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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiatives Project

Based upon the industry’s best practices as well as credible research papers on the topic

examples of diversity, equity & inclusion in workplaces relevant to our organization include:

• Gender Diversity

• Age Diversity

• Ethnic Diversity (Different regions as well as religions)

• Physical ability and neurodiversity (Especially – abled employees)

Therefore, Targeted Hiring is the most sought-after solution in order to meet the above-

mentioned Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives.

Moreover, in order to ensure the candidate once hired is associated with the organization for a

substantial period, the following practices need to be inculcated in the organization’s culture:

• Ensure that diverse talent is well represented.

• Strengthen leadership accountability and capabilities.

• Be fair and transparent, enabling equality of opportunity.

• Promote openness and tackle microaggressions, bias, and discrimination.

• Foster belonging through unequivocal support for all the ways diversity manifests.

Being more specific (for the purpose of on-ground implementation) the above can be

further broken down into:

Challenges relating to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion include:

• Measurement (wherein the only way to know if D&I is improving in the organization

is to measure and track it) – A proposed solution for this would be annual reviews of

the employee workforce wherein Gender, Age, Ethnicity (Region + Religion),

Specially – abled (if any) for each and every employee are mentioned in our Employee

Database so that at the end of the year one can easily get an idea of the progress through

relevant graphs from the DEI data entered.

• Language barrier (wherein an employee whose mother tongue may not be Hindi) – A

proposed solution for this would be:

o Providing language training to the particular employee (if possible)

o A more practical approach would be making sure the particular candidate is

mapped with a co-employee that is fluent in both languages ( for example if a

particular employee is not very good at speaking Hindi then for example in case

of a plant visit wherein the blue – collared workers speak Hindi he/she should

be accompanied by an employee fluent at both the languages).

• Silos [wherein employees belonging to the same Gender, Age, Ethnicity (Region +

Religion), Specially – abled (if any) are more likely to engage together] – A proposed

solution to this would be the assigned of a Buddy (preferably from a different DEI

background as the current employee) in order to prevent the creation of silos.

Additionally, formulating diverse teams for Marketing, Sales, Operations, etc in order

to prevent the creation of silos.

Some industry best practices in order to ensure Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at our

organisation (based upon the companies operating in the same industry as ours):

• Currently, at the company level, after the divestments we have made in our Fertilizer

and Consumer Business, we have about 7 percent women employees at Tata Chemicals


• One of the game-changing D&I moves in the recent past was the SEBI mandate that

required all listed companies to have at least one female director as a part of their board.

It led to a substantial increase of 8% in the number of women directors on the board in

5 years.

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