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In this chapter, the researchers present the Summary of Findings, Conclusion

and Recommendation derived from the study

The study “Crab Bucket Effects: Its Impact to the Social Interaction”

aims to measure the impact of the crab bucket on Jealous, Envy and Attitude

to the social interaction in terms of Social pressure and Behavior of the

selected Grade 11 students of Liceo de Pila A.Y. 2021 – 2022 as


It specifically aims to respond to the following questions: 1. What is the

mean level of Crab Bucket Effect in terms of Jealous, Envy and Attitude? 2.

What is the mean level of Social Interaction in terms of Social pressure and

Behavior? 3. Is there any significant impact of Crab Bucket Effect to the

Social Interaction of Grade 11 Students of Liceo de Pila A.Y 2021 – 2022?

To gather relevant data for this study, the descriptive method of

research is being used. The instrument that the researchers used in this study

was a questionnaire and provided a Likert scale to gather data instruments to

collect the necessary information for the study distributed to the respondents.

Furthermore, to interpret the data the researchers used statistical tools

including weighted mean, standard deviation (SD), and ranking. The total

number of respondents involved in this study was sixty (60) students from

selected Grade 11 students of Liceo de Pila A. Y. 2021 – 2022. Students in

grade 12 from St. John Paul II (STEM), Mary Help of Christians (GAS), and
St. John Bosco (GAS).

Based on the gathered data, the following are the findings:

1. The mean level of Crab Bucket Effect in terms of Jealous, Envy

and Attitude.

The mean level was determined by the researchers through gathering

necessary data based on the responses provided by the respondents.

The study presents the estimated weighted mean value of 3.86 which has a

result of “High” as an interpretation. Jealous has a mean of 3.71 and Envy

has a mean of 3.64 and Attitude have a mean of 4.22. The three variables

under Crab Bucket play a significant role in the Social Interaction of the


2. The mean level of Social Interaction in terms of Social pressure

and Behavior.

The study showed that the social pressure and behavior has the same

interpretation and it is “High”. Through gathering essential data and vigilant

observation, the researchers found out that the estimated weighted mean of

the two (2) variable is 4.13. Consequently, the respondents have been

demonstrated on how they react to every question.

3. Significant impact of Crab Bucket Effect to the Social Interaction

of Grade 11 students of Liceo de Pila A.Y 2021 – 2022.

The study's analysis of the data shows a significant impact between the Crab

Bucket and Social Interaction. The study have been interpreted as significant

and rejects the null hypothesis. The evidence suggests that there is a
substantial linear relationship between the Crab Bucket and Social

Interaction, as evidenced by a correlation coefficient significantly different

from zero.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.

Based on the analysis of the data gathered, the result is interpreted as significant.

Therefore, the researchers find out that all the independent variables: Jealous, Envy

and Attitude prepared in this study to cast a significant impact on the dependent

variables: Social pressure and Behavior. Hence, there is the significant impacts of

Crab Bucket and Social Interaction to the Grade 11 students of Liceo de Pila A.Y

2021 – 2022.

The results of the study are relying on the given interpretation of the

researcher's statistical use, within the given summary the final answer to the research

questionnaires is that the majority of answers are agreed and few say slightly agree

to the given questions.

Based on the results of this research, the conclusion drawn can be said to be

“Rejected” so it appears that Crab Bucket has a significant impact on the Social

Interaction to the Grade 11 students of Liceo De Pila A.Y 2021 – 2022.

Based on the findings and conclusion of the study which were previously

shown, the following recommendations are:

1. It is important for students to be aware of the negative effects of

jealousy, envy, and negative attitudes in their social interactions and

strive to create a supportive and positive environment by celebrating

each other's successes and avoiding negative comparisons.

2. Parents and guardians should promote healthy competition and

positive social relationships among students by encouraging their

children to focus on personal growth rather than constantly comparing

themselves to others.

3. The school administration should implement programs or initiatives

that address and mitigate the negative impact of the Crab Bucket

phenomenon, such as promoting a culture of collaboration,

emphasizing the importance of empathy, and providing resources for

students to deal with jealousy and envy.

4. The community can play a role in raising awareness about the

detrimental effects of the Crab Bucket mentality by organizing

workshops, seminars, or campaigns that promote positive social

interactions and discourage negative behaviors.

5. Further research can be conducted to explore additional factors that

contribute to the Crab Bucket phenomenon and its impact on social

interactions, considering different contexts and demographics to gain

a more comprehensive understanding of this issue.

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