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Clin. Cardiol. 30 (Suppl.

I), I-4–I-9 (2007)

The Pathophysiology of Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

Carl J. Pepine, M.D., MACC, Wilmer W. Nichols, PH.D.

Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Gainesville, FL 32610-0277, USA

Summary myocardial infarction [STEMI], non-STEMI [NSTEMI],

or unstable angina pectoris [UAP]) and percutaneous
With our success in management of acute coronary revascularization.1 In our opinion, understanding the
syndromes (ACS), aging population and epidemics of pathophysiology of the chronic coronary syndrome
diabetes and obesity, the management of patients with (CCS) has lagged. This deficit has contributed to the
chronic coronary artery disease is becoming an increas- fact that, until this year, no new treatments for CCS
ing important part of clinical practice. Although the rates had been approved for several decades. Recently, new
of death and myocardial infarction (MI) in this group of insights into the mechanisms underlying CCS have led
patients are not high as a group, a subgroup has very high to the emergence of new anti-ischemic treatments with
risk but many have poor quality of life related to limiting novel mechanisms of action.
angina. The purpose of this article is to review the patho- The purpose of this communication is to critically
physiology of the chronic angina syndrome to provide review the pathophysiology of chronic IHD. Where pos-
an improved understanding of the basis for the compre- sible, suggestions are provided for new targets that could
hensive management required to yield patient benefits. lead to novel approaches to management of the growing
Where possible, targets for novel therapeutic approaches number of patients with CCS.
are highlighted.

Key words: atherothrombosis, atheroma, cardiac Myocardial Oxygen Supply–demand Balance

ischemia, coronary perfusion, energics, ischemic precon-
ditioning, NSTEMI, STEMI, susceptible myocardium, General Considerations
unstable angina pectoris, vascular remodeling
Cardiac ischemia results from an imbalance between
Clin. Cardiol. 2007; 30 (Suppl. I): I-4–I-9. myocardial oxygen supply and demand. In this review,
 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. cardiac ischemia is taken as myocellular hypoxia or the
condition resulting when oxygen supplied to a region
of heart muscle is insufficient to meet its needs. The
Introduction clinical phenotype accompanying cardiac ischemia has
traditionally been subdivided into the ACS and CCS. A
Over the last three decades, considerable advances sudden reduction in coronary flow and hence, myocardial
have been made in understanding the pathophysi- oxygen supply, is usually the mechanism of ACS. Here,
ology of ischemic heart disease (IHD), but these recent plaque injury (e.g., rupture, erosion, hemorrhage),
advances have focused on the ACS (e.g., ST-elevation often superimposed on thrombosis and/or microem-
bolism, endothelial dysfunction and heightened smooth
muscle reactivity abruptly reduce coronary blood flow
and lead to acute ischemic myocyte injury.1 By contrast,
Address for reprints:
an abrupt increase in myocardial oxygen demand, in the
Carl J. Pepine, M.D., MACC setting of limited ability to increase myocardial oxygen
Chief, Cardiovascular Medicine, Gainesville, supply, is usually the mechanism of ischemia in the CCS.
FL 32610-0277, USA Disorders of coagulation, endothelial and/or smooth mus-
e-mail: cle cell (SMC) function, as well as the myocardium also
Published online in Wiley InterScience play a role.2
( But it is the myocardial consequences of the oxygen
DOI:10.1002/clc.20048 supply–demand imbalance that are of central impor-
 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. tance as they determine the clinical outcome in any
C. J. Pepine and W. W. Nichols: Pathophysiology of chronic IHD I-5

↑ O2 Demand ↓ Myocyte pO2, Fixed O2 Supply

↓ ATP and pH •Negative remodeling
• Heart rate ↑ Glucose oxidation •Flow limiting stenosis
• Arterial stiffness Ca2+ overload
•Endothelial dys/impaired dilation
• Preload ↑Na
• Contractility •Microvascular dysfunction
• Wall tension • Decreased aortic diastolic
Myocardial dysfunction
(↓ systolic function/ pressure (amplitude and duration)
↑ diastolic stiffness)
Sympathetic activation
Electrical instability
Arteriolar dysfunction
Myocardial edema
“Myocardial ischemia begets more ischemia”

FIG. 1 Factors Important in Chronic IHD.

given patient. In patients with CCS, the episode of Conditions Limiting Increases in Myocardial Oxygen
ischemia is transient (e.g., reversible) and without evi- Supply: Limitation to increases in myocardial oxygen
dence of myocyte injury. If the ischemic episode results supply may result from either coronary vascular or
in myocyte injury or myonecrosis or the pattern, sever- nonvascular conditions. Among vascular conditions lim-
ity or inciting factors for ischemia change abruptly, an iting increases in oxygen supply is a reduced ceiling
ACS has evolved. When this occurs, as stated above, it is in myocardial blood flow due to flow-limiting obstruc-
usually related to recent plaque injury. Life-threatening tion(s) with inadequate collateral circulation. Flow-
arrhythmias may occur with either acute or CCS but are limiting coronary obstruction(s) may occur at the epicar-
more frequent after reperfusion in ACS (Figure 1). dial (e.g., conduit) vessel level and the microvessel level.
The obstruction may be “dynamic” (e.g., altered smooth
Specific Considerations muscle reactivity, shedding of platelet microaggregates,
etc.) or “relatively fixed” (e.g., atheroma, thrombus
Conditions Transiently Increasing Myocardial Oxygen and/or embolus). But in most CCS cases components
Demand: In CCS, cardiac ischemia is usually the result of both dynamic and fixed obstruction are present. The
of an increase in one or more determinants of myocar- ultimate importance of these factors, in terms of limiting
dial oxygen demand. These include increases in heart coronary blood flow, is governed by the size of the vessel
rate (HR), left ventricular (LV) loading [afterload (e.g., lumen available for blood flow. The size of the vascu-
systolic wall stress, arterial stiffness, systolic blood pres- lar lumen or microvessels is determined by the process
sure [SBP], etc.) or preload (e.g., diastolic wall stress, termed vascular remodeling (see below).
end diastolic pressure and volume, and wall thickness)] Coronary Reactivity: Conduit Vessel vs. Microcircu-
and/or contractility that are necessitated by increases in lation Dysfunction: Altered coronary reactivity (e.g.,
physical and/or emotional activity levels. Also impor- impaired dilation from endothelial dysfunction, height-
tant in increasing or amplifying the ischemic episode ened smooth muscle activation like spasm, etc.) at both
is the augmentation in these determinants of oxygen macro and microvascular levels may contribute to limit
demand that occurs during the actual ischemic episode. blood flow. Periodic embolization of platelet microag-
The exact mechanism responsible for this secondary rise gregates from roughened plaque surfaces may also limit
in oxygen demand is not completely known. This sec- flow at the microvessel level. Accumulating evidence
ondary increase occurs in both painful and asymptomatic implicates coronary microcirculation dysfunction in IHD.
ischemic episodes and with painful episodes, it appears This includes: wide variability in effort tolerance over
before the actual perception of pain. So while pain/chest time; large scatter between stenosis severity and coronary
discomfort and related symptoms increase determinants flow reserve; reduced flow responses in regions perfused
of oxygen demand, this is not the only mechanism by nonstenotic vessels; wide variability in flow after suc-
involved. This secondary increase in myocardial oxy- cessful stenting; the ∼25% of biomarker-positive ACS
gen demand increases the magnitude and/or prolongs the cases with no flow-limiting large vessel stenosis; and
duration of a given ischemic episode, and therefore has necropsy evidence for microvascular embolization.3
the potential to worsen the myocardial consequences of Dilation of coronary resistance arterioles (e.g., nico-
a given ischemic episode. randil and fasudil) represents a potential therapeutic tar-
Suppressing the ability to increase HR, afterload, get for CCS under current investigation.
preload and/or contractility provides targets for tradi- Disorders of Coronary Endothelium: Risk conditions
tional anti-ischemic treatments like nitrates (BP), beta- (increased SBP, low-density lipoprotein [LDL], obe-
blockers (HR, BP and contractility), and calcium antag- sity, diabetes, aging, etc.) increase oxidant stress within
onists (BP and contractility with all calcium antagonists endothelial cells to impair nitric oxide production, release
plus HR with the nondihydropyridines). and/or activity.4 Resulting endothelial injury unfavorably

Clinical Cardiology DOI:10.1002/clc

I-6 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 30 (Suppl. I), February 2007

alters all endothelial-mediated activities (e.g., impairs Plaque deposition (atheroma volume) occurs principally
smooth muscle relaxation, stimulates smooth muscle within the vascular wall, with compensatory enlargement
growth, disrupts the anticoagulant surface, impairs fibri- of the elastic external membrane (positive remodeling)
nolysis, etc.) and this is termed endothelial dysfunction. permitting the external vessel to enlarge to maintain
When this persists it can lead to intimal thickening with lumen size.1,7 Compensatory vessel enlargement occurs
atheroma formation. more often and to a greater degree in ACS than in
Disorders of Vascular Smooth Muscle: Heightened those with CCS.9 In ACS, vulnerable plaque is a more
vascular SMC activity and/or impaired relaxation, either important pathophysiologic factor than is the degree of
secondary to endothelial dysfunction or directly due to stenosis, whereas in CCS, the degree of stenosis seems
SMC dysfunction, occurs in both conduit and resis- to be a more important factor. Hence loss of positive
tance vessels (e.g., limited flow reserve). In many remodeling seems to be a central feature in CCS.
patient groups (e.g., hypertensives, diabetics, elderly, Negative (or Loss of Compensatory) Remodeling:
postmenopausal women, hypercholesterolemics, etc.), When the compensatory process becomes exhausted, the
disorders at the resistance vessel (e.g., endothelial and atheroma volume begins to compromise the coronary
SMC dysfunction) level may predominate to result in artery lumen so the cross-sectional area available for
ischemia and/or amplify ischemia due to other mecha- blood flow decreases. As this progresses, the ceiling for
nisms (e.g., atheroma obstruction). flow increases in response to increasing oxygen demand
Atherothrombosis: Stable vs Vulnerable Plaque: and becomes lowered. Eventually, either as a result of
Atheroma formation, with or without thrombus, accounts continued increases in atheroma volume or exhaustion
for plaque volume increases with the potential to limit of compensatory enlargement, or more likely both pro-
increases in coronary flow. While vulnerable plaques cesses, the lumen begins to narrow. Luminal narrowing
(e.g., prone to ruptures, erosions or intraplaque hemor- of ∼70% may limit the ceiling for increases in blood
rhages with thrombus formation) are considered mech- flow in response to increases in demand, and results in
anisms of ACS, the pathophysiologic mechanism(s) ischemia. Vessel shrinkage occurs in most patients with
responsible for the evolution of CCS are not entirely a CCS and a few patients with an ACS presentation.5,9
clear. But multivessel flow-limiting obstructions are Furthermore, vessel wall compliance appears greater in
observed in the majority with CCS with a highly vari- patients with CCS, indicating a relation between vascular
able degree of lumen compromise (minimum lumen area distensibility and positive vessel remodeling.
and area stenosis). Continuing oxidant stress, interacting Although trigger mechanisms for different forms of
with vascular smooth muscle and inflammatory cells as remodeling in response to plaque accumulation are
well as matrix changes results in “vascular remodeling”, incompletely understood, alterations in flow dynamics
which determines the size of vessel lumen available for and, in particular, shear stress at the endothelial cell
blood flow with any given lesion. surface, likely play a role in the vessel response. As
Vascular Remodeling: Conduit coronary artery lumen the ability of the vessel to distend is dependent on
size, the cross-sectional area available for blood flow, intact endothelial function, vessel compliance may influ-
is of fundamental importance in the pathophysiology of ence the remodeling pattern. Preliminary data show
IHD. The process describing the relationship between that eccentric plaques have better remodeling capability,
changes in atheroma volume, and lumen and external which may result from better distensibility and preserved
vessel size is termed vascular remodeling that can be endothelial and vascular smooth muscle function of a
positive or negative.5 – 7 Continuing oxidant stress, inter- portion of the vessel circumference. Whether these fac-
acting with vascular smooth muscle and inflammatory tors (e.g., remodeling ability, vessel compliance, plaque
cells, as well as matrix changes, results in “vascu- topography, etc.) influence the clinical presentation is
lar remodeling”, which determines the size of vessel unknown. Evidence for a relationship between arterial
lumen available for blood flow with any given lesion.5 remodeling and increased vulnerability to plaque rupture
Recently, differences in vascular remodeling related to is accumulating.
estrogen receptor alpha expression have implicated vari- Vulnerability to plaque rupture has traditionally been
ation in SMC phenotype in some of the gender-related associated with a decrease in collagen and SMC com-
differences in coronary artery disease.8 These SMCs are ponents, especially in the shoulder region with abun-
directly responsible for extracellular matrix production dant inflammatory cells. Conversely, lack, or exhaustion,
and assure the integrity of the artery wall. They may be of positive remodeling may signal plaque stability of
decreased, apoptotic, or dysfunctional in terms of synthe- chronic stable ischemic syndrome.
sis and repair of extracellular matrix, which is destroyed Nonvascular: Nonvascular conditions contributing to
in vulnerable plaque by macrophages. ischemia may involve hydraulic conditions determining
Positive (or Compensatory) Remodeling: Coronary coronary blood flow and extravascular compression of
lumen size is usually maintained as atheroma volume microvessels may result from myocardial hypertrophy or
increases by positive or compensatory remodeling (e.g., infiltration (e.g., amyloid, myxedema, granuloma, tumor
atherosclerotic mass remains external to the lumen). cells, etc.).2

Clinical Cardiology DOI:10.1002/clc

C. J. Pepine and W. W. Nichols: Pathophysiology of chronic IHD I-7

Reduced Diastolic Pressure-time: Oxygen extraction reduction in hemoglobin, associated with an increase in
from blood perfusing myocardium is very high; there- risk (∼20% increase/Gm/dl), is relatively small indicat-
fore, an increase in myocardial oxygen supply can only ing that low hemoglobin is likely a marker for other pro-
be met by an increase in coronary blood flow. Since cesses that influence the course of IHD patients beyond
most (∼80%) myocardial blood flow occurs in diastole, the lower oxygen carrying capacity.20 This may be linked
central aortic diastolic pressure amplitude and duration to a defect in the supply and function of vascular pre-
of diastole are the principal nonvascular determinants of cursor cells, which are critically important for repair of
coronary perfusion. Traditionally, primary concern for vascular injury over time. Atherosclerosis risk condi-
myocardial ischemia is directed toward investigation for tions, including aging, limit these circulating precursor
conduit coronary artery obstruction with far less concern cells. These concepts have stimulated interest in the use
for other factors that may limit coronary blood flow. of various growth factors and methods to enhance these
But minor changes in diastolic duration may have as precursor cells as possible therapy for ACS or CCS.
much effect on coronary flow as a severe conduit vessel Atherosclerosis risk conditions or other alterations
stenosis.10 (e.g., hypercoagulable states) may result in suscepti-
Central Arterial Stiffness: Central arterial stiffness is ble blood, a concept put forward to describe blood of
increased in atherosclerosis and is an independent pre- individuals that is prone to thrombosis.2 Blood mark-
dictor of adverse coronary events.11,12 As central arte- ers reflecting hypercoagulability include fibrinogen, DD-
rial stiffness and wave reflection amplitude increase, dimer, and factor V Leiden; increased platelet activa-
systolic aortic pressure rises, pulse pressure widens, tion/aggregation (e.g., gene polymorphisms of platelet
and myocardial systolic wall stress and oxygen demand glycoproteins IIb/IIIa, Ia/IIa, and Ib/IX); increased coag-
increase while diastolic (e.g., coronary perfusion) pres- ulation (e.g., clotting factors V, VII, and VIII; von
sure decreases.13 Such changes in ventricular/vascular Willebrand factor; and factor XIII); decreased anti-
coupling unbalance the supply/demand ratio and pro- coagulation (e.g., proteins S and C, thrombomodulin,
mote myocardial ischemia and angina. With normal coro- and antithrombin III); decreased endogenous fibrinoly-
nary blood vessels, however, blood flow is maintained sis (e.g., reduced tissue plasminogen activator, increased
over a wide range of perfusion pressures by autoreg- type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1), certain
ulation (e.g., as perfusion pressure declines, vasodi- PAI-1 polymorphisms) and prothrombin mutation (e.g.,
lation maintains blood flow).14 Also, in the presence G20210A). Other thrombogenic factors include anticar-
of hypertrophy of the left ventricle (LV) and other
diolipin antibodies, thrombocytosis, sickle cell disease,
conditions associated with increased myocardial oxy-
polycythemia, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia,
gen demand (e.g., tachycardia), coronary blood flow
and hyperhomocysteinemia. Increased viscosity can con-
increases to meet the demand. But when the LV ejects
tribute to hypercoagulability as well as to ischemia.
into a stiff or noncompliant aorta, systolic pressure and
Transient hypercoagulability is also a consideration with
hence myocardial oxygen demand increase while dias-
many traditional risk conditions (e.g., smoking, dehy-
tolic pressure decreases but coronary flow increases in
dration, infection, adrenergic surge, cocaine, estrogen
response to increased demand as contractile function is
replacement, postprandial state, etc.). Patients with these
maintained.15 – 17 But increased aortic stiffness decreases
conditions may present with ACS, but heightened platelet
coronary flow reserve and during increased myocardial
contractility endocardial flow becomes impaired with activation, adhesion and intracoronary thrombi also may
subendocardial ischemia.16 These undesirable alterations contribute to limit coronary flow in CCS.21
are enhanced with a high-grade coronary stenosis or dur-
ing reductions in diastolic BP.18 In stable angina patients
there is an inverse relationship between central aortic Myocardium
stiffness and coronary flow.19
Susceptible Myocardium: The outcome of a given
ischemic period may be worse in certain individuals with
Other Considerations myocardial disorders and this concept may be termed
susceptible myocardium. Susceptible myocardium is
Blood defined here as myocardium altered so that the patient is
susceptible for near term adverse events (e.g., myocar-
Since the level of hemoglobin is critically important dial injury, infarction, heart failure or arrhythmias). Sus-
relative to myocardial oxygen delivery, anemia wors- ceptible myocardium may be associated with numer-
ens the consequences of any supply–demand imbal- ous conditions. They include conditions resulting in
ance (e.g., heightened coagulation, platelet activation- altered myocardial function or structure (e.g., ischemia,
aggregation and adhesion, etc.). Additionally, the level scarring, hypertrophy, infiltration, inflammation); altered
of hemoglobin has an important independent predictive sympathetic nervous system activity (e.g., hyperactivity,
value for adverse outcomes in ACS and CCS. A minimal impaired reactivity); valvular heart disease (e.g., severe

Clinical Cardiology DOI:10.1002/clc

I-8 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 30 (Suppl. I), February 2007

LV outflow obstruction as in aortic stenosis or hyper- in which slow response potentials and re-entry excita-
trophic cardiomyopathy); some electrophysiologic disor- tions can occur. The increase of [K+ ]e is a major factor
ders such as prolonged QT syndromes; commotio cordis causing early postischemic arrhythmias.
and some others. Several of these conditions may coex- Late Na+ Current Inhibition: Myocardial ischemia is
ist in a given patient. The transient swelling with ion associated with ↑ Na+ entry into cardiac cells. Increased
shifts that accompany ischemia may result in suscep- Na+ activates the Na+ /Ca2+ exchanger, causing efflux
tible myocardium. In the latter case, this swelling may of Na+ and influx of Ca2+ . Increased Ca2+ (Ca2+
form part of a positive feedback loop whereby “ischemia overload) may cause electrical and mechanical dysfunc-
begets more ischemia” (Figure 1). tion. Increased late INa is an important contributor to
Warm-up Effect and Ischemic Preconditioning: Tran- Na+ -dependent Ca2+ overload. If the late Na+ cur-
sient ischemia triggers both myocardial stunning rent is an important contributor to myocardial ischemia
(reversible contractile dysfunction despite return of per- through Ca2+ overload, then inhibition of this current
fusion) and ischemic preconditioning (protection against (e.g., with ranolazine) would have the potential to blunt
infarction caused by subsequent coronary occlusion).22 some of the adverse effects of ischemia (e.g., increased
In patients with angina, contractile function may remain LV end diastolic pressure, reduced developed pressure,
depressed after exercise-induced ischemia (e.g., stun- and decreased recovery of ventricular function). The
ning). Such patients may also develop less evidence of late Na+ current is conducted by selected channels that
ischemia during sequential exercise testing (e.g., “warm- appear critically important in these adverse effects of
up” phenomenon). The degree of stunning and protection ischemia. These channels remain closed and nonconduct-
after exercise is proportional to the severity of dysfunc- ing throughout the plateau phase of the action potential.
However, a small proportion of channels either do not
tion during stressful stimuli. So, ischemic precondition-
close or they close and then reopen. These channels
ing may be considered a negative susceptibility factor.
allow a sustained current of Na+ to enter. This current is
All preconditioning stimuli may not use the same sig-
referred to as the late Na+ current to distinguish it from
naling pathways, so development of tolerance to cardio-
the peak current.
protection by one stimulus may still permit protection
Accumulation of Na+ secondary to enhanced late INa
by intervention employing different signaling pathways. leads to activation of the reverse mode of the Na+ /Ca2+
Understanding processes responsible for the warm-up exchanger, with subsequent efflux of excess Na+ and
effect may provide novel therapeutic approaches for CCS influx of Ca2+ so eventually Ca2+ overload of myocytes
patients. results. It is proposed that Na+ -related Ca2+ overload
Energics: Providing adequate energy for the function- mediates a vicious cycle of ischemia begetting more
ing of the myocardium is critically important. Myocytes ischemia. Ca2+ overload may result in increased LV dias-
derive most of their energy via fatty acid metabolism tolic tension. As a result, myocardial O2 consumption
but this metabolic pathway requires more oxygen than increases and intramural microvessels are compressed,
the glucose pathway to yield the same amount of energy causing increased O2 demand and decreased O2 supply,
(ATP). Theoretically, limiting fatty acid oxidation should respectively. Positive feedback during ischemia increases
promote a shift toward the more oxygen-efficient glucose the imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and
pathway. Thus, in a limited flow state (e.g., coronary demand. Experimental data suggest that late INa block-
stenosis) such a metabolic shift should permit myocytes ade blunts postischemic contractile abnormalities and
to at least maintain energy production. Thus a shift to the this could also provide benefit in ischemia. So manip-
glucose pathway may be considered a negative suscep- ulation of the late INa could also influence myocardial
tibility factor. Although this is an attractive therapeutic susceptibility.
target in patients with CCS, it has been difficult to prove
that clinically useful anti-ischemic or antianginal agents Symptoms
act via this mechanism.
Ion Flux in Ischemia: During severe myocardial Angina pectoris is the classical clinical manifestation
ischemia [K+]e, [Ca2+ ]e and [H+ ]e increase, [Na+ ]e of the chronic ischemic syndromes, but our understand-
increases transiently and extracellular osmolality of ing of the mechanistic details of this disabling symptom
ischemic muscle increases as H2 O-shifts from the extra- complex remains incomplete almost three centuries after
cellular to intracellular space. Shrinkage of the extracel- its description. Estimates indicate that at lease 16 million
lular space due to the H2 O-shift and decrease of pHe Americans have chronic IHD as recurrent angina pec-
increase [Ca2+ ]e contribute to Ca2+ overload during toris, but it is also recognized that most of the patients
ischemia. This may cause compression of the vascular that we are now seeing are different from those investi-
space, that has the potential to further limit O2 supply. gated several decades ago before the advent of contem-
The increase of [K+ ]e is mainly caused by the release of porary medical and revascularization. A brief literature
K+ from the intracellular space. Changes of [K+ ]e and search yields many terms to describe these CCS patients.
[K+ ]i cause a decrease of membrane potential to a range But it is unknown if the pathophysiology is the same

Clinical Cardiology DOI:10.1002/clc

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Clinical Cardiology DOI:10.1002/clc

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