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Ensayo ingles.

Para empezar, hay que definir que es el deterioro ambiental, siendo su definición la disminución
de las cualidades del medio ambiente y como este por su desgaste no puede llegar a cubrir las
necesidades de los seres humanos y en si de la biodiversidad, dando como resultado que el medio
ambiente termine perdiendo o dañando sus recursos naturales.

To begin, it is necessary to define what environmental deterioration is, being its definition the
decrease of the qualities of the environment and how, due to its wear and tear, it can´t cover the
needs of human beings and biodiversity, resulting in the environment losing or damaging its
natural resources. 50

La causa mas fuerte de este desastre natural, es producida por los seres humanos, ya que con
acciones como la emisión de gases contaminantes a la atmosfera como las que ocasionan las
grandes fabricas o automóviles, la contaminación o desperdicio del agua y la acumulación de
desechos sólidos en los suelos, ríos, lagos y mares, se encargan de poner en riesgo a las diferentes
especies de seres vivo, así como el bienestar de las generaciones humanas presentes y las que
vienen en camino.

The strongest cause of this natural disaster is produced by human beings, with actions such as the
emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere as those caused by big factories or vehicles, the
pollution or waste of water and the accumulation of solid waste in soils, rivers, lakes and seas, are
responsible for endangering the different species of living beings, as well as the welfare of present
and future generations of human beings. 73

As a consequence of the lack of care that human beings have had with the planet, problems such
as the greenhouse effect and water pollution, need an immediate solution, so that future
generations and we can enjoy a healthy environment. But the changes for this problem, must be
made by the current population, in the hope of having a life full of abundant resources.

In conclusion, environmental deterioration can have a change, if we take actions such as saving
water, using means of transportation that don’t generate harmful gases to the atmosphere, and
even separating garbage and recycling, are small acts that will generate a big change for our
planet, instilling new habits and so future generations can continue with this care and enjoy a
better environment.

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