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The journey in words:

Long ago there was a little girl about 10 years old. She lived in a family of four
with her dad her mum and her sister. She sat on the front step wondering
what to do. Se decided she would go and ask her family to play with her.
First, she went to her mother and asked her to take her out on her scooter, but
her mum was busy cooking diner and on the phone. Next, she went to her
sister to play catch with her, but her sister was too busy playing games. Finally,
she went and asked her dad, but her dad didn’t do or say anything. Since they
all had said no, she went to her room and sat on her bed. Not even her cat
wanted her because as soon as she walked in the cat walked out.
The cat had been sitting on here red crayon. She picked up the red crayon and
started to draw a door. The door she had drawn popped out the wall, its ad
turned into a real door. She turned the doorknob and inside there was a
magical forest. It was light with fairy lights and lanterns thought the middle
there was a river you could here splashes of water hitting rocks.
Down the river she went and there was a bat ramp. Using her magical red
crayon, she draws a little red rowing boat. She set of down the river in her little
rowing boat till she came to a big castle. She entered in there was guards there
but they were quite happily waving her in. It was an elegant palace with gold
domes and everything.
It was all to good to last though. It was a big trick they sent her falling down
waterfall, but she was all right. As quick as she could she pulled out her red
crayon. She draws a hot air balloon and hops into it. She flew away in her hot
air balloon and the guards were furious they were waving madly for her to
come back. It was no use though.
Up I the air was a weird flying boat thing. The girl couldn’t quite ss out what t
was. She saw something she didn’t like to see though. The people were trying
to catch a purple harmless paradise bird. They manged to catch it, but the girl
couldn’t just watch the bird she had to do something.
She got of her hot air balloon still clutching on to her magical crayon. She
walked slowly, steadily, and quietly towards the cage. She tiptoed up the
ladder it was pretty simple because both the guards were facing the same way.
She grabbed the cage the guards heard but they were too shocked to do
anything. She ran down got to the end of the ship and let the bird go.
This was good for the bird but not so much for her. The guards locked her up in
a gigantic gage and hanged her of the strange flying ship. She couldn’t use her
magic crayon to help because it fell of the flying ship when she was recuing the
bird. She wasn’t stuck for very long though because who should come to the
rescue but the paradise bird.
The bird flew up and perched on the edge of the bars and gave the red crayon
to the little girl. Using her magical crayon, the little girl draws a magic carpet.
She flew over thousands of people that wee in the place market trading and
selling things.
The purple bird showed her the why to a tree. It wasn’t an ordinary tree; it was
a tree that had a door in it. She entered the door with the paradise bird close
When she came out the door, she was standing in front of her own home. To
the side of her was a little boy about the same age as her. The little boy was
holding a magic crayon as well. It was a purple one instead of red though. He
and the girl became best friends.
It was nice because whatever they wanted, they could just draw it and it would
appear. Sometimes they wanted to go on scooters s they would just draw a
scooter. Sometimes they wanted to play catch so they would just draw a
bouncy ball.
In that day, the little girl had made two new friends, the little boy, and the
paradise bird. After this the little girl was never lonely again.

The end

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