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A four hundred-year-old Dream

After the creation on the colons of Virginia, the first english colony in north America, by Kingston
James I, the pilgrim fathers established a second colony farther to the north, art Plymouth Rock,
today Massachusetts.
They left England on board the May Closer in order to escape the religious persecutions of the long of
England. Indeed any english person who did not convert to anglicanism was burnt or killed.
The Pilgrim fathers were Puritans and wanted to create a settlement that they could rule on their
Nonetheless they landed on December 11 th, 1620 in winter and had to face harsh weather
conditions. They only survived thanks to the help of native Americans who gave them some food,
which explains why the Americans give so much important to the thanksgiving celebration today.
Indeed thanksgiving is to celebrate the help that they received from the native Americans.

The creation of the US

1607:the 1st english settlers landed and created the Virginia colony

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