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Committee: Futuristic Security Council

Country: Japan
Topic: Revision of the Treaty of Tordesillas
Name of delegate: Ana Lia Alvarez Jaidar
School: High Point International School Campus Laguna

Good afternoon delegates and honorable chair of approvals.

“One small step for man, One giant leap for mankind.” - Louis Armstrong.
It has been more than a century since the first human set foot on outer space. Now, after forty
five years of endless efforts, delegations from all over the world have cooperated to establish 9
main colonies on mars; creating societies, national agreements and a different way of living for
all humanity. Japan is well aware that all parties present have one objective in common: the
desire for the greater good for mars. Nonetheless, every country has altered the definition of “the
greater good”.

The delegation of Japan, along with the Colony of Shinrin-Yoku, argue the treaty of
Tordesillas, despite being a good idea, is in desperate need for modifications in order to impose
the adherence to its articles. Therefore, Japan recommends all party representatives get together
to modify this Treaty in order for it to be more concise and to implement severe sanctions in case
of not being followed.
It is acknowledged that the colony of Nanahuatzin has caused corruption and insecurity
all throughout its nation and bordering colonies due to its situation surrounding drug trafficking.
Nonetheless, the hallucinogens aren’t directly the cause of this instability.
Therefore, in order to promote security and decrease tension between demographics, Japan has
come to an agreement with Shinrin-Yoku, establishing that the Japanese colony is willing to buy
these hallucinogens from their respective providers, and sell them in an extremely moderated
manner, in a way that social insecurity and tension between nations will decrease significantly.
Any nation opposing this proposition is free to punish the distribution of narcotics in their
respective territory, but Japan is set on this decision and willing to negotiate an agreement with
Japan is widely against Huǒxīng and The Federation of the Free Martian States being
independent colonies, given their history of supporting radically nationalistic beliefs and
being the main responsible parties for the Great Martian War & The genocide of Huǒxīng, which
violated the fourth article of the treaty of Tordesillas, (Which was signed by all assisting parties
today). Which reads: “The parties shall cooperate with one another in the spirit of mutual respect
and goodwill to promote peace, stability, and prosperity on Mars.” (The Treaty of Tordesillas,
The martians who willingly participated in these massacres are all now by definition under the
rule of law, war criminals; who shall also be punished as such. (Tokubetsu Kōtō Keisatsu,
The delegation of Japan encourages all delegations to cooperate and establish a fitting
punishment for all colonies who violate any and every article of the Treaty of Tordesillas, since

the sixth article of The treaty of Tordesillas establishes that all disputes must be communally
arranged and a fitting consequence must be agreed upon by all nations. Therefore, Japan will be
discussing their modification ideas in a moderate caucus so they cam be discussed and agreed
upon, or discarded. (The Treaty of Tordesillas, 2066).

Japan suggests establishing specialized rehabilitation martian control prisons where all
martians who violate the old or renovated treaty of Tordesillas must be sent to in order to
maximize harmonious living.
Additionally, Japan suggests establishing meetings with all colony and nation
representatives, (as well as the judicial court) where all must agree to a corresponding sanction
for any colony who does not adhere to the public renovation of The Treaty of Tordesillas. Any
proposals for the edition of the treaty of Tordesillas will be discussed in a moderate caucus in
order for them to be discussed, and therefore agreed upon or denied. The delegation also
encourages all nations to suggest their own ideas.

• The third article shall be modified to express that if judicial court proves that a government has
become corrupt or is deliberately harming its citizens, all colonies may come together to
implement modifications and/or corresponding sanctions.
• Ownership of illegal weapons shall be punished accordingly to prevent any possibility of a
warlike conflict or unprecedented accidents.
• The trafficking of hallucinogens is prohibited, any government allowing of it shall be classified
as negligent of its people and therefore all nations must come together and decide upon the
corresponding punishment for the traffickers and the government which allowed it.
• Any attempt from a Colony to begin a warlike conflict will be severely sanctioned, given their
attempt to disrupt the peace and wellbeing of the rest of the Colonies.
• Any martian who is caught performing hate speech shall be given a corresponding legal
• An earthling protection law to prevent them from any kind of hate crime shall be discussed.
• Any attempts from a colony to expand their territory farther than agreed will be classified as a
direct offense to the Treaty of Tordesillas and will be punished as a violation to communal law.
• Any movement or intervention that goes against the interest of the nations or the well being of
the martians will be met with an overwhelming force and punishment provided by all nations

Japan wants to expand territory!!!!

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