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1. The meeting has been ____ for a week because not everyone is present.

Answer: put off

The meeting has been postponed to a later date.

2. Riots ____ in the city after the president announced the new tax laws.
Answer: broke out
The riots started suddenly after the announcement was made.

3. The child who fainted finally ____ when the teacher applied some medicated oil on his forehead.
Answer: came around
The child finally regained consciousness.

4. I wanted to go to New Zealand for a holiday but my plan ____ when my sister fell sick.
Answer: fell through
My plan to go to New Zealand failed to happen.

5. Sam decides to ____ his friend since he is in the neighbourhood where his friend lives.
Answer: call on
Sam decides to visit his friend.

6. I had to ____ other duties when I was promoted to the position of manager.
Answer: take on
I had to deal with or accept other duties.

7. I could not believe she ____ the opportunity to study overseas.

Answer: passed up
She did not take advantage of the opportunity to study overseas.

8. Despite earning very little, Harry manages to ____ every month.

Answer: get by
Harry is able to live in a satisfactory way although his salary is small.

9. In order to ____ his point ____ clearly, he used many examples.

Answer: put…across
He used examples to help describe or explain the point he was trying to make.

10. You should ____ the bar of chocolate into smaller pieces before melting it.
Answer: break up
The chocolate bar needs to be divided into several smaller parts before it is melted.
11. Greg ____ a lot of money when his grandfather passed away.
Answer: came into
Greg inherited money from his grandfather.

12. Diana ____ with her best friend, Julie, when she discovered that it was Julie who had stolen her purse.
Answer: fell out
Diana and Julie had an argument and were no longer friends.

13. To everyone’s disbelief, Joe ____ the wedding at the very last minute.
Answer: called off
Joe cancelled the wedding.

14. I am not very good in painting because I have only ____ it ____ a month ago.
Answer: taken…up
I have started painting a month ago.

15. This tradition has been ____ from mother to daughter for many generations.
Answer: passed down
The tradition has been taught to the younger generation.

16. To ____ in life, you must work hard and persevere, even if the going gets tough.
Answer: get ahead
You need to work hard to be successful in life.

17. Stop ____ your brother ____ with such mean remarks. You should be more supportive of his passion for
Answer: putting…down
You need to stop making your brother feel foolish and unimportant.

18. I ____ an old class photograph the other day when I was clearing out my cupboard.
Answer: came across
I found the old photograph by chance.

19. There has been an increase in accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists. This ____ stricter rules on the use
of bicycles on the pavements.
Answer: calls for
It is necessary to impose stricter rules on cyclists.

20. To understand the problem better, you should ____ it ____ into parts.
Answer: break…down
You need to separate the problem into smaller parts.

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