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Alternatives to IF: Assuming, 

But f or, Even if , only if , On

condition that, Or else, Otherwise, Provided, providing, So
long as, as long as, Suppose, supposing, Unless, What if

Past Subjunctive + Would-Inf initive

Present Simple + Present Simple
Zero If you press this button, the engine stops.
Unlikely/Unreal conditions in present and f uture
Present Simple + will Inf .
e.g: If I had lots of money, I’d travel around the world.
Type-2 Conditionals First If she rings this evening, I’ll let you know.

T hree types of conditionals

e.g: Supposing we were to win the lottery, how would you Past Subjunctive + would Inf .
spend the money? Second What would you do if you became President?

Past Perf ect + would have p.p.

T hird If I hadn’t seen her, she’d had drowned.
Past Perf ect+ Would-perf ect

Unlikely/Unreal conditions in past Present Simple + Present Simple

Type-3 Conditionals
e.g: If you’d taken the taxi, you’d have been here on time. One thing always f ollows automatically f rom

e.g: If you hadn’t woken me up in the night, I wouldn’t

f eel
Type-0 Conditionals
e.g: If the door bell rings, the dog barks.
so tired now.

e.g: If it were not f or the weather, we’d have gone out
hours If it were not f or + N
CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Present Simple + Will-Inf initive
e.g: If it had not been f or Helen’s help, we’d never have
got If it had not been f or + N
there on time. Open conditions; likely conditions in present and f uture

e.g: Without her help, I would never have got where I Special Cases
Without + N e.g: If it rains, the reception will take place indoors.

e.g: If he won’t do, there’s nothing we can do about it.

e.g: But f or your help, we’d never have managed. But f or + N Type-1 Conditionals (=ref usal)

e.g: If you’ll just sign here, thank you.

wish + to-Inf initive e.g: If you will drive so f ast, you must expect to have
(= insistence)
wish + would: I wish the noise next door would
stop. WISHES
Should it rain, the reception will take place indoors.
wish + past subjunctive: I wish I were taller. wish + that-clause
Were I to have lots of money, I’d travel around the world.
wish + past perf ect: I wish I had studied harder
when I was a student. Inversions
Had you taken a taxi, you’d have been here on time.

Had it not been f or you, we’d never have got there on


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