behavioral Health, Walter Reed National
Military Medical Center, 8901 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda MD 20889, 3National Institute on Drug Abuse,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Defining food addiction
3.1. DSM substance use disorders and feeding and eating disorders
3.2. Other diagnostic tools: Yale Food Addiction Scale and Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment
3.3. Addiction neurocircuitry and food
3.4. Genetic mechanisms in addiction and obesity
3.5. Hormonal mechanisms in addiction and obesity
4. PET imaging in obesity and food addiction
5. MRI imaging in obesity and food addiction
6. Treating food addiction
6.1. Neurobiological correlates of weight loss following bariatric surgery
6.2. Neurobiological correlates of anti-craving medications in food addiction and obesity
7. Summary and Outlook
8. Acknowledgement
9. References


Drugs and food both exert a rewarding effect Addiction is characterized by cycles of intox-
through the firing of dopamine neurons in the ventral ication, withdrawal, and craving. As obesity and relat-
tegmental area, resulting in the release of dopamine ed metabolic diseases become increasingly common,
into the nucleus accumbens and effects on the me- it is important to examine determinants and consider
solimbic pathway. Here, we review the neuroimaging evidence for the addictive properties of food. Both drug
literature to consider the validity of food addiction and addiction and obesity result from repeated behaviors
the common neurobiological mechanisms that overlap and habits that the individual has difficulty controlling
in food and drug addiction. This review paper focus- despite awareness of undesirable consequences (1).
es on findings from Positron Emission Tomography Food consumption is rewarding, in part, through activa-
(PET), functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) tion of the mesolimbic dopamine (DA) pathways. Cer-
and structural imaging studies, as well as evidence tain foods, especially those high in sugar and fat, act
from neuroimaging studies of bariatric surgery and in a similar way to drugs, leading to compulsive food
pharmacological interventions on obese individuals. consumption and loss-of-control over food intake (2).
We examine not only functional and structural chang- In addition, circuits of self-control and decision-making
es in the mesolimbic pathways, but also in other frontal are impaired in obesity in a similar way to drug abuse
areas shown to be involved in drug addiction, including and addiction due to dysregulation of prefrontal regions.
the prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex and anterior The use of neuroimaging in investigating the mech-
cingulate cortex, as well as changes in neurotransmit- anisms behind food addiction provides insight to the
ter systems beyond dopaminergic systems. neurobiological correlates of this compulsive behavior,

Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

and may help target therapeutic strategies through de- pathways of addictive processes. Still, whether or
creasing the rewarding properties of food, increasing not the concept of food addiction represents anoth-
alternative reinforcers of reward, and strengthening er behavioral addiction such as gambling disorder, or
inhibitory control (1). whether elements of food, such as sugar, fat, or cal-
ories, have an inherently addictive quality similar to
After an overview of food addiction, neuro­ drugs of abuse continues to be debated (5, 6). These
circuitry and genetic and hormonal mechanisms, we models are not mutually exclusive; food addiction is
will review the literature of Positron Emission Tomog- extremely complex and multidimensional. As the un-
raphy (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) derstanding of food addiction continues to evolve, it
studies of obesity. Through the PET imaging literature, is likely that components from each of these major
we present findings about numerous neurotransmitter constructs are adopted by psychiatrists, psychologists
systems, including DA, endogenous opioids, norepi- and neuroscientist, which may help guiding treatment.
nephrine (NE), and serotonin (5-HT), as well as brain
glucose metabolism. We review literature of functional 3.1. DSM substance use disorders and feeding
MRI (fMRI), resting-state MRI (rsfMRI) and structural and eating disorders
MRI including gray and white matter volumes, fraction-
al anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD). Last, we One of the earliest and more obvious ways
review the literature of brain changes in obese subjects to conceptualize food addiction is to compare it to the
following weight loss through bariatric surgery or phar- DSM criteria for substance use disorder (SUD) (7).
macological treatment with anti-craving medications. The DSM-5 combines the criteria for substance abuse
and substance dependence under the term Substance
We searched PubMed for clinical neuro­ Use Disorder (SUD). With this revision, a criterion
imaging studies performed in both food-addicted and for “craving” was added (4). The change echoes the
obese populations, and in populations of patients who development of a larger framework for addiction pro-
received weight-loss treatment with bariatric surgery posed by Koob et al., wherein the last of the three ma-
or medication. We acknowledge that obesity does not jor cycles of addiction includes a preoccupation and
necessary imply a food addiction, and that food ad- anticipation stage, marked by craving (8). Meule et al
diction can exist in lean subjects, however food ad- review the evidence for overlap between criteria for
diction is likely to lead to excess calorie consumption SUD and gambling disorders, and conclude that the
and obesity. Obesity, as defined by a body mass index current DSM criteria for substance use disorders serve
(BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2, also proves to be simpler as a better guide for future research (5).
and more objective to measure than food addiction,
and therefore it is more common to study obese pop- The DSM-5 is the first DSM version to include
ulations than food-addicted populations. Food con- “Binge Eating Disorder” (BED). BED criteria include
sumption is controlled by hypothalamic signaling and eating an amount of food larger than most people
neuroendocrine hormones and neuropeptides that can would eat in a discrete period and is associated with
also modulate reward mechanisms, as reviewed by a loss of control over eating (4). This emphasis on es-
Volkow et al. (2). The current review, however, focuses calated use and loss of control echoes the description
primarily on the neurotransmitters and neurocircuitry of addiction put forth by Koob et al. of compulsive drug
behind the reward of food consumption. seeking (8). However, many researchers note that
BED and bulimia nervosa do not appear to tell the full
3. DEFINING FOOD ADDICTION story of food addiction. For one, it may be too limiting
in its criteria, requiring the loss of control to be associ-
The concept of food addiction was first in- ated with discrete episodes of overeating (9). Recent
troduced into scientific literature by Randolph in studies by Gearhardt et al indicate that less than half of
1956, who wrote of “a common pattern of symptoms individuals who meet criteria for BED also meet criteria
descriptively similar to those of other addictive pro- for food addiction using the Yale Food Addiction Scale
cesses” observed in the consumption of foods such (discussed below); individuals who do meet criteria for
as corn, wheat, coffee, milk, eggs and potatoes (3). both appear to have worsened pathology (9, 10).
Since then, there has yet to be agreement on what is
meant by the term food addiction. The term is not in 3.2. Other diagnostic tools: Yale Food Addiction
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- Scale and Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment
orders (DSM), the tool for diagnosing mental illness
used by the American Psychiatric Association(APA) As interest in the idea of food addiction in-
(4). The latest version, DSM-5, couches substance creased with the rise in obesity rates around the world,
use disorders under the title “Substance-Related researchers sought a more precise way to capture
and Addictive Disorders” and is the first to include a the symptomology of food addiction. In 2009, Gear-
behavioral addiction—gambling disorder, reflecting hardt et al. developed the Yale Food Addiction Scale
a growing understanding of the common underlying (YFAS) for this purpose (11). This 25-item instrument

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Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

was developed with the substance dependence crite- the stria terminalis, central nucleus of the amygdala,
ria from DSM-IV with additional items to assess the and a transition zone in the medial part of the NAc.
significance of distress or impairment caused by the The preoccupation/anticipation stage engages the
symptoms. The YFAS demonstrated adequate in- prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and insula (14). Both
ternal reliability, good convergent validity with other drugs of abuse and food activate the dopaminergic
measures of eating problems, and good discriminant reward system described above in the binge/intoxica-
validity as compared to distinct problems of alcohol tion stage, but do so differently. Food stimuli modulate
consumption and impulsivity. It has recently been up- endogenous opioids and cannabinoids in this system
dated (YFAS Version 2.0.) to reflect the updated sub- as a function of palatability, as well as cause delayed
stance use disorder criteria in DSM-5 (12). increases of DA as a function of increased glucose
and insulin. In contrast, drugs of abuse often increase
While the YFAS is a tool that allows re­ DA through direct pharmacologic effects or, indirect-
searchers to specifically examine food addiction, it ly, through the opioid, nicotine, γ-aminobutyric acid
is worth acknowledging emerging addiction frame- (GABA) or cannabinoid systems (1, 16).
works that can be applied more broadly to any addic-
tive process, including food addiction. The Addictions Thus, if either stimulus activates the reward
Neuroclinical Assessment (ANA) is a newer neurosci- system, there is potential for conditioned reinforcement
ence-based framework of three clinically-oriented do- in which previously neutral stimuli become paired with
mains—incentive salience, negative emotionality, and the rewarding stimuli and eventually become indepen-
executive function —that underlie the addiction cycle, dent reinforcers of the behaviors associated with the
discussed in more detail below (13). Importantly, ANA reward. This well-established psychological phenom-
places less emphasis on any particular substance or enon laid the groundwork for the concept of incentive
addictive behavior, but seeks to understand the het- salience, which has become a critical point of interest
erogeneity within and among addictive disorders (13). in addiction research. Incentive salience incorporates
not only these learned associations but also an individ-
3.3. Addiction neurocircuitry and food ual’s physiological state into understanding motivation
for rewards as a process driven by the mesocortico-
For in-depth synopses of the state of science limbic DA system (14). The concept has been of par-
in the neurocircuitry of addiction, we refer to reviews ticular interest since it was demonstrated that midbrain
by Koob and Volkow (8, 14). Reviewing evidence from dopaminergic neurons that initially fired in response to
animal models and neuroimaging, as well as studies a novel reward transitioned to only firing in response to
of molecular and genetic targets within brain circuits predictive stimuli or novel rewards, but not in response
associated with addiction, they characterize a heuris- to rewards that had had sufficient repeated exposure
tic framework of addiction. Like the ANA, this model (17, 18). The importance of incentive salience in the
focuses on the three functional domains of incentive addiction process has been further reinforced in imag-
salience, negative emotional states, and executive ing studies, including studies involving cues of drugs of
function, and the three corresponding neurobiological abuse and food, as discussed below.
circuits: the basal ganglia, extended amygdala and
prefrontal cortex, respectively. These domains underlie 3.4. Genetic mechanisms in addiction and obesity
the three stages of addiction—binge/intoxication, with-
drawal/negative affect and preoccupation/anticipation The model of addiction neurocircuitry de-
(craving)—that separate occasional, controlled use scribed above is now beginning to incorporate greater
from the chronic, recurrent nature of addiction. More understanding and appreciation for genetic and epi-
recent evidence further elaborates on the complexity genetic mechanisms that play a role in the develop-
of this model, accounting for neurotransmitter-defined ment of addiction. The A1 allele for the dopamine D2
mini circuits that can mediate functional neuroplastici- receptor (Taq1) has been associated with obesity and
ty and affect each of the three major domains/stages, substance use disorders, which led Blum et al to de-
and can be targets for intervention (14). velop the concept of ‘Reward Deficiency Syndrome,’
where genetic polymorphisms lead to abnormal
The binge/intoxication stage involves the re- behaviors (19).
ward neurotransmitters of DA and opioid peptides in
the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and dorsal striatum. Of At the same time, the relationship between
note for the subject of food addiction, Barbano et al. the genetic components underlying these two chronic
have shown that the endogenous opioid systems disease processes is certainly complicated and not yet
are associated with the pleasure of food reward and clear. A recent 2016 genome-wide association study
have a synergistic effect with dopaminergic pathways (GWAS) of 9,314 females of European ancestry who
to promote food intake (15). The withdrawal/nega- were identified as having food addiction by the modi-
tive affect stage engages activation of the extended fied YFAS did not identify a significant association with
amygdala, including the basal forebrain structures of any single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or genes

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Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

implicated in drug addiction (20). However, a 2015 re- These hormonal systems have pathways connecting
view of neurogenetic and neuroimaging evidence for them to the dopaminergic reward system. Orexin is
a conceptual model of dopaminergic contributions to a neuropeptide secreted from the hypothalamus that
obesity found an array of evidence implicating a re- regulates a range of physiological processes, includ-
lationship between obesity and polymorphisms in ing feeding, energy metabolism, and arousal. Recent
DA receptors genes for DA receptors type 2, 3 and 4 evidence has pointed to a significant role of orexin, not
(DRD2, DRD3, and DRD4) as well as the dopamine only in feeding behavior dysregulation, but also recruit-
transporter (DAT1) and genes for enzymes associat- ment of the orexin neuronal circuit by drugs of abuse,
ed with dopamine degradation—catechol-o-methyl- again pointing to overlap of reward processes even in
transferase (COMT) and monoamine oxidase isomers the hormonal system (31).
A and B (21).
Further discussion of these relationships is FOOD ADDICTION
beyond the scope of this review but given the evidence
of high heritability of addiction and obesity (22, 23), PET maps brain functioning by localizing and
as well as possible common underlying neurobiologi- quantifying compounds of interest over time. Radioli-
cal pathways, this area is ripe for further investigation. gands are selected to bind to receptors or proteins
As we incorporate pathways beyond the dopamine of interest in the brain so that their metabolism can
reward system (or binge/intoxication stage) in our provide insight into the functioning of studied brain re-
model of addiction, we await exploration of possible gions. Several radiotracers relevant to the mapping of
implications with food addiction and obesity. For exam- brain functioning in obesity are (11C)raclopride, a rel-
ple, acknowledging the importance of the withdrawal/ atively low affinity DRD2 antagonist, 2-deoxy-2(18F)
negative affect stage and the role of corticotropin-re- fluoro-D-glucose (FDG), a radio-labeled glucose-an-
leasing factor (CRF) in this stage highlights the impor- alogue molecule used to study regional metabolism
tance of the finding that SNPs in the receptor gene of glucose in the brain, (11C)carfentanil, a high affinity
(CRHR1) are associated with heavy drinking, particu- agonist for the μ-opioid receptor (MOR), (S,S)-(11C)
larly in response to stressful life events (24, 25). To our O-methylreboxetine (MRB), a radioligand that binds
knowledge, this kind of relationship has not yet been to the norepinephrine transporter (NET), and (18F)al-
explored in the context of food addiction. tanserin, (11C)SB20714, and (11C)DASB, which bind
to the serotonin 2A receptor (5-HT2AR), 4 receptor
3.5. Hormonal mechanisms in (5-HT4R) and transporter (5-HTT), respectively. Com-
addiction and obesity paring the PET results from obese human subjects
with substance use disorder subject allows us to com-
As alluded to above, there is growing rec- pare the overlapping neurobiological correlates and
ognition of hormone dysregulation in the addiction evaluate the legitimacy of food addiction.
cycle, adding yet another layer of complexity to these
diseases. Disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary- Studies using PET and (11C)raclopride imag-
adrenal axis and CRF are indicated in the withdrawal/ ing on human subjects with alcohol, cocaine, heroin,
negative affect phase. During acute withdrawal from all and methamphetamine SUDs show that a defining
drugs of abuse, CRF increases in the extended amyg- trait of addiction is reduced DA release, as well as a
dala. There is some evidence that similar dysregula- decrease in the DRD2 availability in the NAc of the
tion of CRF may occur in relation to palatable foods. ventral striatum and in the dorsal striatum , resulting in
For instance, Cottone et al. demonstrated that rats, a decreased neural response to reinforcers (32–34).
withdrawn from intermittent access to a high-sucrose, With fewer DRD2 receptors available to respond to a
chocolate-flavored diet, showed increased anxiety-like decreased DA signal, there is less of a subjective re-
behaviors, accompanied by increased mRNA and warding perception from drug-induced DA release. It is
peptide expression of CRF in the central nucleus of speculated that compulsive disorders, including drug
the amygdala. Upon renewed access to the palatable addiction and gambling, reflect a ‘Reward Deficiency
food, overeating was noted (26). These findings were Syndrome’ that is hypothesized to result from a reduc-
mitigated by pretreatment with the selective CRF1 an- tion in the availability of DRD2 (35). To compensate for
tagonist R121919 (26). this deficiency of reward, drug users typically admin-
ister themselves larger quantities of the drug over a
To focus on CRF dysregulation alone would shorter period to experience the same reward effect.
be an oversimplification of the hormonal processes at
play in both addiction and obesity. Food addiction in The innate reinforcing nature of food is a re-
particular implicates several more hypothalamic neu- sult of DA release in the striatum (35). To determine
ropeptides involved in regulating food intake, such as whether an addiction to drugs is comparable to an ad-
leptin, insulin, ghrelin, orexin, cholecystokinin (CCK), diction to food, studies examine DA release and avail-
peptide YY (PYY), and neuropeptide Y (NPY) (27–30). ability of DRD2 in the brains of obese humans. A study

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Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

by Wang et al. revealed differences in DA release in controls (40, 42, 43). Lower glucose metabolism in the
response to caloric intake across varying BMIs. Sub- executive control centers of prefrontal regions reflects
jects with higher BMIs showed less striatal DA release their diminished functioning, resulting in loss of con-
in response to consuming glucose than did subjects trol over drug-taking behavior, despite awareness of
with lower BMIs, insinuating that excessive food in- negative effects (1). The downregulation of DRD2 and
take could be a compensation for the difference be- diminished DA sensitivity that adjunct drug addiction
tween expected and actual response to food in obese result in less downstream signaling to the prefrontal
subjects (36). Additional studies by Wang et al. have areas. The lack of DA-induced signaling to executive
revealed reductions in striatal DRD2 availability cor- control centers results in less functional modulation
related to increasing BMI (37). Furthermore, studies of these regions, which explains the development of
involving dopaminergic agonists and antagonists have compulsivity that characterizes drug addiction (1).
demonstrated the role of DA signaling sensitivity in
regulating food-seeking behavior. Patients undergoing Similarly, glucose metabolism of the pre-
treatment for schizophrenia with typical and atypical frontal areas of the brain was shown to be correlat-
antipsychotics, which act by blocking DRD2, experi- ed with the poor striatal DA signaling seen in obese
enced an overall increase in body weight compared to individuals. The low striatal DRD2 availability seen in
those who were not treated with such antagonists (38). obese subjects may put these individuals at a higher
In contrast, studies involving patients receiving admin- risk for compulsive eating of calorie-rich foods due to
istrations of DA signaling amplifiers such as methyl- the impaired ability of DA to modulate dorsolateral pre-
phenidate and amphetamine, which act by blocking DA frontal cortex and medial prefrontal regions, which are
transporters and releasing excessive DA respectively, known to play a role in executive function and inhibi-
showed that these drugs contribute toward weight loss tory control. Striatal DRD2 availability was reduced in
(39). DA signaling in the brain is what appears to dic- obese subjects and found to be correlated with (also
tate the rewarding effects of food consumption, and reduced) metabolism in dorsolateral prefrontal, medial
whether calorific consumption is accompanied by ad- orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate gyrus, and somatosen-
dictive properties. Obese binge-eaters and individuals sory cortices, indicating that the behavioral changes
with substance use disorder share the commonality in inhibitory control that appear as a result of chronic
of a loss of control of their consumptions. The com- drug administration can also be observed in chronic
pulsive administration of food and drugs is reflected food binging (41).
by poor DA signaling, suggesting that DRD2 may reg-
ulate compulsive behaviors. The lack of availability To elucidate whether diminished functioning
of DRD2 has been proposed to mandate the risk for of inhibition centers underlies compromised DA sig-
developing compulsive behaviors related to a general naling pathways, or vice versa, Volkow et al. studied
addiction (35). healthy subjects who were at a high risk for alcohol
use disorder (AUD) due to family history, but were not
Further studies using PET with FDG indicate alcoholics. FDG revealed normal levels of glucose me-
differences in regional brain glucose metabolism be- tabolism in the orbitofrontal cortex, cingulate gyrus,
tween healthy human controls and both compulsive and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, while (11C)raclo-
drug users and obese binge-eaters. In both obese in- pride revealed an augmented striatal DRD2 availability
dividuals and drug-addicted subjects, an association is in subjects with a family history of alcoholism com-
seen between DRD2 availability and glucose metab- pared to healthy control subjects without familial vul-
olism in the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate nerability to alcohol addiction (44). Striatal DRD2 were
gyrus of the prefrontal areas (40, 41). The impaired associated with metabolism in prefrontal brain regions.
glucose metabolism of the prefrontal areas of the brain, However, higher striatal DRD2 levels were associat-
which accompanies poor DA signaling in the striatum, ed for a given level of metabolic activity in prefrontal
appears to be responsible for the lack of inhibitory con- regions in participants positive for family history of al-
trol seen in addicted individuals. The compulsivity re- cohol use disorder than in family negative participants.
sulting from poor functioning of these executive control This finding suggests that prefrontal areas of the brain
centers compounds the lack of subjective reward from in which executive control has been mapped could
diminished DA sensitivity in the NAc. underlie an individual’s vulnerability to drug addiction.
With the proper environment, stimuli, and access to
Volkow et al.’s work has studied the asso- substances, a vulnerable individual could fall victim to
ciation between DA signaling and prefrontal area uncontrollable chronic drug administration, eventual-
functioning on subjects addicted to cocaine, meth- ly causing an impairment of striatal DA signaling and
amphetamine, and alcohol. Using PET with (11C)ra- further deregulating frontal areas which would thereby
clopride and FDG, Volkow has showed reductions in impair inhibitory control to a greater degree. Further-
striatal D2 receptors in drug-addicted subjects that more, it is postulated that higher levels of DRD2 could
were associated with decreased metabolism in pre- protect against addiction by enabling normal function
frontal cortical regions, when compared to healthy of prefrontal regions involved in inhibitory control and

815 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

emotional regulation. Further research is necessary significantly lower in brain regions of reward processing,
to understand if dopaminergic protection for mainte- including ventral striatum, insula, and thalamus (46). It
nance of inhibitory control and emotional regulation is is hypothesized that diminished MOR availability may
possible for those who may be predisposed to food promote overeating to compensate for a blunted MOR
addiction. Such a study would follow a similar proce- response. Interestingly, Karlsson et al. also compared
dure to that of Volkow et al. 2006, except it would have (11C)raclopride but found no difference between lean
to recruit healthy controls with a family history of food and obese subjects. Wang et al. (37) used subjects
addiction but who were not obese themselves. If these with a higher mean BMI, >50 kg/m2, which suggests
individuals showed normal prefrontal metabolism with that changes in DRD2 availability may only be ob-
higher than normal striatal DRD2 availability, it could served in a more pathological state.
be postulated that food addiction has a congenital
component and could be protected by augmented Emotional eating (EE), a term used by re-
DRD2 signaling. It is evident that an association exists searchers to indicate an increase in food consumption
between the ventral and dorsal striatum and prefron- in response to negative emotions, is associated with
tal areas, and that congenitally compromised glucose obesity (50). It is postulated that deviations from nor-
metabolism of prefrontal areas could place a person at malized levels of norepinephrine (NE) contribute to-
a higher risk for drug addiction due to an innate lack ward emotional eating seen in obesity. Dysfunction of
of inhibitory control. Diminished DA signaling because the central NE system is linked to cognitive and mood
of compulsive drug administration could also result in disorders and stress responses, including overeating.
a deregulation of prefrontal areas and of DRD2, fur- Studies of the NE system have been performed across
ther propagating the lack of control that characterizes healthy control, addictive disorder, and obese popula-
the behavior of drug-addicted individuals. Whether this tions. Ding et al. (51) analyzed PET imaging data with
same scheme can be applied to food addiction is a MRB for healthy controls and participants with cocaine
question that requires additional research. dependence, and found significant upregulation of NE
transporters (NET) in the thalamus of cocaine users.
One major difference noted between drug ad- However, when Li et al. (52) compared PET imaging
diction and food addiction is the change seen in the with MRB for healthy controls and morbidly obese
somatosensory cortex. Wang et al. show that obese subjects, a decrease in NET availability was found in
individuals who had low striatal DRD2 availability the thalamus in obese subjects. This finding presents
(37) also had augmented glucose metabolism in the a notable difference in neurotransmission between in-
post-central gyrus in the left and right parietal cortex dividuals with substance use disorder and those with
(45)(Wang, Volkow et al, 2002). These regions of the obesity. To investigate an association between NET
somatosensory cortex are associated with the subjec- availability in obese individuals and emotional eating
tive perception of taste. Given their enhanced activity Bresch et al. sought to measure EE through the EE
in obese subjects, palatability is increased in these subscale of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire
individuals, which further increases the reinforcing for obese subjects and healthy controls before per-
properties of food. The combination of reduced DRD2 forming PET scans with MRB for these participants.
signal and higher sensitivity to food’s palatability could This study did not find significant differences in EE
contribute toward the intense desire to consume calo- scores and regional NET levels between healthy con-
rific meals in a food addiction (35). trols and obese participants. However, for obese indi-
viduals higher EE scores correlated with lower NET
Substance use disorder and obesity both availability in the locus coeruleus and higher NET
differ and share similarities regarding their regulation availability in the left thalamus (50). Collectively, these
of MORs. In terms of substance use disorder, the na- studies suggest that NE transmission is regionally im-
ture of the drug will determine its effect on MORs. An paired in substance use disorder, obese, and EE pop-
association is seen between alcohol dependence and ulations (50, 52). These results suggest that regional
augmented MOR availability, as measured by (11C) fluctuations in NET availability determine the devia-
carfentanil binding, in the ventral striatum (46, 47). tions in motivated behavior, such as emotional eating,
This may be a result of upregulation of MORs, or a which are seen in substance use disorder and obesity.
reduction in endogenous opioids. Chronic cocaine Additional studies are required to investigate whether
administration shows increased MOR availability in the upregulation in NET for patients with cocaine use
the anterior cingulate and frontal cortex (48). Chron- disorder (CUD) can be generalized to all SUDs.
ic opioid use is associated with MOR downregulation
(49). It is plausible that direct MOR agonists like opi- The diversely functioning 5-HT system im-
oids mediate a downregulation in MORs, while indirect pacts feeding behaviors, known to signal satiety (53).
MOR agonists, like cocaine or alcohol, promote an A select few studies have used PET imaging with radi-
upregulation in MORs. Karlsson et al. compared lean oligands binding to serotonin receptors and transport-
and obese human subjects’ (11C)carfentanil binding ers in healthy volunteers to study the relationship of
and found that obese individuals’ MOR availability was receptor or transporter binding to BMI, as well as other

816 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

measures of compulsive behavior, alcohol consump- blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) response to

tion, and tobacco smoking. 5-HT2AR availability was high vs. low-calorie contrast in the right post central
found to be positively correlated to BMI, while 5-HTT gyrus and central operculum. Likewise, a positive cor-
availability was found to be negatively correlated to relation was observed between insulin resistance and
BMI, but no correlations were found to alcohol and activation to high vs. low-calorie contrast in bilateral/
drug consumption (54, 55). Haahr et al. also found that middle superior temporal gyrus, left OFC, and supe-
BMI correlated to 5-HT4R availability in the NAc, ven- rior parietal lobe. However, it should be noted that
tral pallidum, left hippocampal region, and OFC, but no relationship was found between food addiction,
they did not collect measures of alcohol or drug con- as measured by the YFAS, and brain response (58).
sumption (53). More PET studies are needed to study Tomasi et al. studied regions of overlap in the neural
the role of the serotonin system in drug and alcohol processing of food and drugs cues in 20 cocaine abus-
consumption. ers (59). In comparing neutral cues to food and co-
caine cues, they observed significant overlap among
5. MRI IMAGING IN OBESITY AND response to food and cocaine cues. Both food and
FOOD ADDICTION cocaine cues produced an increased BOLD response
in the cerebellum, OFC, inferior frontal and premotor
Numerous functional and structural MRI cortices, and insula, as well as decreased response in
studies have elucidated neurobiological correlates the cuneus and default mode network (DMN). Upon
between drug addiction and obesity. Compared to comparison of activation between food cues vs. co-
healthy individuals, obese and drug addicted subjects caine cues, cocaine cues produced lower activation
show differences in reward and attention regions in re- in insula and post-central gyrus, and less deactivation
sponse to cues and tasks as well as in a resting state. in hypothalamus and DMN (59). Findings from these
fMRI studies find that higher responsivity to food cues studies support the claim that there is significant, but
in reward and attention regions is predictive of future not identical, neural overlap in response to food and
weight gain, and that weight gain is associated with drug cues among drug addicts and obese individuals,
altered reward region activity. Furthermore, studies us- respectively.
ing fMRI at resting state show connectivity differences
in reward and prefrontal regions between obese and Several fMRI studies have investigated the
healthy weight individuals in the absence of cues or extent to which differences in reward and attention
tasks. Lastly, studies using structural MRI show re- regions of the brain can predict future weight gain,
ductions in gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) and therefore be used as a measure of vulnerability
volumes in brain regions involved in executive function for obesity. Based on literature showing obese/over-
and inhibitory control. weight individuals with an attentional bias to food cues,
Yokum et al. sought to investigate whether an atten-
fMRI imaging of alcohol, nicotine, cocaine tional bias to food cues could predict future weight
and opioid substance use disorders have investigated gain (60). Thirty-five adolescent girls ranging from lean
brain activation in response to drug cue presentation. to obese were studied using fMRI and an attention
Drug cues have consistently produced activation of network task with food and neutral cues. They found
ventral striatum, amygdala, prefrontal cortex (PFC,) that BMI was predicted by greater lateral OFC activa-
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), orbitorfrontal cortex tion to food cues, and observed a positive correlation
(OFC) and insula that are associated with relapse and between BMI and speed of behavioral response to
treatment response measures (56). A similar response both appetizing and unappetizing food stimuli, but not
is seen in obese subjects to food-related cues. Ro- neutral stimuli. BMI also positively correlated with re-
themund et al. showed that obese subjects showed sponse in brain regions that are implicated in attention
higher activation to high-calorie food visual cues in and reward, such as anterior insula/frontal operculum,
the ventral striatum when compared with controls, lateral OFC, ventrolateral PFC, and superior parietal
and that BMI predicted activation to high-calorie food lobe during initial orientation to food cues (60). A lat-
cues in the dorsal striatum, anterior insula, claustrum, er study also conducted by Yokum et al. found simi-
posterior cingulate, and postcentral and lateral OFC in lar results, a positive correlation between activation of
obese subjects (57). Feldstein Ewing et al. investigat- striatum, but not OFC, to food commercials vs. neu-
ed regions of activation following high- and low-calorie tral commercials and BMI increase after a one-year
beverage consumption in obese/overweight adoles- follow-up (61). Another study intended to investigate
cents. Greater activation was observed in the OFC , neural vulnerability to obesity and weight gain used
inferior frontal gyrus, NAc, and right amygdala in re- fMRI to measure response to receipt and anticipated
sponse to high vs. low-calorie beverages (58). They receipt of palatable food, as well as monetary reward
also investigated the relationship between biomet- (62). Subjects had their body fat measured at the
rics, such as BMI and insulin resistance, and brain time of the scan and after a three-year follow up to
response to high and low calorie beverages. A posi- determine if differences in neural processing of food,
tive correlation was observed between BMI and the food cues, or monetary reward predicted future body

817 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

fat gain. They found that increased BOLD response in ventromedial PFC was stronger in lean subjects. After
the OFC in response to cues anticipating milkshake a 48-hour fast, they observed increased connectivity
receipt predicted future gains in body fat. Furthermore, between the hypothalamus and dorsal ACC in lean
responses to actual milkshake receipt and monetary subjects, and decreased connectivity in obese sub-
reward were not predictive of future body fat gain (62). jects, suggesting that nutrient deprivation is processed
These findings suggest that individuals with higher re- differently in obesity (65).
sponsivity in reward and attention regions of the brain
in response to food cues are at greater risk of becoming Studies using structural MRI to investigate
overweight or obese. brain volume changes as a function of body weight
reveal disruptions in regions of executive function in
Conversely, fMRI studies also show that obese individuals. Yokum et al. used MRI to study ado-
gains in body weight and fat are associated with an lescent females ranging from lean to obese (66). They
increase in reward and attention relevant regions’ re- found that obese women had less whole-brain GM vol-
sponsivity to food cues. These findings draw parallels ume than overweight and lean women, and that lower
to how prolonged use of a drug of abuse enhances GM volumes in the superior frontal gyrus and middle
reward and attention relevant regions’ responsivity to frontal gyrus, areas implicated in inhibitory control,
cues of that drug. Stice and Yokum conducted a re- were associated with increases in BMI after a one-year
peated measures fMRI study to determine if gains in follow-up (66). A review several years after this study
body fat are associated with greater reward and at- echoed these results, reporting that numerous studies
tention regions’ responsivity to food cues (63). They found higher levels of body fat to be associated with
measured brain activation upon impending milkshake frontal GM atrophy, particularly in the PFC (67). These
receipt and milkshake receipt in healthy weight ado- studies suggest that a loss of executive function and
lescents at baseline and after a two-to-three-year fol- inhibitory control, a common theme in drug addiction,
low-up. Some participants gained body fat, some lost is likewise associated with obesity.
body fat, and others remained consistent. Increased
brain activation was seen in the putamen, mid-insula, 6. TREATING OBESITY AND
rolandic operculum, and precuneus in response to a FOOD ADDICTION
cue signaling impending milkshake receipt in adoles-
cents who gained body fat compared with those who Treatments to aid in weight loss are becom-
showed stability or loss of body fat (63). However, ing increasingly clinically relevant due to rising rates
it should be noted that this difference was partially of obesity. Research shows that treatments can not
driven by a reduction in BOLD response observed in only promote weight loss and body fat reduction, but
subjects who remained stable in body fat after the 2–3 can even change the way the brain responds to food.
year follow up. Furthermore, there was a decrease in Based on the findings showing brain differences in
reward and attention region activation in response to obesity, researchers use neuroimaging to evaluate
actual milkshake receipt in subjects who gained body brain changes following weight loss therapy, leading to
fat vs. those who remained consistent or lost body fat, a better understanding of neural mechanisms in obesi-
suggesting that a prolonged period of overeating may ty and food addiction.
increase responsivity to food cues in the striatum, and
decrease reward region responsivity to actual receipt 6.1. Neurobiological correlates of weight loss
of food, similar to the actions of a prolonged period of following bariatric surgery
drug taking (63).
Bariatric surgery is the most effective weight-
Studies using resting state fMRI show differ- loss therapy, associated with reduced mortality and im-
ences in regional activity and connectivity independent provements in co-morbid diseases (68). Pre-bariatric
of tasks or cues. One study by Hogencamp et al. in- patients have a higher incidence of disordered eating
vestigated brain activity differences in reward regions behavior and binge eating than obese individuals pur-
between severely obese and normal weight females suing a non-surgical weight loss treatment, including
during resting state. They found that obese females more frequent food cravings, higher eating disorder
showed increased activity in clusters located in the psychopathology and more depressive symptoms
putamen, claustrum, and insula compared to normal (69). Food addiction, as classified by YFAS, was found
weight females both before and after food intake (64). to be more prevalent in groups of pre-bariatric patients
Another study by Wijngaarden et al. investigated the than obese individuals in other samples, and associat-
differences in regional connectivity at resting state be- ed with more frequent food-cravings and higher atten-
tween obese and lean subjects, and found several dif- tional impulsivity (70). Following bariatric surgery, 93%
ferences in regions of food reward and salience (65). of subjects who were identified with food addiction
At baseline, they observed connectivity between the preoperatively no longer met criteria according to the
left insula and hypothalamus was stronger in obese YFAS (71). The extreme weight and behavioral chang-
subjects, and connectivity between amygdala and es that are associated with gastric bypass surgery is

818 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

a valuable way to study neurobiological correlates of controls, but there was no change in DRD2 availabil-
food addiction, obesity, and weight-loss. ity postoperatively. Results of this study suggest that
weight gain and excessive eating may over-stimulate
In both obesity and addiction, there is con- the MOR system and lead to MOR downregulation.
sistent evidence for reduced DRD2 availability in the Similar results have been seen in studies of patients
striatum when compared to controls (37, 72) though with opioid and alcohol use disorders. These patients
there have been some discrepant findings in obesity all show recovery of MOR availability following detox-
(73) (46). A study by Steele et al. measured DRD2 ification and abstinence (77–79). Cocaine users also
availability before and after bariatric surgery in five fe- show normalization in MOR availability following de-
male obese individuals using PET with (11C)raclopride. toxification, but chronic cocaine use is shown to in-
In four out of five female subjects, DRD2 availability crease, rather than decrease MOR availability (48).
increased six weeks following bariatric surgery, sug- The changes in MOR availability following weight loss
gesting that DRD2 availability increases in response by bariatric surgery suggest that the MOR system is
to weight loss in mesolimbic pathways including the involved with food addiction and obesity, and is con-
ventral striatum, caudate, and putamen (74). In pa- sistent with the efficacy of the combination therapy of
tients who showed an increase in binding potential, the opioid antagonist naltrexone with buproprion for
the increase was roughly proportional to the amount treating obesity (80).
of weight loss. Steele et al. hypothesize that overstim-
ulation of DA receptors associated with obesity may In addition to the findings implicating the role
lead to downregulation of dopamine release. However, of the dopaminergic and mu-opioid systems in food
Dunn et al. found an opposing result using the high addiction and obesity, Haahr et al used the radiotracer
affinity radioligand (18F)fallypride, which, similar to (11C) (18F)altanserin and(11C)DASB to detect 5-HT2A recep-
raclopride is an antagonist for DRD2 and additionally tor (5-HT2AR) and 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) availabili-
DRD3 (73). They found a decrease in (18F)fallypride ty respectably (81). Haahr et al found that neocortical
binding and DRD2 availability seven weeks following 5-HT2AR binding was greater in obese individuals than
bariatric surgery, which could reflect increased extra- non-obese controls and that presurgical 5-HT2AR
cellular dopamine levels that compete with (18F)fally- binding predicted the size of weight loss following
pride binding (73). Alternatively, it could be interpreted Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery and 5-HTT
to refect a decrease in DRD2 levels following surgery. binding correlated with weight loss after RYGB (81).
The discrepancy between the results of Steele et al. It’s predicted that the increases in 5-HT2AR availability
and Dunn et al. can be explained by a number of differ- reflects lower levels of 5-HT, which is associated with
ent factors, including younger participants and higher a higher appetite (82).
preoperative Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) scores
in Steele et al. (73). The studies both are also limited Reductions in neural responsivity assessed
by small sample size of six or fewer participants. Yet by fMRI have been shown in studies comparing pre-
another study found no significant change in DRD2 re- and post-RYGB surgery neural response to food
ceptor availability in any brain region six weeks after cues in lingual gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, supe-
bariatric surgery using single photon emission comput- rior temporal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule and pre-
ed tomography (SPECT) and MRI (75). Although these cuneus. A greater reduction of neural activity to high
studies yield promising results, further larger-sample energy-dense food cues than to low energy-dense
studies are needed to understand the changes in the food cues was observed post-surgery, particularly in
dopaminergic system following bariatric surgery. the ventral tegmental area (VTA), ventral striatum,
putamen, posterior cingulate, and dorsomedial PFC
With inconsistent patterns of DRD2 avail- (83). In another study, the insula, ventromedial PFC,
ability in obesity and bariatric surgery studies, PET and dorsolateral PFC all showed reduced neural re-
studies have also assessed changes in the brain’s sponsivity to food cues one month following RYGB
MOR availability before and after bariatric surgery us- surgery. This effect was speculated to be related to
ing (11C)Carfentanil. Karlsson et al. studied 16 obese postoperative changes in postprandial gut hormones
women eligible for bariatric surgery and 14 non-obese such as PYY3–36 and GLP-1 (84). Bruce et al found sim-
controls with both (11C)raclopride and (11C)Carfentanil ilar results, but additionally found increased activation
and found that there were no differences in baseline to food versus nonfood pictures in the anterior PFC,
DRD2 availability between the two groups (76). MOR an area associated with cognitive control (85). Another
availability, however, was lower preoperatively com- study found similar results using obese controls who
pared to controls in the ventral striatum, dorsal cau- were not trying to lose weight and found that the BOLD
date, putamen, insula, amygdala, thalamus, OFC, and response in the VTA to high-calorie food cues declined
posterior cingulate cortex (76). After bariatric surgery significantly following bariatric surgery in RYGB par-
MOR availability in the obese women increased in all ticipants compared to the weight-stable control partic-
but one subject 6 months to comparable levels to the ipants at six months (86). Frank et al. suggested that

819 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

the brain activity differences observed after RYGB sur- 6.2. Neurobiological correlates of anti-craving
gery may be reversing obesity-associated alterations, medications in food addiction and obesity
observing that in women who had undergone RYGB
surgery longer than one year ago, there were no differ- The changes in food consumption that result
ences in brain activity to food and non-food cues com- with different psychoactive medications give infor-
pared to normal-weight controls, but obese women mation regarding the the roles of the dopaminergic,
showed altered brain activity, including higher cerebel- opioid, and cannabinoid neurotransmitter systems.
lar and lower fusiform gyrus activity during visual cues A notable argument for the neurobiological similarity
(87). To elucidate whether the brain changes seen fol- between food addiction/obesity and drug addiction is
lowing bariatric surgery are unique to surgery or simply the efficacy of the anti-craving drugs naltrexone and
a result of weight loss, Bruce et al compared behavior- buproprion in treating both food addiction and drug
al dieters and bariatric patients who were matched for addictions. Naltrexone, currently used for treating al-
amount of weight lost, and found that both groups had cohol and opioid dependence is an opioid antagonist
changed brain activations in response to food cues, with high affinity for the mu opioid receptor. Bupropri-
but that the activation patterns differed. When hungry, on is a dopamine and norepinephrine inhibitor used
diet weight loss participants had increased activation to treat depression and as a smoking cessation aid.
in the medial PFC and precuneus following weight Naltrexone use has been shown to significantly re-
loss, while bariatric patients had decreased activation duce food intake in normal-weight volunteers and to
in the medial PFC and precuneus (88). reduce the subjective liking of foods, especially highly
palatable foods (93). Naltrexone has also been shown
RsfMRI studies have also shown changes in to decrease reward activation in normal volunteers to
brain functional connectivity following bariatric surgery. seeing and tasting chocolate in the dorsal anterior cin-
such as For example, Lepping et al compared func- gulate and caudate, and to increase aversive-related
tional connectivity between behavioral dieters and pa- activation in the amygdala and anterior insula after
tients undergoingpost-bariatric surgery and found that seeing and tasting moldy strawberry (94). Naltrexone
from pre-meal to post-meal, behavioral dieters showed alone, however, has shown mixed results in human
increased connectivity between the precuneus/superi- weight loss trials, with studies (ranging from four-to-10
or parietal lobe and the insula, while bariatric patients weeks of treatment) showing minimal or no weight loss
showed decreased connectivity between these regions compared to a placebo (95). The combination of nal-
(89). Increased connectivity between these areas may trexone 32 mg with buproprion (NB32), however, was
indicate greater awareness of feelings of fullness. shown to reduce body weight by 5% or more after 56
Wiemerslage et al. also show decreased resting-state weeks of treatment in 48% of obese participants in a
activity in putamen, insula, thalamus, caudate, cingu- multi-center, randomized, double-blind placebo-con-
late cortex, and middle and inferior frontal gyri, which trolled phase 3 clinical trial (96). Wang et al studied the
are associated with awareness of hunger and satiated brain’s reactivity to food cues in female obese patients
bodily states (90). before and after a four-week course of NB32.They
found that NB32 attenuated activation in the hypothal-
Two 2016 studies evaluated whether bariatric amus to food cues and enhanced activation in the an-
surgery may normalize changes in GM and WM volume terior cingulate, superior frontal gyrus, insula, superior
and recover reductions associated with obesity. Zhang parietal and hippocampal regions, areas of the brain
et al compared structural abnormalities in the brain be- involved in inhibitory control, internal awareness and
fore and one month after laparoscopic sleeve surgery memory (97).
in obese subjects using fractional anisotropy (FA) and
mean diffusivity (MD) as measures of WM integrity and The cannabinoid system has been shown
directionality respectively, and gray and white matter to modulate brain reward signals to appetite and
densities (91). Obese subjects prior to surgery showed the consumption of food. The cannabinoid receptor
decreased GM and WM density in the caudate and 1 (CB1) antagonist, Rimonabant, was shown to pro-
putamen, which may signal abnormalities with respond- mote weight-loss through reduced food consumption,
ing to reward. One month following bariatric surgery, and reduce activation of reward areas of the brain in-
the obese subjects showed increased gray and white cluding ventral striatum and OFC following pleasant
matter towards the level of the normal non-obese con- taste cues (98). Rimonobant was withdrawn from clin-
trols. BMI and YFAS ratings were negatively correlated ical use, however, because it presented depression-
with GM/WM densities and FA values, and positively and anxiety-like side effects. Tetrahydrocannabivarin
correlated with MD values (91). Tuulari et al found that (THCv) is another CB1 antagonist that is currently
bariatric surgery led to a global increase in white mat- investigated as a potentially safer alternative to Ri-
ter density following initially lower white matter density monobant for weight loss. Recent studies show that
than controls, and increase in grey matter density in the compared to placebo, THCv increases activation in
occipital and inferior temporal regions (92). the ACC, caudate, putamen and midbrain, reduces

820 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

functional connectivity of the default mode network, 2. N. D. Volkow, G. J. Wang and R. D. Baler:
and increases functional connectivity between the left Reward, dopamine and the control of food
amygdala and dorsal ACC, part of the executive con- intake: implications for obesity. Trends Cogn
trol network (99). Sci, 15(1), 37–46 (2011)
DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2010.11.001
Other medications have been studied for PMid:21109477 PMCid:PMC3124340
treating obesity, including the FDA-approved combina-
tion of the sympathomimetic drug phentermine with the 3. T. G. Randolph: The descriptive features of
anticonvulsant drug topiramate, or the selective 5-HT2C food addiction; addictive eating and drinking.
receptor agonist lorcaserin. It is currently thought that Q J Stud Alcohol, 17(2), 198–224 (1956)
naltrexone with buproprion’s effect of reducing crav-
ing is unique among weight-loss medications (80), but 4. A. American Psychiatric and D. S. M. T.
little research has been done on the neural effects of Force: Diagnostic and statistical manual of
other centrally-acting weight-loss therapies and the mental disorders : DSM-5 (2013)
mechanism of action in reducing appetite.
5. A. Meule and A. N. Gearhardt: Food addic-
7. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK tion in the light of DSM-5. Nutrients, 6(9),
3653–71 (2014)
In summary, the findings of neuroimaging DOI: 10.3390/nu6093653
studies have advanced our understanding of neural PMid:25230209 PMCid:PMC4179181
mechanisms underlying obesity, and the common-
alities with the neural mechanisms of alcohol and 6. J. Hebebrand, O. Albayrak, R. Adan, J. Antel,
drug addiction. Summarizing these results supports C. Dieguez, J. de Jong, G. Leng, J. Menzies,
the idea of food addiction as a construct, which may J. G. Mercer, M. Murphy, G. van der Plasse
ultimately help the development of treatment plans and S. L. Dickson: “Eating addiction”, rather
for obesity and food addiction. Both food and drug than “food addiction”, better captures addic-
addiction involve a dampening of DA signaling and tive-like eating behavior. Neurosci Biobehav
downregulation of the MOR, coupled with impairment Rev, 47, 295–306 (2014)
of prefrontal regions that are involved in inhibitory DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2014.08.016
control. Despite the remarkable comparisons and dif- PMid:25205078
ferences between drug addiction and food addiction,
it is important to note that treatment plans for food 7. N. D. Volkow and C. P. O’Brien: Issues for
addiction and drug addiction also contain obvious dif- DSM-V: should obesity be included as a
ferences: e.g., one can become totally abstinent from brain disorder? Am J Psychiatry, 164(5),
drugs to facilitate treatment, but it is not physiological 708–10 (2007)
feasible to completely abstain from food as a means
of treatment. Therefore, measures other than pure 8. G. F. Koob and N. D. Volkow: Neurocircuitry
abstinence must be considered when treating food of addiction. Neuropsychopharmacology,
addiction. In addition, the interaction between neu- 35(1), 217–38 (2010)
rotransmitters and hormones in modulating feeding DOI: 10.1038/npp.2009.110
behaviors adds another level of complexity for future PMid:19710631 PMCid:PMC2805560
research to explore.
9. A. N. Gearhardt, M. A. White, R. M. Masheb
8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and C. M. Grilo: An examination of food ad-
diction in a racially diverse sample of obese
This work was supported by NIH/NIAAA intra- patients with binge eating disorder in prima-
mural grant Y1AA-3009 to Nora D. Volkow. We thank ry care settings. Compr Psychiatry, 54(5),
Dr. Dardo Tomasi for adaptation of the Figures. 500–5 (2013)
DOI: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2012.12.009
9. REFERENCES PMid:23332551 PMCid:PMC3638060

1. N. D. Volkow, G. J. Wang, J. S. Fowler and 10. A. N. Gearhardt, M. A. White, R. M. Masheb,

F. Telang: Overlapping neuronal circuits in P. T. Morgan, R. D. Crosby and C. M. Grilo:
addiction and obesity: evidence of systems An examination of the food addiction con-
pathology. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol struct in obese patients with binge eating dis-
Sci, 363(1507), 3191–200 (2008) order. Int J Eat Disord, 45(5), 657–63 (2012)
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821 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

Figure 1. Decreased DRD2 availability in both obesity and substance use disorders. Adapted from Wang et al. 2001 (37).

822 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

Figure 2. Overlapping activation to food and cocaine cues in patients with CUD. Adapted from Tomasi et al. 2015 (59).

823 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

Table 1. Neuroimaging studies related to obesity and food addiction

Authors (year) Study group Imaging task Results

Glucose Metabolism

Wang et al. N=10 obese subjects (BMI range (18F)-FDG PET - The absolute global cerebral glucose
(2002) (45) 42–56) and metabolism in the obese subjects was similar
N=20 non-obese controls to that in lean subjects
- Obese subjects had significantly greater
glucose metabolism in the bilateral parietal
somatosensory cortex

Dopaminergic System

Wang et al. N=19 healthy subjects (BMI range (11C)raclopride PET after - The amount dopamine levels changed in the
(2014) (36) 21–35) consumption of artificial ventral striatum following calorie intake was
sweetener and glucose correlated to subject BMI
- In normal weight individuals (BMI <25),
consumption of calories was associated with
increases in dopamine in the ventral striatum
- In obese individuals, calorie consumption was
associated with decreases in dopamine in the
ventral striatum

Volkow et al. N=15 non-alcoholic subjects with familial (11C)raclopride PET and - DRD2 availability was higher in non-alcoholic
(2006) (44) history of alcoholism and (18F)-FDG PET members with familial history of alcoholism
N=16 healthy controls without familial than in healthy controls without familial history
history of alcoholism of alcoholism, supporting the hypothesis
that high levels of D2 receptors may protect
against alcoholism
- DRD2 availability was associated with
metabolism in ACC, OFC and PFC, and with
scores of positive emotionality on a personality

Volkow et al. N=20 patients with CUD and (18F)NMS PET and (18F)-FDG - When compared to normal controls, cocaine
(1993) (40) N=38 healthy controls PET abusers had decreases in DRD2 availability
that were associated with decreased
metabolism in frontal regions, most markedly

Volkow et al. N=10 obese subjects (BMI range 46–56) (11C)raclopride PET and (18F)- - In obese subjects striatal DRD2 availability
(2008) (41) and N=12 non-obese controls FDG PET was lower than controls and was positively
correlated with metabolism in dorsolateral
PFC, medial OFC, ACC and somatosensory
- No significant correlations with prefrontal
metabolism in non-obese controls

Wang et al. N=10 obese subjects (BMI range 42–60) (11C)raclopride PET - The availability of DRD2 was decreased in
(2001) (37) and obese individuals compared to controls
N=10 non-obese controls - DRD2 availability correlated negatively with
BMI in obese subjects

Steele et al. N=5 female obese subjects (BMI range (11C)raclopride PET pre-surgery - DRD2 availability increased 6 weeks post-
(2010) (74) 41–53) approved for RYGB bariatric and 6 weeks post-surgery surgery, roughly proportional to the amount of
surgery weight lost, especially in the ventral striatum,
caudate and putamen

Dunn et al. N=5 female obese subjects (BMI range (18F)-fallypride PET pre-surgery - DRD2 availability decreased post-surgery
(2010) (73) 38–54) approved for RYGB or VSG and 6–11 weeks post-surgery in caudate, putamen, ventral striatum,
bariatric surgery hypothalamus, substantia nigra, and medial

de Weijer et al. N=19 female obese subjects (BMI range (123I)iodobenzamide SPECT - No significant changes in striatal DRD2
(2014) (75) 39–61) approved for RYGB bariatric pre-surgery and 6 weeks post- receptor availability
surgery surgery

Opioid System

Weerts et al. N=25 patients with AUD and (11C)carfentanil PET on day 5 of - Patients with AUD showed increased MOR
(2011) (47) N=30 healthy controls alcohol abstinence availability in the ventral striatum when
compared to healthy controls

824 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

Gorelick et al. N=17 patients with CUD and (11C)carfentanil PET over 12 - Patients with CUD showed increased MOR
(2005) (48) N=16 healthy controls weeks of cocaine abstinence availability in ACC and frontal cortex after 1
and 12 weeks of abstinence
- Increased MOR availability was associated
with self-reported cocaine craving and cocaine
use severity before admission

Heinz et al. N=25 patients with AUD and (11C)carfentanil PET over 5 - Abstinent alcoholic patients displayed an
(2005) (78) N=10 healthy controls weeks of alcohol abstinence increase in MOR availability in the ventral
striatum, including the , which correlated with
the severity of alcohol craving
- After 5 weeks, MOR levels remained elevated
in the 12 patients that were reassessed

Zubieta et al. N=3 opioid-dependent subjects and (11C)carfentanil PET over 32 - MOR availability in heroin users was
(2000) (77) N=3 healthy controls days of varying buprenorphine significantly increased in inferofrontal cortex
doses then following 8 days of and ACC during abstinence when compared to
abstinence controls

Karlsson et al. N=13 obese subjects (BMI range 37–49) (11C)carfentanil PET - Obese individuals have significantly lower
(2015) (46) and MOR availability when compared to controls
N=14 healthy controls

Karlsson et al. N=16 obese subjects approved for (11C)carfentanil and 11C) - Before surgery, obese subjects initially had
(2016) (76) bariatric surgery (BMI range 36–40) and raclopride PET pre-surgery and lower MOR availability when compared to
N=14 non-obese controls 6 months post-surgery controls
- After surgery, diminished food intake resulted
in an increase of MOR availability for obese
subjects to a level comparable to controls
- No changes in D2 receptor availability in
obese subjects post-operatively

Noradrenergic System

Ding et al. N=10 cocaine- and (11C)MRB PET - There is a significant upregulation of NET in
(2010) (51) N=12 healthy controls thalamus and dorsomedial thalamic nucleus
in individuals with CUD when compared to

Bresch et al. N=10 obese subjects (BMI range 39–46) (11C)MRB PET and Emotional - Obese individuals and controls did not
(2016) (50) and Eating (EE) subscale of significantly differ regarding EE scores and
N=10 healthy controls the Dutch Eating Behavior regional NET availability. For obese individuals
Questionnaire only, a higher degree of EE correlated to lower
NET availability in the locus coeruleus and to
higher NET availability in the left thalamus

Li et al. (2014) N=17 obese subjects (BMI range 32–36) (11C)MRB PET - There is a significant downregulation of NET in
(52) and the thalamus, including the pulvinar, in obese
N=17 healthy controls individuals when compared to controls

Serotonergic (5-hydroxytryptamin, 5-HT) System

Erritzoe et al. N=136 healthy volunteers, 14 of whom (18F)-altanserin PET - Cerebral cortex 5-HT2A receptor (5-HT2AR)
(2009) (54) were obese (BMI mean 25.2.±4.3.) binding correlated positively with BMI
- Alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking
were not correlated with 5-HT2AR binding

Erritzoe et al. N=60 healthy volunteers, 6 of whom (11C)DASB PET - 5-HTT binding negatively correlated with BMI
(2010) (55) were obese (BMI mean 26.5.±5.9.) - Alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking
were not correlated with 5-HTT binding

Haahr et al. N=28 healthy volunteers, 12 of whom (11C)SB207145 PET - 5-HT4R binding correlated with BMI in NAc,
(2012) (53) were overweight or obese (BMI mean ventral pallidum, left hippocampal region and
26.5.±6.8.) OFC

Haahr et al. N=21 obese subjects (BMI mean (18F)-altanserin PET and (11C) - Higher presurgical 5-HT2AR binding predicted
(2015) (81) 40.1.±4.1.) and N=10 healthy controls DASB PET greater postsurgical weight loss, although
presurgical 5-HTT binding did not
- Postsurgical weight loss was correlated with
the change in both 5-HT2AR and 5-HTT binding
- 5-HT2AR and 5-HTT downregulation were
associated with greater weight loss

825 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

Neural responsivity (fMRI)

Tomasi et al. N= 20 individuals with CUD Cue reactivity with food, and - Cocaine and food cues activate similar, but not
(2015) (59) cocaine, and neutral visual cues identical, pathways
(4T fMRI) and (11C)raclopride - Both cocaine and food cues increased
PET activation in cerebellum, insula, OFC, inferior
frontal and premotor cortices, and decreased
activation in cuneus, DMN, ventral striatum,
and hypothalamus compared to neutral cues
- fMRI signals were proportional to striatal
DRD2 availability

Rothemund N=13 obese females and 13 normal- Cue reactivity with high-calorie - Obese subjects showed higher activation in
et al. (2007) weight females food, low-calorie food, and the dorsal striatum than controls to high-calorie
(57) neutral visual cues food cues
- BMI predicted activation in the dorsal striatum,
anterior insula, claustrum, posterior cingulate,
and postcentral and lateral OFC to high-calorie
cues in obese subjects

Feldstein Ewing N=24 overweight/obese adolescent Cue reactivity with high vs. low - Significantly greater BOLD response observed
et al. (2016) subjects (BMI range 25.7.-45.6.2) calorie beverage gustatory cues in OFC, inferior frontal gyrus, NAc, and right
(58) (3T fMRI) amygdala upon comparison of high>low
colorie contrast

Yokum et al. N=35 adolescent females (BMI range Attention network task with - BMI positively correlated with speed of
(2011) (60) 17.3.-38.8.) food and neutral visual cues behavioral response to food cues as well as
(3T fMRI) activation of brain regions related to attention
and reward, including anterior insula, OFC,
ventrolateral PFC, and superior parietal lobe
- Increased activity in the lateral OFC to
appetizing food cues predicted future
increases in BMI

Yokum et al. N=30 adolescents (BMI mean Cue reactivity with food and - Positive correlation observed between striatal
(2014) (61) 26.9.2±5.4.3) neutral television commercials activation in response to food commercials
(3T fMRI) relative to neutral commercials and change in
BMI over a one-year follow-up

Stice et al. N=153 healthy weight adolescents (BMI fMRI- brain activation measured - Greater activation in the OFC in response to
(2015) (62) mean 20.8.±1.9.) in response to receipt and anticipated milkshake receipt predicted future
anticipated receipt of milkshake body fat gain
or glass of water, and 3-year

Stice and N=162 healthy weight adolescents (BMI fMRI- brain activation measured - Adolescents who showed a >3% increase
Yokum (2016) mean 20.8.±1.9.) in response to receipt and in body fat after 2-year follow-up showed
(63) anticipated receipt of milkshake increased striatal responsivity in putamen,
or glass of water, and 2-year and insula, and precuneus to cues signaling
3-year follow-up impending milkshake receipt, and decreased
striatal responsivity to milkshake receipt
compared with those who maintained or lost
body fat

Ochner et al. N=10 female obese subjects approved Cue reactivity with high and low - Greater postsurgical reductions in whole-
(2011) (83) for RYGB bariatric surgery (BMI range calorie food, and neutral visual brain activation to high than low calorie foods
40–54) and auditory cues, 1 month especially in VTA, ventral striatum, putamen,
pre- and 1 month post-surgery posterior cingulate, dorsomedial PFC
(1.5.T fMRI) - No significant differences in activation to high-
calorie or low-calorie food cues post-surgically

Ochner et al. N=5 female obese subjects approved Cue reactivity with high and low - Postsurgical reductions in neural responsivity
(2012) (84) for RYGB bariatric surgery (BMI range calorie food visual and auditory to food cues in the fasted, but not fed state, in
39.1.-48.1.) cues in fasted and fed states, the insula, ventromedial PFC and dorsolateral
1 month pre- and 1 month post- PFC
surgery (1.5.T fMRI) - Preoperative differences in neural activation
during the fasted and fed states in the
precuneus, no significant differences in neural
activation in the fasted

Bruce et al. N=10 obese subjects approved for Cue reactivity with visual food - Postsurgical reductions in brain activation to
(2012) (85) LAGB bariatric surgery (BMI range and non-food cues in fasted and food vs. non-food cues in parahippocampus,
35–45) fed states, pre- and 12 weeks insula, medial PFC, and inferior frontal gyrus
post-surgery (3T fMRI) - Postsurgical increases in activation to food vs.
non-food cues in anterior PFC

826 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

Faulconbridge N=22 female obese subjects approved Cue reactivity with HC food and - Postsurgical reduction in brain activation in the
et al. (2016) for RYGB bariatric surgery (BMI mean LC food visual cues, pre- and VTA to HC vs. LC food cues in RYGB subjects
(86) 44.6.±4.3.), 18 female obese subjects 6 months post-surgery (3T fMRI) - Changes in fasting ghrelin was correlated to
approved for VSG bariatric surgery changes in VTA activation in both RYGB and
(BMI mean 43.9.±4.1.), N=19 female VSG subjects
obese weight-stable controls (BMI mean

Bruce et al. N=15 obese subjects approved for Cue reactivity with food and - Behavioral dieters showed increased
(2014) (88) LAGB bariatric surgery (BMI range 30– non-food cues in fasted and fed activation in left precuneus and right medial
45) and 16 obese participants approved states pre-and 12 weeks post- PFC in the fasted state after weight loss when
for behavioral diet intervention surgery or post-diet intervention compared to bariatric patients
(3T fMRI) - Bariatric patients showed increased activation
in bilateral temporal cortex in the fed state
after weight loss compared to behavioral

Frank et al. N=11 obese women (BMI mean Cue reactivity with high and low - Obese subjects showed higher activation than
(2014) (87) 40.2.±0.8.) 9 previously obese women calorie food, and non-food visual the other groups in the cerebellum and lower
who had undergone RYGB bariatric cues (1.5.T fMRI) activation in the fusiform gyrus
surgery (BMI mean 27.1.±0.9.) and 11 - Obese subjects showed higher activation than
normal weight controls (BMI 21.4.±0.5.) the other groups in the hypothalamus in low
compared to high calorie food cues
- Obese subjects showed higher activation
than the other groups in hippocampus and
cerebellum during a working memory task
- Obese subjects showed higher functional
connectivity than the other groups in frontal
- No difference in brain activity between
normal weight and RYGB subjects during cue
reactivity or resting state

Ness et al. N=19 obese subjects approved for Cue-reactivity with food and - Greater activation in fasted state to food cues
(2014) (100) LAGB bariatric surgery (BMI mean non-food visual cues in fasted in left temporal gyrus, left middle temporal
41.9.8±3.0.8) and fed states pre-surgery (3T gyrus and middle frontal gyrus associated with
fMRI) greater weight loss 6 months post-surgery
- Greater activation to food cues in fed state in
bilateral posterior cingulate cortex associated
with greater weight-loss 6 months post-surgery

Goldman et al. N=31 subjects at least 1 year post- Food craving/resisting task with - More successful bariatric surgery patients,
(2013) (101) RYGB gastric bypass surgery (BMI food and non-food visual cues who lost 50% or more excess body weight,
32.1.6–18.2.8 divided into N=24 “more (3T fMRI) had significantly more activation in the
successful,” and N=7 “less successful” dorsolateral prefrontal cortex when instructed
groups to resist visual food cues (dorsolateral PFC)

Wang et al. N=40 obese females (BMI mean Cue reactivity with food and - After treatment, participants taking NB32
(2014) (97) 32.5.±3.9.) non-food video cues, before had higher activation to food cues in anterior,
and after 4 weeks of escalated- middle, and posterior cingulum, superior
dose naltrexone (32 mg) and frontal and middle temporal cortices, superior
buproprion (360 mg) (NB32) or parietal cortex, and posterior insula, and
placebo treatment (4T fMRI) decreased activation in the hypothalamus than
at baseline
- Placebo group had lower activation in anterior,
middle, and posterior cingulum, superior frontal
and superior parietal cortices, hippocampus
and parahippocampus after 4 weeks

Murray et al. N=20 non-obese healthy volunteers Cue reactivity with rewarding - Naltrexone decreased activation in the
(2014) (94) (BMI 23.0.9±1.8.0) (chocolate) and aversive (moldy dorsal ACC to chocolate cues and increased
strawberry) food taste and visual activation in the amygdala and interior insula
cues following single dose of to moldy strawberry cues
naltrexone (50 mg) or placebo
(3T fMRI)

Horder et al. 22 non-obese healthy volunteers Cue-reactivity with rewarding - Subjects receiving rimonabant showed less
(2010) (98) (chocolate) and aversive (moldy activation to visual chocolate cues in the right
strawberry) food taste and ventral striatum/putamen and mid orbitofrontal
visual cues, following 7 days of cortex and taste and visual moldy strawberry
rimonabant (20 mg) or placebo cues in the caudate and left ventral striatum,
treatment (3T fMRI) and greater activation in the lateral OFC

827 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

Resting-state MRI

Wijngaarden N=13 obese subjects (BMI mean Resting state scans performed - Stronger connectivity between left insula and
et al. (2015) 35.4.±1.2.) and N=11 lean subjects at baseline (after an overnight hypothalamus at baseline in obese subjects
(65) (BMI mean 23.2.±0.5.) fast) and after a prolonged 48- compared to lean subjects
hour fast - Stronger connectivity between amygdala and
ventromedial PFC at baseline in lean subjects
compared to obese subjects
- After fasting, connectivity between
hypothalamus and dorsal ACC increased in
lean subjects and decreased in obese subjects

Hogenkamp N=17 obese females (BMI mean Resting state scans performed - Obese females had increased activity in
et al. (2016) 42.3.±4.8.) and N=12 normal-weight before and after food intake putamen, claustrum, and insula compared with
(64) females (BMI mean 22.7.±1.8.) normal weight females
- No changes in group differences after food

Lepping et al. N=15 obese subjects approved for Resting state scans in fasted - Behavioral dieters showed greater functional
(2015) (89) LAGB bariatric surgery (BMI mean and fed states 3 months post- connectivity between the left precuneus/
41.3.5±1.9.7) and N=13 obese subjects surgery or post-diet intervention superior parietal lobule and the insula after
approved for behavioral diet intervention (3T fMRI) eating
(BMI mean 40.1.0±1.8.0) - Bariatric patients showed decreased functional
connectivity between precuneus/ superior
parietal lobule and insula after eating

Wiemerslage N=11 obese females approved for Resting state scans in fasted - Post-surgery, subjects showed decreased
et al. (2016) bariatric surgery (BMI mean 40.8.±4.0.) and fed states pre- and 3 brain activity in the insula, putamen, thalamus,
(90) months post-surgery (3T fMRI) caudate, ACC, and middle and IFG.

Rzepa et al. N=19 non-obese healthy volunteers Resting state scan following - After THCv dose, decreased resting state
(2015) (99) (BMI range 19–26) single dose of THCv (10 mg) functional connectivity between amygdala
and placebo (crossover design) and default mode network, and increased
resting state functional connectivity between
the amygdala and dorsal ACC and between
the dorsomedial PFC and IFG compared to
- BMI was positively correlated with functional
connectivity between the amygdala and
precuneus under the placebo, but not THCv

Structural MRI

Willette and Review of 44 articles from 2004–2013 MRI studies investigating the - Higher levels of body fat associated with
Kapogiannis relationship between adiposity frontal GM volume, particularly in the PFC
(2015) (67) and GM and WM volumes - Global and regional WM volume showed
variable association with adiposity, DTI
measures show higher levels of body fat to be
associated with decreased WM microstructural

Yokum et al. N=83 young females (BMI range 17.3.- Structural images, 1-year follow- - Obese females had less total GM and WM
(2012) (66) 38.9.) up (3T MRI) volume than overweight and lean females
- Reduced WM volumes in middle temporal
gyrus, fusiform gyrus, parahippocampal
gyrus, and dorsal striatum correlated
with BMI
- Reduced GM volumes in superior frontal
gyrus and middle frontal gyrus were
associated with increase in BMI over a
1-year follow up

Zhang et al. N=15 obese patients approved for Structural and diffusion-weighted - DTI measures show decreased WM integrity
(2016) (91) LSG bariatric surgery (BMI mean images pre- and 1 month post- and directionality in pre-surgery obese
38.1.0±1.5.0) and 18 normal weight surgery (3T MRI) subjects than controls in the left anterior
controls (BMI mean 21.6.0±0.7.0) corona radiata, corpus callosum, fornix
and saggital stratum, which increased post-
- Decreased GM density in pre-surgery obese
subjects than controls in IFG and SFG, rostral
ACC, dorsomedial PFC, and temporal lobe,
which increased post-surgery
- Decreased WM density in pre-surgery obese
subjects than controls in caudate, thalamus,
right IFG, rostral ACC, middle cingulate cortex,
postcentral gyrus and precuneus, which
increased post-surgery

828 © 1996-2018
Food addiction: A common neurobiological mechanism with drug abuse

Tuulari et al. N=47 obese patients approved for Structural images pre- and 6 - Decreased GM density in inferior orbitofrontal,
(2016) (92) gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy months post-surgery (1.5.T MRI) frontal, temporal, cerebellar, and occipital
surgery (BMI range 35–53) and 29 non- regions and insula in obese subjects pre-
obese controls (BMI range 17.8.-29.9.) surgery
- Decreased WM density in OFC and midbrain/
medulla in obese patients pre-surgery
- BMI, waist circumference, body fat
percentage, systolic blood pressure, fasting
glucose and plasma lipids were negatively
associated with GM and WM density, while
plasma HDL cholesterol levels were positively
associated with GM and WM volumes
- Increased GM density in obese patients
post-surgery in occipital and temporal cortical
regions, weight loss was associated with
increases in GM in frontotemporal cortex,
insula, right thalamus and cerebellum
- Increased WM density globally in obese
patients post-surgery, weight loss was
associated with increases in WM in posterior
temporal cortex, precentral and superior frontal

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101. R. L. Goldman, M. Canterberry, J.J. use disorder, GM: gray matter, WM: white matter,
Borckardt, A. Madan, T.K. Byrne, M.S. PFC: prefrontal cortex, ACC: anterior cingulate
George, P.M. O’Neil and C.A. Hanlon: cortex, OFC: orbitofrontal cortex, BOLD: blood
Executive control circuitry differentiates de- oxygen level-dependent, DMN: default mode
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tric-bypass surgery. Obesity (Silver Spring), SPECT: single photon emission computed
21(11), 2189–96 (2013) tomography, NB32: naltrexone 32 mg with
DOI: 10.1002/oby.20575 buproprion, CB1: cannabinoid receptor 1, THCv:
PMid:24136926 PMCid:PMC4196691 tetrahydrocannabivarin, 5-HT2CR: serotonin 2C
Abbreviations (Table): 5-HT2AR: serotonin re-
ceptor 2A, 5-HTT: serotonin transporter, ACC: Key Words: Addiction, Obesity, Neuroimaging,
anterior cingulate cortex, AUD: alcohol use dis- PET, MRI, Dopamine, Opioid
order, BMI: body-mass index, CUD: cocaine use
disorder, DMN: default mode network, DRD2: Send correspondence to: Gene-Jack Wang,
Dopamine D2 receptor, DTI: diffusion tensor National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol-
imaging, EE: emotional eating, fMRI: functional ism, Laboratory of Neuroimaging, National Insti-
magnetic resonance imaging, IFG: inferior fron- tutes of Health, 10 Center Drive, Room B2L124,
tal gyrus, GM: gray matter, LAGB: laparoscopic Bethesda, MD, 20892, USA. Tel: 301–496-5012,
adjustable gastric banding, LSG: laparoscopic Fax: ???, E-mail:
sleeve gastrectomy, NET: norepinephrine trans-
porter, OFC: orbitofrontal cortex, OUD: opiate use
disorder, MOR: mu-opioid receptor, MRI: mag-
netic resonance imaging, MRS: magnetic reso-
nance spectroscopy, NAc: nucleus accumbens,
NET: Norepinephrine transporter, PET: positron
emission tomography, PFC: prefrontal cortex,
RYGB: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass  SPECT: sin-
gle-photon emission computed tomography,
SFG: superior frontal gyrus, THCv: tetrahydro-
can-nabivarin, VSG: vertical sleeve gastrectomy,
VTA: ventral tegmental area, WM: white matter

Abbreviations (Text): PET: positron emission

tomography, MRI: magnetic resonance imaging,
fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging,
DA: dopamine, NE: norepinephrine, 5-HT:
serotonin, rsfMRI: resting-state functional
magnetic resonance imaging, FA: fractional
anisotropy, MD: mean diffusivity, BMI: body
mass index, DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, APA: American
Psychological Association, BED: binge eating
disorder, YFAS: Yale Food Addiction Scale,
ANA: Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment, NAc:
nucleus accumbens, GABA: γ-aminobutyric acid,
SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism, DRD2:
dopamine 2 receptor, DRD3: dopamine 3 receptor,
DRD4: dopamine 4 receptor, CRF: corticotropin-
releasing factor, CCK: cholecystokinin, PYY:
peptide YY, NPY: neuropeptide Y, FDG: 2-deoxy-
2(18F)fluoro-D-glucose, MOR: mu-opioid
receptor, MRB: 2-deoxy-2(18F)fluoro-D-glucose,
5-HT2AR: serotonin 2A receptor, 5-HT4R: serotonin
4 receptor, 5-HTT: serotonin transporter, NET:
norepinephrine transporter, AUD: alcohol use
disorder, EE: emotional eating, CUD: cocaine

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