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Vestiges Of Faerun

This is a collection of very powerful Artifacts called ​Vestiges

which grow in power as their wielders do.
Each Vestige is ​Unique​ and Very powerful.
​These were inspired by ​Matthew Mercer’s​ Vestiges of
Divergence in the campaign featured in ​Critical Role​, a
show aired on the ​GeekandSundry Twitch Channel.
by Billy McGee III
inspired by Matthew Mercer

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards Player’s Handbook,

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Shar’s Trophy (v)
This simple black tunic is modest yet functional.

Simple in style and clearly used.

When attuned to this Vestige it molds against your body into to beautifully crafted black
+3 leather armor which grants its wearer Advantage on stealth checks. As it bends the
shadows around the users form.

In its awakened form it grants the ability to walk through the shadow plane, effectively
teleporting twice the user's speed as an action. Shar’s Trophy allows its user to Speak
With Dead at will.

This armor Awakens when it’s user fails 2 Death saving throws. When this happens the
Player Character perceives time stop… Shar appears before them asking for her
servitude in exchange for life. As one of her champions you will gain power in the ways
of death, But loss will humble you. The PC is then brought back to consciousness and
levitated to their feet fully restored for combat.

Shar invading on the PC’s life is really just a DM Choice. But the Vestiges can awaken
in any way really. It should feel natural not invasive.

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Glove of Labelas (v)
This dull brown leather glove is filled with holes and even
once attuned gives no magical abilities but radiates a very
strong Magical Aura that can be felt without detect magic.

Even after Attuned to this Vestige if it is ever taken off it

turns to dirt and teleports somewhere in The High Forest.

The clue The High Forest permanently marked on your hand

in elven.

Once Awakened The glove turns to a deep purple suede with

gold lining and emblazoned with a rising sun on an invisible

The wearer of this glove possesses the uncanny ability to

stop time.

Once a week when in combat the wearer can raise their

hand and freeze time for one round, giving them the upper

-They can move and complete actions as if they were in a

Surprise round. Out of combat once a week they can rewind
time by six seconds.

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Moradin’s Mark (v)
This Vestige must be worn by a dwarf.

This heavy gold chain and medallion which

bears the mark of moradin signifies it’s
wearer as a champion of the all father.
This medallion gives it’s wearer immense strength. While attuned to this
vestige your strength it raised by +2. You gain another use of the Rage Class
Feature or the ability to do it.

When it awakens they are overwhelmed with memories of

battle ragers and fighters alike all fighting and dying under
Moradin's light. They see many a felled beast and a millennia
worth of conflict.
Once Awakened this medallion grants its wearer +4 strength to a maximum of
22 and enhanced combat skills in the way of the Savage Attacker feat.

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Cyric’s Protection (v)
This leather facemask cover the bottom half of the wearer's
face and fastens behind the head. It is fashioned from plain
old leather but radiates a very strong magical aura.

When you become attuned to this item it raises it wearer's

charisma by +2, whilst also raising his or her’s AC by +1.
Once attuned the leather shifts color to a black leather as a
white, jawless skull materializes in its center.

Once awakened this vestige grants it user an additional +5 to

deception along with raising their dexterity by +2.

Once a week the wearer may cast the Modify Memory spell.
Without any Somatic Components

Once Awakened the black shifts to a deep purple, as a gold

materializes out of the white skull replacing it with a gold

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