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The fear of speaking English and the potential embarrassment or judgment can be daunting.
But remember this: every great speaker started somewhere, and it’s perfectly normal to stumble and
English isn't an easy language to learn, and it’s okay to make mistakes along the way.
What matters is not how many times you falter, but how many times you pick yourself up, learn from
your errors, and move forward.
By choosing to speak, you're ahead of those who let fear keep them silent. Speaking English
opens up a world of opportunities, and you're taking the first step towards that.
Embrace this journey. Seek help, engage in conversations, join English-speaking clubs or online
It’s through practice that you will improve, and remember, everyone else is too busy with
their own learning to judge you.
Keep pushing through, and soon enough, you'll look back and realize how far you've come.
Your courage to speak English is the mark of a true learner, someone who’s ready to embrace new
challenges and experiences.
So, step forward and let your voice be heard. Your English-speaking journey starts now!

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