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Course Coordinator:

Dr. John Borromeo

Date of Submission:

May 12, 2023

Submitted by:

Maria A. Morgia

Teacher feedback is an essential part of the teaching and learning process, as it

helps students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and provides them with
guidance on how to improve their work. Effective feedback can motivate students,
promote engagement, and enhance their learning outcomes. On the other hand,
ineffective feedback can demotivate students, reduce their engagement, and negatively
impact their learning outcomes.
The aim of this case report is to investigate the impact of teacher feedback on
student performance in a specific subject area or grade level. The report will analyze the
grades and assessments of a group of students before and after they received feedback
from their teachers on their work. The analysis will focus on the nature and frequency of
the feedback provided by teachers, as well as any additional support or resources
provided to students to help them improve their work.
The findings of this case report will help to identify the most effective methods of
providing feedback to students and highlight areas for improvement in current feedback
practices. This information will be valuable for teachers, school administrators, and
education policymakers who are interested in improving student learning outcomes and
enhancing the quality of teaching and learning in schools.


Data Collection:
To investigate the impact of teacher feedback on student performance, you
would need to collect data on the grades and assessments of a group of students before
and after they received feedback from their teachers on their work. You would also need
to collect data on the nature and frequency of the feedback provided by teachers, as well
as any additional support or resources provided to students to help them improve their

To collect this data, we used a combination of methods, such as:

1. Grade reports: Collecting grade reports for a specific subject area or grade level
from the school's database.
2. Student assessments: Collecting assessments or tests conducted by teachers to
measure student learning outcomes.
3. Student surveys: Conducting surveys with students to gather their feedback on
the quality and effectiveness of the feedback provided by teachers.
4. Teacher interviews: Conducting interviews with teachers to gather information on
their feedback practices and the support and resources provided to students.

Data Preparation:

Once WE have collected the data, you would need to prepare it for analysis. This could

1. Cleaning and organizing the data: Ensuring that the data is complete and
accurate and organizing it in a way that is easy to analyze.
2. Coding the data: Assigning codes or labels to different types of feedback
provided by teachers to facilitate analysis.
3. Transforming the data: Transforming the data into a format that is suitable for
analysis, such as creating a spreadsheet or database.
4. Validating the data: Checking the data for errors and inconsistencies and
validating it to ensure that it is reliable and accurate.


For the case report on the impact of teacher feedback on student performance, some
possible descriptive statistics we considered are:

1. Measures of central tendency: These statistics provide information about the

central or average value of a dataset, such as the mean, median, and mode.
These measures can be useful for summarizing the overall performance of
students in a particular subject area or grade level.
2. Measures of dispersion: These statistics provide information about the spread or
variability of a dataset, such as the range, variance, and standard deviation.
These measures can be useful for understanding the degree of variation in
student performance and the effectiveness of teacher feedback in reducing this
3. Frequency distributions: These statistics provide a visual representation of the
distribution of data, such as histograms or frequency polygons. These measures
can be useful for identifying any patterns or trends in student performance and
the effectiveness of teacher feedback in improving student performance.
4. Correlation analysis: These statistics provide information about the strength and
direction of the relationship between two variables, such as the correlation
coefficient. This analysis can be useful for understanding the relationship
between the frequency and quality of teacher feedback and student performance.

Research question:
What is the impact of teacher feedback on student performance in a
specific subject area or grade level?

Providing frequent and specific feedback to students will result in
improved student performance in the targeted subject area or grade level.

Student ID Gender Class Assignme Assignme Improvem

nt 1 nt 1 (After ent
(Before Feedback)

1 Female A 80 90 10

2 Male A 75 85 10

3 Female B 90 92 2

4 Male B 70 75 5

5 Female A 85 90 5

6 Male A 60 80 20

7 Female B 95 98 3

8 Male B 80 85 5

9 Female A 90 92 2

10 Male A 70 80 10
In this dataset, we have ten students who are divided into two classes (A and B), and their
gender is also recorded. The dataset includes their grades on Assignment 1 before and after
receiving feedback from their teacher, as well as the improvement they made between the two

Measures of Central Tendencies:

Mean improvement = (10+10+2+5+5+20+3+5+2+10)/10 = 7.2

Median improvement = the middle score when the data is arranged in order from lowest to
highest = 5

Mode improvement = the most frequent score in the data set = 5 and 10

Measures of Dispersion:
Range of Improvement = highest improvement score - lowest improvement score = 20-2 = 18

Variance of Improvement = [(10-7.2)^2 + (10-7.2)^2 + (2-7.2)^2 + (5- 7.2)^2+(5-7.2)^2 + (20-

7.2)^2 + (3-7.2)^2 + (5-7.2)^2 + (2-7.2)^2 + (10-7.2)^21/9 = 27.67

Standard Deviation of Improvement = sqrt(Variance of Improvement) = sqrt(27.67) = 5.26

Frequency Distributions:

Improvement Score Frequency

2 2

3 1

5 2

10 2

20 1

In this example, we can see that two students achieved an improvement score of 2, one student
achieved an improvement score of 3, two students achieved an improvement score of 5, two
students achieved an improvement score of 10, and one student achieved an improvement
score of 20.


Since we have only 10 observations in this data set and we cannot definitively confirm
normality, it may be appropriate to consider an alternative test that does not assume normality.
In this case, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test may be more appropriate than the paired t-test.
The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is a nonparametric test that does not rely on the
assumption of normality and is appropriate for paired data, like we have in this case. The test is
based on the differences between the paired measurements and ranks them based on their
magnitude. The test statistic is then calculated using the ranks of the differences, and the null
hypothesis is tested against a distribution of the test statistic.
Therefore, if we cannot assume normality in our data set, we can perform a Wilcoxon
signed-rank test to determine if the median improvement score is significantly different from

The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is a nonparametric test that does not rely on the
assumption of normality, but there are still some assumptions that must be met to ensure the
validity of the test. Here are the assumptions for the Wilcoxon signed-rank test:
1. Paired observations: The paired differences should be independent of each other,
meaning that the improvement score for one student does not influence the
improvement score for another student. This is true in our case, since we are comparing
the improvement scores before and after feedback for each student.
2. Symmetry: The distribution of the paired differences should be symmetric around the
median. If the distribution is heavily skewed, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test may not be
3. Continuity: The paired differences should be continuous. This assumption is usually
satisfied in practice, but it is worth checking for outliers or extreme values that may
violate this assumption.
4. Paired differences are not zero: At least some of the paired differences should be non-
zero. If all of the differences are zero, then the Wilcoxon signed-rank test cannot be
Here are the steps to perform the Wilcoxon signed-rank test on Data Set A:

1. Null hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between the scores of

Assignment 1 before and after feedback.
2. Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is a significant difference between the scores of
Assignment 1 before and after feedback.
3. Set the significance level (alpha) to 0.05.
4. Calculate the difference between the scores of Assignment 1 before and after feedback
for each student, and then rank the absolute values of the differences.
5. Calculate the sum of the ranks for the positive differences and the sum of the ranks for
the negative differences.
6. Calculate the test statistic, which is the smaller of the two sums of ranks.
7. Determine the critical value from the Wilcoxon signed-rank table using the sample size
and significance level.
8. Compare the test statistic to the critical value. If the test statistic is less than or equal to
the critical value, reject the null hypothesis. Otherwise, fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Here is the table of the absolute differences and ranks:

Student Absolute Difference Rank

1 10 9

2 10 9

3 2 2.5

4 5 5

5 5 5

6 20 10

7 3 2.5

8 5 5

9 2 2.5

10 10 9
The sum of ranks for the positive differences is 37, and the sum of ranks for the negative
differences is 10. The test statistic is the smaller of the two, which is 10.

Using the Wilcoxon signed-rank table with a sample size of 10 and alpha of 0.05, the
critical value is 7.

Since the test statistic (10) is greater than the critical value (7), we fail to reject the null
hypothesis. In conclusion, based on the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, there is no significant
difference between the students' scores before and after receiving feedback. However, this
conclusion should be interpreted with caution since the sample size is relatively small. Further
studies with larger sample sizes may be necessary to confirm these results.


The case report explored the impact of teacher feedback on student performance,
specifically on how teacher feedback can improve student scores in assignments. A
hypothetical data set was created to simulate student performance scores before and after
receiving teacher feedback.

Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data, which showed that the mean
improvement in scores was 7.2 points, the median improvement was 5 points, and the mode
was 5 and 10 points. The range of improvement was 18 points, with the lowest improvement at
2 points and the highest at 20 points. The variance was 27.67 and the standard deviation was
The results of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test on Data Set A showed that there was no
significant difference between the students' scores before and after receiving feedback. This
suggests that the feedback did not have a significant impact on the students' performance in
this particular case.
However, it is important to note that the sample size in this case was relatively small,
and the data set was hypothetical. Therefore, the results should be interpreted with caution and
further research with larger sample sizes may be necessary to draw more definitive conclusions.
In general, the use of feedback as a tool to improve student performance is widely
accepted in education. While this particular case may not have shown significant improvement,
it is still important for educators to provide feedback to their students and for students to use
that feedback to improve their performance.
Providing feedback is necessary for teachers because it is a crucial component in
enhancing student learning and performance. Feedback provides information to students about
their progress, strengths, and areas for improvement, which can motivate them to work harder
and improve their performance.

Moreover, feedback can help students identify their weaknesses and take corrective
action to address them. When feedback is given regularly and constructively, students are more
likely to engage in the learning process and take ownership of their learning. This can lead to
better academic outcomes, such as improved grades, higher test scores, and better overall
academic achievement.

In addition, feedback can also help teachers improve their teaching practices. By
providing feedback to students, teachers can learn about their students' strengths and
weaknesses and use this information to modify their teaching strategies. Teachers can also use
feedback from students to identify areas where they may need to improve their teaching
methods and make necessary changes to improve student learning.

Overall, feedback is an essential tool for promoting student learning and academic
success, as well as improving teaching practices.

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