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Name: Vhiel Preza Subject: English 7 Date:5/24/2023

Grade & Section: Grade 7-S.T.E. Subject Teacher: Mrs. Mila Grace Suiza Rating:

My Vocabulary Meaning
(2nd Quarter)

A- Adjacent- next to or near something.

B- Barren- unable to produce seed, fruit or young.
C- Carrion- dead and decaying flesh.
D- Dell- a small valley usually covered with trees.
E- Eerie- causing fear and uneasiness.
F- Felony- very serious crime.
G- Gleam- a bright or shining look.
H- Heave- raise with an effort.
I- Impudent- bold and disrespectful.
J- Jest- a comic art or remark.
K- Kook- a person who acts in a strange or insane way.
L- Linden- a shade tree with heart-shaped leaves and drooping clusters of yellowish white
M- Malady- a disease or disorder or the body or mind.
N- Nape- the back of the neck
O- Oration- an important speech given on a special occasion.
P- Paddy- wet land in which rice is grown.
Q- Quaint- pleasingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar.
R- Rickety- in poor condition or likely to break.
S- Scarce- not plentiful.
T- Thence- from that place.
U- Unkempt- not neat or orderly.
V- Vague- not clearly expressed.
W- Woeful- full or grief or misery.
X- I
Y- Yearn to desire very much.
Z- Zillion- an extremely large number.

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