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Grade 11 Appreciation of English Literary Texts Time - 3 hours
Model Paper 1

Additional reading time – 10 minutes

Use the additional reading time to go through the questions and decide on the questions that
you give priority in answering.
Paper I

• Answer all questions in Section A.

• Answer all questions in either (1), (2) or (3) in Section B.
• Answers for paper I should be written on the paper itself, in the given space.
1. Section A – Answer all questions.
Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below them.
I – Poetry
1. (i) “And here’s a bloody hand to shake,
And oh, man, here’s good-bye;”
a) Name the work in which these lines appear. Name the writer. (01 mark)
b) Who speaks these lines? (01 mark)
c) What is meant by ‘bloody hand’? (01 mark)
d) Comment on the feelings of the speaker. (02 marks)
(ii) “I felt a conscious impulse in my clay
To break away
From the great Potter’s hand that burned so warm.”
a). From where are these lines taken. Name the poet. (01 mark)
b) Who speaks these words? (01 mark)
c) Why does the speaker want to break away? (01 mark)
d) What is the situation described here? (02 marks)

II – Prose
(i) “He told you twice, but you weren’t listening. You often don’t listen when we
tell you important things.”
a) Where do you find the above lines? Who has written them? (01 mark)
b) Who is referred to as ‘He’? (01 mark)
c) What has he told twice? (01 mark)
d) According to the above statement, what type of a person is the listener?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(02 marks)
(ii) “But you are a hero and if you were to die it would be a great loss for our
a) From where is this extract taken. Who has written it? (01 mark)
b) Who speaks these words? (01 mark)
c) To whom are they spoken? (01 mark)
d) What is the speaker’s attitude to the listener? (02 marks)
III – Drama
(i) “I wish, I knew! From somewhere and unnoticed she appeared like a
wind. Since then, that lazy fellow has been coining money without
lifting a finger over.”
a) Where is this extract taken from? Who wrote it? (01 mark)
b) Who is referred as “I” and who is referred as “she”? (01 mark)
c) Who is this lazy fellow and how does he earn money? (01 mark)
d) How would you describe the speaker’s attitude towards this “she” and the
“lazy fellow”? (02 marks)
(ii) “You will see, Nicolas, how I love and forgive… My love will die out
with me, only when this poor heart will cease to beat.”
a) Where do you find the above extract? Who wrote it? (01 mark)

b) Who is the speaker of the above extract? To whom is she / he speaking to?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------(01 mark)
c) Explain the underlined phrase. (01 mark)
d) What are the character traits of the speaker revealed in the above extract?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------(02 marks)
Section B – Novels
Select either (1), (2) or (3) and answer all the questions given below it.
(1) The Prince and the Pauper
Read the following extract and answer all the questions given below.
‘Loose him and forbear! He is the king!’
A sort of panic of astonishment swept the assemblage, and they partly rose in their
places and stared in a bewildered way at one another and at the chief figures in the
scene, like persons who wondered whether they were awake and in their senses, or
asleep and dreaming. The Lord Protector was as amazed as the rest, but quickly
recovered himself and exclaimed in a voice of authority: Mind not his Majesty, his
malady is upon him again; seize the vagabond!’
(i) What situation leads to this incident? Where does it take place? (02 marks)
(ii) Why did the people partly rise in their places? (02 marks)
(iii) Explain in your own words. (02 marks)
(a) Astonishment ---------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Vagabond --------------------------------------------------------------------
(iv) With what theme of the novel could one associate this extract? Give reasons.
(04 marks)
(2) The Vendor of Sweets
Read the following extract and answer all the questions given below.
From the minute he stepped out of his house he scanned the landscape for a
familiar face, pounced hawk like on the unwary victim, and held him for thrall;
he even stopped the vagrant on the culvert one day in order to describe the
Grand Canyon. “Actually there is nothing like it anywhere in the world,” he
concluded and gave him five paise for listening. It was a matter of luck for
another as to whether he could slip away in time or got entangled in American

(i) What is the context of this extract? (02 marks)
(ii) Who is ‘he’ and why did he look for a familiar face? (02 marks)
(iii) Explain the following words in your own. (02 marks)
(a) Thrall ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Entangled -----------------------------------------------------------------
(iv) Which aspects of the character of ‘he’ are reflected by this extract?
(04 marks)
(3) Bringing Tony Home
Read the following extract and answer all the questions given below.
‘Mary Akka came from inside and when she saw me her face darkened. She
seemed annoyed over something and went about silently opening the glass case
and taking the bun out of me and wrapping it in a piece of paper; when I said
the bun is for the dog she unwrapped it and giving me the bun shoved the piece
of paper in a tin kept for that purpose. A bun was five cents and I gave her a
twenty five cent coin and she took time bringing me the change. As I turned to
go Mary Akka broke her silence. She wanted me to tell Mother that it was very
bad on her part to have gone away without as much as a word of farewell; she
also said that she wasn’t thinking of the money we owed her. ‘
(i) What is the incident described in this passage? Where does it take
place? (02 marks)
(ii) What kind of a feeling does Mary Akka, have towards the narrator’s
mother? (02 marks)
(iii) Write the meanings of the following in your words. (02 marks)
(a) her face darkened---------------------------------------------------------
(b) broke her silence ----------------------------------------------------------
(iv) What does this incident tell us about the narrator? (04 marks)

Paper II

• Answer four questions selecting one each from the four sections – Poetry, Prose, Drama and
• Each question carries 15 marks. (4 x 15 marks = 60 marks)

1. ‘No one can be judged by his appearance.’ Examine this statement in relation to the poem
“Richard Cory.”
2. Failing to master one’s passion leads to nothing but regret. “How is this idea conveyed in
the poem “Farewell to the Barn and Stack and Tree.”
3. ‘Edward Lowbury uses humour to show how the weaknesses of a person bring forth his
downfall,’ Illustrate.
4. “Emily Dickinson’s poem, ‘A Bird Came Down the Walk’ tells about modern man as
well as nature.” Discuss.
5. The poem ‘The Earthen Goblet’ by Harindranath Chattopadhyaya talks of the ball of
clay which remained a bit of shapeless clay when it was under the earth. But when it underwent
work of art. Do you think this change is needed in the world?
6. Would it be correct to say that Sangakkara’s greatness is due to cricket? Or do you think Sri
Lanka cricket took a new dimension because of Sangakkara’s personality in Lahore Attack?
7. ‘Wave is an authentic narration about how humans behave at a crisis.’ Discuss.
8. ‘Even though Nicholas is not a good role model, he taps conscience of adults in handling
children.’ Examine this statement with examples from The Lumber Room.
9. Do you think the sacrifice of the Nightingale in The Nightingale and the Rose sets a good
example to the reader? Answer with close reference to the short story.
10. The play ‘Twilight of a Crane’ by Junji Kinoshita talks of the theme identity. Tsu’s
identity is discarded for the sake of love. Do you think it is fair in the part of Tsu.
11. Popova’s and Smirnov’s attitudes towards each other change rapidly in the play ‘The Bear’
by Anton Chekhov. Comment on the inconsistency of human behaviour referring to the text.
12. Jagan is not only a very impressive character due to his character traits but also a shrewd
businessman in Vendor of Sweets. ‘Do you agree?’ Comment.

13. ‘The Prince and the Pauper reflects disparity between the rich and the poor in the
contemporary society.’ Discuss with examples.
14. Bringing Tony Home by Tissa Abeysekara reveals the gentle, peaceful past era of Sri

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