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“Who controls the past controls the future.

Who controls the present controls the past,”

George Orwell, 1984. Orwell is one of my favorite authors, and in my freshman year, I picked up

Animal Farm and read it in only a day. I then shortly after read 1984 in a similarly short amount

of time. I can attribute my passion for social criticism and drive for fairness in part to him.

Hello, my name is Eliana Legatt. I am an animal lover and a reader. That pretty much

sums me up. My favorite way to spend my time is with my pets or with other furry and feathered

friends at the animal sanctuary where I volunteer. I was a junior in high school at the beginning

of the Fall 2022 term, but I decided I wanted to transfer to Garza and graduate early. After about

eight months, I’m finally graduating.

I owe my success, most of all, to my teachers because I would be nowhere without them.

In particular, I would like to thank Mr. Cook and Ms. Malangalila. As a history nerd, it was

always the highlight of my day to talk to Mr. Cook about historical and current events and share

my perspectives. Every day we would always have something new to talk about because, well, I

always had something to say. Ms. Malangalila was one of the first teachers I met at Garza, and

she immediately made me feel welcome. I loved getting to play with and train the pigs, and I

loved that she always took me and my passions seriously. All of my teachers have supported me

and made me feel capable of achieving my goals.

I am attending Bennington College in Vermont this fall. I will study Zoology and other

sciences, as well as writing, and social studies - and anything else I find interesting along the

way. After college, I intend to attend veterinary school.

Orwell’s quote is about more than history or societal issues though, it can apply to all of

us. It also means you should live every day for a better future and a better version of yourself,

but still remember your mistakes and take responsibility for your actions.

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