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The Key of Success

Excellency Teacher and all my beloved friends. Let me introduce my self, my name is Putri Salma and
I’m from SMPN 2 Ciamis/(IX-A). Standing here before you, first of all I wish a good morning and
peace be on you all.

In the name of Allah, the all merceful, all compassionate, all praises, and thanks due to Allah the
master of the Universe. Peace and salutation be upon to prophet Muhammad saw. as the last
messenger who has brought us from the darknees to the lightness.

I’d like to say thinking to the teacher who has given me a chance to deliver my speech, by the title is
“The Key of Success”.

As we all know, success is highly desired by all people. Why? Because success promises something
different from before, such as the glory, happiness, pleasure and even money.

Dear ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters.

Do you know what is the definition of success? Success is a dream or goal that we want has been
achieved with effort and hard work, and be called a success if that success is beneficial to others
around us and be a positive thing. Many people who early on trying to be success in the future with
their respective ways. There are successful but some are not. Therefore, to reach success, we as
human being should do some aspects.

Dear ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters.

Do you know what should we have to be a success person? In my speech today, there are some
things that must be done and owned by a person to be successful.
 Creativity, creativity in this century is a basic requirement. People who have a high level of
creativity is also at once people who love to innovate will success in the future.
 Smart. Smart in here is people who know or have insight about the environment, social
environment, and environmental education. By knowing what we really need in this era
definitely makes us successful.
 be Self-confidence. It is the foundation of further success.
 The last Commitment and planning.
Look at how the story of Isaac Newton, Marcopolo,Albert Einstein, and the others. they are one
example of a successful person. We should be hard worker if we want success like them.

Dear ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters.

So, what should we do as student to be a successful person?

1. The first step that we can do to be a successful person is must have a dream.
2. The second thing we can do to be successful is to study hard. We can learn wherever you
like, Learn for the seriousness of us to change, Learning while discussions, Do not just
memorize, but also to understand, and Love subjects you like.
Finally, we as student must have a dream to success & be usefull person for our country and religion.

Dear ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters.

That’s all my speech today and I hope it will be very usefull for us. Forgive me if there are any
mistakes, thanks for your attention.

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