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1. You are similar to me in your desire to learn and examine things outside
your own culture. Willing to try new things with little hesitation before
making any remarks. Where you differ from me beside the difference in age
that gives me a huge experience advantage is you are introverted and I am an

2. There was no one person who had the biggest influence on me, they were
several and the one thing they had in common was that they were all school

3. Technology that was most helpful, include computers and smart phones,
most helpful and at the same time the most annoying. Having access to
information makes life much easier but the down side is the world has a
direct link to you and I value my time and privacy.

4. I believe I am very open with you but never mentioned that I always
wanted to write a book on, “why being poor is a choice” and my experiences
growing up poor and the challenges I encounter from my environment,
family, friends and how I overcome adversity.

5. My parents divorced in 1970 so I come from a broken home
communication with my parents was limited and I relied on my teachers and
older friends for advice

6. My happiest moment in life include Waking up and realizing that I work
because I choose too. My drive to succeed led me to become financial
independent early in life and freed me from being a slave to an employer or a

7. Proudest moments include being acknowledge as Valedictorian and
completing my Masters ahead of my cohort

8. Most important lessons include Setting goals, commit to completing your
goals, work hard, stay true to yourself, don’t follow others if they are not
going in your direction, money creates opportunities, it does not make you
happy, true happiness comes from helping the people you care about. Enjoy
life because time is not refundable, once you use its gone forever, so don’t
waste it

10. I would like to be remembered as the Teacher who took the time to help
the thousands of students I helped throughout the years.

Actual picture after interview

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