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Chapter 15 - 18 Comprehension questions

1.What was Mr. Pendanski’s role at the lake in chapter 15? (Select two
answers that best answers this question)
A. To fill the boys canteens.
B. Inspect every whole that was excavated.
C. Provide water to campers in Group D
D. Fill the canteens of all the campers digging holes.

2. Why was the Warden at the hole site in Chapter 15? (answer in 2-
3 sentences)

3. Identify and write 2 sentences from chapter 15 that best

describes how the boys dug their holes differently as described in
the previous chapters. (Site the page numbers where you located
these sentences).

4. “Zero was standing beside him now, watching him write.” What
vocabulary would best describe what Zero was doing to Stanley?
(Identify and define this word along with its correct part of specch).

5. Zero requested Stanley’s help to do something. Why did Zero

need Stanley’s help? (Explain in 2-3 sentences and identify the page
number where you located your answer).
6. How long were the boys digging around and in X-Ray’s hole?
A. 5 days
B. 5 months
C. 4 days
D. 4 months
E. None of the above answers.
Support your answer with evidence from the text in 2-3 sentences.

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