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Environment analysis
 Situation : integrating technology into English language teaching to enhance student
engagement and provide opportunities for autonomous learning. This can include using
online resources, educational apps, language learning platforms, and interactive multimedia
 Teacher : teachers must be well trained, Teachers should have a strong command of the
subject matter they are teaching, including English language skills, grammar, vocabulary, and
cultural aspects. Continuous professional development is important to stay updated with the
latest research and best practices in English language teaching
 Student : as a teacher, we need to know what the students need because Every student is
unique, with different strengths, weaknesses, learning styles, and interests. By knowing
students' needs, teachers can tailor their instruction to meet the specific requirements of
each student, providing individualized support and maximizing their learning potential.
Students may have specific areas where they require additional support or intervention. By
identifying these needs, teachers can provide targeted instruction, resources, and
interventions to address any gaps in their knowledge or skills
b. Principle
 Cultural Relevance: The curriculum may not adequately address the cultural context and
needs of Indonesian students. It is important to ensure that the English curriculum reflects
local culture, values, and experiences, while also promoting intercultural understanding and
global perspectives.
 Assessment : The curriculum may lack effective and ongoing assessment strategies to
monitor students' progress and provide timely feedback. It is necessary to implement a
variety of assessment methods, including formative and summative assessments, to ensure
that students' learning is continuously evaluated, and feedback is provided to support their
growth and development.

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