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Chapter One: The Unification Of Pi and Phi by Nine-Fifths I have often spoken of nine-fifths (9/5) as pivotal to the solar

system and nature. It is in the ratio of the orbit of saturn to that of jupiter in their closest approaches to the sun. It is in the ratio of the solar radius to the moon's orbit around earth. It is in the molar mass of gold to the molar mass of silver. I have shown that the sequence 1.8n = a_n where each successive number is a whole number multiple of 1.8 which is nine-fifths, is a sequence that is pivotal to the structure of the solar system. Two of the most important numbers in mathematics are pi and the golden ratio (phi). pi =3.141 and phi phi = 1.618 I have just noticed if we add respective digits after the decimal in one number to the other, we get: 141 + 618 = 759 In 759 we have the nine of nine fifths and the five of nine-fifths, and the 7 is the average of 9 and five. That is: (9+5)/2= 14/2 = 7 We determine the golden angle by multiplying 1.618 by 360 the degrees in a circle: 1.618(360) = 582.48 We subtract 360: 582.48-360 = 222.48 360-222.48 = 137.52 = the golden angle The golden angle is angle leaves rotate around the stem of a plant as you go down it. We determine the nine-fifths angle: 1.8(360) = 648 360/72 = 5 That means if leaves were to rotate around the stem of a plant by the nine-fifths angle, their position would repeat every five times. This frequency of five brings to mind a statement by the Russian scientist Shubnikov: 648-360 = 288 and 288-360=72

As to the alive organisms, we have not for them such theory, which could answer the question what kinds of symmetry are compatible or incompatible to existence of living material. But we can note here that remarkable fact that among the representatives of the alive nature the pentagonal symmetry meets more often. The Nine-Fifths angle is then 72 degrees. This is the separation between petals in a most popular flower petal arrangement: that one in which we see five petals around the stem. Pentagonal symmetry is five-fold. It would appear 9/5 (1.8) brings together pi the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and phi, the golden ratio, in a most stunning way. Ian Beardsley September 21, 2011

Chapter Two: Planetary Tilt in Genesis Project Earth, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn have a tilt to their orbital plane of close to 26.565 degrees. This value as shown below in the diagram is the intersection of nine-fifths and the golden ratio. We hypothesize that such an angle is required for a life-enriched planet. Angle A is close to the separation between the vectors (5,1) and (5,-1) which is close to

the earth tilt. Next chapter shows them derived from nine-fifths (1.8).

Chapter Three: The Intersection Of Nine Fifths And The Golden Ratio

In an effort to generate 4 from the golden ratio and 9/5 in connection with the earth and the 22-card cycle of the tarot we begin by finding the equation whose solution is the golden ratio. The golden ratio, or phi, as it is called, is the ratio such that the whole to the greater part is the same as the greater part to the lesser. That is a/b must be the same as b/c if a=b+c. Thus we have the two equations: 1. a/b=b/c 2. a=b+c From 1 we have: ac=b^2 From 2 we have: c=a-b These two yield: a(a-b)=b^2 Which can be written: (a^2)-ab=b^2 Or,( a^2)-ab-b^2=0 If we divide the last through by b^2, we get: ((a/b)^2)-(a/b)-1=0 This last is a quadratic in a/b. a/b is the golden ratio and can be found by completing the square. Letting a/b=x, our equation becomes: 3. ( x^2)-x-1=0 We will not solve equation 3 for the golden ratio but will proceed to consider 9/5. The sequence has been presented: 5,14,23,32,41,50,59

Where we begin with five and add nine to each successive term. It has been noted that the sum of the digits of each term is five. Thus this sequence embodies the principle of (9/5) a ratio I have found to exist throughout nature from atoms of gold and silver, to the moon and the sun, to water, and air, to the human body temperature and freezing temperature of water, to the very structure of the solar system itself. The above sequence is an arithmetic sequence, the nth term of which is predicted by: 4. a_n=5+9(n-1) 5. a_n=9n-4 (equivalently) Since the earth is the third planet, then n=3 yields: 9(3)-4=27-4=23 As it so happens, 23 is the 9th prime number, and represents the earth. We write, from 5: 6. 23=9x-4 7. 27=9x 8. 9x-27=0 We equate equation 8 with equation 3: 9x-27=(x^2)-x-1 To find the intersection of 9/5 and the golden ratio at earth orbit, and get: 9. ( x^2)-10x+26=0 Equation 9 can be solved with the quadratic equation and has the solutions, (5+i),(5-i).

These are two complex numbers with real parts 5 and 5, and imaginary parts sqrt(-1) and -sqrt(-1). They are vectors whose sum is: (5,1)+(5,-1)=(10,0) And whose points are separated by: |(5+i)-(5-i)|=2i With a modulus of sqrt(5^2+1^2)=sqrt(26) This generates the triangle with height 5 and base 2i or complex number 5+2i. The Mandelbrot set is the iteration of a function of complex numbers that generates the fractal given by: F(z)=(z^2)+c If the seed is zero and c is our 5+2i Then F(0)=((0)^2)+5+2i=5+2i And F(5+2i)=(5+2i)(5+2i)+5+2i= 26+22i We have generated our 22 cards of the tarot, and our four in that 26-22=4, from 9/5 and the golden ratio.

Furthermore 22=> 2+2=4 and 26=>6-2=4 We have generated four, three times as well, and 3 times four is twelve. Also, 22+26=48 and 48/4=12. 12 is the smallest abundant number. Four will always represent for me, the fourth planet mars, the one in our solar system that can be terraformed to support human life. Humans have always liked to quarter things: four directions, north, south, east, and west. Or the Cartesian co-ordinate system in mathematics, used to locate a point with two perpendicularly intersecting axes making four quadrants. It is easy to learn, and effective as it is based on the square because it a regular tessellator. (Tessellate means can tile a surface without leaving gaps, regular that all sides and angles in the shape are congruent.) Likewise nature likes to quarter things. The Earth is rotated to the plane of its orbit by 23.5 degrees. This means on summer solstice, the Sun is directly over-head at noon, the earth receiving the full potency of the Suns rays, at this latitude. This is La Paz Baja California, Mazatlan Mexico, and Gujarat India. What nature is doing here, is that which Man likes, and uses, and does so because it is practical. 22.5 degrees is the quarter of a way around a half semi-circle, there is only a one-degree discrepancy.

To find when and where the Earth passes through the intersection of 9/5 and golden ratio, which we have shown are (5+i) and (5-i), we use: a = arctan (y/x) when x>0 a =arctan y/x + pi when x<0 from x+iy = r(cos(a) + isin(a)) r=sqrt(x^2+y^2) x=5, y=1 yields arctan 1/5 = arctan 0.2 = 11.3099 degrees and for (5-i) we have -11.3099 degrees Earth year is 365.25 days x/365.25=11.3099/360 x360=(365.25)(11.3099)=4130.940975 x=11.47483604 days

Taking winter solstice (December 22) to be our zero point the earth passes through (5+i) on January 2, and (5-i) on December 10. Note: Since 5+i and 5-i have real and imaginary components, the imaginary component refers to an element at this location in a parallel universe, or tachyon universe as it is called, where mass is negative and travels backwards in time. We as of yet do not know how to penetrate such a plane. Also, keep in mind there is no such thing as absolute space, so 5+i and 5-i are in a frame of reference where the sun is taken as not moving (i.e. the earth is moving with the sun around the galaxy, the galaxy through the universe, and the universe in the multiverse, as so on, the list goes without end. Motion can only be taken as relative (Einstein, special relativity).
In Orbit Around Earth, Visitors From Another Planet Speak

Alien one: The vector (10,0) or the 10 fingered nothing. In an otherwise infinite universe, only with our 10 fingers do we have any hope of surviving. What are the elements of this vector? They are



There are five fingers on each hand, and, i is "1 , the ! imaginary number. In other words, life is not the least bit real, it is a dream.
! !

Alien two: Their planet orbits a star they call the sun, whose radius is 6.9599E10 cm, and orbiting them is a moon at 3.84E10 cm. That is a ratio of 9 to 5, the same as the ratio of gold to silver in molar mass.

Alien one: Gold is the most conductive metal at extreme temperatures, silver, is the most conductive at comfortable life sustaining temperatures. Alien two: Their moon perfectly eclipses The Sun, as seen from their planet. 9 to 5 also happens to be the comparison of the orbit of their ringed planet to the orbit of their largest planet. They call them Saturn and Jupiter respectively. Alien one: The planet that can be colonized to sustain life is the fourth planet out from the Sun. They call it Mars. Alien two: Aha! The intersection of the golden ratio and nine-fifths at earth orbit becomes important, because of their Tarot and the fractal they call The Mandelbrot Set. Alien one: Tarot, sir? Alien two: Their system of divination with numbered cards, bearing images from aspects of their world. Alien one: The complex number 26+22i can also be important because there are 26 letters in the English alphabet and there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.
We say the earth moves from (5-i) to (5+i) from December 10 to January 2 using December 22 as solstice and the zero point. Moving from (5-i) to (5+i) is shown to be 2(11.3099) = 22.6 degrees. This is the separation between the vectors (5.1) and (5,-1).

Chapter Four: My Calculations of Nine-Fifths in Nature

calculation of air: Air=2[(16.00)(0.21)+(14.01)(0.78)]=28.5756 using molar masses of oxygen and nitrogen, and their percent concentration by mass or percentages of diatomic particles at ground level (the two are the same). I further find it interesting that Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system is the fifth planet out of a total of nine planets, another emphasis on 9/5 in the most basic of ways, in nature. DATA
molar _ mass _ of _ air human _ body _ temerature Au solar _ radius 9 " = = = molar _ mass _ of _ water freezing _ temperature _ of _ water Ag earth # moon _ dis tan ce 5

{(28.5756)/(18.016)}{(310)/(273)}=(197.0/107.9)=1.8 = 9/5

and EM/SR=3.84E10cm/6.9599E10cm=0.55 EM=earth-moon distance SR=solar radius Au = Gold = 196.97 Ag = Silver = 107.87 Au/Ag= 1.8 =9/5 I found a validation for my calculation of Air by Hansen of NASA

I think this is an incredible thing. By having a seven day week (the Torah) we are able to have twelve four week months where twelve is the most divisible number by whole numbers, for its size. Like this there are twelve new moons between the time it takes for the Earth to go about the sun once, or close to it. There are 13, but the thirteenth new moon does not complete, so there are closer to twelve but(12/13)100=92% accuracy. I did a little number juggling and found that, Earth-moon distance: 3.84E10cm=R Earth-sun distance: 1.496E13cm=r Earth radius: 6.38E8cm=E_r Moon radius: 1.738E8cm=M_r (E_r)/(M_r)=11/3 r/R=4675/12 ((E_r)(r))/((M_r)(R)(360))=4 This last equation is significant because, 360 are the degrees in a circle and 4 weeks is a complete revolution of the moon about the earth more or less (time between new moons). 360 degrees are convenient for the units in which to divide a circle, because of its divisible properties. (i.e. it is divisible by 120, 60, 45, 30, and 90, into whole numbers, which are the angles in special triangles.) What this last equation says is that the radius of the earth compared to the radius of the moon, by a factor of the earth-sun distance compared to the earth-moon distance, is equal to 360 times four. It just so happens that after four 360 degree rotations of the earth around the sun, we have a leap year to make the whole calendar work!!! Also, 360 plus 4 is close to the Earth year. (364/365)100=99.7% accuracy. If you consider that the Earth, Moon and Sun formed from a cloud of gas and dust under its own gravity over perhaps billions of years, this is quite an extraordinary arrangement to have occurred.

Chapter Five: About The Saga Gaia Hypothesis says the physical aspects of Earth interact with the biological aspects of Earth to maintain such a system that taken as a whole is Gaia. It further tells us humans are a part of Gaia and if humans have become bad for Gaia in some way, Gaia will eliminate humans to adjust the system for its own good. I believe, from my work in The Exciting Neptune Saga, that the planet Neptune holds a clue as to what humans need to do to counter their negative effects on Gaia. The Exciting Neptune Saga by Ian Beardsley differs from The Space Odyssey series of Arthur C. Clarke in that it is not about the planet Jupiter and the birth of a new life bearing star system in our solar system. It is about the planet Neptune and how it holds the key to the success of humanity and the planet Earth. When I show that the earth orbits Jupiter as a ghost (Genesis Project 01), this is interesting because in 2001 A Space Odyssey, David Bowman encounters a ghostly reproduction of the Earth at Jupiter, before it converts into a sun called Lucipher to its moon Europa. Jupiter is often called a failed star, or failed sun in other words. Becoming a spacefaring civilization is, in my point of view, more a social and political problem than a technological one. If the people were to get behind their governments with such aspirations, and the governments were to use resources wisely while managing things for the well being of the people, the technology would come of its own accord. It is already advancing at astonishing rates. It is the purpose of this work to find reason to go into space that can be presented to society, to get them behind the goal of the settlement of the solar system, and even behind the goal of going to the stars, both of which would have immense returns.

This work also strives to find the secret behind life sustaining star systems so as to create, maintain, and rejuvenate them. Such an endeavor could be called a project genesis.

Chapter Six: The Pointing Of The Planets

I have shown how Jupiter and Saturn point to the Earth, because with Saturn at about 9 units from the sun in its closest approach, and Jupiter at about five units with its closest approach to the sun, that puts the earth at about one unit from the sun, and, that, further, nine-fifths is the ratio of the solar radius to the lunar orbit of the moon around the earth, as well as the ratio of the molar mass of gold to that of silver. It should also be mentioned that 9 and 5 are volumes of two of the five regular solids in terms of the regular solid the tetrahedron having a volume of one in Buckminster Fullers Synergetics. I then show that the earth, in turn, points to Neptune through Venus and Mars in the Neptune Equation. I wrote: He wrote in his Journal as follows: We have an equation for a sequence that shows the Earth straddled between Venus and Mars. Venus is a failed Earth. Mars promises to be New Earth. The equation, that I presented in my work, The Document, is: [(Venus-orbit)/(Earth-orbit)][(Earth-mass)/(Mars-mass)]n (Mars orbital #) = a_n The Mars orbital number is 4. If we want to know what planet in the solar system holds the key to the success of Earth, or to the success of humans, we let n =3 since the Earth is the third planet out from the Sun, in the equation and the result is a_n = 17.6. This means the planet that holds the key is Neptune. It has a mass of 17.23 earth masses, a number very close to our 17.6. The next step is to analyze Neptune, its composition and other factors. He thought he must have been blind. Not only was Neptune the indicated planet, he found it had nearly the same surface gravity of earth. Though it was much more massive than earth, it was much larger and therefore less dense. That was why it came out to have the same surface gravity. The Neptune Equation is derived by considering 9/5, which is 1.8. I wrote the following: Salvoretti had done it. The structure of the solar system and dynamic elements of the Universe and Nature in general were tied up in the

two sequences: 5, 14, 23, 32, and 1.8, 3.6, 5.4, 7.2, Could he find the connection between the two to localize the pivotal point of the solar system? Yes he could, he took their difference, subtracting respective terms in the second sequence from those in the first sequence to obtain the new sequence: 3.2, 10.4, 17.6, 24.8, Which is an arithmetic sequence with common difference of 7.2 meaning it is written 7.2n 4 = a_n The a_n is the nth term of the sequence, n is the number of the term in the sequence. This he noticed could be written: [(Venus-orbit)/(Earth-orbit)][(Earth-mass)/(Mars-mass)]n (Mars orbital #) = a_n There was good reason write these sequences from what I wrote here: We originally thought that 1.8 (9/5) occurred in the solar system and nature, alone. It is the ratio of Saturn orbit to Jupiter orbit in their closest approaches to the sun. It is the ratio of the solar radius to the lunar orbit. It is ratio of the molar mass of gold to that of silver. Then I discovered that approximately twice that value (3.7) was recurrent throughout the solar system and nature. Twice 1.8 is 3.6. I found it occurred in Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Mercury, and Venus to name a few as 3.7. Now I have found it in Neptune and Uranus, precisely: (neptune orbit)/(Uranus orbit)= (30.0578)/(19.1819)=0.37957~0.38~0.37~0.36

0.37(earth mass)/(mars mass)=0.37(10)=3.7 It occurs here to me we are not just dealing with 1.8 and 3.7, but any whole number multiple of 1.8. We are dealing with: a_n=1.8n Let us try three times 1.8. It is 5.4. Immediately we see it in the most obvious, Jupiter. It is the largest and most massive planet in the solar system. Its furthest distance from the sun in its orbit is 5.455 AU ~ 5.4. We see it in the following (saturn mass)/(neptune mass)=(95.147)/(17.23)=5.522~5.4 I have already noted that Saturn and Neptune have similar inclinations to their orbit that are only common to Earth and Mars. Thus, we are dealing here with the sequence: 1.8, 3.6, 5.4, 7.2, Furthermore; [(venus orbit)/(earth orbit)][(earth mass)/(mars mass)] = 7.2 Some of the most interesting occurrences of 3.7 in nature are: [(volume of saturn)/(volume of Jupiter)](volume of mars) =(mercury radius)(earth radius)^2 =[(venus orbit)/(earth orbit)(earth radius)]^3 =[(mercury orbit)/(earth orbit)](earth radius)^3 =0.37 cubic earth radii 0.37 can be converted to 3.7 by multiplying it by the ratio of earth mass to mars mass because it is close to ten. (earth radius)/(moon radius)= 4(degrees in a circle)(moon distance)/(sun distance)

= 3.7 There are about as many days in a year as degrees in a circle. When I say that the earth points to Neptune through mars and Venus, we might as well say it points to Neptune and Uranus, because I have found they are coupled, which can be seen by that which I wrote here: I calculate that though Neptune is more massive than Uranus, its volume is less such that their products are close to equivalent. In math: N_v = volume of Neptune N_m = mass of Neptune U_v = volume of Uranus U_m = mass of Uranus (N_v)(N_m) = (U_v)(U_m) This is appropriate, because these two planets are similar in size, mass, and composition and are not just gas giants like Saturn and Jupiter, but are also the two ice giants.

I now sit here reading the science fiction work Plutonia. Naturally, I begin to think about the planet Pluto, or what some astronomers today consider a planet, and the only sphere I have yet to consider. However, right off the bat is it not obvious that Neptune and Uranus point to Pluto if you know the history of Pluto? It is this: The Astronomer, Urbain Verrier in the 1840s predicted the existence of Neptune because of perturbations in the Orbit of Uranus. More observations coming lead to the idea that Neptune alone could not be the cause. A ninth planet was searched for, and finally confirmed in 1930. This completes a journey through the solar system that tells a story with meaning, but is only the beginning of our investigations, because the sci-fi book Plutonia, by Vladimir Obruchev is about an arctic expedition where scientists find in the Arctic an opening in the earth to a warm, lush world warmed by a ball of heat at the center of the earth called Pluto. I know of those who believe that the future for humanity is not in space, but in something they call project genesis from a star trek movie, wherein lush, sustainable ecosystems are created beneath the earth by hollowing it out in places. Whether or not such a thing is feasible, does not matter to me. I find myself at project genesis in the sense that we try to understand how to create and maintain habitable ecosystems indefinitely. Ian Beardsley April 22, 2011

Chapter Seven: The Discoveries Presented So Far

3.7 recurrent throughout nature
volume _ of _ saturn (volume _ of _ mars) = volume _ of _ jupiter

( mercury _ radius)(earth _ radius) 2 =


[(venus _ orbit / earth _ orbit )(earth _ radius)]3 =

( mercury _ orbit / earth _ orbit )(earth _ radius) 3 =
0.37 cubic earth radii
earth _ radius moon _ dis tan ce = 4(deg rees _ in _ circle) = moon _ radius sun _ dis tan ce


L = M 3.5

L=100 solar luminosities is a zero magnitude star

! 100 = M 3.5

log 100 = 3.5 log M


2/3.5 =log M 0.57 = log M M = 3.7 solar masses

A 2 Saturn _ orbit 9 = = nP Jupiter _ orbit 5

n = 4 = mars orbit number

A = area of a 3 by 4 rectangle Number of 3 by 4 rectangles in a 6 by 8 rectangle = n = 4 P=perimeter inscribed in a 6 by 8 rectangle = 20 (3,4,5) is first Pythagorean triplet
molar _ mass _ of _ air human _ body _ temerature Au solar _ radius 9 " = = = molar _ mass _ of _ water freezing _ temperature _ of _ water Ag earth # moon _ dis tan ce 5

0.37 can be converted to 3.7 by multiplying it by the ratio of earth mass to mars mass because it is close to ten.

Chapter Eight: How I Made My Discoveries How did I determine the equation: [(volume of saturn)/(volume of Jupiter)](volume of mars) =(mercury radius)(earth radius)^2 =[(venus orbit)/(earth orbit)(earth radius)]^3 =[(mercury orbit)/(earth orbit)](earth radius)^3 =0.37 cubic earth radii Where 0.37 can be converted to 3.7 by multiplying it by the ratio of earth mass to mars mass because it is close to ten. It fell on my lap by considering following passages I wrote in 2007: Nine-fifths (9/5) is embodied by the famous Pythagorean theorem. It is in the first Pythagorean triplet (3,4,5). The Pythagorean theorem, which states the relationship between two sides of a right triangle with its hypotenuse is used to calculate the distance between two points in a plane, or space, given their coordinates in a rectangular coordinate system. It states that one side squared plus the other side squared equals the hypotenuse squared. (3,4,5) is the first triplet that satisfies this relationship. That is 3, squared plus 4 squared equals 5 squared. 3 squared is our 9, 4 squared is 16, and our 5 is squared to make 25. (3^2+4^2=5^2). Nine is also the five plus the four. This allows us to associate an angle with nine-fifths, by way of the triangle the triplet

describes, and, to find a geometric, or pictorial significance of the ratio. The ancient Egyptians, associated much significance with this triplet, constructing the Kings chamber in the Great Pyramid with these proportions. Geometric Significance Of nine-fifths, the cosmic equation. By the Pythagorean theorem We have x^2+y^2=h^2 The first Pythagorean triplet is (3,4,5) And x=4, y=3, h=5 If A= area of 3 by 4 rectangle P= perimeter inscribed in 6 by 8 rectangle = 20 And, n= number of 3 by 4 rectangles in a 6 by 8 rectangle. Then, (A^2)/nP = 9/5 That which we have here is a cosmic equation not just for the solar system, but that holds for the atomic world and biological intricacies of life. If we imagine the solar system formed from protoplanetary disc around sun, bodies forming from particles and then herding smaller particles to make distribution of planets as we know them today, I think this

equation hold for evolutionary dynamics of solar system and nuclear chemistry dictated by stars to make elements. This picture outlined above will yield much dynamics upon analysis. A^2=area squared=P*P*P*P=P^4 P=perimeter Number = n Then since A^2/P= P^3= volume Volume/n=9/5 Saturn orbit (closest approach to the sun) =9 astronomical units Jupiter orbit (closest approach to the sun)= 5 astronomical units 4th planet = mars We have: Volume = (Saturn/Jupiter)Mars Saturn and Jupiter are the most massive planets in the solar system. Mars is the planet that can be colonized by humans. I have shown that they represent the sacred volume. April 6 2000 these three planets ushered in the second millennium forming a circle by the moon, 9 degrees across.

Calculation of Sacred Volume E_r=1= Earth radius M_r=0.532= Mars radius J_r= 11.27= Jupiter radius S_r=9.44= Saturn radius V = 4/3 (pi)r^3 = 4/3(3.1)(11.27)^3= 5996 =4/3(3.1)(9.44)^3= 3524 =4/3((3.1)(0.532)^3= 0.6307 Volume = (Saturn/Jupiter)mars = 3524/5996(0.6307) = 0.37 cubic earth radii Approximately the same number as mercury radius and mercury distance from sun in earth units (Earth radii and Astronomical Units).

Sacred Volume Analyzed, Sacred Length Obtained, Dynamic Structure Of Solar System Revealed. I calculated the sacred volume to be 0.37 cubic earth radii, which I have noticed coincides with mercury distance from the sun, and mercury radius in earth units. Since volume is in cubic unit lengths, and radii and distances in earth radii and earth-sun distances, we take the cube root of our sacred volume to get the length of one side of a cube with the sacred volume. It is 0.72 earth radii. We will call it the sacred length, it is the venus-sun distance in earth units (astronomical units), where venus is the planet after mercury, or the second planet.

Summary of Sacred Volume I have found nine-fifths (9/5), which is equal to 1.8 in the most sacred aspects to man, gold, silver, moon, sun, water, air, human body temperature, and have have derived from this sacred ratio, or cosmic number, the cosmic volume by expressing it geometrically. That sacred volume is: (Saturn/Jupiter)mars=0.37 cubic earth radii Where Saturn and Jupiter are the most massive planets in the solar system, and Mars is the planet that can be colonized by humans. Taking the cube root of 0.37 gives the sacred length, it is equal to the distance of the planet Venus from the sun in earth units (astronomical units), which is the second planet (0.72 Astronomical Units). The 0.37 is the mercury-sun distance in earth units, and the mercury radius in earth units. Mercury is the first planet. Saturn is at 9 earth units (astronomical units) in its closest approach to the sun, Jupiter at five.

Chapter Nine: Two Stories That Want To Be Told

Story 1 Two brothers, one an alchemist the other an astronomer, met for lunch. The waiter said to them, Right this way, a table for two. Sydney, the astronomer, said Thank you, Ralph, the alchemist said to Sydney, You dont mind if I sit by the window. Sydney said, Not at all, after all you have always said I am in the dark. Ralph answered, Yes, all of that reason, and skepticism, leaves no room for intuition. They both sat down. Ralph said, Sydney, I have been working on a new project and have had to do a little astronomical research to develop it. As you know, I understand the principles of chemistry, as an alchemist, but the difference is I am not doing science with it, but am going through a process of spiritual development when I mix chemicals, you on the other hand do experiments to build a body of knowledge that might be used to support a hypothesis about nature. Sydney answered Yes, and as an astronomer I understand chemistry, why dont you as an alchemist, study astrology? Ralph said, I have considered it, no better place to start than to start picking your brain about the heavens. Sydney answered, O.K. What do you want to know?

Ralph put the question to him, Galaxies are collections of stars that formed out of giant gas clouds, and planets are spherical masses that form around stars. The stars are very far apart, and the planets orbit close into the stars, the stars are extremely far apart, but the stars and their planets are not, is that right? Sydney said, Yes, more or less. Ralph continued, So the planets orbiting the Sun, which is one star amid the billions in the galaxy, could have no connection with the other stars? Sydney said, That is right. Ralph went on, Then dont you find it funny that the closest star to us, is the third brightest star in the sky and the earth is the third planet? Sydney answered, It must be a coincidence, they happen all the time in science. Ralph said, Then let us go on with this reasoning. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and the largest, most massive planet, and, the star Sirius is the fifth nearest star, and also the brightest star in the sky. Sydney said, That is interesting, I didnt know that. Ralph continued, Now, I am going to get astrological. The constellation Bootes is known as the boatman, and the brightest star in that constellation is Arcturus, which happens to be the fourth brightest star in the sky. The fourth planet is Mars.

Sydney said, Yes, and so? Ralph answered, Well, Mars is the planet we can terraform, that is make habitable for human life because the inner planets are too close to the sun making them too hot, and the outer planets beyond Mars arent entirely solid, they are gas giants, so we must, it would seem, set sail upon the cosmic ocean for Mars. Sydney said, Well that all sounds very mystical, though living on a planet of limited resources, and increasing population, we must one day colonize Mars. Ralph said, I thought you might say something like that, and I couldnt agree more in my own way, but I have found chemical indications that we must head for Mars. It is as if it was put there for us to solve the problems we would eventually encounter. Sydney asked, In what way? Ralph answered, Well the different elements are made out of varying numbers of identical particles, the number determines the element, and the different elements can be combined in different ways to make different compounds, like the elements sodium and chlorine combine to make salt. Sydney answered, Yes, and Ralph said, And we can associate with any element a relative mass by comparing the same number of atoms that constitute that element. It is called the molar mass. Sydney said, Right.

Ralph went on, Here is what I have found. Earth air is about 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. We can treat both as diatomic molecules. The molar mass of nitrogen gas (N2) is 2(14.01) and the molar mass of oxygen gas (O2) is 2(16.00). So, (and he wrote on a napkin): Earth Air = 2[(16.00)(0.21) + (14.01)(0.78)] = 28.5756 The martian atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide (CO2). This gives: CO2 = (12.01) + 2(16.00) = 44.01 The average orbital distance of mars from the sun compared to the average orbital distance of the earth from the sun is 1.5 and 44.01 divided by 28.5756 is 1.5, or 3/2 in other words. Is what this says is that, the mars-sun distance is to the earth-sun distance as martian air is to earth air. Sydney said, Interesting, but a little mystical for me. Ralph said, Maybe it will sound a little less mystical if I show you more. Sydney said, Go on, I would like to see it. Ralph said, O.K., here is what I have got. The earth atmosphere was once mostly carbon dioxide (CO2) like the mars atmosphere is today, until plant life came along and started converting the carbon dioxide into oxygen, using light from the sun and in the process making the most fundamental sugar, glucose (which is at the bottom of the food chain). A process called photosynthesis.

Sydney answered, O.K., I am no biologist, but it sounds good to me. Ralph continued, Well glucose is C6H12O6, which gives a molar mass of, (and he wrote on the napkin): C6H12O6 = 6(12.01) + 12(1.008) + 6(16.00) = 180.16 And water (H2O) covers most of earth and is essential to life, its molar mass is: H2O = 2(1.008) + (16.00) = 18.016 180.16 divided by 18.016 is about 10 and the earth is about 10 times as massive as mars. That is, glucose is to water as the earth is to mars. Sydney said, I dont know, there has to be some sort of explanation, the formation of the solar system is complicated and highly theoretical. These relative masses sorting themselves out like this must have something to do with the dynamics of condensation and angular momentum. Think of a bucket of stones, pebbles, and sand being swung in a circle by a rope tied to the handle. The centripetal force sends the more massive stones to the bottom of the bucket, the lighter sand rests on top, with the pebbles in between. Ralph broke in, Or human destiny is tied up in the structure of nature.

Story 2 Hi Frank, thanks for making it down here, I really appreciate you pulling away from your work at the observatory. I am so glad you could get down here so quick, we really need an astronomer, and I think what I am going to show you will have made your visit worthwhile. Frank asked, What do you have Jane? She began, We unearthed these writings on clay tablets in a dig in Eastern Turkey. I have just finished translating it from the ancient Aramaic it was written in, we think it to be some 2,500 to 3000 years old. It seems to be astrological, I hope you brought along one of your handbooks of astronomy and astrophysics with you like I asked. Frank said, Yes I did, can I see the manuscript? Jane said, Yes, of course, here it is. Frank took the translation and began reading. It read: I am Salgon, tribal astrologer for the small tribe who call themselves Canai, and reside in the valley we call Hathal. It is my job to provide spiritual and agricultural guidance to my people who number 732 this year, for the benefit of their life after this world and for their prosperity in present times. This involves using my knowledge of the heavens, as we believe our destinies can be read in the stars, and we know the seasons are related to the positions of the stars, sun, moon and planets. I have taken it upon myself to predict the sizes of the moon and earth, their separation, and, ours with the sun, given what I believe they must be from my connection with divine design. That is things

must be a certain way given the creator would only make nature according that, which is divine. An example of this is the moon can rise in the east full one night, diminish in size each night rising later, until it disappears, and then starts growing until it is full again, in cycles that last about thirty days. On the other hand as the seasons go from cold, to warmer, then to hot, and cooler again and back to cold, the sun moves across the sky from south to north, and back to south again, in a cycle that lasts about 365 days. The 365-day cycle of the sun corresponds closely to 12 of the 30day cycles of the moon. Twelve is to my people the most important number, it is 2 six times, 3 four times. I now begin my prediction of the moon, earth and sun. They are spheres whose distance from their centers to edges will be considered, at least in the case of earth and moon. The most divine expression that can be formed is a proportion, where a proportion is the statement that one quantity is to a second quantity as a third quantity is to a fourth. I will therefore say the earth radius is to the moon radius, as the moon distance is to the sun distance, the latter ratio increased by 360 four times. We increase by 360 four times because we divide the circle into 360 units as those are 60 six times, 60 being the measure in separation between lines of a triangle of all sides the same, and 360 being 90 four times, 90 being the separation between lines in the square which has all sides the same, as well as 360 is close to the 365 day cycle of the sun.

I say four times 360, because four times 365 and one part in four is exactly the days of 4 cycles of the sun from south to north and back south again. I further write this in the belief that the actual sizes and distances of the moon and sun will one day be known, and thereby the future will verify what I have derived based on how things must be when the hand of the creator is at work. Frank finished reading and said to Jane, Well Jane, I will write down in the form of a mathematical equation, what the manuscript says in words, and plug in the numbers. It is: (Earth Radius)/(Moon Radius) = 360(4)(Moon Distance)/(Sun Distance) The earth radius to moon radius is 11/3 and 360 times 4 is one thousand four hundred and forty. The moon distance to the sun distance is 12/4675, so (11/3) = (1440)(12/4675) = 3.7 = (17280/4675) =3.7 His relationship holds perfectly, if you round the numbers to the first place after the decimal, which is really quite remarkable. The writers reverence for nature seems to be derived from simple shapes and basic principles as were to the extent of what was known so long ago, when the truth is that the origin of the size of the moon and earth, their separation and ours with the sun, are tied up in numerous involved factors. The moon may have been a body captured by earth gravity, or, may have formed as a body that broke off the earth early in its formation when it was less solid. The orbital distances of the earth and moon have so many factors involved, the mechanics are so complicated that even our most sophisticated math cannot predict their values, even really be modeled accurately with computers.

Jane said, His reverence for the number 12 for the reasons he said, what can you say about that? Frank answered, He seems to be having an inkling to the fact that 12 is the smallest abundant number. An abundant number is a number whose divisors, except for itself, add up to a value greater than it. That is 12 is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 a whole number of times and 1+2+3+4+6 = 16 which is greater than 12. Jane said, Whatever the case, the implications of this discovery are more than just interesting, they have deep philosophical implications, from what you have explained to me and I am going to have a lot of fun trying to figure out how to present this. Frank said, If anything, it shows you can work backwards and get somewhere, that is how I would approach this. In other words, the universe means something, so lets make the model on that, and verify it afterwards. He simply attributes nature is elegant to a creator, when really elegance may simply be what works, through evolution. That is if it doesnt work, it doesnt survive, what is left is what works, and it may be that what works is what we see as elegant.

Chapter 10: Choosing One Star Out of The Billions Leonard knew Alpha Centauri was the closest star system to earth, and that it was a triple system some 4.2 light years away. He also knew the primary, Alpha Centauri A, was a G2V main sequence star, which makes it the same kind of star as the Sun; similar in size, luminosity, and temperature. He noted that as seen from the Earth, the star had an apparent magnitude of zero. He had found that stars of absolute magnitude zero on the main sequence, which are blue and hotter than the sun, were important. He knew that the sun had an absolute magnitude of 4.83, which was its brightness from ten parsecs. He knew a parsec was important because it was the parallax of an object given by the earth-sun separation. In addition, he knew 10 was important, because humans have 10 fingers, and that probably had something to do with the base 10 counting system. Again, he began to see the importance in main sequence stars of apparent magnitude zero. Therefore, he asked, how far should a zero absolute magnitude main sequence star be from the earth to appear the same as the brightness of the sun at 10 parsecs from the earth? He rounded the absolute magnitude of the sun to five. A difference in five magnitudes is 100 solar luminosities. Absolute magnitude zero stars were close to 100 solar luminosities. To reduce the brightness of a star 100 times what it was at 10 parsecs meant by the inverse square law it had to be 10 times further away, because 10 squared is 100. His hypothetical star was then 100 parsecs distant. He knew a parsec was 3.26 light years, so it was then 326 light years from him. The galaxy had some two hundred billon stars in it and was some 100 to 200 thousand light years across and some 1000 light years thick Therefore, he had to choose a constellation. Since Perseus was the radiant of the most spectacular meteor shower on earth whose maximum was around August 12 (called the Perseid Meteor Shower), he went to the Bright Star Catalogue and looked under the listings for Perseus for a star that met his criteria. The star that came up was called HD 26961, which had apparent magnitude of 4.60 close enough to the absolute magnitude of the sun of 4.83, an absolute magnitude of 0.35, close enough to zero, a distance from earth of 318 light years, close to his 326 light years projected in his calculation, and a spectral class of A2V, the roman numeral V meant main sequence, or a normal star like the sun, on the curve right up the middle of an HR Diagram an S shaped curve that had on either side of it Red Giants and White Dwarfs, which are off the main sequence, the HR diagram being a sort of plot of luminosity of stars versus their temperature. When Alien one and Alien two gave him his space ship, this was where he would go after visiting Ursa Major, the nearest star cluster. Leonard made the following table and entered it in his journal:

Mathematical Formulae: Appendix 1 Formulas Derived from the Parallelogram Remarks. Squares and rectangles are parallelograms that have four sides the same length, or two sides the same length. We can determine area by measuring it either in unit triangles or unit squares. Both are fine because they both are equal sided, equal angled geometries that tessellate. With unit triangles, the areas of the regular polygons that tessellate have whole number areas. Unit squares are usually chosen to measure area.

Having chosen the unit square with which to measure area, we notice that the area of a rectangle is base times height because the rows determine the amount of columns and the columns determine the amount of rows. Thus for a rectangle we have:


Drawing in the diagonal of a rectangle we create two right triangles, that by symmetry are congruent. Each right triangle therefore occupies half the area, and from the above formula we conclude that the area of a right triangle is one half base times height:


By drawing in the altitude of a triangle, we make two right triangles and applying the above formula we find that it holds for all triangles in general.

We draw a regular hexagon, or any regular polygon, and draw in all of its radii, thus breaking it up into congruent triangles. We draw in the apothem of each triangle, and using our formula for the area of triangles we find that its area is one half apothem times perimeter, where the perimeter is the sum of its sides:


A circle is a regular polygon with an infinite amount of infitesimal sides. If the sides of a regular polygon are increased indefinitely, the apothem becomes the radius of a circle, and the perimeter becomes the circumference of a circle. Replace a with r, the radius, and p with c, the circumference, and we have the formula for the area of a circle:


We define the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter as pi. That is pi=c/D. Since the diameter is twice the radius, pi=c/2r. Therefore c=2(pi)r and the equation for the area of a circle becomes:


(More derived from the parallelogram)

Divide rectangles into four quadrants, and show that

A. (x+a)(x+b)=(x^2)+(a+b)x+ab B. (x+a)(x+a)=(x^2)+2ax+(a^2) A. Gives us a way to factor quadratic expressions. B. Gives us a way to solve quadratic equations. (Notice that the last term is the square of one half the middle coefficient.)

Remember that a square is a special case of a rectangle.

There are four interesting squares to complete.

1) The area of a rectangle is 100. The length is equal to 5 more than the width multiplied by 3. Calculate the width and the length. 2) Solve the general expression for a quadratic equation, a(x^2)+bx+c=0 3) Find the golden ratio, a/b, such that a/b=b/c and a=b+c. 4) The position of a particle is given by x=vt+(1/2)at^2. Find t.

Show that for a right triangle (a^2)=(b^2)+(c^2) where a is the hypotenuse, b and c are legs. It can be done by inscribing a square in a square such that four right triangles are made.

Use the Pythagorean theorem to show that the equation of a circle centered at the origin is given by r^2=x^2+y^2 where r is the radius of the circle and x and y the orthogonal coordinates.

Derive the equation of a straight line: y=mx+b by defining the slope of the line as the change in vertical distance per change in horizontal distance.

Triangles All polygons can be broken up into triangles. Because of that we can use triangles to determine the area of any polygon. Theorems Branch 1 1. If in a triangle a line is drawn parallel to the base, then the lines on both sides of the line are proportional. 2. From (1) we can prove that: If two triangles are mutually equiangular, they are similar.

3. From (2) we can prove that: If in a right triangle a perpendicular is drawn from the base to the right angle, then the two triangles on either side of the perpendicular, are similar to one another and to the whole. 4. From (3) we can prove the Pythagorean theorem. Theorems Branch 2 1. Draw two intersecting lines and show that opposite angles are equal. 2. Draw two parallel lines with one intersecting both. Use the fact that opposite angles are equal to show that alternate interior angles are equal. 3. Inscribe a triangle in two parallel lines such that its base is part of one of the lines and the apex meets with the other. Use the fact that alternate interior angles are equal to show that the sum of the angles in a triangle are two right angles, or 180 degrees. Theorems Branch 3 1. Any triangle can be solved given two sides and the included angle. c^2=a^2+b^2-2abcos(C) 2. Given two angles and a side of a triangle, the other two sides can be found. a/sin(A)=b/sin(B)=c/sin(C) 3.Given two sides and the included angle of a triangle you can find its area, K. K=(1/2)bc(sin(A)) 4.Given three sides of a triangle, the area can be found by using the formulas in (1) and (3). Question: what do parallelograms and triangles have in common? Answer: They can both be used to add vectors.

Trigonometry When a line bisects another so as to form two equal angles on either side, the angles are called right angles. It is customary to divide a circle into 360 equal units called degrees, so that a right angle, one fourth of the way around a circle, is 90 degrees. The angle in radians is the intercepted arc of the circle, divided by its radius, from which we see that in the unit circle 360 degrees is 2(pi)radians, and we can relate degrees to radians as follows: Degrees/180 degrees=Radians/pi radians An angle is merely the measure of separation between two lines that meet at a point. The trigonometric functions are defined as follows: cos x=side adjacent/hypotenuse sin x=side opposite/hypotenuse tan x=side opposite/side adjacent

csc x=1/sin x sec x=1/cos x cot x=1/tan x We consider the square and the triangle, and find with them we can determine the trigonometric function of some important angles. Square (draw in the diagonal): cos 45 degrees =1/sqrt(2)=sqrt(2)/2 Equilateral triangle (draw in the altitude): cos 30 degrees=sqrt(3)/2; cos 60 degrees=1/2 Using the above formula for converting degrees to radians and vice versa:

30 degrees=(pi)/6 radians; 60 degrees=(pi)/3 radians. The regular hexagon and pi

Tessellating equilateral triangles we find we can make a regular hexagon, which also tessellates. Making a regular hexagon like this we find two sides of an equilateral triangle make radii of the regular hexagon, and the remaining side of the equilateral triangle makes a side of the regular hexagon. All of the sides of an equilateral triangle being the same, we can conclude that the regular hexagon has its sides equal in length to its radii. If we inscribe a regular hexagon in a circle, we notice its perimeter is nearly the same as that of the circle, and its radius is the same as that of the circle. If we consider a unit regular hexagon, that is, one with side lengths of one, then its perimeter is six, and its radius is one. Its diameter is therefore two, and six divided by two is three. This is close to the value of pi, clearly, by looking at a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle. The sum of the angles in a polygon Draw a polygon. It need not be regular and can have any number of sides. Draw in the radii. The sum of the angles at the center is four right angles, or 360 degrees. The sum of the angles of all the triangles formed by the sides of the polygon and the radii taken together are the number of sides, n, of the polygon times two right angles, or 180 degrees. The sum of the angles of the polygon are that of the triangles minus the angles at its center, or A, the sum of the angles of the polygon equals n(180 degrees)-360 degrees, or A=180 degrees(n-2) With a rectangular coordinate system you need only two numbers to specify a point, but with a triangular coordinate system --- three axes separated by 120 degrees -- you need three. However, a triangular coordinates system makes use of only 3 directions, whereas a rectangular one makes use of 4.

A rectangular coordinate system is optimal in that it can specify a point in the plane with the fewest numbers, and a triangular coordinate system is optimal in that it can specify a point in the plane with the fewest directions for its axes. The rectangular coordinate system is determined by a square and the triangular coordinate system by an equilateral triangle.

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