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English Language Transactional Writing

Article Writing
Which would achieve the highest mark and why?

Answer 1 Answer 2

‘You make me feel like a teenage dream’: so said Katy Perry, but what does she The best days of your life indeed. What a load of nonsense! This
actually mean? Is it the freedom and complete lack of responsibility that she is myth, put around by people too old to remember what it really
referring to? Does she think that at the moment, all we have to worry about is was like to be sixteen, needs exploding … now! Stress, angst
who fancies who and what new lip-gloss we are going to buy at the weekend? and terror might be more appropriate descriptions. From the
Teenage years are a nightmare of spots, stress about our exams and constantly yuckiness of exploding blackheads, to the pressure of oncoming
seeing images of perfection on Instagram that we can only aspire to replicate GCSE exams; from the black hole of an unknown future to the
in our bedroom mirrors. How can we be young and carefree when we have an known-by-everybody humiliation of being ignored by the boy
incessant tsunami of hormones surging through our veins? or girl of your dreams. This is what it is like.

Which did it best? Add additional features to the answer that you think is
Most suitable for audience lowest to improve it.

Uses a range of connectives to help it flow

A range of sentences

Accurate punctuation

AFOREST techniques

Appropriate tone

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English Language Transactional Writing

Word Bank

Vocabulary Sentence Openers Techniques You Could Use

Inexcusable advanced
Inevitably, metaphor
trepidation lethargic
Undoubtedly, imperative
apprehensive pressure
Facing facts, it is clear… one-word paragraph for effect
diminish untroubled

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