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Activity Notebook Labels

The following labels are for creating your own activity notebooks to organize your therapy materials.
These notebooks can be huge time savers when you’re getting ready for sessions and/or if you need
to pull something out at the last minute.

1. Decide if you want to use 3-ring binders or magazine holders.
2. Decide which areas you want to create notebooks for. There are 12 areas included, but if you
don’t currently practice in all 12 areas, you can skip those pages.
3. For 3-ring binders, print pages 2-3 and pages 5-16 (omitting any that you don’t need to make).
4. For Magazine Holders, print page 4.
5. Cut out your labels and apply to the 3-ring binders or magazine holders as shown here:

6. Fill binders with plastic sheet protectors and 3-ring pouches. Add any materials that you currently
have. Worksheets can go in the sheet protectors and cards/other materials can go in the pouches.

Need More Activities?

Our pre-made worksheets will stock your notebooks in a jiffy! Join our membership to get access to
pre-made worksheets and activities in each of the 12 speech-language pathology areas!

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