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Mã Môn học/Course No.: CMU-CS 303

Tên Môn học/Course Name: Fundamentals Of Computing 1
Năm học/Academic Year: 2019-2020
Học kỳ/Semester: II
Khoa hay Viện/Faculty Name: International School

Project naming convention

 Create a project named: Lab11_GUI_ID

 With ID stands for student’s identify
 Ex: If your student’s ID is 9600278, so your project name will be:
 Pay attention to “_” (underscore)
Package naming convention: Each project has one or many packages.

 Each package has a specific name

 Each Lab has one package name. Remember to name the packages as follow: labNo_ID
 With No is a number of each lab, ID stands for student’s identify
 Ex: lab01_9600278, lab02_9600278
 Remember to use lowercase l
Class naming convention (Files): Each package has one or many classes

 Each class has a specific name

 Remember to name the classes (classname) as follow:
LabNo_ID and TestLabNo_ID

 With No is a number of each lab, ID stands for student’s identify

 Ex: Lab01_9600278, TestLab01_9600278, Lab02_9600278,
 Remember to capitalize each word L, T and L
1. Create the following GUI. You do not have to provide any functionality.

2. Create the following GUI. You do not have to provide any functionality

3. Create the following GUI. You do not have to provide any functionality

4. Create the following GUI. You do not have to provide any functionality

5. Write a temperature conversion application that converts from Fahrenheit to Celsius. The
Fahrenheit temperature should be entered from the keyboard (via a JTextField). A JLabel
should be used to display the converted temperature. Use the following formula for the
conversion: Celsius = 5/9 * (Fahrenheit - 32)

The GUI should be like the following:

In case of errors, provide messages that should be like the following:

6. Write a program that solves the square equation. The GUI should be like the following:

7. Create a program that do the following calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication,

division. The GUI should be like the followings:

8**. Complete exercise 2 by providing funcionalities to make your program works like a

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