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ABC Arena Axie Infinity

Poner en linea: danio- support-tanque al frente

Mirar las cartas del rival, si tiene una carta de robo de energía, la gasto de frente en primera ronda,
porque sino pierdo ataque.

Cuidar las cartas

ABC Modo Adventure

Poner en triangulo , al tanque planta adelante. ellos siempre atacan en la primera, ponerse escudo

Usar la carta del Health cuando sea necesario curarse, sino se desperdicia.

Al de adelante siempre ponerse escudo y curarse.

Las cartas que usas solo puedes atacar a un objetivo. Y si lo matas y le pusiste mas cartas, esas se

Hacer la misión de cactus.

Hacer estrategias con tu equipo

Hacer ruina 5, 7 , 10, 15, 20 repetir

Estar pendiente de la energía o cantidad de cartas a tirar. Ver el orden de quien pega primero.
Tratemos de matar a uno primero .

Se Pega en línea y al mas cercano

Cuidar al tanque

Al final cuando queda uno, mandar dos cartas al menos, te puede esquivar un golpe. Buscar esa
carta de esquivar, creo q es Guard


A good idea would be to have the tankest Axie first, then the second tankest second, and the
weakest last, though it depends on what strategy is taken.

What should be done is to have the tankest Axie in the front centre, then the other two Axies either
on the bottom or top line to prevent the equal chance of attacking two Axies.

Take note of the classes as well because classes that are weaknesses to others will take an additional
15% of damage.

Ver a q clase le hago mas danio.

Saber usar los combos de tus cartas

It is usually not a good idea to go 'all out' at the beginning of a game since it takes a huge amount of
energy and may not be worth the aggressiveness.

Saber usar la energy is a key factor.

If the opponent has played a lot of energy and cards, then you would know that in the next round
the opponent would not have much to do, and so can counter-attack with a high probability of little

Planta: le gano a pajaro pez y dawn

Pierdo con mech, bug, beast

Pajaro: le gano a mech, bug y beast

Pierdo con reptile, plant dusk

Beast: le gano reptile, plant y dusk

Pierdo con pez, bird, dawn

In addition, when an Axie of a certain class uses a card from its own class, it gets a 10% attack and
shield bonus. For example, a Plant Axie playing a plant card will receive 10% extra attack/shield.

Important to note is that these bonuses stack. A Beast Axie using a Beast card against a Plant target
will do 25% (10% + 15%) more damage.

Skill: Skill adds damage when an Axie plays multiple cards at once (combo). The extra damage is
calculated like this: (card attack * skill )/ 500.

3. Combat

When the Battle begins you start with 3 Energy and 6 Cards. You have 60 seconds to select cards for
your turn.

For example ‘Dark Swoop’ will target the fastest Axie on the enemy team:
The Chain buff happens when multiple Axies use an ability card of the same class. Chains add a shield
buff to these Axies.



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