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Discover the secrets of

the industrial revolution
Limited Edition a different lens
The Royal Guards

NO. 10 February, 28TH, 1935 PRICE 3 CENTS

A New Era Awaits the World and its

Still Evil Exists in England with Child Labour
My fellow reporter, Harry, had
a chance to take a word from
Thomason about an accident
that happened in the factory a
few months ago. Thomason
stated “the machines were
unsafe as they were unfenced
and because of our huge number
in a small sized place we began
pushing each other to work fast
scared from the firm owners
and their threat of not giving the
wages. Pushing we accidently
pushed our friend Jack way to
far while he was closing belts
and shafts that powered the Wanting to know more, Harry went
machines which lead to him to on to interview a government official
loose his hand.” • Side of the child labor in factories who stated: “We firmly believe that
He importantly added “It's not child labour in factories is a heinous
just my friend who's at risk, but
all of us working in this textile
factory. Something needs to
T welve-year-old Thomason is woken up at four in
crime that must be punished severely.
However, during the industrial
revolution, our government supports
the morning by his father, Jose. He does not go to school,
change before it's too late." child labour as a necessary evil to
but goes walking to the textile manufacturing factory of
“The Johnson’s” near Derwent Valley, England. drive economic growth. Looking back
to what happened like “The
In the rush to get to work, Thomason does not take time Jhonson;s” factory case, we
to eat breakfast. It is important to make sure he has the
things he needs to make it through a workday that can understand the harm caused to
mean spending up to 14 hours working in bad countless children and their families,
conditions. At the textile factory, Jose has to face the but what we can do the people who
harsh overseers that use strength against any wrong die we respect them as they serve our
action or the abuses that many childern face there in the country.”
factory and not forget the bad and unsafe conditions that
threatens his life. Moreover, we learned from Thomason that many of the victims
of child labour are families that need the extra income that their
children earn while working to afford the cost of living associated
Case with their rent and food. Overall, since we cannot completely get
Reported rid of child labour practice overnight due to the government’s
lack of help to improve the median level of life, we need to at least
combine all together to stop this move by boycotting these
T: 012-345-6789 working places in hope for a positive response in return.
The Royal Guards
NO. 10 February, 28TH, 1935 PRICE 3 CENTS

Still Evil Exists in England with the Bad

Working Conditions

4 0-year old Jhon wakes up on the sound of

an alarm at four in the morning. He does not eat

Wanting to know more, Peter went on to interview
with the factory owner himself, who stated: "I regret
the unfortunate incident that occurred to one of our
breakfast or tiding up himself even, but he starts
workers at the factory. These workers are the
walking to the train station to take a 1 cent train to
backbone of the industrial revolution and their hard
the textile factory of “Adams Wear” near Derwent
Valley, England. work is essential for our success. Although some may
view the working conditions as bad, I see them as
It is important for Jhon to prepare his tools for the perfect for the progress of our industry. We will
log working day that can extend to 18 hours with continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of
no breaks in times. At the textile factory, Adams
our workers while striving for continued growth and
has to face the air that is filled with dust and
smoke, the machinery that was dangerous and the innovation."
threat of any accidents as they were common, but
he had no choice as he needed to continue working
in the factory to support their family.. Moreover, we learned from Peter that many of the
victims of child labour are families that need the extra
My fellow reporter, Peter, had a chance to take a income to afford the cost of living associated with
word from Jhon about an accident that happened in their rent and food. Overall, since we cannot
the factory a few months ago. Jhon stated "I lost a completely get rid of child labour practice overnight
dear friend in the factory due to the poor working due to the unwise and silly of many factory owners
conditions during the industrial revolution. The with the situation. To improve the median level of
machines were old and dangerous, and the factory work, we need to at least combine all together to stop
owners did not care about the safety of their workers. this move by boycotting these working places and
My friend was working on a faulty machine when it straight this topic to the country officials in hope for a
suddenly malfunctioned and caused a fatal accident. positive response in return
It was a tragedy that could have been prevented if the
factory owners had taken the necessary precautions to
ensure the safety of their workers. It is a shame that it
took such a tragedy for the factory owners to finally
take action and improve the working conditions for
the rest of change before it's too late."

T: 012-345-6789
The Royal Guards
Sunday 28 February 1932

Changes to Our World:

Thomas Edison is an American inventor and businessman.
NO. 10 February, 28TH,He was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, PRICE
1935 Ohio. Edison is
best known for his invention of the practical incandescent
light bulb and the phonograph. He held over 1,000 patents
for his inventions, which included the motion picture

S adly, last year of 1931 on October 18 we lost an important

camera, the stock ticker, and the alkaline storage battery.
Edison was a prolific inventor who revolutionized many
aspects of modern life.
figure that revolutionized the industrial revolution and its Thomas The first light bulb was made with a carbon filament
Edison who invented had last year of 1880 the electrical light bulb. and produced a soft, warm glow. Edison's light bulb was
a major breakthrough in the industrial revolution, as it
allowed for longer work hours and increased
productivity. Prior to the light bulb, factories and
workplaces relied on gas lamps and candles, which were
expensive and dangerous. Edison's invention paved the
way for the widespread adoption of electricity and the
development of new technologies. The light bulb was a
game-changer during the industrial revolution.
One such example is the Cotton Mill in Manchester,
which was able to increase production and operate for
longer hours due to the availability of electric lighting.
This led to increased profits and growth for the factory.

The importance of the light bulb cannot be overstated. I

think that the light bulb has helped the industrial
revolution revolutionize the world more. With the ability
to light homes and streets, people were no longer
confined to daylight hours and could engage in leisure
activities after dark. I personally had used the light bulb
daily regarding the great benefits it had in our working
place in the newspaper as it helped to extended
productivity and work to night times which increased
the overall gain of the newspaper in 1883 by 70%, as the
income of the newspaper reached its highest from its
start. In conclusion, Thomas Edison's invention of the
electric light bulb was a game-changer in the industrial
revolution. ingenuity and determination serve as an
inspiration to future generations of inventors and
innovators. The invention of the light bulb during the
industrial revolution was a significant milestone in
human history. This invention paved the way for the
development of many other technologies that we take for
granted today.

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8291100 752379
The Royal Guards
4 Sunday 28 February 1932
Letters to the Editor:
D ear Maguire:
Child labour is a complex issue that happens now during the
industrial revolution that we live in and it requires our attention
and action. As a society, we must work together to ensure that
children are protected from exploitation and given the
opportunity to thrive. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the issue of child
labor during the running industrial revolution. As a member of this
I am writing to express as a citizen who sends his child to work,
society, I believe that it is our collective responsibility to ensure that the
my support for child labor to thrive the industrial revolution. It
rights of children are protected and that they are not exploited for the
is a well-known fact that the industrial revolution brought about
benefit of others.
significant changes in the way goods are produced and
consumed. With the advent of new technologies and machines, During the evolution that we expertise now, children are often forced to
there is a need for more workers to operate these machines and work long hours in dangerous conditions in factories and mines. Many
keep the factories running. of these children are as young as six years old and were subjected to
physical and emotional abuse by their employers. They are denied the
Children are an important source of labor now, and they play a
opportunity to attend school and were forced to work in order to
crucial role in the growth of the economy. Child labor is not
support their families.
without its problems, however. Many children are forced to
work long hours for very little pay, and they were often One example of this exploitation can be seen in the textile mills of
subjected to physical and emotional abuse by their employers. Manchester, England. Children as young as seven are employed to work
Some children are even injured or killed while working in the in these mills, where they are exposed to dangerous machinery and
factories. harsh working conditions. Many of these children suffer from
respiratory problems and other health issues as a result of their work.
Despite these issues, I believe that child labor was a necessary
evil during the industrial revolution. It allowed for the growth of Another example can be found in the coal mines of London. Children as
the economy and the development of new technologies, and it young as five are employed to work in these mines, where they are
provided children with valuable skills and experiences that they forced to crawl through narrow tunnels and carry heavy loads of coal.
would not have otherwise gained. Many of these children suffer from injuries and illnesses as a result of
According to a report by the British Parliament last week, their work, and their life expectancy was significantly reduced.
children as young as five are employed in factories and mines,
and they work long hours under difficult conditions. However, Despite the efforts of reformers such as Lord Shaftesbury, child labor
these children were not forced to work, but rather were eager to remained a widespread problem till now. It must be said the role of the
contribute to their families' income and gain valuable skills for passage of the Factory Act of 1833 that had significant progress was made
their future. in protecting the rights of children.
Many opinions were gathered regarding this act of letting However, many individuals spoke out against this practice. One such
childern to work from the English street. One factory owner person was Richard Oastler, who stated, "The tender frames of children
stated, "Children are more obedient and easier to manage than are not adapted to the toil of the loom or the plough." Similarly, William
adults, which makes them ideal for factory work." In our time Cobbett declared, "Children ought to be children, and not be made into
of the Industrial Revolution, child labor is widely used and men and women before their time." These quotes reflect the opposition to
considered beneficial for several reasons. One primary source child labor and the belief that children should be allowed to have a
that supports this is a report by the British House of Commons. childhood free from the burdens of work.
The report stated that child labor is necessary for the growth of
the economy and the survival of many families. It also argued In conclusion, the issue of child labor during our time is a dark chapter in
that children are better suited for certain types of work due to that writes itself in our history. We must remember the suffering that
their small size and nimble fingers. Additionally, the report these children endured and work to ensure that such exploitation never
claimed that working at a young age instilled discipline and a happens again. It is our duty to protect the rights of children and to
strong work ethic in children. ensure that they are given the opportunity to grow and thrive in a safe and
nurturing environment.
In conclusion, I urge you to consider the positive aspects of child
labor during our evolution time. While it is important to Thank you for your attention to this important issue.
acknowledge the negative aspects of this practice, we should not
forget the important role that children played in the growth of
our economy and the development of our society.

T: 012-345-6789
The Royal Guards
Sunday 28 February 1932

The Industrial Revolution in a short time was able to stabilize its

T he industrial revolution was a time of great change for our

footprint as it brought significant technological changes to England and
Europe, leading to positive and negative effects on living conditions in
many places. While the new machines and factories offer job
opportunities and increases production, they also led to overcrowding,
society as a whole. It brought about new technology and methods of
production. Prior to the industrial revolution, many people around us pollution, and dangerous working conditions. For example, the textile
were employed in agriculture, which was a very labour-intensive mills in Manchester employed thousands of workers, but the cramped
process. With the advent of new technology, factories began to appear, living conditions in the city's slums lead eventually to disease outbreaks
which allowed for the change of many things. However, these changes and high mortality rates. Similarly, the coal mines in Wales and
came at a cost of the daily life of the workers and their families as an northern England are notorious for their hazardous working conditions,
example. The working conditions in the factories are often dangerous, which often results in injuries and deaths. Despite these challenges, the
and the hours are long. Many workers now are forced to leave their Industrial Revolution did ultimately improve living conditions for many
homes and move to the cities to find work. people. Advances in transportation and communication makes it easier
for goods and ideas to be shared across long distances, leading to
Prior to the revolution, families worked together on farms or in small increased access to food, medicine, and education. The growth of cities
businesses. However, with the rise of factory work, families are now also brought new opportunities for social and cultural exchange, as well
separated as men and women leave home to work in the factories. as the development of public utilities such as water and sewage systems.
Children are used also negatively as they are also sent to work in
factories, often for long hours and little pay. This separation of families These negatives that rose from the industrial revolution from the daily
had a profound impact on many family dynamics. The traditional life that changed and concentrated more on work and broke families
family structure that we know is disrupted, and children are no longer apart or the environmental damage caused this huge working force and
raised in the same environment as their parents. Many families are now the turning point of cities from safe place to live in to unwanted ones
forced to live in cramped and unsanitary conditions, leading to health because of how unfriendly they became for people. However, all these
problems and a higher mortality rate. problems caused by the industrial revolution can be solved by just
simply reducing the work force pumped into these working places which
will only reduce the growth rate of the industrial revolution.
The societal shifts in our present the industrial revolution
brought about both benefits and problems that we can already
see. While many see that the benefits included increased
production and economic growth, the problems are also
equally significant. The shift to industrialization decreased the
working conditions, abuse rates increased, and environmental
degradation began to start. The benefits aren’t able to
outweigh the problems generated by these societal shifts. For
instance, the working conditions in factories were inhumane,
with workers subjected to long hours of work, low wages, and
dangerous working conditions. The workers had no rights, and
their well-being was not a priority for the factory owners. This
led to several protests and strikes by workers, demanding
better working conditions and fair wages. Moreover, the shift
to industrialization led to environmental degradation. The
factories released pollutants into the air and water, leading to
health problems and environmental degradation. The
pollution caused by the factories also affected the quality of life
of the people living in the surrounding areas. The industrial T: 012-345-6789
revolution also led to the depletion of natural resources, as the
factories required large amounts of raw materials to operate.

• "The true cost of progress: Workers in

factories during the industrial revolution
faced unimaginable working conditions,
risking their lives for the sake of progress."

T: 012-345-6789
The Royal Guards
Sunday 28 February 1932

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