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Reuse, reduce and recycle

How to start decluttering when overwhelmed

 Remove the easiest things first: grab things in plain sight you know you know you
don’t want anymore

 Discard large items: remove things that take up a lot of physical space e.g. cardboard
boxes, furniture, large tools and anything that stores awkwardly – helps see progress

 Donate instead of selling (if not in need of money): donate to charity you believe in –
gives a feel good factor + weight off your shoulder trying to sell everything –
exceptions would be more valuable or larger items struggle to transport

 Break rooms into smaller areas at a time: focus on a smaller area at a time e.g. one
shelf, one drawer or even one box at a time

 Can be most overwhelming deciding where items go: most effective way is to have
piles/ bags – for sale, giveaway, donation, rubbish, recycle

 Decluttering shouldn’t feel like work or a chore: wear comfy clothes, blast out your
favourite music or enjoy some snacks while decluttering to boost your energy

 Set a goal to keep yourself motivated: having a goal will help keep focused too – e.g.
birthday, new month/ week

 3 main principles of a clutter free home: give every item has a home – cant get lose
or forgotten about and collect dust, one in and one out – if you bring anything into
your home try and remove another item out, create a household wish list – this way
you give items thought before buying them

 Take before and after pictures: helps staying motivated seeing huge progress you’ve

Benefits of a decluttered home

 Can reduce stress and anxiety: seeing everything sometimes can increase stress
levels and make people ashamed of their home when guests come round – stress
levels usually increase when unable locate something between huge piles of your
own things – a decluttered space you will start to feel calmer and a lot more relaxed

 Can improve your sleep: your eyes may be closed but doesn’t mean you are blind to
your surroundings – when see piles of things and items scattered on the floor just
before you sleep it can affect you having a good night’s sleep

 Decluttering will improve productivity and creativity: many people find it difficult to
concentrate when surrounded by clear even as small as a disorganised desk – so
Reuse, reduce and recycle

many things around you can have negative impact on your ability to focus –
everything around you would be competing for your attention from what you
actually want to get done (having a knock on effect of your stress levels)

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