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The concept of controlled dissent, false dissent or false dissidents.

These are "people" who claim to work for dissent and the clarification of the Truth, but which,
however, introduce all kinds of obstacles for it to come to light.
This phenomenon has been introduced into all kinds of wars. And I don't disclose anything new if I
say that we are in the worst war of all, where the enemy to beat is the human being himself.
In their way of acting, we can analyze several strategies:
1 – They do their utmost to delay a possible initial discovery or they eliminate all "good clues" that
arrive, to allow for the implementation of the objective they have (to cover up graphene oxide as the
2 – They typically deny what is evidenced or the properties it presents (Example: Denying the
graphene in "vaccines" and the magnetic phenomenon of the inoculated or the MAC address
emission visible in Bluetooth)
3- They infiltrate good research to try to delay it using all kinds of strategies
4- They introduce new allegedly harmful foci in order to neutralize the damage generated by the
real causal agent, but which they must cover up, at all costs. E.g.: They try to cover up graphene
oxide with snake venom, radioactive isotopes, bee venom, heavy metals or the "spike" protein
(which is precisely the answer to introducing graphene into biology).
5- They try to surround the KEY with whatever distracting element to make it lose its strength.
6- They use violence and personal attack, manipulating or misrepresenting, even the personal life of
those who make the discovery of the EVIDENCE that they must COVER UP.
7- Usually, they are financed economically by the System itself, or have promises of social ascents
in the same.
8- They are part of groups that were founded BEFORE the whole war was created and spread. Ex:
Collectives "for the truth".
9- Like the official version itself, they use attributes in their names and slogans where the real
meaning is just the opposite of how they are labeled. Ex: For the truth (Real meaning: To cover up
Ex: For the truth (Real meaning: To cover up the truth).
10- They are usually active in the system itself, whether health, academic etc. (Practitioners,
Doctors, Official colleges of Biologists, etc.)
11- They are organized hierarchically in such a way that their leaderships are occupied by
spokespersons" who rule and parasitize the entire discourse of their collective. So that no one has an
individual opinion, and if so, it is eclipsed by the leadership itself. In this way, they direct the
message where they want (hiding the EVIDENCE).
12- They introduce bots and fictitious followers, as well as aggressive trolls on various platforms to
give the idea that they have unconditional human support. The reality is that practically no ONE
follows them. This fact is evident when they give talks in public and with a ridiculous number of
people attending the event.
13- They are in charge of catching people who are doubtful of the official version (doctors,
academics, lawyers, journalists, etc.) and introducing them into collectives, previously created, to
eclipse the message they could give. Once inside the collective, one must follow the directives of
the spokesperson of the collective. Ex: Lawyers "for the truth", Journalists "for the truth"
14- They usually base their "investigations" on the very "papers" that are written by the official
version (against which they are supposedly opposed).
15- They will never make a real analysis using scientific tools because they would need to
manipulate the results, to hide from the light all what they would discover. Ex: "analyzing vaccines
is a waste of time" or "do not look at the microscope, you cannot see anything", "getting vaccines is
very difficult"
16- The works of those who DO analyze using RAMAN, optical microscopy, electronic or any
technique leading to KNOW the characteristics of the key component of the "vaccines" will be
ridiculed and attacked by this false dissidence with very peregrine arguments. Most of these attacks
will be virulent and personal.
17- They use their titles to speak by "principle of authority" that they give themselves or the
institution to which they belong, but not by the "scientific principle of evidence”.
18- They use arguments from the official version (against which they apparently fight) to discredit
serious and independent work. Ex: Use official "vaccine" leaflets when, precisely, components NOT
declared in them are being denounced and which could bring down the whole operation.
19- They argue that they have gone further in the pioneering discovery that others made, to shift
again the focus. Ex: Talk about graphene, but identify the nanotechnology evidenced as "Salt
20- They brandish phrases such as "We must all be united" or "Together we are stronger" precisely
to INFILTRATE themselves.
21- They focus on the damage, but not on the actual cause that originates it.
22- They focus on denouncing minor issues to minimize the impact of what harms the most. Ex:
Denouncing masks, freedoms and rights, or the ineffectiveness of the PCR test while COVERING
up the introduction of the INTERFACE in injectables (which is the means to get there, to
Identifying these "people" is key to moving forward and bringing to light the EVIDENCE, and to
slow down or impede the operation.
False Dissent is the first line of battle that the ENEMY sends to our ranks.
There are people of good faith who have not learned to identify them and who "pretend to be okay
with everybody," but this ... is simply and utterly impossible, because they are trusting and
communing with traitors on a daily base, and unknowingly.
They must choose and abandon any interest other than the TRUTH above anything else.
There is no room for half-measures, considering the degree of gravity to which we are exposing
Meanwhile, the false dissent tries to discredit the EVIDENCE so that it does not come to light with
sufficient force, thus ensuring that the operation continues against all of us and with all that it
entails: the Transhumanism.

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