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A Research Study
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School of
Juan G. Macaraeg National High School

In Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Subject




June 2023

In fulfillment for the requirements in the subject Inquiries, Investigation and

Immersion for the research study titled, “EFFECTIVENESS OF PARENTAL


been prepared and submitted by Christian Ivan G. Tambo, Christine R. Retrato,

Camella T. Nobleza, Diona A. Espiritu and Aliya T. Milan who successfully passed

the final oral defense.


Research Adviser Subject Teacher

Approved by the Committee on Oral Defense


Panel Panel



Accepted in fulfillment of the requirement for the Senior High School


Assistant Principal II School Principal III

The completion of the research study for the subject Inquiries, Investigation

and Immersion was made possible through the help, support and guidance of

many people. As part of that, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to the

following people who have made this research study be conducted.

To Mrs. Marilyn C. Ladringan, our research teacher for checking,

suggesting and guiding the researchers that contributed to the manuscript until the

completion of this research study.

To Dr. Eduardo M. Cerami, our research adviser for sacrificing his precious

time and imparting his expertise in helping the researchers in the revision and

improvement of the research study.

To Dr. Richealyn C. Tadeo, Dr. Conrado M. Bautista, Sir Noli S. Tibule

and Ms. Hazel Grace D. Nunez, in allowing us to conduct our research study

which led to the accuracy of the research.

To the Respondents, who willingly helped the researchers with their full

cooperation on which has made the research study achieved its smooth


To our Parents, who provided the researchers with both emotional and

material assistance over the course of this research in appreciation of their

everlasting love, support and sacrifices.

To our friends, and loved ones, for the inspiration, and the moral support

which helped the researchers finished the research study.

Above all, to the Almighty God for giving the researchers knowledge,

wisdom, strength and courage in facing all the challenges that the researchers had

encountered during the completion of the research study.

The research study would not be possible without the guidance of the

mentioned people.

The Researchers


We would like to dedicate the research study to Almighty God, teachers and

student, most especially to our proud parents Mr. and Mrs. Ronaldo D.

Tambo, Mr. and Mrs. Reynante B. Nobleza, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy B.

Milan, Mrs. Digna A. Espiritu, and Mrs. Chona R. Retrato

who encouraged us and supported us in the

conduct of the research study.

The Researchers


Figure Title of the Figure Page Number

1 Research Paradigm 13


Title Page.............................................................................................................. i

Approval Sheet .................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgement ............................................................................................. iii

Dedication ........................................................................................................... v

Table of Contents ............................................................................................... vi

Table of Figures ................................................................................................. vii

Abstract ............................................................................................................... x


Background of the Study ...................................................................................... 1

Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 4

Significance of the Study ...................................................................................... 5

Scope and Delimitation ......................................................................................... 6

Definition of Terms ............................................................................................... 6


Foreign Literature & Studies ................................................................................. 8

Local Literature & Studies................................................................................... 10

Theoretical Framework ....................................................................................... 11

Conceptual Framework ...................................................................................... 13


Research Design ................................................................................................ 14

Research Instrument .......................................................................................... 14

Data Gathering Procedure .................................................................................. 15

Statistical Treatment of Data .............................................................................. 15



1.Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age ............................................................................................................... 16

1.2 Sex ............................................................................................................... 17

1.3 General Point Average ................................................................................. 17

1.4 Parent’s Educational Background................................................................. 18

2.Academic Performance of the Respondents

1.1 Performance Tasks ...................................................................................... 19

1.2 Social and Communication Skills.................................................................. 20


Summary of Findings .......................................................................................... 22

Limitations .......................................................................................................... 23

Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 23

Recommendations.............................................................................................. 24

Bibliography ........................................................................................................ 25


A. Questionnaires

B. Letter for Permission

C. Curriculum Vitae


Researchers : Christian Ivan G. Tambo

Camella T. Nobleza

Christine R. Retrato

Diona A. Espiritu

Aliya T. Milan

Degree and Specialization : Humanities and Social Sciences

Institution : Juan G. Macaraeg National High School

Year and Month of Graduation : July 2023

Adviser : Eduardo M. Cerami, PhD

Title : Effectiveness of Parental Involvement on the

Academic Performance of Grade 6

Key words : Effectiveness, Involvement, Performance

This research study is conducted to determine the effectiveness of parental

involvement on the academic performance of grade 6. To answer the research

problem presented, we conducted a survey to twenty-eight (28) Einstein pupils of

Binalonan North Central School SPED Center. Twenty-six (26) of them were

females while two (2) of the respondents were males. The respondents were being

surveyed to cater their academic performance in terms of their performance tasks

and social and communication skills. The study showed how they positively

responded to how effective is the parental involvement to their academic

performance. The study revealed that parental involvement has positive effect on

their academic performance.

Chapter I

Background of the Study

Factors that affect academic achievement and adjustment are a matter of

increased interest among scholars. Recent research revealed that students are

affected by a myriad of factors that can be subdivided into four categories: academic,

social, cultural, and financial (Son & Cho, 2020). Parents’ involvement in their

children’s education is known to have a positive impact on academic success. (Al-

Fadley et al. (2018) found that parental involvement positively influences foreign

language learning and literacy. One of the factors that influence change in schools

is parental involvement in the education system (Fisher, 2018;Yemini &

Maxwell, 2021). In most cases the literature refers to parental involvement as

activity that parents engage in in relation to their own child so as to enhance the

child’s learning in school or at home (Epstein et al., 2018; Yemini et al., 2019). This

has been studied extensively, and many findings confirm that parental involvement

that includes emphasizing high expectations, a positive attitude, help with school

assignments, communication, and presence at school activities has a positive

influence on the child’s academic achievement (Boonk et al., 2018; Park et

al., 2017). Parental involvement is extremely important for students' academic

performance. Every academic institution's success and achievement are

influenced by parental engagement. It has a considerable correlation between

parental engagement and student academic achievement. Accordingly, parental

involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has when it comes to

the schooling of his/ her children (Bartolome; Nordin & Abdul 2017).

Previous research has determined that there are three types of parental

involvement: home-based involvement, school-based involvement, and home-

school communication (Anthony & Ogg, 2019). Each of these three types of

involvement plays a different role in determining the academic success of students.

Home-based involvement has two sub-types: parental over involvement and

positive parental involvement. Home-based involvement refers to the extent in

which parents are involved in their child’s education outside of school. Examples

involve visiting a museum, zoo, or community event (Anthony & Ogg, 2019).

Home-school communication refers to the extent in which parents communicate

with school personnel. Examples include emails, phone calls, newsletters, and

conferences (Anthony & Ogg, 2019). Current research also states that the majority

of the research that has previously been conducted on parental involvement and

student academic achievement often stems from the elementary school

environment (Oswald et al., 2017; Anthony & Ogg, 2019). School-based

involvement refers to the extent in which parents are involved with and attend

school activities. Examples include Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) events,

family nights, and conferences (Anthony & Ogg, 2019; FernandezAlonso et al.,

2017). It has been found that parental involvement is higher in the elementary

school environment than it is in the middle and high school environment due to an

increased level of independence from adolescent children (Oswald et al., 2017).

It is important to determine whether there is also a correlation among student

academic achievement and parental involvement in the middle level grades.

Academic performance can be defined as the extent to which an institution,

a teacher, or a student achieves long- or short-term educational goals and the

academic achievement of performance is usually measured by continuous

assessments and overall cumulative grade point average (CGPA) achieved by the

student (Hellas et al., 2018). Researchers have indicated that students with good

academic records and achievements usually have better employment

opportunities, higher income, more professional development and advancement

opportunities, and better employment benefits (Tentama & Abdillah, 2019).

Furthermore, academically successful students tend to have better self-esteem

and confidence ratios, lower occurrence of depression and anxiety, are more

socially involved and engaged and are less likely to be involved in social evils like

drug usage, alcohol abuse, etc. (Ab Razak et al., 2019; Al-Noshan, Al-Hagery,

et al., 2018; Nugroho et al., 2020). However, research also indicates that a high

number of higher education institutes still report having an increased number of

students that do not graduate on time or drop out, suggesting that they have low

academic performance (Bocsi et al., 2019; Katalin, 2019; Veronika et al., 2019).

Statement of the Problem

This research study aimed to determine the Effectiveness of Parental

Involvement on the Academic Performance of Grade 6 Einstein Pupils of

Binalonan North Central School SPED Center, Specifically, this study sought to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. age,

b. sex,

c. parent’s educational background; and

d. general point average?

2. What is the academic performance of the respondents in terms of:

a. performance task; and

b. social and communication skills?

Significance of the Study

This research study provided new insights about the Effectiveness of

Parental Involvement on the Academic Performance of Grade 6 Einstein Pupils of

Binalonan North Central School SPED Center. Specifically, this benefited the


School. This study helped the school in convincing other parents in joining

parents’ association in the promotion of parental involvement on the academic

performance of their children.

Parents. This study helped the parents in improving relationship with their


Teachers. This study helped teachers in improving relationship in

monitoring on their students’ academic performance

Pupils. This study helped the pupils in increasing their academic

performance and grades. This also helped the students in maintaining their

positive behaviour in the school.

Researchers. This study helped the researchers in determining the

effectiveness of parental involvement on the academic performance of elementary


Future Researchers. This study helped the future researchers in

conducting their future research about the parental involvement on the academic

performance of elementary pupils.

Scope and Delimitation

The researchers aimed to study the Effectiveness of Parental Involvement

on the Academic Performance of Grade 6. The respondents were currently

enrolled this school year 2022-2023. To gather necessary information, the

researchers randomly selected respondents from the grade 6 Einstein pupils of

Binalonan North Central School SPED Center who were personally given

questionnaires to be answered, which then, retrieved. The only focused of the

study is only the Grade 6 Einstein Pupils.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate the understanding of this study, the following terms are defined

as conceptual:

Parental Involvement. Means parental assistance with a child care

program such as participation in field trips, parties, attendance on special days for

special events, or parental support and cooperation in the classroom.

Academic Performance. Is the measurement of student achievement

across various academic subjects.

Binalonan North Central School SPED Center. Binalonan North Central

School SPED Center is a DepED managed partially urban public Kinder &

Elementary school located in Binalonan, Pangasinan.

Cognitive Skill. Cognitive skills, otherwise called cognitive awareness,

apply to the skills required to understand and navigate the world. These skills are

the mental abilities and processes that control your actions and that allow you to

conduct complex tasks.

Chapter II

This chapter presents the related studies after through and in-depth

search done by the researchers.

Related Literature and Studies

Foreign Literature and Foreign Studies

As one of the crucial family factors, parental involvement means that

parents pay more attention to their children’s academic performance and monitor

their children’s study behavior, which makes the children spend more time and

energy on their academic performance, thus promoting their academic

performance (Harwood et al. 2019). When parents are involved in their children’s

education, they can promote their children to develop their learning abilities, skills

and habits (Tan et al.,2020). Parental support includes encouraging children

through actions such as providing them with an appropriate environment, praising

them or manifesting that they care for them (Boonk et al, 2018).

According to Purificación C, Alicia (2018) and Orhan-Özen (2017) parenting

style has a positive effect on student performance. The parents who involve

themselves in the children’s education at home, their children as a result, show

good performance at school. Akbar, et. al (2017) stated that the Parental

involvement is found statistically significantly contributing towards the outcome of

student performance. The study helps us to accept that there is a relationship

between parental involvement and their children’s academic achievement.

Furthermore, studies carried out by Hussain, et. al (2018) and Ambachew, et. al

(2018) revealed that there is a strong positive and significant relationship between

parental involvement and academic performance of students. Research studies

carried out by Jaiswal and Choudhuri (2017) suggests that when parents are

actively involved in their children’s educational activities, show affection to their

children, participate in school events, democratic and responsive in nature, and

keep positive educational expectation then students’ academic performance

becomes higher. Based on Parka and Holloway (2017) studies, stated that the

effects of school-based parental involvement on academic achievement at the

child achievement in mathematics significant. Parental involvement became more

strongly related to mathematics and reading achievement as children move

through the grades.

The relationship between parental involvement and academic achievement

varies according to the parental involvement type the study focuses on. While

some parental involvement types have shown positive association with academic

achievement, some other types have proven negative or null 369 association

(Boonk et al, 2018). In their review of the studies on the relationship between

parental involvement and academic achievement, Boonk et al (2018, p. 25)

concluded that parental involvement is related to academic achievement, yet this

relationship is not as strong as traditionally believed. To put forth the effect of

parental involvement on academic achievement, more metaanalysis studies

focusing on different types of parental involvement are needed. This study focuses

on this effect with respect to home-based and school-based parental involvement

types including control, learning assistance, communication, support, activity,

academic socialisation and expectation. While home-based involvement is related

to the activities carried out at home to enhance children’s learning, such as helping

with homework, school-based involvement has to do with activities performed by

the parents at schools, such as attending school events or parent-teacher

conferences (Boonk et al, 2018).

Local Literature and Local Studies

Parenting is essential in Philippine society since family is seen as an inside

to one's social world. Be that as it may, social settings in which Filipino families are

introduced have changed quickly in recent years. Child's learning is progressively

advancing toward a more expansive vision of 21st-century learning. As a child's

training progressively happens over a scope of settings, guardians are interestingly

situated to help guarantee that these settings best help their kids' particular

adapting needs (Ochoa & Torre, 2017). Children's interaction with their family

members in the community is essential for their learning and development since

their first teacher is their parents, and their first learning takes place in the

community. For this reason, the children gain knowledge about the world through

this interaction. Children have levels of problem-solving ability, so Vygotsky

focused on internationalization on "knowing how" by addressing the Zone of

Proximal Development (ZPD) as a concept to argue that. He defined Zone of

Proximal Development as: "The distance between the actual developmental level

as determined by the independent problem-solving under adult guidance or in

collaboration with more capable peers." Vygotsky claimed that children could learn

and achieve by themselves at one level. However, he introduced another level that

refers to the child's abilities when working under the guidance of an adult or with

more capable peers (Prior & Gerard, 2017)

Theoretical Framework

Parental involvement is seen as an effective strategy to ensure student

success, as evidenced by several correlational studies, with die overarching

benefit of parental involvement being increased academic performance (Barnard,

2004; Desimone, 1999; Hill & Craft, 2003; Hill &: Taylor, 2004; ZeUman &

Waterman, 1998). The current literature also emphasizes other positive effects.

For example, increased parent involvement leads to early social competence,

which ultimately leads to academic success (Hill 8c Craft). Similarly, parent

involvement also increases social capital, or networks designed to leverage

resources (Hill & Taylor; Lee & Bowen, 2006). As social networks are increased,

students are able to access additional support or resources, such as tutoring,

enrichment opportunities, or access to curriculum extensions beyond the school,

in order to achieve academic success (Bryan, Holcomb- McCoy, Day-Vines, &

Moore-Thomas, 2011; Hill & Taylor; Lee & Bowen). Furthermore, because of the

increased academic success as parents become more involved, parental

involvement has been identified as a strategy to decrease the achievement gap

(Jeynes, 2011; Lee & Bowen; ZeUman ^ Waterman). In the era of accountability,

the promise of increased academic achievement, especially with regards to the

achievement gap, places the need to increase and improve parent involvement in

children's education in a powerful position. However, focusing on parent

involvement as a strategy to increase achievement shifts some of the responsibility

for students' success from schools to families (Graue & Benson, 2001). This seems

to be at the root of the gap between espoused parental involvement strategies and

the lack of parental involvement that persists. In an effort to explore why this gap

exists, this article first looks at how parental involvement is defined.

Conceptual Framework

Profile of the Respondents

Academic Performance

Effectiveness of Parental


Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, sampling technique, research

instrument, data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study used non-experimental design. The study used Simple Random

Sampling Technique specifically it used a lottery method, each member of the

population had an equal chance of being selected. Each member of the population

numbered using a piece of paper and put it into a container which shuffled. Among

the thirty-five (35) Grade 6-Einstein pupils, the researchers only picked twenty-

eight (28) respondents to represent the whole population. This helped the validity

of the study as well as in avoiding research bias.

Research Instrument

In the data collecting procedure, the study used survey questionnaires. This

survey has been conducted face-to-face to determine the effectiveness of parental

involvement on the academic performance of elementary pupils. The survey

questionnaires were given to the respondents of the study.

This survey questionnaires were divided into two (2) parts. The first part

was the demographic profile of the respondents such as sex, age, grade level and

section, parent’s educational background and general point average. The second

part was the questions regarding performance tasks and social and

communication skills.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used survey questionnaires as a main tool in gathering

needed data and information to determine the effectiveness of parental

involvement on the academic performance of Grade 6. The survey questionnaire

was composed of two sections namely: demographic profile and other related

questions regarding the parental involvement.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers utilized simple statistical techniques such as survey

questionnaires to collect quantitative data. The answers to the survey questions

were aggregated and analyzed using the following statistical methods:

1.Mean, frequency count and percentage has been used to present the socio-

demographic profile of the grade 6 pupils of Binalonan North Central School SPED


Formula for percentage:

Percentage = frequency/total respondents x 100

2.Likert Scale was also used to determine the effectiveness of parental

involvement on the academic performance of the respondents.


4.20 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
3.40 – 4.19 Agree
2.60 – 3.39 Slightly Agree
1.80 – 2.59 Disagree
1.00 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree

Chapter IV


This chapter provided the presentation of statistical data relative to the

problems posted in the statement of the problem. The corresponding analysis and

interpretation of data are incorporated in this portion of the study.

The information collected from the respondents who participated in the

study has been arranged and displayed in a series of tables.

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1.1

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Sex

N = 28

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 2 7.14%
Female 26 92.86%

Table 1.1 shows the percentage of respondents in terms of sex. For those

who have been surveyed, male respondents were only 7.14% with a total of two

(2) out of 28 respondents from the Grade 6 Einstein of Binalonan North Central

School SPED Center. While 92.86% is the total percentage for the female

respondents from the Grade 6 Einstein of Binalonan North Central School SPED


Table 1.2

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

N = 28

Age Frequency Percentage

13 years old 1 3.57%
12 years old 22 78.57%
11 years old 5 17.86%

As shown in the table 1.2, respondents aged 12 years old got the highest

percentage which is equal to 78.57% or twenty-two (22) out of 28 respondents

from the Grade 6 Einstein of Binalonan North Central School SPED Center. While,

respondents aged 11 years old got 17.86% which is composed of five (5) out of 28

respondents. On the other hand, respondent aged 13 years old got the lowest

percentage which is equal to 3.57% or one (1) out of 28 respondents.

Table 1.3

Profile of the Respondents in terms of General Point Average

N = 28

General Point Average Frequency Percentage

91 4 14.29%
92 8 28.57%
93 8 28.57%
94 4 14.29%
95 3 10.71%
96 1 3.57%

In the table 1.3, it shows the general point average of the respondents

wherein, 92 and 93 got the highest percentage which is equal to 28.57% or eight

(8) out of 28 respondents. While, 91 and 94 got the second highest percentage

which is equal to 14.29% or four (4) out of 28 respondents. On the other hand,

respondents who have the general point average of 95 got the second lowest

percentage which is equal to 10.71% or three (3) out of the 28 respondents.

Respondent who has a general point average got the lowest percentage which is

equal to one (1) out of 30 respondents.

Table 1.4

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Parent’s Educational Background

N = 28

Parent’s Educational Background Frequency Percentage

Elementary Graduate 0 0%
High School Graduate 1 3.6%
College Graduate 24 85.7%
Technical-Vocational Graduate 2 7.1%
Others: Post-Graduate 1 3.6%

In table 1.4, it shows the parent’s educational background of the

respondents. The parents of the respondents who graduated in college have the

highest percentage which is equal to 85.7% or twenty-six (24) out of 28

respondents. While, parents of the respondents who graduated in Technical-

Vocational have the percentage of 7.1% which is equal to two (2) out of 28

respondents. On the other hand, parents of the respondents who graduated in

High School and others, which is Post-Graduate have the percentage of 3.6%

which is equal to one (1) out of 28 respondents.

Academic Performance of the Respondents

Table 2.1

Academic Performance of the Respondents in terms of

Performance Tasks

Performance Tasks AWM Description

1.My parents help me to pass my project on 3.57 Agree
2.My parents help me to do my tasks that my 3.03 Slightly Agree
teacher gives.
3.My parents often help me to use my free time 3.11 Slightly Agree
to do my tasks.
4.My parents teach me to do step-by-step 3.07 Slightly Agree
process in doing my activities.
5.My parents push me to join both curricular 3.07 Slightly Agree
and extra-curricular activities in our school.
6.I enjoy doing my homework and activities with 3.43 Agree
my parents to improve my abilities in every
7. My parents help me actively participate in 3.46 Agree
every discussion.
8.My parents help me to exert more efforts 3.79 Agree
when doing my performance tasks.
9.My parents always tell me to help my 3.5 Agree
groupmates in doing our tasks in our school.
Overall Average Weighted Mean 3.34 Slightly Agree

In table 2.1, it shows the academic performance of the respondents in terms

of their performance tasks. Wherein, the highest average weighted mean is, my

parents help me to exert more efforts when doing my performance has an average

weighted mean of 3.79 which means that the respondents were agreed on the

statement. On the other hand, the second highest average weighted mean is, my

parents help me to pass my project on time has an average weighted mean of

3.57, which means that the respondents were agreed on the statement.

Meanwhile, the lowest average weighted mean is, my parents help me to do my

tasks that my teacher gives has an average weighted mean of 3.03 which means

that the respondents were slightly agreed on the statement.

Table 2.2

Academic Performance of the Respondents in terms of

Social and Communication Skills

Social and Communication Skills AWM Description

1.My parents always tell me to make an eye 3.04 Slightly Agree
contact when someone is talking to me.
2.My parents always tell me to smile when I talk 3.75 Agree
to someone to show respect.
3.My parents help me to collaborate with my 3.29 Slightly Agree
group members.
4.My parents always tell me to show that I am 3.61 Agree
confident when communicating.
5.My parents teach me to give an opinion as a 3.61 Agree
show of solidarity.
6.My parents teach me to greet the person 4.21 Strongly Agree
whom I talking to.
7.My parents help me to allow others to feel 3.96 Agree
comfortable in sharing their ideas.
8.My parents teach me to always listen to the 3.82 Agree
9.I always listen to my parents as a sign of 4.36 Strongly Agree
10.My parents help me to develop my social 3.96 Agree
skills in small ways by engaging with people I
interact with.
11.Me and my parents always play game cards 2.07 Disagree
to increase our interaction.
12.My parents always allow me to play with 3.54 Agree
other children.
13.My parents allow me to play interactive 3.29 Slightly Agree
games like laro ng lahi.
14.Me and my parents always sure that we 3.11 Slightly Agree
have quality time during weekend.
15. My parents help me in playing puzzle 2.36 Disagree
Overall Average Weighted Mean 3.47 Agree

In table 2.2, it shows the academic performance of the Einstein Pupils in

terms of their Social and Communication Skills. Wherein, the highest average

weighted is, I always listen to my parents as a sign of respect has an average

weighted mean of 4.36 which means that the respondents were strongly agreed

on the statement. On the other hand, the second highest average weighted mean

is, my parents teach me to greet the person whom I talking to which means that

the respondents were strongly agreed on the statement. Meanwhile, the lowest

average weighted mean is, me and my parents always play game cards to

increase our interaction has an average weighted mean of 2.07 which means that

the respondents were disagreed on the statement.

Chapter V


Summary of Findings

The study explored the effectiveness of parental involvement on the

academic performance of grade 6. Based from the gathered data, there are 26

females and 2 males who responded on the survey questionnaire. Wherein 22 of

them were 12 years old, 5 of them were 11 years old and 1 of them was 13 years

old. Based from the answers of the respondents, there are 8 respondents who

have a general point average of 92 and 93. Meanwhile, there were also 4

respondents who have a general point average of 91 and 94, 3 respondents who

have a general point average of 95 and 1 respondent who has a general point

average of 96. When it comes to the parent’s educational, 24 respondents who

responded that their parents were graduated in college, 2 respondents who

responded that their parents were graduated in technical-vocational and 1

respondent who responded that their parents were graduated in high school. When

it comes to the performance tasks of the respondents, the highest average

weighted mean is my parents help me to exert more efforts when doing my

performance has an average weighted mean of 3.79 while the lowest average

weighted mean is my parents help me to do my tasks that my teacher gives has

an average weighted mean of 3.03. Meanwhile, on the social and communication

skills of the respondents, the highest average weighted mean is I always listen to

my parents as a sign of respect has an average weighted mean of 4.36 while, the

lowest average weighted mean is my parents help me to do my tasks that my

teacher gives has an average weighted mean of 3.03. The study indicated that

performance tasks and social and communication skills of the grades 6 Einstein

Pupils are closely associated with how their parents involved on their children’s

academic performance. Based from the gathered data from the respondents, the

researchers found out that performance tasks and social and communication skills

of the respondents were connected to their academic performance.


The present study had some limitation. The limitation is that the study only

focused on Grade 6 Einstein Pupils of Binalonan North Central School SPED

Center because the researchers wanted to know on why does SPED students are

more academically active and have high academic performance which might have

been different in schools around the world. As a result, the findings of the study

might not be the same as other public and private schools nationwide or even



Based from the findings the researchers drawn the following conclusions:

1. The grade 6 Einstein are female dominated. There are more female pupils of

Grade 6 Einstein rather than the male pupils.

2. The parents of the grade 6 Einstein slightly helped their children in doing their

tasks that their teacher gives.

3. The parents of the grade 6 Einstein doesn’t help their children in playing puzzle


4. The parents of the grade 6 Einstein doesn’t play any game cards with their kids

in order to increase their interaction skills.


The researchers recommended the following solutions for the research


1. The parents must encourage the male child to be a part of the SPED class.

2. The parents must always find ways to help their children in doing their tasks.

3. Parents must learn to play puzzle games in order to have a greater opportunity

to interact with their kids.

4. Parents must learn to use learning flash cards as a tool to increase their

interaction with their child.


Boonk et al., 2018; Park et al., 2017 Role of Parental Involvement in the

Modern Era | Free Essay Example (

Son & Cho, 2020 Role of Parental Involvement in the Modern Era | Free

Essay Example (

Al-Fadley et al, 2018 Role of Parental Involvement in the Modern Era | Free

Essay Example (

Fisher, 2018; Yemini & Maxwell, 2021 Role of Parental Involvement in the

Modern Era | Free Essay Example (

Epstein et al., 2018; Yemini et al., 2019 Role of Parental Involvement in the

Modern Era | Free Essay Example (

Boonk et al., 2018; Park et al., 2017 Role of Parental Involvement in the

Modern Era | Free Essay Example (

Bartolome; Nordin & Abdul 2017 Role of Parental Involvement in the

Modern Era | Free Essay Example (

Oswald et al., 2017; Anthony & Ogg, 2019 Determinants of poor academic

performance among undergraduate students—A systematic literature review -


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Age: _____________________ Sex:_______________________

Grade Level and Section: ___________________ General Point Average:________
Parent’s Educational Background:
Others (Please specify): __________________________________________________
Directions: In each question, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the questions
by simply putting a check mark in each box. Your answers will be kept confidential and
Scale: 5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 – Slightly Agree
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree
A. Performance Tasks Strongly Agree Slightly Disagree Strongly
Agree (4) Agree (2) Disagree
(5) (3) (1)
1.My parents help me to pass my project
on time.
*Tinutulungan ako ng aking magulang na
ipasa ang aking proyekto sa tamang oras.
2.My parents help me to do my tasks that
my teacher gives.
*Tinutulungan ako ng aking mga
magulang na gawin ang mga gawain na
ibinigay sa akin ng aking guro.
3.My parents often help me to use my free
time to do my tasks.

*Tinutulungan ako palagi ng aking mga
magulang sa paggawa ng aking mga
gawain kapag ako ay may libreng oras.
4.My parents teach me to do step-by-step
process in doing my activities.
*Tinuturuan ako ng aking mga magulang
na gawin ang hakbang hakbang na
proseso sa paggawa ng aking mga
5.My parents push me to join both
curricular and extra-curricular activities in
our school.
*Kinukumbinsi ako ng mga magulang ko
na sumali sa mga gawaing kurikular at
ekstra-kurikular sa aming paaralan.
6.I enjoy doing my homework and
activities with my parents to improve my
abilities in every subject.
*Masaya akong gumagawa ng aking mga
homework at activities kasama ang aking
mga magulang upang mapahusay ang
aking mga kakayahan sa bawat
7. My parents help me actively participate
in every discussion.
*Tinutulungan ako ng aking mga
magulang na aktibong makibahagi sa
bawat talakayan.
8.My parents help me to exert more
efforts when doing my performance tasks.
*Tinutulungan ako ng aking mga
magulang na magsumikap nang higit pa
kapag ginagawa ko ang aking mga
gawain sa pagganap.
9.My parents always tell me to help my
groupmates in doing our tasks in our
*Lagi akong sinasabihan ng mga
magulang ko na tulungan ang mga
kasama ko sa grupo sa paggawa ng mga
gawain namin sa aming paaralan.

B. Social and Communication Skills Strongly Agree Slightly Disagree Strongly
Agree (4) Agree (2) Disagree
(5) (3) (1)
1.My parents always tell me to make an
eye contact when someone is talking to
*Lagi akong sinasabihan ng mga
magulang ko na makipag eye contact
kapag may kausap sa akin.
2.My parents always tell me to smile when
I talk to someone to show respect.
*Lagi akong sinasabihan ng mga
magulang ko na ngumiti kapag may
kausap ako para magpakita ng respeto.
3.My parents help me to collaborate with
my group members.
*Tinutulungan ako ng mga magulang ko
na makipagtulungan sa mga miyembro ng
grupo ko.
4.My parents always tell me to show that I
am confident when communicating.
*Lagi akong sinasabihan ng mga
magulang ko na ipakita na confident ako
kapag nakikipag usap.
5.My parents teach me to give an opinion
as a show of solidarity.
*Tinuturuan ako ng mga magulang ko na
magbigay ng opinyon bilang pagpapakita
ng pakikiisa.
6.My parents teach me to greet the person
whom I talking to.
*Tinuturuan ako ng mga magulang ko na
batiin ang kausap ko.
7.My parents help me to allow others to
feel comfortable in sharing their ideas.
*Tinutulungan ako ng aking mga
magulang na maging komportable ang iba
sa pagbabahagi ng kanilang mga ideya.
8.My parents teach me to always listen to
the speaker.
*Tinuturuan ako ng mga magulang ko na
laging makinig sa nagsasalita
9.I always listen to my parents as a sign of
*Lagi kong pinakikinggan ang aking mga
magulang bilang tanda ng paggalang.

10.My parents help me to develop my
social skills in small ways by engaging
with people I interact with.
*Tinutulungan ako ng aking mga
magulang na mapaunlad ang aking mga
kasanayan sa pakikisama sa maliliit na
paraan sa pamamagitan ng pakikipag
ugnayan sa mga taong nakakasalamuha
11.Me and my parents always play game
cards to increase our interaction.
*Ako at ang aking mga magulang ay
palaging naglalaro ng mga larong baraha
upang madagdagan ang aming pakikipag
12.My parents always allow me to play
with other children.
*Lagi akong pinapayagan ng mga
magulang ko na makipaglaro sa ibang
13.My parents allow me to play interactive
games like laro ng lahi.
*Pinapayagan ako ng aking mga
magulang na maglaro ng mga interactive
na laro tulad ng laro ng lahi.
14.Me and my parents always sure that
we have quality time during weekend.
*Ako at ang aking mga magulang ay
laging sinisigurado na mayroon kaming
kalidad ng oras sa katapusan ng linggo.
15. My parents help me in playing puzzle
*Tinutulungan ako ng mga magulang ko
sa paglalaro ng puzzle games.


Dear Respondents,

The researchers are in the process of completing a research study titled,

“Effectiveness of Parental Involvement on the Academic Performance of Grade 6

Elementary Pupils of Binalonan North Central School SPED Center”.

In connection with this, We, the researchers, adopted and revised a survey questionnaire

to gather information, hence, participation in this study by the way of answering the questionnaire

is very important. Please feel assured that your anonymity and the information you will give be

treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much for your kind response in this matter.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers


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