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AET 101 : Fundamentals of Entomology

Sample No. 3

I .A. Choose the most appropriate answer

1. Eggs of Prayng mantids wings are always laid in

a) singly and by distributing b) small packets called Oothecae
c) Large packets called eggthecae d) compact singly and laid inside the soil.

2. Larvae of Dragonflies move by

a) using only hind legs b) crawling on the ground c) bending the body d) respiratory jet
propulsion action

3. Reproduction by larvae of insects is called as

a) Paedogenesis b) Oviparity c) Viviparity d) Parthenogenesis

4. Cranium of insects is a product of fusion of _________________ segments of ancestral

a) Six segments b) Five segments c) Four segments d) None of these

5. Tagma in insects is a
a) body division b) two segments joining c) a segment that is not part of the body region
d) region of thorax

6. The mouth parts of house flies are of

a) Sponging type b) Siphoning type c) Rasping and sucking d) Piercing and sucking

7. The three angles of the triangular form of wings in a sequence are

a) Apical, Humeral and Anal angles b) Humeral, Apical and Anal angles
c) Cephalic, Frontal and Apical angles d) Costal, Frontal and Anal angles

8. Juvenile hormone is produced by

a) Corpora cataracta b) Corpora cardiaca c) Corpora allata d) Catracta cardiaca

9. Synaptic clefts is a small space between

a) two nerves b) two parts of a digestive system
c) two different blood vessels d) sclerites that come together

10. Membracidae and Cicadellidae are two families of insects that are commonly and
respectively called
a) Hopperburns and leaf hoppers b) tree hoppers and leaf hoppers c) Leaf hoppers and grass
hoppers d) grass hoppers and treehoppers

Sl. No. Column A Column B

1 Hemelytron A Haltere
2 One pair of wings B Maggots
3 Tegmen C Honey bee
4 Labio-maxillary complex D Caterpillars
5 Lamellate antenna E Grub
6 Filter chamber F Dung Beetles
7 Gyroscopic organ G Aphids
8 Immatures of Coleoptera H Plant bug
9 Immatures of Diptera I House fly
10 Stemmata J Cockroach

II. Define or Explain the meaning of the following

1. Tracheoblast 2. Spiracle 3. Diverticula
4. Adenotrophic viviparity 5. Haltere 6. Siphon tube
7. Stomodaeal valve 8. Biological species 9. Accessory pulsatile organs
10. Malpighian tubules 11. Anti microbial peptide 12. Rectal pads
13. Wing coupling 14.

III. Differentiate the following pairs of taxa or terminologies

1. Dragonfly and Damselfly
2. Butterflies and Moths
3. Dytiscidae and Hydrophilidae
4. Homoptera and Heteroptera
5. Adephaga and Polyphaga
6. Homonym and Synonym
7. Holotype and Allotype
8. Haemolymph and Haemocytes


1. Insects as food of man

2. Venation in insects
3. Foresnic Entomology
4. Synaptic junction
5. Ovo-viviparous reproduction
6. Cryptonephridial condition


1. Describe the typical digestive or circulatory system of an insect with a neat diagram
2. Provide details of different types of reproduction in insects with examples
3. Write a neat picture of a typical insect and label the parts
4. Explain why we need to study insects providing at least eight points
5. Write a neat diagram depicting the digestive system of insects and label the parts
6. What are the functions of integument in the insects?

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