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SY. 2022-2023

LESSON 3: internet-based web services with an Hypertext

THE INTERNET AND THE WORLD WIDE WEB Transfer Protocol - based programming interface.
History of World Wide Web
• In 1989, the Web was created. World Wide Web 3.0
• Coined By Tim Berners-Lee at CERN (European • It is the third generation of the internet currently being
Particle Physics Laboratory) built, where websites and apps will be able to process
• In 1993, it was made for the Public for Free. information in a smart human-like way through
technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine
Features and Functions learning (ML), Big Data, decentralized ledger
Features: technology (DLT), and more.
• HTML – Hypertext Markup Language • originally called the Semantic Web
• HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol
• URI/URL – Uniform Resource Identifier/ Locator History
• 2006 - Berners-Lee described the Semantic Web as a
Functions: component of Web 3.0, which is different from the
• Medium of Information meaning of Web3 in blockchain contexts.
• Communication • The term "Web3" was coined by Polkadot founder and
• Accessible to all Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood in 2014, referring
• Connectivity to a "decentralized online ecosystem based on
World Wide Web 1.0
History Features:
• was Pioneered by: Tim Berners-Lee • Decentralized
• lasted from 1989 to roughly 2004. • Permissionless
Features and Functions • Native Payment
• read Only Static Web • Trustless
• basic features
• lacks necessary forms (Visuals, Controls,
Interactivity) • enables people to produce, share, and connect material
through search and analysis.
World Wide Web 2.0
➢ It is the second stage of development of the World Summary Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
Wide Web, characterized especially by the change
from static web pages to dynamic or user-generated Name Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0
content and the growth of social media. Engagement Read-only Read-write Read-write
➢ refers to a shift in how the internet is used in the 21st interact
century. Content Type Owned Shared Consolidated
content content content
History Web Type Visual Web Programma Linked data
• It was born in the early 1990s and initially offered only ble web web
textual content grouped in the famous or hyperlinks. Goal Information Interaction Immersion
• First appeared in a January 1999 article called Sharing
“Fragmented Future” written by Darcy DiNucci, a Advertising Banner Interactive Behavioral
consultant on electronic information design. Advertising advertising advertising
Year Active 1999-2012 2006-present
Features and Functions 1989-2005
• more user-generated content and usability for end-
users compared to its earlier incarnation, Web. Types of Websites
• enable community-based input, interaction, content
sharing and collaboration. 1. ECOMMERCE WEBSITE
• provides increased functionality and availability of • A website where people can directly buy products.
web application programming interfaces, which are
• Any website that includes a shopping cart and a way 10. PERSONAL WEBSITE
for you to provide the credit card information to make • People create personal websites to put their own
a purchase fall into this category. thoughts out in the world.
Examples: Shopee.Ph, Facebook Marketplace Example:


• Any website that’s devoted to representing a specific • These are often websites designed for internal
business. purposes at a business, organization, or institution.
• These are websites where we can see the information • They collect information in different formats from
or details of a business and its products. different sources into one place to make all relevant
Example: information accessible to the people who need to see
• A website that focuses on creating high-quality 12. Wiki or Community Forum Website
content that is purely entertaining for the target • A wiki is any website where various users are able to
audience. collaborate on content and all make their own tweaks
Examples: and and changes as they see fit.
• There are wikis for fan communities, for business
4. PORTFOLIO WEBSITE resources, and for collecting valuable information
• Sites devoted to showing examples of past work. sources.
• This type of website is simpler to build than a business
website and more focused on a particular task: Internet
collecting work samples. • It is known as "the Net," the Internet is an
Example: Adobe Portfolio international, open network of computer networks. It
is a network of networks that allows users at any one
5. MEDIA WEBSITE computer to obtain information from any other
• Collect news stories or other reporting. computer with permission.
Example/s: • A computer network is a group of interconnected
computers that can share resources like data, software,
6. BROCHUREWEBSITE processors, storage, and printers.
• The simplified form of business websites.
• They show the products or services your company The Evolution of the Internet
provides; however, they differ from e-commerce Arpanet
websites as they do not sell the product or service • The concept of the Internet originated in 1969 and has
online. undergone several technological & Infrastructural
7. NON-PROFIT WEBSITE • The Internet originated from the Advanced Research
• The easiest way for many potential donors to make Project Agency Network (ARPANET) concept.
donations. • It was developed by the United States Department of
• This website is for charitable groups who require Defense.
assistance. • ARPANET's essential purpose was to communicate
Example: among the various bodies of government.


• The websites of educational institutions and those The concept of the Internet originated in 1969 and has
offering online courses fall into the category of undergone numerous technological & Infrastructural changes
educational websites.
• These sites are primarily designed for students. 1972
Example:, The ARPANET spread over the globe with 23 nodes located in
different countries and thus became known as the Internet.
• Infopreneurs create and sell information products that 1974
could be in the form of courses, tutorials, videos, or Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf refer to the term "Internet" for the first
eBooks. time in their notes regarding Transmission Control Protocol.
1983 • it allows users to save and share links to websites or
January 1, 1983, is considered the official birthday of the interesting articles with others.
Internet that we know today. Example: Reddit, Stumble Upon, Pinterest

Advantages and Disadvantages Social News

Advantages • these are sites that allow users to post their own news
• The internet helps us communicate with other people. items or links to other news sources.
• Provides entertainment such as tv shows, music, and • the users can also comment on the post and comments
games. may also be ranked.
• Gain new knowledge and learn through the internet. Example: Reddit, Digg, Slash Dot
• Allows us to use various useful online services.
Media Sharing
Disadvantages • these are sites that allow you to upload and share
• Users are prone to addiction, which can lead to media content like images, music, and video.
unproductivity, lack of focus, and health issues. Example: Youtube, Snapchat, Tiktok
• Crime, Identity theft, hacking, and viruses.
• It is a big source for spreading fake news and pictures Microblogging
worldwide. • These are sites that focus on short updates from the
• Cyberbullying: A form of bullying with the use of user. Those subscribed to us will be able to receive
digital technologies. these updates.
• A short message containing information for users can
Current Trends in ICT be in various formats such as text, images, video,
1. Convergence audio, or hyperlinks.
• is the synergy of technological advancements to work Example: Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter
on a similar goal or task.
• It occurred when digital media, telecommunications Blogs and Forums
and computer technologies (ICTs) merged to produce • These websites allow users to post their content.
ICT. • Other users are able to comment on the said topic.
Example: Tumblr, Medium, Blogger
2. Social Media
• is a website, application, or online channel that enables Emerging Technology
web users to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and It is a term generally used to describe a new technology, but it
exchange user-generated content. may also refer to the continuing development of an existing
• It facilitates the sharing of ideas and information technology.
through virtual networks.
Examples of Emerging Technology
Six Types of Social Media Artificial Intelligence
A. Social • Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of
B. Bookmarking Sites human intelligence in machines that are programmed
C. Social News to think like humans and mimic their actions.
D. Media Sharing • John Mccarthy is considered as the father of AI
E. Blogs and Forums Examples: plagiarism detection, Siri, Alexa

Social Networks Virtual Intelligence

• these are sites that allow you to connect with other • Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated
people with the same interests or backgrounds. environment with scenes and objects that appear to be
• Users join a social network platform and begin real, making the user feel they are immersed in their
connecting -- or networking -- with other users. This is surroundings.
done so users can choose whom they want to receive Example: Flight Simulator
communications from.
Examples: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,Linked Augmented Reality
• Augmented Reality is the real-time use of information
Bookmarking Sites in the form of text, graphics, audio and other virtual
• These are sites that allows you to store and manage enhancements integrated with real-world objects. It is
links to various websites and resources. this "real world" element that differentiates AR from
virtual reality.
Example: Pokemon Go

Internet of Things (IoT)

• describes physical objects embedded with sensors and
actuators that communicate with computing systems
via wired or wireless networks—allowing the physical
world to be digitally monitored or even controlled.
• Example: Smart TVs, Smart Microwave, Self-driving
cars, Wearable Fitness Devices

Machine Learning
• It is a part of AI that enables self-learning from data
and then applies that learning without human
Examples: Speech and Image Recognition,
Chatbot(Online Customer Support), Google

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