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Augustine Mary F.

Abellana September 9, 2022

Class of Cristeros SIR #6

We go to Asilo de Milagrosa every first and third Saturday of the month to teach
Catechism to children. We have groups in which one group has several children assigned
to us. For my part, I have a special assignment. I am tasked to teach piano to a young girl
named Angela, a grade eight student with special needs. And now, she’s continuing to be
good at it. While teaching her, one young girl named Sofia, maybe seven or six years of
age frequently walks out of her group and comes to me to look at Angela practicing
piano. From what I see, she likes to talk like most children, she’s very carefree and
smiling. But she’s not like every other girl outside Asilo because she’s an orphan. She
was new there. She arrived a month ago. I am just so moved by how carefree she is even
though her parents are not with her.
Social Analysis
Many children are separated from their parents for some reason. I don’t want to
ask her if she misses her mama and papa because I might offend her. I remember my
kindergarten days when I always cry because I don’t want my mother to leave me in
school. But here’s a little girl in Asilo, very cheerful and carefree, without her mother at
her side.
Spiritual reflection
Maybe this is what it means to have a child-like trust. This experience just led me
to realize how blessed I am to have a family that loves me. And I am thankful to God for
it. And I also realized, that with this blessing, I can instrument in relaying that love from
my parents to the children in Asilo in my own way.

Pastoral Action
It was St. Therese’s mission to make God loved. From this point maybe it’s
possible for me that I can make the children of Asilo feel loved even if their away from
their parents. I can be a channel of love. Even just a simple ‘hi’ or maybe a ‘high five’
could make a difference. Make them feel at home and loved. I realized that there are
things that we don’t know and that we can actually learn from children.

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