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Barron’s 333 with bangle meaning and mnemonic

Cell:01738-397802 (RAJIB)

Abate---Subside or moderate - h t

Aberrant--Abnormal or deviant – 

Abeyance---Suspended action - 


Abscond--Depart secretly and hide - t  

Abstemious--Sparing in eating and drinking; temperate – sl

Admonish--warn; reprove -   o

Adulterate--Make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances -


Aesthetic--artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful –


Aggregate--gather; accumulate – 

Alacrity--Cheerful promptness; eagerness – s'


Alleviate--Relieve -u" 

Amalgamate--combine; unite in one body - et 

Ambiguous--Unclear or doubtful in meaning – as

Ambivalence--the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional

attitudes - ei .
k য12

Ameliorate--Improve - un 

Anachronism--Something or someone misplaced in time - eয1 s, .

56 i .
 71 8  a. য1 9 я
; <8

Analogous--comparable – 1 8 

Anarchy--Absence of governing body; state of disorder – =я.

Anomalous--abnormal; irregular –


Antipathy--aversion; dislike –

Apathy--lack of caring; indifference – ag

Appease--pacify or soothe; relieve - "n 

Apprise--Inform - a

Approbation--Approval – a1

Appropriate--v. acquire; take possession of for one's own use – uয1k

Arduous--hard; strenuous – B.

Artless--Without guile; open and honest – C"8 

Ascetic--Practicing self-denial; austere - D s

Assiduous--Diligent – 

Assuage--v. ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) - u" 

Attenuate--Make thinner - E " 

Mnemonic: ATTENtion when you ATE will make you thin/slim

Audacious--daring; bold – 1F

Austere--Forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented –


Autonomous--self-governing; independent – s"

Aver--Assert confidently or declare; as used in law, state formally as a fact -  .

8 p

Banal--hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality – ?(H 

Belie--contradict; give a false impression -

. H( p 

Beneficent--kindly; doing good – kH

Bolster---support; reinforce - D t

Bombastic--pompous; using inflated language – "b;m'H(

Boorish--rude; insensitive – a7d

Burgeon--Grow forth; send out buds - 

; uM m 

Burnish--Make shiny by rubbing; polish - 

Buttress--v. support; prop up - EOk 

Capricious--unpredictable; fickle – a
7( য.

Castigation--punishment; severe criticism - D 7t( 

Catalyst--Agent that increases the pace of a chemical action – a156

Caustic--burning; sarcastically biting - g (

Mnemonic: caustic soda is very common and its "harmful" for health such as

Chicanery--trickery; deception – R8$ 1

Coagulate--thicken; congeal; clot - 5 7' 

Coda--Concluding section of a musical or literary composition; summarizes or

concludes - "?7 H(

Cogent--convincing – a6.

Commensurate--adj. corresponding in extent, degree, etc.; proportionate –


Compendium--brief, comprehensive summary – 9


Complaisant--trying to please; overly polite; obliging - a. T1

"  g

Compliant--yielding; conforming to requirements –

Conciliatory--reconciling; soothing – n1 t'H(

Condone--overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse - k 

Confound--confuse; puzzle - W 8

Connoisseur--Person competent to act as a judge of art; a lover of art -

"l8 p7E

Contention--claim; thesis – য1
Contentious--quarrelsome –
 ( '8

Contrite--penitent- Her contrite tears did not influence the judge when he
imposed sentence – a1 p

Conundrum--riddle; difficult problem - W

Converge--approach; tend to meet; come together - ei

8 t

Convoluted--Coiled around; involved; intricate – k[


Craven--Cowardly – 1\?

Daunt--Intimidate ;frighten - 7 T

Decorum--propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners – "7 

Default--Failure to act – ak 

Deference--Courteous regard for another's wishes - 


Delineate--portray; depict; sketch - a


Denigrate--Blacken - 8

Deride--ridicule; make fun of - u 

Derivative--unoriginal; obtained from another source – aC


Desiccate--dry up - ^ 

Desultory--aimless; haphazard; digressing at random –


Deterrent--Something that discourages; hindrance – p


Diatribe--n. bitter scolding; invective - b 8$

Dichotomy--split; branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones) –


Diffidence--shyness - ka
Mnemonic: it is like opposite of confidence means you are shy not confident

Diffuse--adj. wordy, rambling, spread out (like a gas) - R;i ;

Digression--Wandering away from the subject – an 

Dirge--Lament with music – an.

Disabuse--correct a false impression; undeceive - 71 8 H    1k 

Mentally quick and observant; having insight – 'k

Discordant--Not harmonious; conflicting -

Discredit--defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve – aT.

Discrepancy--lack of consistency; difference – ac.

Discrete--adj. separate; unconnected; consisting of distinct parts – Ek

Disingenuous--Lacking genuine candor; insincere – E


Disinterested--Unprejudiced – C ' 8"'.

Disjointed--Lacking coherence; separated at the joints - 61  61 

Dismiss--Eliminate from consideration; reject - Ts 

Disparage--Belittle - m

Disparate--adj. basically different; unrelated – aE"

Dissemble--v. disguise; pretend - Rd" H 

Disseminate--distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds) - p$ 

Mnemonic: DIStribute by a SEMINAr

Dissolution--disintegration; looseness in morals –

8 H

Dissonance--discord; opposite of harmony – ac.

Distend--expand; swell out - s o  

Distill--purify; refine; concentrate -   

Diverge--vary; go in different directions from the same point -

 H( t
strip; deprive - 

Document--provide written evidence – pHt

Dogmatic---opinionated; arbitrary; doctrinal – ud

Dormant--sleeping; lethargic; latent – 1p

Dupe--Someone easily fooled - p 

Ebullient--Showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm - uc

selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources - ("( 9g
Efficacy--power to produce desired effect -

h <8 k 

Effrontery--impudence; shameless boldness; sheer nerve; presumptuousness


Elegy--poem or song expressing lamentation –


Elicit--draw out by discussion - 


Embellish--adorn; ornament; enhance, as a story - a8]E


Merry Christmas (in advance)! It is time to decorate the christmas tree with Bells
and lights.

Empirical--based on experience – a
7j я

Emulate--imitate; rival - k i $  

Endemic--Prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or

country – я

Enervate--Weaken - "

Engender--cause; produce - яn t

Enhance--increase; improve - un 

Ephemeral--short-lived; fleeting – alkHs

Mnemonic: sounds like e-funeral (an.

k). Electric funeral should be short.

Equanimity--Calmness of temperament; composure - 

Mnemonic: equal+enemy (ity). Remember to stay calm seeing an enemy.

Equivocate--lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth -  .  ,

d.(. . 
Mnemonic: Attitude like Advocates. They try to hide the truth or mislead the

Erudite--learned; scholarly – j

Mnemonic: Consider the part Rude. Talented people are always Rude.
Esoteric--hard to understand; known only to the chosen few - .'8
Mnemonic: Read Historic. History is really hard to understand and remind

Eulogy--Expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death -

p"9t 8T
Mnemonic: Read it You+Logy (
.). If there could be a Logy only for you then it
must be about your praise.

Euphemism--mild expression in place of an unpleasant one - n


 ( 8   p
Mnemonic: Read it Feminism ( ). You know, Women are soft/mild.

Exacerbate--worsen; embitter - a

Exculpate--Clear from blame - ?k8 

Mnemonic: Ex-Cuprit. He who is no more culprit by clearing his blame.

Exigency--Urgent situation; pressing needs or demands; state of requiring

immediate attention - я#

Extrapolation--projection; conjecture – 

Facetious--joking (often inappropriately); humorous – n

Facilitate--help bring about; make less difficult - я 

Fallacious--false; misleading – p H'H(

Mnemonic: Read it Falsious. False-ious.

Fatuous--brainless; inane; foolish, yet smug – 

Fawning--trying to please by behaving obsequiously, flattering, or cringing -

Mnemonic: Read it Fao (<o ). Trying to impress by <o  which seems

Felicitous--apt; suitably expressed; well chosen – 1T'H(

Fervor--Glowing ardor; intensity of feeling -  b 

Mnemonic: Read it fever. You got excited about exam and fever comes.

Flag--droop; grow feeble -

sя t
Mnemonic: Normally Flags dont fly strongly. It needs strong wind.
Fledgling--inexperienced - a
7j 8
Mnemonic: Mind it Sledging. Your cricketers (bowlers) sledge the talented one if
he can't out him. Huh, lack of experience.

Flout--reject; mock; show contempt for -

Mnemonic: Read it Flirt. Flirt Girls means make fun of them and reject them.
Foment--stir up; instigate - p
$ ; W o

Forestall--prevent by taking action in advance -

Mnemonic: fore = front/before. Stall = Stop. Stop before anything bad

Frugality--thrift; economy -
Mnemonic: Read it as free+girl. If a girl comes for free, it saves waste of money.

Gainsay---Deny - as  

Mnemonic: Girls GAIN weight but does not SAY it which means, she is denying
the fact.

Futile--useless; hopeless; ineffectual - aয(

Mnemonic: futile is not fertile, hence not fruitful.

Garrulous--loquacious; talkative; wordy - a

Mnemonic: Read it Girl-ous (Girlish). Girls talk so much & its an attitude of

Goad--urge on - ut t

Mnemonic: GO + And + Do it. Inspires.

Gouge--Overcharge – p H

Grandiloquent---pompous; bombastic; using high-sounding language -

Mnemonic: Grand (Huge/Large audience)+ Eloquent (p61 )

Gregarious--Sociable - 8
Mnemonic: remember AGGREGATION means gathering something together.
similarily Aggregation -> gregation ->gregarious

Guileless---without deceit – R88"'.

Mnemonic: Guilty+Less

Gullible--easily deceived - a
Mnemonic: Gulli (q
l ) goes straight. Just for reminding (a

Harangue--long, passionate, and vehement speech - ;m'H( kE 

Mnemonic: Her + Anger. What she does while anger? Nothing but but some
vehement speech.
Homogeneous--of the same kind – я

Hyperbole--exaggeration; overstatement - a
Mnemonic: hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak) someone who gives
the statement beyond his limit..overstating basically.
Iconoclastic--Attacking cherished traditions – 8;
Mnemonic: Icon (Idol) + Clash (

 ). Destroy Idols.

Idolatry--Worship of idols; excessive admiration – '

( 'я

Immutable--Unchangeable – a

Impair--injure; hurt – 7j

Impassive--without feeling; imperturbable; stoical – a


Impede--hinder; block - . 

Mnemonic: impede from impedance meaning resistance

Impermeable--impervious; not permitting passage through its substance -

Mnemonic: No way to get permission.

Imperturbable--calm; placid – "n

Impervious--impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed –


Implacable--incapable of being pacified - s 

Mnemonic: Sounds like impleaseable some one who cannot be pleased or

Implicit--understood but not stated – an


Implode--burst inward - nd 7' 

Inadvertently--unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly – a "

Inchoate--adj.recently begun; rudimentary; elementary - a

Mnemonic: In+Chocolate+Age

Incongruity--lack of harmony; absurdity - ac.

Mnemonic: IN+CONGRess+no UnITY

Inconsequential--insignificant; unimportant – an

Incorporate--introduce something into a larger whole; combine; unite –


Indeterminate--uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite – a


Indigence--poverty - a7
Mnemonic: Indian gents are very poor as compared to other countrymen.

Indolent--lazy – a8

Inert--inactive; lacking power to move -

Mnemonic: An inert gas is a gas which does not undergo chemical reactions.

Ingenuous--naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated – T8

Inherent--firmly established by nature or habit – я

Innocuous--harmless –
( ?
Mnemonic: innocent, Innocence

Insensible--unconscious; unresponsive – a17'


Insinuate--hint; imply; creep in - 7-i

j 8
Mnemonic: A girl has lost her memory. The boy telling her, This is the INStitute
IN which U ATE. He is trying to HINT, IMPLY to her.

Insipid--Lacking in flavor; dull – s 

Insularity--narrow-mindedness; isolation - 9 H(

$t ,

cn ;
Mnemonic: we insulate electrical wires.. by insulating , we are Isolating (

the wires from the environment.

Intractable--unruly; stubborn; unyielding – eqW

Intransigence--n. refusal of any compromise; stubbornness – я 

Inundate--overwhelm; flood; submerge – p

Inured--adj. accustomed; hardened - a7.s

Mnemonic: someone Injured again and again will become tough.

Invective--n. abuse – kH'8

Irascible--irritable; easily angered – eT

Irresolute--uncertain how to act; weak – a

Itinerary--plan of a trip – HEtn

Laconic--brief and to the point - al a('H(

Lassitude--languor; weariness – an 

Mnemonic: Try to remember- Lazy Attitude

Latent--potential but undeveloped; dormant; hidden - qp

Mnemonic: Regroup the words and spell it as talent. Many people have
POTENTIAL (talent) but undeveloped..where as some people HIDE their talent.

Laud--v. praise - qH ( 

Mnemonic: Read it like Lord and you will remember to praise

Lethargic--drowsy; dull – a8

Levee--stone embankment to prevent flooding -   W

Levity--(n.) a lack of seriousness or earnestness, especially about things that

should be treated with respect; buoyancy, lightness in weight - য(j  $H
Mnemonic: lev(leave)+it. You casually leave things without any seriousness.

Log--record oaf voyage or flight; record of day-to-day activities – 

Loquacious--talkative - x7?
Mnemonic: Take Lok (1?) & people (crowd) talks.

Lucid--easily understood; clear; intelligible - я.

Mnemonic: I remember it as Lucid Linux Operating System which is easy to
understand & use.

Luminous--shining; issuing light – 8

Magnanimity--generosity – 17 

Malingerer--one who feigns illness to escape duty - 7

Mnemonic: Ma (Mom) + Linger (

Malleable--capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable – 5 

Maverick--rebel; nonconformist – u[1 8

Mendacious--lying; habitually dishonest –


Metamorphosis--change of form – #n

Meticulous--Excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous - a

Mnemonic: Math + Calculas? Be careful.
Misanthrope--one who hates mankind – 1?.

Mitigate--appease; moderate - u" 

Mollify--Soothe - "n 

Morose--ill-humored; sullen; melancholy –


Mundane--Worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday – я

Negate--Cancel out; nullify; deny - as  

Neophyte--Recent convert; beginner - 

k .

Obdurate--adj. stubborn – eqW

Obsequious--Slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic – $61 

Obviate--Make unnecessary; get rid of - C"8 


Occlude--shut; close - n  o

Officious--meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering one's services -

Mnemonic: Sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people
poke their nose in other's affairs

Onerous--burdensome – q#7

Opprobrium--infamy; vilification -
Mnemonic: If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated &
put to shame

Oscillate--vibrate; waver - s
n t

Ostentatious--showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention - яWя

Mnemonic: Read it STUNTtious. You perform stunts to attract attention

Paragon--model of perfection - m'H(  "(

Partisan--one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party - k71 k 8

Pathological--Pertaining to disease – 


Paucity--Scarcity – a7
Pedantic--Showing off learning; bookish -
[ 187
Mnemonic: PANDITs are usually very strict about the bookish stuff

Penchant--Strong inclination; liking - 

Mnemonic: Remember Chatting which is kind of addiction now a days.
Penury--Severe poverty; stinginess – a7

Perennial--Something long-lasting – x?(я 

Perfidious--treacherous; disloyal -
Mnemonic: per+FID+ious.. FID stands for fidelity.. i.e. loyalty.. hence perfidious
is its opposite

Perfunctory--superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm

- a7 
Mnemonic: per-FUNCTORY. Non - Function. No need to learn the deep

Permeable--penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through –


Pervasive--Spread throughout – a1p"pH

Phlegmatic--calm; not easily disturbed - "n

Mnemonic: plleg (flag) when we hoist a FLAG we have the AUTOMATIC reaction
be calm and unexcited.

Piety--devoutness; reverence for God - 7

Mnemonic: Pie+tea if we get a pie and a tea when we are hungry we thank god
and devout to him

Placate--pacify; conciliate - "n 

Mnemonic: PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone

Plasticity--Ability to be molded –   

Platitude--n. trite remark; commonplace statement - 1

8 n.
Mnemonic: flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very

Plethora--excess; overabundance - k

Mnemonic: Extract and read it in Hindi. Mom says "Pe Le + Thoda Aur Juice Le"
to their boys.

Plummet--Fall sharply – t8


Porous--full of pores; like a sieve – 

Pragmatic--Practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned with the practical
worth or impact of something – p

Preamble--Introductory statement - 7'

Precarious--uncertain; risky - a

Mnemonic: Read it Pre+Catious. Pre + Caution. There are some pre-cautions in
a risky machine, product or factor.

Precipitate--adj. rash, premature, hasty, sudden - p$[ ps 

Mnemonic: Pre + anticipate. That means you dont think/anticipate before you
do something. You do it in RASH

Precursor--Forerunner – ag'

Presumptuous--arrogant; taking liberties – 


Prevaricate--Lie - C"8  . e;i যo

Mnemonic: Pre (Before) + Vari (Verification) Cate (Ket) (6 ). Hide/Lie
before verification.

Pristine---Characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled - 

Mnemonic: Read it PRIS(Pre)+tine(Time). Before time which is something of
earlier time.

Probity--uprightness; incorruptibility - . 

Mnemonic: Sounds (Poverty). Poverty will come if you remain uncorrupted.

Problematic--doubtful; unsettled; questionable; perplexing – nয1k

Prodigal--wasteful; reckless with money - a.

Mnemonic: If you are a PRO (prod) with GIRLs (digal) then you must waste
money a huge

Profound--deep; not superficial; complete - 7 

Prohibitive--Tending to prevent the purchase or use of something; inclined

to prevent or forbid –

Proliferate--Grow rapidly; spread; multiply - p$1  9T. s  9"E

Mnemonic: Pro (professional)+Life+Rate which means a huge life increment

Propensity--Natural inclination - pH 

Mnemonic: Now a days people are Inclined (g'H(, 
" X1  ) to CITY. It is a

Propitiate--Appease - "n 

Propriety--fitness; correct conduct – uয1k 

Proscribe--ostracize; banish; outlaw - я$1| য 
Mnemonic: We hate and outlaw the PROS (Prostitute). Also Subscribe means
add to a group & Proscribe is opposite of it.
Pungent--stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic – 61 n

Qualified--limited; restricted –


Quibble--Minor objection or complaint - C"8 


Quiescent--at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive –

Mnemonic: Something towards Quiet

Rarefied--made less dense (of a gas) - 1

Mnemonic: Rare means least. fied means doing that.

Recalcitrant--Obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly –


Recant--Disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess

error - p . 

Recluse--hermit; loner -
Mnemonic: Rember R & Clu. RobinSon Cruso was a hermit in an island

Recondite--abstruse; profound; secret - 1(.

Mnemonic: Think it as (Reconditioned). Reconditioned Cars are very hard to
identify whether it is used and how long.

Refractory--stubborn; unmanageable – a 

Refute--Disprove -
.  71 8 pH 

Relegate--banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign –


Reproach--Express disapproval or disappointment – 7t( 

Reprobate--Person hardened in sin; devoid of a sense of decency – 1h


Repudiate--disown; disavow - as  

Rescind--Cancel - 
Mnemonic: Rescind reminds us of "Resign", where resign is to cancel your

Resolution--determination – 
Resolve--determination; firmness of purpose –  9

Reticent---reserved; uncommunicative; inclined to silence – sl7?

Mnemonic: 50Cent -> talks too much.. on the contrary.. Reticent-> talk less

Reverent--respectful; worshipful – 7

Sage--Person celebrated for wisdom - j

Mnemonic: S+Age. Aged person is wise usually.

Salubrious--healthful – ss.

Sanction--approve; ratify – a1

Satiate--Satisfy fully - m'H( 

 E p 

Saturate--Soak thoroughly - 

Savor--enjoy; have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality – 1s

Secrete--hideaway or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism

- 81i T

Shard--fragment, generally of pottery - E t 7~ 61 

Skeptic--doubter; person who suspends judgment until having examined

evidence supporting a point of view - 
Mnemonic: Skeptic-just remove 'K' -Septic-When a person is Wonded/Injured
he always have doubt whether it is going to get septic or not. So he is doubtful.

Solicitous--worried; concerned - en7 

Soporific--sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness –


Specious---Seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often

intentionally) – $

Spectrum--Colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a

prism – H(

Sporadic--Occurring irregularly -

Mnemonic: Assume it as Opposite of Periodic, we know periodic things occur

Stigma--token of disgrace; brand – 8]

Stint--v. be thrifty; set limits – t

Stipulate---Make express conditions; specify - $1
k " ( 
Stolid-dull; impassive - a
Mnemonic: Try to remember stone from STO. Stones are solid and something
like impassive

Striated--Marked with parallel bands; grooved -

Mnemonic: STRIp of diferent color

Strut--Pompous walk - E (  t


Strut--Supporting bar - 7k 

Subpoena---Writ summoning a witness to appear - k  8 

Subside---Settle down; descend; grow quiet - h t

Substantiate--Establish by evidence; verify; support - p


Supersede---cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete - 

Mnemonic: when a SUPER new thing arrives, we REPLACE /SET ASIDE the old
thing because it is OBSOLETE

Supposition-----hypothesis; surmise - l

Mnemonic: Suppose to Supposition. Suppose means assume something.

Tacit----understood; not put into words - .

Mnemonic: tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take
something from your room.

Tangential--peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing – s"( 1 8.

Tenuous---thin; rare; slim -  8

Mnemonic: Remember like Tennis & and all female tennis players are Slim like
Maria Sharapova :)

Tirade---Extended scolding; denunciation; harangue - 1 5( kE 

Mnemonic: Seems Tired. You feel tired after giving a long speech.

Torpor--lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy – a


Tortuous-winding; full of curves - x W$t8

Mnemonic: a tortoise does not move in straight line... it keeps twisting and
turning making path complicated

Tractable---docile; easily managed - я 

$8  য e

Transgression---Violation of a law; sin – 

Truculence---aggressiveness; ferocity - E"9 
Vacillate--waver; fluctuate - 8 t
Mnemonic: sounds like OScillate..So something which moves from one position
to another position?

Venerate---Revere - Bd 

Mnemonic: ven(..When)U RATE someone higher.. You TREAT THEM WITH

Veracious--Truthful –  .H

Verbose---Wordy – "bx8

Viable---Practical or workable – 6i

Viscous--sticky, gluey – D8

Vituperative---adj. abusive; scolding – a'$

Volatile---changeable; explosive; evaporation rapidly – 

 ( " 8

Warranted---justified; authorized –
7( t

Wary ---Very cautious –  (

Welter----turmoil; bewildering jumble –


Whimsical---capricious; fanciful – TT8

Zealot ----fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal - a

W; 8

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