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Protecting the environment

The environment is everything around us, including air, water, soil, flora, fauna,
humans and other physical objects. Environmental balance is very important for our life and
the survival of this planet. However, currently we are faced with many environmental
problems that threaten the sustainability and balance of ecosystems.One of the biggest
environmental problems we face today is climate change. Increasing greenhouse gas
emissions due to human activities, such as burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, causes
global warming. The impacts of climate change are already being felt, such as increasing
average temperatures, unstable weather patterns, and rising sea levels. We need to take action
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change that is already happening.

Apart from climate change, another environmental problem is pollution. Air, water
and soil pollution can damage ecosystems and human health. Motor vehicle emissions,
industry, and burning of waste are serious sources of air pollution. Water pollution occurs due
to industrial waste, intensive agriculture, and improper disposal of household waste.
Meanwhile, soil pollution can occur due to the use of pesticides and other hazardous
chemicals. We need to step up efforts to reduce pollution and manage waste better.Loss of
biodiversity is also an environmental problem that needs attention. Destruction of natural
habitats, poaching, and changes in land use have caused many species of flora and fauna to
become endangered. Biodiversity loss reduces the planet's biodiversity and can negatively
affect ecosystems and human life. Protection of natural habitats, species conservation, and
sustainable management of natural resources are important for maintaining biodiversity.

However, there are also a number of steps that have been taken to safeguard and
protect the environment. Many countries and international organizations have agreed to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions through agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol and the
Paris Agreement. In addition, conservation efforts have been made through the establishment
of national parks, protected areas and habitat restoration programs. The sustainable approach
is also increasingly being applied in various sectors, including energy, agriculture, and
industry.In conclusion, the environment is an important part of our lives and needs to be
taken care of properly. Climate change, pollution and loss of biodiversity are some of the
environmental problems that require serious attention. However, through collective action
and awareness of the importance of the environment, we can maintain the sustainability of
this planet and pass it on to future generations.

Questions based on the type of TOEFL questions:

1. What are the main topics to be discussed in this text?

A) Climate change

B) Planetary sustainability

C) Environmental problems

D) Ecosystem balance
2. What is the main idea of this text?

A) Environment as everything around us

B) The problem of pollution in the environment

C) Climate change as the biggest threat

D) Actions to maintain environmental sustainability

3. What does the word "biodiversity" mean in the context of this text?

A) Biodiversity

B) Climate change and pollution

C) Changes in land use

D) Habitat conservation and restoration efforts

4. What causes air pollution?

A) Greenhouse gas emissions

B) Industrial and agricultural waste

C) Deforestation and land use change

D) Illegal hunting and destruction of natural habitats

5. What conclusions can be drawn from this text?

A) The environment does not need to be maintained because it is too damaged

B) Pollution is the only environmental problem that needs to be solved

C) Collective action is needed to maintain environmental sustainability

D) Climate change has no impact on human health

6. What is not included in environmental problems?

A) Climate change
B) Loss of biodiversity

C) Infrastructure development

D) Air pollution

7. What efforts have been taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

A) Establishment of a national park

B) Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement

C) Use of pesticides

D) Natural habitat restoration

8. What is the impact of biodiversity loss on ecosystems and human life?

A) Decreased average temperature

B) Reducing the risk of climate change

C) Improvement of human health

D) Disturbance to the ecosystem and survival of life

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