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LIS 104

Presented by: Lungay, Patricia Isabel A.

Learn how to evaluate the credibility
of an information.

How to combat fake news.

Evaluating Information Sources
For your research tasks, you will be obtaining knowledge as a student from a
range of sources, including books, newspaper and magazine articles,
specialized databases, and websites. It's crucial to assess each source as you
look at them to see how reliable the information is that they include. Purpose
and intended audience, authority and credibility, correctness and reliability,
currency and timeliness, and objectivity or bias are examples of common
evaluation criteria.
Does the source add Does the source
How is this
new information to provide you with high-
the topic you are quality information? Is
relevant to your
researching or does it the information useful
simply repeat or in answering your
summarize other questions and meeting
perspectives? your information
Who is the author? Who is the publisher? For journals or
Is it a person? For books, is it a magazines, can you tell
Is it an university press or a if it is popular or
organization such commercial publisher? scholarly in nature?
as a government These types of For websites, is it an
agency, nonprofit publishers use editors organizational website,
organization, or a in order to ensure a or a personal blog?
corporation? quality publication.
When was the resource Does my topic require When was this
published or last current information? (e.g., information published
updated? Is a science or technology and is the publication
publication date listed? topic) date important to
Is the information Will older resources be you?
timely or is it outdated? acceptable or preferred? Do the links on the
(e.g., history topic or webpage or website
primary source) still work?
If the data was
Where are they getting
gathered using original
their information from? If the source includes
research (such as
Does it have citations facts or statistical data,
can this information be polling or surveys),
and references?
verified in another what was the method
Are they using
source? of data collection? Has
reputable sources or
the author disclosed
explaining how they
the validity or
gathered their data?
reliability of the data?
Why did the author

Is the information
Does the information
publish this objective or does it
promote a political,
information? contain any biases?
religious, or social
What is the purpose of Are there any
the information? advertisements or
What type of resource is sponsors?

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