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Initial Batch – 652 | Graduation – 15th July 2022 | Batch Speaker – Sakshi Kashyap |

A very good morning/afternoon to everyone present here,

I would like to welcome our leaders, facilitators and my fellow batch mates to the graduation ceremony
of batch 652. My name is Sakshi Kashyap and I am honored to stand before you today.

Imagine being a curious child, looking at the luminous sky and dreaming how do I reach the sky? How do
I make it my home? On the behest of my entire batch, I can certainly state that this child has lived in
each one of us. Each one of us, struggled to find our way to the sky and we eventually did when we
found the magnificent world of Indigo. I must tell the audience that our stories are filled with abundant
ups and downs but Isn’t it beautiful that one day we admire something so passionately and the other
day we are able to achieve it with great hard work, dedication and perseverance.

The graduation day has finally arrived and all my batchmates are sitting here with an ironical feeling in
their pounding hearts. The happiness to join our bases, start flying and to explore the world but
also the sorrow of leaving IFly, a place that has been home to us for 3 months.

Becoming a part of Ifly is going to be one of the biggest feathers on my cap but this feather is bestowed
only upon a person with deep humility and integrity.

The work culture at ifly has molded our immature personalities into that of graceful professionals by
teaching us the importance of punctuality, team work, empathy and patience which creates a
genuine and lasting impact on a customer. By looking at the “No complacency No arrogance”
sticker every day, a subconscious effort of doing the same came into play and now it has
become our regular behavior.

Each facilitator has groomed our demeanor to become customer service compliant such as a simple
smile, a greeting, a kind compliment can go a long way. Each facilitator that has trained us has never
restricted their training to a particular module but have taught us life lesson which will stick with us for a
long time.

As they say, “with great power comes great responsibilities”. Therefore, A poised lady during an
emergency will in a heartbeat become a trained first aider & also a person responsible for the safety and
security of 180 passengers at an altitude of 35,000 ft because no matter how challenging the situations
are, our motto and mantra at 6E will always be Customer First. As an effective communicator and
representative of Indigo, our primary motive lies towards delivering an exceptional customer service.

Delivering a courteous and hassle-free experience is one of the main pillars of Indigo and throughout our
training we have learnt its importance as well. We can never let our customers fall short of their
expectations. The act of assisting a troubled customer, seeing them satisfied and smiling with the
resolution is such an empowering feeling.

We are fortunate to be in an industry where we get the opportunity to help customers, resolve their
issues, make them feel at home without being at home. It is more like a superpower because we do not
treat our customers differently be it an UNMR, a specially abled person, an elderly or any passenger for
that matter, we as cabin crew treat them as individuals who are fully capable of doing anything. This
ability to make someone’s day just by mere interaction and courtesy makes my heart full.

I today pledge that our vision to enhance customer experience stands absolutely strong and to make
every possible interaction a wow moment. We resolve to become the team who will take Indigo to the
highest of level and make it a global leader.

Finally, we leave here today, only to fly tomorrow. All the lesson and learnings are going to be etched in
our memories. Our hearts are full and we bleed blue.

Thank you.

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