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German after Englisch - Modul 3: Lesen/module 3: Reading

2. Texte im Internet/Texts on the internet

Lesen II: Texte im Internet verstehen

reading II: Understanding texts on the internet

Strategie: Wörter aus dem Kontext erschließen

If you don´t understand a word in a text, you shouldn´t immediately look up
the word in a dictionary. First, try to find out the meaning of the word by
yourself. There are different strategies which help you to guess the meaning
of unknown words.

Strategy 1:
If there is a word in a text, that you don’t know, ask yourself the question: Is it really important?
Or am I able to understand the text without this word? If you come to the conclusion that the
word is important, use one of the following strategies:
Tip: Important words are normally nouns, verbs, negation words, followed by adjectives.

Strategy 2:
Use your knowledge about similar words. You have already learned a lot about orthographic
and linguistic patterns.

Strategy 3:
If it’s a compound word: Use your knowledge and the strategies about understanding
compound words that you have learned in module 2.

Strategy 4:
Try to guess the word from the context. The context gives further information about the word.
Focus on the context where the word shows up.

Wortschatz (vocabulary)
Deutsch Englisch meine / andere Sprache
(German) (English) (my / another language)
der Abschluss -¨e completion, degree __________________________
sich anmelden to register, log in __________________________
der Anwalt -¨e lawyer __________________________
die Ausbildung -en training, education __________________________
ausreichend enough, sufficient __________________________
der Austausch -e exchange __________________________
ausziehen to take off, undress __________________________
befriedigend satisfying, satisfactory __________________________

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German after Englisch - Modul 3: Lesen/module 3: Reading
2. Texte im Internet/Texts on the internet

der Beruf -e profession, job __________________________

bestätigen to confirm, verify __________________________
bestehen - bestand - bestanden to pass, consist __________________________
bestehen aus to consist of __________________________
bestimmt certain, determined __________________________
die Bildende Kunst plastic / visual arts __________________________
das Drehbuch -¨er script, screenplay __________________________
das Fach -¨er field, subject __________________________
das Fachgebiet -e specific field (of work) __________________________
die Geisteswissenschaft -en arts __________________________
der Hörsaal (Pl: Hörsäle) auditorium, lecture hall __________________________
Jura (normally used without article) law, Legal Studies __________________________
die Kantine -n canteen __________________________
die Krankenversicherung -en health insurance __________________________
das Praktikum (Pl.: Praktika) internship, traineeship __________________________
pünktlich punctually, on time __________________________
die Rechtswissenschaft -en law (science) __________________________
die Redaktion -en editing, editorial staff __________________________
das Schauspiel -e acting, spectacle __________________________
schrecklich terrible, awful __________________________
selbst by oneself __________________________
stark strong __________________________
der Termin -e appointment __________________________
die Voraussetzung -en requirement, condition __________________________
die Wirtschaft economy __________________________
die Wohngemeinschaft -en (die WG) shared apartment __________________________

Meine Wörter:
_______________ _______________ __________________________
_______________ _______________ __________________________
_______________ _______________ __________________________
_______________ _______________ __________________________
_______________ _______________ __________________________

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