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The main question lies in exploring worries, but, little did I know that we're already

surrounded by a tonne of worries eating our brains day and night. We can thus, call it as a
new age of anxiety. This problem of increasing anxiety due to worries could've been treated
if it were internal. But it is due to the external factors such as widespread negative news fed
by science and media. We have a tendency to give more attention to a threatening news than
to a jovial one. We care more about the pessimistic side. And hence, science and media
merrily serve us with such news encompassing our fears. They try to discover new worries
and the very few old ones lose their audience. Problems can be sorted but they keep on
adding up our fears like even if smallpox can be treated, terrorists can re-create its virus and
spread it all over the world. They try to bring out the issues as apocalyptic as possible. This
gets the scientists and media pressurised to show the problems in a more chaotic way. And
not only that, if it has more threat to our lives, it gets more recognition. The news gets the
airtime only if its outcomes are prophetic. They present it as it may be contagious or even can
lead to death or new plague. The media/science contribute in creating a panic amongst the
viewers to take immediate actions in response to the life-threatening problems shown by
them without even thinking. In our due fears, we take extreme steps making things
unfortunate rather than better. Although I don't feel it right to raise this issue as it adds up to
the problem, but I think it's worth worrying about as there seems no way of escaping this
problem till we don't bring it up. The continuous jacking of new worries by media and
science never stops.

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