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German after Englisch - Modul 2: Grammatik/module 2: grammar

3. Das Adjektiv im Fokus /Focus on the adjective

Grammatik III: Das Adjektiv im Fokus

grammar III: Focus on the adjective
1. Some typical endings of adjectives

Note: The suffixes are not always equal (e.g. interessant – interesting).

2. Gegenteile - opposites
Both languages have either a word that
expresses the opposite or they create the
opposite by adding the prefix un- (or
sometimes the prefix in-, e.g. intolerant).

3. Adjektive im Satz

English adjectives don´t change their

ending. In German, they change their
ending if they are used before a noun. If
they are used without a noun, you don´t
have to decline them.

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German after Englisch - Modul 2: Grammatik/module 2: grammar
3. Das Adjektiv im Fokus /Focus on the adjective

4. Deklination der Adjektive

5. Komparation
a) Formen
Note: Adjectives ending in
–el or –er leave the last –
e off the positive and then
add –er to the
comparative (e.g. dunkel
– dunkler).

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German after Englisch - Modul 2: Grammatik/module 2: grammar
3. Das Adjektiv im Fokus /Focus on the adjective

b) unregelmäßige Formen

c) Unterschiede
Note: In English, the comparative is
sometimes formed by more + adjective,
and the superlative by most +
adjective. These forms don´t exist in
German. The comparative in German
is always made by adding –er and the
superlative by adding –ste(n).

In German, you can use the superlative

with “am” or with an article. You use
“am + Superlativ”, if no noun follows.
You use “Artikel + Superlativ”, if a noun

6. Vergleichen
as fast as = so schnell wie

not as fast as = nicht so schnell wie

faster than = schneller als

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German after Englisch - Modul 2: Grammatik/module 2: grammar
3. Das Adjektiv im Fokus /Focus on the adjective

Wortschatz (vocabulary)
Deutsch Englisch meine / andere Sprache
(German) (English) (my / another language)

Adjektiv: adjective: __________________________

allergisch allergic __________________________
arbeitslos unemployed __________________________
berühmt famous __________________________
bequem comfortable __________________________
billig cheap __________________________
dankbar thankful __________________________
dicht tight __________________________
dunkel dark __________________________
durstig thirsty __________________________
eifersüchtig jealous __________________________
erfolgreich successful __________________________
freundlich friendly __________________________
geheimnisvoll mysterious __________________________
generell general __________________________
glücklich happy, lucky __________________________
haarlos hairless __________________________
haarig hairy __________________________
hässlich ugly __________________________
hoch high __________________________
intensiv intensive __________________________
kostbar valuable __________________________
kreativ creative __________________________
kriminell criminal __________________________
kurz short __________________________
lesbar legible, readable __________________________
möglich possible __________________________
niedrig low __________________________
nah close __________________________
seltsam strange __________________________
sichtbar visible __________________________
sportlich sporty, athletic __________________________
stolz proud __________________________
taktlos tactless __________________________
taktvoll tactful __________________________
teuer expensive __________________________
traurig sad __________________________
wertlos worthless __________________________

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German after Englisch - Modul 2: Grammatik/module 2: grammar
3. Das Adjektiv im Fokus /Focus on the adjective

wertvoll valuable __________________________

witzig funny __________________________
wundervoll wonderful __________________________
zuverlässig reliable __________________________

Nomen: noun: __________________________

der Durst the thirst __________________________
die Sicht the view __________________________
der Takt -e the tact __________________________

Adverb: adverb: __________________________

besonders especially __________________________
etwas somewhat __________________________
relative relatively __________________________
sehr very __________________________
wirklich really __________________________
ziemlich quite __________________________

Meine Wörter:
_______________ _______________ __________________________
_______________ _______________ __________________________
_______________ _______________ __________________________
_______________ _______________ __________________________
_______________ _______________ __________________________
_______________ _______________ __________________________
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_______________ _______________ __________________________
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_______________ _______________ __________________________

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