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La patrie en danger 1791-1795


Decimal Version 1.0,

edited by MWBigney
There are the French Revolution’s «Principles» (the Rights of Man — Liberty — Equality — Fraternity). There are the French Revolution’s achieve-
ments (the Constitutional and Parliamentary Regime — the abolition of Feudalism — France’s current territorial and institutional background)It is
proper to celebrate these principles and these achievements, which are for us French people the same as a blueprint, and which still have a notable
weight in current politics. At the same time, it would be bad to forget that the French Revolution was also a most tremendous event. Heroic and
bloody, it has inspired many romantic artists for this reason.
Testing electoral procedures, parliamentary and party struggles, media battles (with the press, petitions and demonstrations)… Sometimes in a sub-
tle fashion, sometimes in a blunt way, the French Revolution was the first example of modern politics, where the approval by the public opinion and
the balance of power are of the utmost importance. Because of all this, students of politics will always study the French Revolution, just like cadet
officers will study Austerlitz. It is no surprise that it would be a source of inspiration for role-playing games or strategic boardgame designers, pro-
vided they have an adequate knowledge of this part of history. Of course, the best period for all historical simulation was the period starting with
the Legislative Assembly (especially the declaration of war, April 20th 1792) and ending with the fall of Robespierre and the Fleurus victory, during
the Summer of 1794: total war with foreign power, civil wars (several of them), struggle of «factions», the break between an ultra-revolutionary
Paris and a generally moderate country, development of Clubs, inflation and economic difficulties, great actors and great speeches, traded epithets
(«aristocrats» and «sans-culottes» — «patriots» and «emigrants» — «Vendeans» and «terrorists» — «regicides» and «martyrs of liberty» — «popu-
lar virtue» and «grabbers’ vices» — «heroes of the Faith» and «dechristianisers» …); what a battlefield!
This may be a game. But the Historian approves of anything that can help to understand History. He is confident that this game will breed new
readers for this subject, and why not, new researchers…

Francois Hincker, teacher at the University of Paris I

“The Revolution can stop only when Happiness is complete.” Saint-Just, 16 Messidor II (July 4th, 1794).

Rules Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION 9.6 Combat
2.0 POLITICAL CURRENTS 9.7 Military Control of a Region
3.0 GAME COMPONENTS 9.8 Military Vendée
4.0 SET-UP and PLAYER COMPONENTS 9.9 Armies and the Commune
6.0 INITIAL PHASE 10.1. Economy Adjustment
6.1 Negotiations 10.2 Income
6.2 Random Events 10.3 Fame Adjustment
6.3 Turn Order 11.0 KING LOUIS XVI
6.4 Declaration of Objectives 12.0 COUPS
6.5 Personality Placement 13.0 LAWS
7.1 Action Resolution 15.0 OPTIONAL RULES
7.3 Personality Actions R.1.0 Legislative
7.4 Regional Actions R.2.0 Convention
7.5 Political Phase R.3.0 Terror
8.0 PATRIOT’S PHASE R.4.0 Thermidor
8.1 Justice R.5.0 Wrath
8.2 Debates & Criticisms of the Government R.6.0 Mercy
9.0 MILITARY PHASE R.7.0 Directorate
9.1 Armies in Detail R.8.0 Prairial
9.2 Foreign War R.9.0 Federal First Republic
9.3 Reinforcements Placement R.10.0 First Republic, One & Indivisible
9.4 Army Maintenance R.11.0 Vendémiaire
9.5 Army Movement

2.2 Feuillants
• «I ask now the real question: will we end the Revolution,
• «The purpose of Society is the common good. The govern- will we begin it again… One more step would be perilous.
ment is instituted to be the warrant that Man can exert his One more step toward freedom would destroy Royalty; one
natural and inalienable rights.» First article of the Declara- more step toward equality would destroy Property.» Barnave,
tion of the Rights of Man and Citizen, June 24th, 1793. July 15th 1791.

The game starts in October 1791, when theLegislative Assembly Opposed both to the Absolute Royalty and to Republic, Feuil-
is installed. It ends in September 1795. The game mechanics are lants favor a constitutional monarchy, and the pre-eminence of
mainly diplomacy and negotiations. Each player represents a «Po- middle-class.
litical Current» (or simply a Current), because at this time, there The «Club des Feuillants» comprises conservative personalities,
were no political parties, but only shifting groups of politicians. coming from the Jacobins Club who decided to leave this club
Each Current acts to strengthen its position and increase its fame. when the deposition of the king was requested, just after the
The game uses also elements under no player’s control, but which flight to Varennes. Under the Legislative they twice controlled
react to the players’ actions. A game can end in several ways, de- the majority of the ministries. They were opposed by the Giron-
pending on the current political regime, and depending on each dins. After the storming of the Tuileries palace, most Feuillants
player’s victory points. In the real world, the end was the instal- had to hide. Most of them reappear after the fall of Robespierre.
lation of the Directorate in September 1795. There are two game The Feuillants are strongest at the start of the game, and oppose
variants. The first one uses only the historical regimes. The other any further changes.
one can involve some other regimes which could have been in-
stalled, although this was not likely. 2.3 Marais (swamp, also called the Plain)
1.1 Victory Conditions in Brief • «In these times of revolution and unrest, you must be able
to draw a veil, letting History judge this period.»
Victory is determined in a three-step process outlined in 15.0. In Tallien, 1792
general, though, what matters is how many points you have —
points can be earned by improving your fame, controlling as Members of the Marais swing both ways between the monarchists
many regions as possible, and having as many deputies as possi- and the republicans. They favor freedom in economy, but they
ble in the national assembly. Most Currents also have objectives fear the people and the measures they demand. Most of them will
specific to them. Keep in mind, however, that a player’s personal promote extreme measures to counter the dangers that threaten
score is not the only determinant of victory — the type of political France. Additionally, the people who triggered Robespierre’s fall
regime in place at the end of the game can prove to be decisive. were mostly from the Marais. During the Thermidor Convention,
the Committee of Public Safety was composed of men hostile to
the democratic revolution, such as Barras, and bymoderate mon-
2.0 POLITICAL CURRENTS archists like Boissy d’Anglas. The Marais can thrive in almost any
During the French Revolution, there were no political parties. regime, so long as it is not too revolutionary.
Instead, there were Currents and clubs, which can be grouped
• «Civil equality is the most that a sensible man can de-
according to their political opinions and aims.
mand; absolute equality is a chimera…»
Boissy d’Anglas, July 1795.
2.1 Royalists
2.4 Gironde
• «Factions must be stopped here, to allow us to re-establish
a much- desired order, and to prevent the illness which we
• «The people must serve the Revolution, but when the Rev-
endure from spreading to other European countries.» Secret
olution is achieved, the people must go home and let more
letter from Louis XVI to the King of Prussia, December 3rd,
able persons do the governing.» Brissot, October 24th, 1792
The Girondins come from the middle-class and most of them are
Royalists are hostile to the Revolution, and they favor a Divine
sincere republicans. They belong to the general liberal current of
Right monarchy. At first, they organized counterrevolution by
the XVIIIth century: they oppose any involvement of the state in
creating spy networks which were meant to trigger insurgency.
economic and social affairs. On several occasions, they adopt an
Their actions were helped by most European monarchies. Then,
anti-clergy attitude. Their ideal is a Republic, independent from
when a new phase was reached by the declaration of war, the
popular pressures. During the Legislative, they hold the govern-
Proclamation of Republic, the imprisonment and then the trial of
ment from March 23rd 1792 to June 12th, 1792, and they make
Louis XVI, the Royalists decided it was time to act, and this led to
several speeches favoring the war.
uprisings in Vendée and Brittany. In the early game, the Royalist’s
key weapon is insurgency; later on, it becomes a military threat. When the Republic is installed, the Girondins try to disengage
themselves from the pressures of the Commune of Paris. In the
end, they are arrested after the June 1793 insurrection. Some of
them, such as Barbaroux and Pétion, flee and then attempt to fight
back and take Paris. The 22 imprisoned Girondins are executed
on 10 Brumaire II (October 30th 1793). After 9 Thermidor, 73 Gi-
rondins deputies that were arrested during the Terror are released,
and called back to the Convention.
The Girondins want a slightly revolutionary government, one
that is sufficiently extreme that they can overcome the strength
of the Marais — but not so radical that its other opponents win. • «The purpose of the Constitutional government is to pro-
Declaring war is one of the key ways they can accomplish this in tect the Republic; the purpose of the Revolutionary govern-
the early game. ment is to establish it.» Robespierre, 5 Frimaire II (December
25th, 1793).
• «Mr. President, let this incendiary Mountain keep quiet!»
A right-wing deputy, May 4th 1792. 3.0 GAME COMPONENTS
2.5 Montagne (Mountain)
3.1 Counters
• «I do not think the Revolution is ended.» There are several types of counters and markers:
Robespierre’s last speech during the Constituent Assembly,
September 29th, 1791. • the regional control markers (for each Current, and for
the Coalition)
The Montagnards are sincere democrats, who favor a govern-
ment by the People and for the People. Their name was given by • the Personalities (for each Current)
monarchist journalists because they were seated on the topmost • the Deputies (for each Current)
benches of the Assembly. During the Legislative, they number • the fame counters, one for each Current and one for the
few deputies and they favor the Gironde, except that they oppose Government
war. When the Convention is installed, they number a hundred • the time marker
• the Army counters (regulars and volunteers for the
They number more than 300 after the June 1793 insurrection. To Government, Coalition/Allied armies, Catholic and Royalist
tackle the perils that threaten the Republic, the Mountain starts armies, and the Commune of Paris)
the Terror. In 1794, the Montagnards are weakened by internal • the revolt counters
strife. The Merciful, gathered around Danton, want to end the
Terror, while the Excessive, around Hébert, want a more intense • the track markers (Economy, Dissident Clergy, Coalition,
Terror. Robespierre and his friends, feeling threatened, send their Commune of Paris)
rivals to the guillotine. By doing so, they sign their own death • the assignats (play money)
warrant. The Robespierrists are arrested on 9 Thermidor II, and
executed the next day. The Montagne want the revolution to pro- 3.2 Play Aids
ceed, and in the early game one of the key ways they can do is The game provides six play aids, one for each Current.
by starting revolts and taking control of the Commune of Paris.
Each one contains:
• «Happiness is a new idea in Europe!» • a play sequence summary
Saint-Just, 13 Ventôse II (March 3rd, 1794)
• all possible actions (with costs and effects)
2.6 Sans-Culottes • the laws (with costs and effects)
• the list of the Current’s Personalities, including the Per-
• «Freedom is but a vain ghost when one class of human sonalities who can switch sides
beings can let the other starve.»
• the regimes where victory is possible
Roux, June 23rd, 1793.
Sans-Culottes are men close to the people, hoping in some cases 3.2 Game Map
to give power to the people. Their role increases until 9 Thermidor.
Under the Legislative, they appear only in the press, or through 3.2.1 Map Divisions
publications such as Roux’s manifesto. Roux becomes more and The map of France is divided into 26 regions, each one grouping
more active under the Convention. He protests the Food Crisis several departments. Each region is named after a town which
until his arrest in September 1793. had some importance during the Revolution. Paris is represented
by one region plus one off-map box. This is the same area, but it
The Excessive (Hébertists) continue Roux’s action, by advising the
allows players to distinguish the control of the city and the control
installation of the Terror, and by demanding measures to improve
of the region (this is relevant when the Commune is raised) and
the People’s standard of living. Some members of the Committee
the placement of the revolutionary armies.
of Public Safety, the Commune and the Cordeliers Club support
these actions until the Hébertists are executed. After Robespierre’s Each region has an income value printed next to it. For example,
fall, the Commune of Paris loses its importance, and the last Sans- the Paris region provides 600 assignats (play money) to the player
Culottes leaders that continue to request a terrorist policy are controlling the region. «Hot» regions are areas where the main
deported or executed. Throughout the game, the strength of the uprisings took place. They are represented with an orange shading.
Sans- Culottes resides in the Commune of Paris. It is the key way Hot regions are: Chalet, Strasbourg, Nantes, Lyon, Marseille, Brest,
in which they try to install yet more radical regimes. Caen, Dijon, Bourges, Montpellier, Nîmes, Bordeaux, Angers and
2.7 Government
3.2.2 Tracks
The Government is the entity that manages the State. It applies
the decisions from the Assembly, supports and leads the armies, Chronological Track (Chronologie)
and maintains the civil order (suppressing or repressing revolts, The game is divided in game turns, each of one representing a six-
arresting Personalities). The Government is under one Political month period.
Current’s control (Feuillant when the game starts) and has its own • Turn 1: October 1st 1791 to March 31st 1792 Turn 2: April
budget, separate from the controlling Current’s. 1st, 1792 to September 30th, 1792 (10 Vendémiaire I)
• Turn 3: October 1st 1792 to March 31st 1793 (11 The map contains a semi-circular area that represents the National
Vendémiaire I to 10 Germinal I) Assembly. The Deputy counters of each Current are placed in this
• Turn 4: April 1st, 1793 to September 30th, 1793 (11 Ger- area. Note: do not confuse the «Deputies» (who are there only to
minal I to 10 Vendémiaire II) assess the influence of each Current in the Assembly) with the
«Personalities». Only the Personalities can execute actions during
• Turn 5: October 1st 1793 to March 31st 1794 (11
a game turn. In this game, the Personalities never appear in the
Vendémiaire II to 10 Germinal II)
Assembly. They are placed on the map in any region or in the Paris
• Turn 6: April 1st, 1794 to September 30th, 1794 (11 Ger- off-map box during Personality Placement (6.5).
minal II to 10 Vendémiaire III)
• Turn 7: October 1st 1794 to March 31st 1795 (11 The Temple Prison (Prison du Temple)
Vendémiaire III to 10 Germinal III) Arrested Personalities are placed in this box.
• Turn 8: April 1st, 1795 to September 30th, 1795 (11 Ger-
minal III to 10 Vendémiaire IV) The Guillotine
Dead Personalities are placed in this box.
At the start of each game turn, the marker is placed in the proper
box of the track. Spent Assignats
At the end of each game turn, spent assignats are tallied to eval- Fame Track (Renommée)
uate their effect on the economy. During the game turn, each
Each Current’s fame marker is placed in the proper box of the
time money is spent, the used money counters are placed in this
track to indicate what the Current’s fame is. The fame is evaluated
box. The assignats are placed back into the bank pool after the
on a scale from 1 to 20. It is used when actions are resolved (see
Economy Adjustment Phase (10.1).
7.0). The Government has its own marker, which is placed on the
same track and has similar functions. The markers are adjusted
to a higher or lower box depending on the players’ actions. For 4.0 SET-UP and PLAYER
example, when a Current achieves an objective, its fame is raised COMPONENTS
by +1 (see 6.4 and 10.3).
The players must first decide to play either the «historical» scenar- Turn Order Track (Ordre du Tour) io (with only the historical regimes) or the «open» scenario (with
This track shows the order in which players act during the differ- all possible regimes). They must also decide which optional rules
ent phases of a game turn (see 6.3). will be used (see 15.0). Economy Track (Economie) 4.1 «Historical» Scenario and «Open» Scenario
This track shows the economic and financial situation of France.
It affects how much actions cost (see 7.2). It has boxes printed in There are two scenarios:
three colors, representing three levels (I, II, and III).
the Historical scenario (HS) Dissident Clergy Track (Clergé Réfractaire) Use only the political regimes which occurred in the real world
This track represents the level of dissatisfaction amongst the cler- history: Legislative, Convention, Terror and Thermidor.
gy, and the intensity of domestic counter-revolution. It affects
the Royalist player with action bonuses (see 7.1.1) and allows the the Open scenario (OS)
raising of armies under Royalist control (see 9.3.2). It has boxes Use the same political regimes, plus any political regime that
printed in three colors, representing three levels (I, II, and III). could have happened: Directorate, Mercy, Wrath, the First Repub-
lic (which has two different versions), Prairial and Vendémiaire. Coalition Track (Armées Coalisées) All these additional regimes are hypothetical, except the Director-
This track represents the activity level of Emigrants, and the in- ate, which started in late 1795 (that is, after the end of the game).
tensity of foreign counter-revolution. It determines when war is
declared (see 9.2) and it also gives income to the Royalist play- 4.2 Seating
er (see 10.2.1). It has boxes printed in three colors, representing During the game, the players are seated in a way similar to the
three levels (I, II, and III). way their deputies were seated in the National Assembly. From
left to right, you have: The Sans-Culotte, the Mountain, the Gi- Commune of Paris Track (Commune de Paris) ronde, the Marais, the Feuillant and the Royalist.
This track shows the dissatisfaction of the People of Paris. De-
pending on the level, the Mountain and the Sans-Culotte receives
4.3 Marker Set-Up
bonuses to their actions (see 7.1.2), and the Commune is more or
less difficult to raise or suppress (see 7.4.4). It has boxes printed in The chronological marker is placed in the first box of the Chronol-
three colors, representing three levels (I, II, and III). ogy track. — The fame markers are placed in the following boxes:
Royalist 8, Feuillant 12, Marais 10, Gironde 11, Mountain 9, Sans-
Should anything happen to cause any of the tracks to go below
Culotte 8, Government 10. — The Economy marker, the Dissident
1 or above 20, the markers simply remain at these limit points.
Clergy marker, the Coalition marker and the Commune of Paris
marker are placed in the «4» box of their respective tracks.
3.2.3 Other Board Displays National Assembly
• «The French People are invited to form a National Conven-
Decree from Vergniaud, August 11th, 1792.

4.4 Personalities • Gironde: Amiens, Bordeaux, Caen and Paris, which gives
1400 assignats.
Each player takes her Personalities:
• Mountain: Lille only, which should give only 300 assig-
— Royalist: d’Antraigues, Cadoudal, Cathelineau, Charette and nats. Because of the minimum income rule (see 10.2.1), this
Chouan. Current has 350 assignats, which is the minimum income.
— Feuillant: d’André, Barnave, Laclos, La Fayette, Lameth and • Sans-Culotte: Marseille, which should give only 200
Louis XVI. assignats. Because of rule 10.2.1, this Current starts with 350
Note: At the start of the game, Louis XVI is aligned with his second-
ary Current (i. e., Feuillant) although his main Current is Royalist. Other:
— Marais: Barère, Barras, Boissy d’Anglas, Carnot and Sieyès. • Brest and Nîmes are unoccupied. These regions are neu-
tral. Leave them empty of control markers.
— Gironde: Barbaroux, Brissot, Pétion, Roland and Vergniaud. —
• Bourges is in revolt (see 7.4.2). Put a revolt counter there.
Mountain: Danton, Desmoulins, Marat, Robespierre and Saint-
Just. • The Government has 2300 assignats, that is 2500 assignats,
minus what would have come from the regions under Coa-
— Montagnard: Danton, Desmoulins, Marat, Robespierre, lition control, or with a revolt (see 10.2.2). In this case, only
Saint-Just. Bourges (200 assignats) is subtracted.
— Sans-Culotte: Billaud-Varennes, Chaumette, Collot d’Herbois, • At the start of the game, the Feuillant Current controls the
Hébert and Roux. Government.
The following information is printed on each Personality Counter,
4.7 French Armies
when applicable:
Only the 4 regular armies are on the map (the regular armies have
• the name
their starting location printed on them):
• the main Current (top icon in the upper-left)
• one army in Lille,
• the secondary Current(s) (bottom icons in the upper-left)
• one army in Metz,
• the faction (Hébertist, Indulgent/Merciful, or Terrorist)
• one army in Strasbourg,
• the region(s) where the Personality is influential
• one army in Marseille.
• their capacity as a general (represented by a black hat
4.5 National Assembly A game is divided into eight game turns, which correspond to six
In the National Assembly, put the following counters: months each. Each game turn is divided into several phases and
subphases or segments. The order of these phases and subphases
Right wing: 8 Feuillant deputies is fixed and cannot be altered.
Center: 10 Marais deputies, 2 Royalist deputies in the upper part
(hidden amongst the Marais) Initial Phase (6.0)
Left wing: 4 Gironde deputies, 1 Mountain deputy in the upper
1. Negotiations (6.1)
part (hidden amongst the Gironde), 1 Sans-Culotte in the upper
part (hidden amongst the Gironde) 2. Random Events (6.2)
Note: some Political Currents are not officially present in the Na- 3. Turn Order (6.3)
tional Assembly. Their deputies are therefore «hidden» among an-
4. Declaration of Objectives (6.4)
other Current’s deputies (see
5. Personality Placement (6.5)
4.6 Regions and Money Set-Up Action Phase (7.0)
When the game starts, each Current controls some regions. That
means the local clubs, assemblies and the people are favorable 6. Personality Actions (7.3)
to the most popular Current in the region. In each region, put • arresting Personalities (7.3.1)
the following regional control markers. In addition, each Current • persuading Personalities to switch side (7.3.2) 7. Regional
starts with one turn’s worth of income from its controlled regions Actions (7.4)
(i. e., the sum of the numbers printed in the regions; see 3.2.1).
• plots (7.4.1)
Currents: • triggering a revolt (7.4.2)
• Royalist: Angers, Chôlet, Nantes and Tours, which gives • suppressing a revolt (7.4.3)
400 assignats. • raising or suppressing the Commune (7.4.4)
• Feuillant: Clermont, Dijon, Metz, Montpellier, Orléans,
Rouen, Strasbourg and Toulouse, which gives 1400 assignats. 8. Political Actions (7.5)
• Marais: Angoulême, Cahors, Limoges, Lyon and Nevers, [regime changes and elections] (7.5.1)
which gives 800 assignats. • convincing deputies to switch side ( — passing
laws (

Patriot’s Phase (8.0) The result applies immediately, except when it is impossible, or
when it contradicts the rules. In this case, the event is ignored,
9. Justice (8.1) and there is no additional roll for this event type.
10. Debates and Criticisms of the Government (8.2) Examples:

Military Phase (9.0) The assassination of Marat is rolled twice

A revolt appears in a region currently occupied by an army.
11. Reinforcements (9.3)
• army maintenance (9.4) 6.3 Turn Order
12. Army Movement (9.5) The Government always plays first, before any Political Current.
[coups] (12.0)
• Coalition, Royalists, Government 13. Combat (9.6) Among Political Currents, the order is determined by adding the
number of controlled regions to the Current’s fame. The higher
• military control (9.7) values play first.
Interphase (10.0) Fame + Controlled Regions
In case of a tie, the Current with a higher fame goes first. If the tie
14. Economy Adjustment (10.1) 15. Income (10.2)
is still not resolved, each tied Current rolls a die, the higher value
16. Fame Adjustment (10.3) playing first. The game order applies to each subsequent phase of
the current game turn.
Example, for turn one:

6.1 Negotiations • the Feuillant plays first. Her fame is 12, and she controls 8
regions, for a total of 20.
• «I must admit, I have but one fear, the fear of not being • the Gironde plays second. Her fame is 11, and she has 4
betrayed… We need betrayals, our hope is there.» controlled regions.
Brissot, December 30th, 1791.
• the Marais plays third. Her fame is 10, and she controls
In the first phase, the players can freely discuss amongst them- 5 regions. The total is 15, the same as the Gironde’s, but the
selves, openly or privately. They may decide to ally themselves, for Marais’ fame is lower than the Gironde’s fame.
one turn or for a longer period. Players are not bound by these • and then the Royalist, the Mountain and the Sans-Culotte.
alliances and may break them at any time. This phase should last
Each phase is completed for each Current in turn order before pro-
about 10 minutes, but no more than 15 minutes.
ceeding to the next phase. This means that, in effect, each kind of
It is only during this phase where players may discuss privately. action will be performed by all Currents prior to subsequent kinds
During the rest of the turn, they must stay in the room at the of actions (all arrests, then all Personality persuasion attempts, then
playing table. However, saying a few words in another player’s ear, all plots, etc.).
or writing a short note on a piece of paper is allowed.
The players can give assignats to other players at any time (not to 6.4 Declaration of Objectives
the Government), but there is no guarantee of refund, nor interest.
• «You can see all the rich and peaceful men leave Paris, you
Exception: The Royalist can never ally with the Mountain or with can see Paris vanish and you do not react… Men of Paris,
the Sans-Culotte. Likewise, neither the Mountain player nor the awake and have these venomous insects come back into their
Sans-Culotte can declare an alliance with the Royalist. This means lairs.» Pétion, April 30th, 1793.
that they may not give each other money, nor may they declare The Government, and then each Current, declares an objective it
a common objective with the opposite Current (see 6.4). They are, will attempt to achieve during the game turn. This objective must
however, allowed to meet during the Negotiation Phase. be a well-defined one, specifying a target or a location (depending
on the type of goal, see below).
6.2 Random Events
The player controlling the Government rolls two dice for Examples:
each event type (see player aids). The dice rolls can be modi- • the Government’s objective is «arrest Marat» (not just
fied by a number of factors; the levels of the various tracks “arrest someone”).
(, the Current in charge of the Government, • the Government’s objective is ‘’fight the Coalition at Lille
whether France is in a state of Foreign War (9.2) or foreign peace, and win» (not just “win a battle”).
whether France is in a state of Civil War ( or 9.2.3) or civil Note that two or more Currents can ally and declare a joint ob-
peace, etc. jective. The Government cannot have a joint objective with any
There are four event types: Current. Each involved Current must be able to achieve the joint
objective, independently of other Currents (for example, a Cur-
• economic events rent unable to start revolts cannot jointly declare an objective to
• political events start one; even with another Current that can start revolts). All
• counter-revolutionary events the allied Currents will have the same fame adjustment, depend-
ing on the success of the endeavour.
• events from the Commune of Paris
The Royalist and the Montagne cannot ally, nor can the Royalist
and Sans-Culotte (see 6.1). All fame adjustments occur during
the Interphase (10.3), but make a note when and if a Current’s 6.4.2 Possible Current Objectives
objective is reached. Note that the Current need not have partic- A Current’s allowed objectives are:
ipated in bringing about the desired conclusion to succeed in its
• convincing a given Personality to switch side with a Per-
objective — if another Current does it first, even absent a jointly
sonality Action (7.3.2)
declared objective, the objective will be considered successful.
Similarly, if the objective is achieved but then undone by some • taking control of a given region with a plot using a Re-
later event, the objective is still considered to have been achieved. gional Action (see 7.4.1).
• having a law passed during the Political Actions (
Although the rules don’t explicitly say so, it appears that players
if the Current is allowed to do so. This can happen during
desiring to declare a common objective are limited to only doing
so with the current or currents listed in the «Common Political
Objective» box on their player aid chart. Legislative or the Convention (HS); or during the First Republic
EXAMPLE: The Montagne declares as an objective starting a revolt
in Brest. The Royalist player does it first, and then the Government • triggering a revolt in a given region (7.4.2) or suppressing
represses that revolt later on. Regardless, the Montagne is consid- a revolt in a given region (7.4.3) using a Regional Action.
ered to have succeeded in its objective, because a revolt was indeed • raising the Commune of Paris ( or suppressing the
started in Brest. Commune of Paris ( using a Regional Action. Note
that this is usually only possible for the Gironde, Montagne,
If the Government is successful in its objective, its fame will
or Sans-Culotte.
increase by +1 but the Current controlling it gains nothing. If
the Government fails, both the Government’s fame and the con- • switching to a given political regime (7.5.1).
trolling Current’s fame will be adjusted by — 1. If anything hap-
pens such that the Government is controlled by a new Current 6.5 Personality Placement
by the end of the turn (such as a regime change, see 7.5.1), the Each Current, according to the game order, places all its Person-
declared Government objective is ignored for that turn. If a Cur- alities on any region(s) of the game map. Keep in mind that:
rent achieves its objective, its fame increases by +1. Otherwise, it
• a Personality in Paris is required to attempt the Personali-
will lose one point (–1).
ty action «convince Deputies to switch side» (
6.4.1 Possible Government Objectives • a Personality is required in a region to attempt a Regional
The Government’s objective can be: Action.
• arresting a given Personality with a Personality Action • a Personality is required in Paris if the Current controls
(7.3.1) the Government (except when the Current has no Personal-
ities anymore). This Personality can attempt an action.
• suppressing a revolt in a given region with a Regional
Action (7.4.3) A Personality can attempt only one action per game turn.
• destroying an enemy army in a given region in the Mili-
tary Phase (9.6) 7.0 ACTION PHASE
• suppressing the Commune of Paris by force using a revo- During the course of the game, the Currents and the Government
lutionary army (see 9.9.1) Can pay to attempt «Actions» to get a desired result. Each player
• passing a certain law during the Political Actions (, chooses the action(s) they will perform from among the actions
only during the Terror or Thermidor (HS) or during Wrath, allowed to the Political Current. The list of allowed actions can
Mercy, Directorate or Prairial (OS). also depend on the political regime currently installed. There are

Result Table
Die Roll Fame
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
2 C C C C C C C C C C
3 C C C C C C C C C C
4 C C C C C C C C C C
5 C C C C C C C C B B
6 C C C C C C B B B B
7 C C C C B B B B B A
8 C C B B B B B A A A
9 B B B B B A A A A A
10 B B B A A A A A A A
11 B A A A A A A A A A
12 A A A A A A A A A A

Additionally, the following dice results adjust the fame of the Current or Government attempting the action:
• a double «1» immediately adjusts the fame by –1
• a double «6» immediately adjusts the fame by +1.
three categories of action: Personality Actions, Regional Actions This amount can be doubled or tripled, depending on the eco-
and Political Actions. nomic situation. The Economy Track ( has boxes printed
in three colors, representing three levels. The levels affect all Cur-
7.1 Action Resolution rents and the Government:
To resolve an action, the player rolls two dice. She cross- referenc- • Level I: Use normal costs
es this roll with her Political Current’s fame (or the Government’s • Level II: All costs are doubled (x2)
fame, if this is an action by the Government) on the Result Table • Level III: All costs are tripled (x3)
(see player aids, and below).
• «The bad money takes the place of the good one …»
The result depends on the kind of action being attempted, but
generally speaking: For Personality Actions and Regional Actions only, extra money
can be spent to allow multiple die rolls in the attempt. If the player
• «A» success
spends a multiple of the action cost, that is N times the adjusted
• «B» can be either success or failure cost, she is allowed that same number of dice rolls. This applies
• «C» failure to Government actions as well as Currents’ actions. When all the
If due to modifiers a final events table result is below 2 or above dice rolls have been done, the player chooses one result, not nec-
12, consider the result to be a 2 or 12, respectively. essarily the best. All other dice rolls are ignored. The player must
decide how many times she will spend the action cost before the
N.B.: Do not confuse «adjustment» and «modifier». first dice roll.
When fame is adjusted, the fame counter is advanced one box up or Example: The Marais decides to spend 200 assignats for a plot (Re-
down. Many actions have fame modifiers, which temporarily affect gional Action) in Lyon. This action costs 100 assignats, so the player
what the Current’s fame is for the action resolution. When the fame is allowed two dice rolls. The first dice roll is 2 (double 1), and the
is modified, add the fame value with the modifier, and the result second is 4. The action fails. However, the player keeps the “4” result,
is the column in the Action Result Table — there is no permanent so the Marais’ fame stays at its current value — it is not adjusted
fame adjustment. Note that with very rare exceptions, bonuses or by — 1for having rolled a «2». Note that had the Economy Track
penalties to a roll are always applied to the fame and not to the die been at Level II, the same plot attempt with two die rolls would
roll itself. have cost 400 assignats.
• «I lived.» Sieyès, about his activity during the Terror.
7.3 Personality Actions
7.1.1 Dissident Clergy Action Bonuses (Royalist) There are two kinds of Personality actions: Arrest and Switching
As domestic unrest increases, the Royalist’s actions receive sup- Side. A player does not need his own Personality present in the
port. The Dissident Clergy track ( has boxes printed in region when attempting these actions; Personality Actions target
three colors, representing three levels. The levels affect the Roy- other Currents’ Personalities, rather than requiring your own.
alist player: Each Current executes the Arrest attempts in turn order. Then,
• Level I: No effect when all Arrest attempts have been resolved, each player attempts
to convince Personalities to switch side in turn order.
• Level II: All Royalist actions receive a +1 fame modifier
• Level III: All Royalist actions receive a +2 fame modifier 7.3.1 Arresting a Personality
Additionally, once level III is reached the Royalist can raise Cath- (cost: 100 assignats)
olic and Royal armies — see 9.3.2. • «One cannot carry his country with him at the sole of
his shoe.» Danton, when he is arrested on 10 Germinal II
7.1.2 Commune of Paris Action Bonuses (Sans-Culotte and (March 30th 1794).
As the Commune of Paris stirs, the Sans-Culotte and the Mon- Government Arrests
tagne’s actions receive support. . The Commune of Paris track The Government can attempt to arrest some specific Personalities.
( has boxes printed in three colors, representing three The list of these Personalities depends on the political Regime.
levels. The levels affect the Sans-Culotte and Montagne players: Additionally, some Currents and/or Personalities can become
outlawed. Outlaws are easier to arrest in Paris and become auto-
• Level I: No effect
matically arrested during some regime changes. Note: all outlaws
• Level II: All Sans-Culotte actions receive a +1 fame mod- are arrestable, but not all arrestable Personalities are outlaws. If
ifier a Current is outlawed, all its Personalities are outlaws.
• Level III: All Sans-Culotte actions receive a +2 fame mod-
To know whether a Personality is successfully arrested, the player
ifier, all Montagne actions receive a +1 fame modifier
controlling the Government rolls two dice, and cross- references
Note that this is independent of whether or not the Commune the result with the Government’s fame. The fame can be modified
of Paris has been raised, although the status of the Commune of by:
Paris track does significantly alter how difficult it is to raise or
suppress the Commune (see 7.4.4). • a –4 penalty if the region where the Personality has been
placed is controlled by the Political Current to which the
7.2 Action Costs Personality belongs.
• a –2 penalty if the Personality has been placed in a region
Each action has a cost. Before executing an action, the player must
where he is influential.
spend a given amount of assignats.

• a +5 bonus if the Personality (or his Current) is outlawed 7.3.2 Convincing a Personality to Switch Sides
and in Paris (cost: 100 assignats)
This rule which provides a +5 for personalities to be arrested and A Political Current may attempt to attract to its ranks a Personal-
automatic arrest in Paris during change of regime includes all the ity from another Current. This requires that the Personality has
following (note that this rule does not apply to the 4 «arrestable» this Current as his main Current or his secondary Current. The
leaders of the Legislative regime): player has a –2 penalty if attempting to switch the Personality to
his secondary Current. The Personality may be free or imprisoned.
Only members of outlawed factions under «Convention» Switching sides may either revoke the Personality’s outlaw status
• +5 to arrest in Paris all «Feuillants» (D’Andre, Barnave, if they leave an outlawed Current, or the Personality may become
Laclos, La Fayette, Lameth) under «Terreur» outlawed if they join an outlawed Current. If they are imprisoned
and their outlawed status is revoked, they are immediately freed.
• +5 to arrest all «Feuillants»
The results arc:
• +5 to arrest all «Girondin» (Barbaroux, Brissot, Petion,
Roland, Vergniaud) if «Hebertistes» are outlawed • «A»: The Personality switches sides, and the Personality
counter is flipped over. The player who has just achieved the
• +5 to arrest Chaumette and Hebert if «Indulgents» are
Action now controls the Personality, and they can execute
actions with the Personality until the Personality is switched
• +5 to arrest Danton and Desmoulins under «Thermidor» to another Current (by another subsequent Personality
• +5 to arrest all «montagnards» (Danton, Desmoulins, Action).
Marat, Robespierre, Saint-Just) if «Terroristes» are outlawed • «B»: The Personality leaves the map, and re-enters the
• +5 to arrest Billaud-Varennes, Collot d’Herbois and Barere game at the start of the next game turn. The Personality is
if during «Terreur», the law to outlawed «Hebertistes» was still aligned with his old Current.
voted, it continue to do so. • «C»: Failure.
These modifiers are cumulative.
The results are:
7.4 Regional Actions
There are four kinds of Regional Action: Plot, Triggering a Revolt,
• «A»: The Personality is under arrest. Place the counter in
Suppressing a Revolt, and Raising/Suppressing the Commune of
the Prison du Temple.
Paris. To attempt a Regional Action, a Political Current needs
• «B»: During the Terror, the Personality is under arrest. one or more Personalities in this region. When a Region is under
Place the counter in the Prison du Temple (same during Coalition control, the only Regional Action permitted there is
Wrath and Prairial). During the other political regimes, the a revolt by the Royalist, and they do so at a +2 bonus (see 9.7.1).
Personality flees. The counter is placed beside the map, and
re-enters play next turn. Regional Actions are performed by Personalities targeting a re-
gion. Each Personality can perform at most one action per turn,
• «C»: The attempt fails.
so if they attempt a Regional Action they cannot perform any oth-
• «The Republic is lost, the scoundrels are triumphant!» er Regional or Political Action until the following turn. If a Per-
Robespierre, when arrested on 9 Thermidor II (July 27th, sonality is within a region where he is influential, the Current’s
1794). fame is modified by +2 for any and all Regional Actions. If several
Example: Under the Legislative, the Government attempts to arrest Personalities are present in the region, the player can use them
Marat, who is in Paris. Paris is controlled by the Mountain. The separately in different attempts, or together with a cumulative
Government’s fame is 10. For this action, the value used is 4 (Paris modifier (+2 for each influential Personality).
is a region where Marat is influential, therefore –2, and he belongs to Each Current executes its plot attempts in turn order. Then, when
Mountain, which is controlling Paris, therefore –4). The Government all plots have been resolved, each Current attempts to trigger re-
pays 200 assignats, and rolls the dice two times. The first roll is 5 volts. When this is done for all six Currents, the revolt suppres-
(1 +4), and the second is 9 (3 + 6). The Government uses the 9 roll, sions are resolved. At last, the actions on the Commune of Paris
which gives a «B» result on the Action Result Table. Marat leaves (raising and/or suppressing, in any order for each Current) are
France, and he will come back at the start of the next turn. resolved. Political Currents’ “Arrests” 7.4.1 Plot

The Political Currents which are not officially present in the gov- (cost: 100 assignats)
ernment can attempt to remove a Personality from a region the To take the control of a region, a Political Current must success-
Current is controlling. Whether a faction is officially present in fully plot against the currently controlling Current. Plots are also
the government depends on the regime. To know if the expulsion used to take control of a neutral region. Plots are not allowed if
is successful, the player rolls two dice, and cross-references the there is a revolt in the region. If the region is neutral, the plotting
result with the Current’s fame in the Action Result Table. The Current’s fame is modified by +2.
fame is modified by –2 if the target Personality is influential in
the region. The Result Table produces the following results:

The results from the table are: • «A»: The Current now controls the region
• «B»: The region becomes, or stays, neutral.
• «A» or «B»: The attempt is successful, the Personality
leaves the map, and will re-enter at the start of the next turn. • «C»: No change in the region’s status.
• «C»: Failure. Example: The Mountain has put Robespierre and Danton in Paris.
Both Personalities have some influence in Paris, so the Mountain’s
bonus is +4 if they are both used in the attempt. The Mountain’s

fame is 12, so the action will be resolved on the 16 column (but the • «B»: The revolt stops (remove the counter); the region
fame marker stays in the 12 box). To enhance his probability of suc- stays or becomes neutral.
cess, the Mountain player pays three times the cost, i.e. 300 assignats. • «C»: Failure.
The dice rolls are: 7, 9, and 4. The player chooses the «9» dice roll,
which gives an «A» result. The Mountain now controls Paris. Dan- • «This is not Collot d’Herbois leaving for Lyon, this is
ton and Robespierre can do nothing more during this game turn. thePeople’s Representative who goes and deploys the national
power to keep the rebels to their Duty…» Collot d’Herbois,
November 1793
7.4.2 Trigger a Revolt
(cost: 150 assignats)
7.4.4 Commune Actions
• «We will be content only when Toulon is aflame.» Barras, (cost: 200 assignats)
October 13th, 1793.
• «Rise, sovereign people!» Marat, June 1st, 1793.
Only the Currents which are not officially present in the National
Assembly can try to trigger a revolt — this depends on the present Generally, only the Sans-Culotte, the Mountain (with a –2 pen-
regime. alty) and the Gironde (with a –4 penalty) can attempt to raise or
suppress the Commune of Paris. There are some regimes where
Revolts cannot be triggered in the following regions: additional Currents can attempt to influence the Commune. The
• in a region where a revolt already exists attempts are more or less easy, depending on where the marker is
on the Commune track (the higher the track is, the easier it is to
• in Paris (neither the region, nor the city)
raise the Commune and the harder it is to suppress it).
• in a region where an army is present.
Exception: Royalist revolts and Allied armies, see 9.7.1. Hot re- Raise the Commune
gions provide a +2 fame bonus to this action resolution (see 3.2.1). — When the Commune tracks is at level I, an «A» results in rais-
ing the Commune. The player that has made the attempt now
The Action Results are:
controls Paris and the Commune. A «B» or «C» is a failure.
• «A»: The region revolts and the Current now controls the
— For level II, an «A» results in raising the Commune, which is
controlled by the player. A «B» also results in raising the Com-
• «B»: The region revolts, the region stays or becomes mune, but it is neutral, that is, no Current controls it. A «C» is
neutral. a failure.
• «C»: Failure.
— For level III, an «A» or «B» results in raising the Commune,
Regions in revolt do not give money to the Government during which is controlled by the attempting player.
income (10.2.2). When an army enters a region where there is
a revolt, the army can automatically put down the revolt if the A «C» is still a failure.
movement ends in the region (see 9.7.2). A Current can attempt to both raise and suppress the Commune
during the same turn. The only condition is that there must be at Civil War Due to Revolts least two Personalities from this Current in Paris: one to raise the
While four or more regions are in revolt, France is considered to Commune, the other to suppress it.
be in a state of Civil War (see also 9.2.3).
When the Commune is raised, put the «Commune» army counter
7.4.3 Suppress a Revolt in the Paris box. This counter can never leave Paris. It counts as
(cost: 150 assignats) an army (see 9.0). No other revolt can happen in Paris (city or
a) Government region). Exception: see 9.7.1.

The Government can try to suppress a revolt, unless the region Raising the Commune is forbidden in the following cases
is occupied by an Allied army or a Catholic & Royal army. The • it is already raised (you have to suppress it first)
Government’s fame is modified by –2 for such an action.
• Paris is occupied by an Allied army, or a Catholic & Royal
The Action Results are: army.
• «A»/»B»: The revolt stops (remove the counter); there is As long as the Commune is raised, control of the Paris region is
no effect on the region’s control. irrelevant. All references to the control of Paris use the control
of the Commune instead. Different factions can simultaneously
• «C»: Failure.
control the Commune and the region of Paris, but the latter con-
The Government can also put down a revolt during the military trol is completely ineffective until such time as the Commune is
phase with an army (see 9.7.2). suppressed.
b) Currents For example, if the Commune of Paris is raised and controlled by
The Currents can suppress a revolt, and possibly acquire control the Sans-Culotte at the end of the game, the Sans-Culotte receives
of the region. At least one Personality must be in the region when 10 VP: 5 for controlling Paris, and 5 more for the Commune (see
the attempt takes place. 14.1.6).
The Current’s fame has a –2 modifier for the Action Resolution. Suppress the Commune
The Action Results are: When attempting to suppress the Commune, the Current has its
fame modified by –2 (in addition to the –2 Mountain penalty or
• «A»: The revolt stops (remove the counter); the Current the –4 Gironde penalty).
now controls the region.

The results are: • Gironde: Marais Deputies
• For level I, an «A» or «B» suppresses the Commune • Montagne: Sans-Culotte or Marais Deputies
(remove the Commune counter). The Current controls Paris. • Sans-Culotte: Montagnard or Marais Deputies
A «C» is a failure. The results are:
• For level II, an «A» suppresses the Commune (remove the
• «A»: 5 Deputies switch to the new Current
Commune counter), and the Current controls Paris. A «B»
suppresses the Commune (remove the Commune counter), • «B»: 3 Deputies switch to the new Current
but Paris stays or becomes neutral. A «C» is a failure. • «C»: Failure.
• For level III, an «A» suppresses the Commune (remove «Turn coat» Deputies are placed in the National Assembly among
the Commune counter), and the Current controls Paris. the Deputies of their new temporary Current.
A «B» or «C» is a failure.
Note: during a game turn switching side happens only once per
• «The Revolution was born from Misery, the Revolution can Deputy. For example, if a Feuillant Deputy switches to the Marais
die through Misery.» Saint-Just, November 29th, 1792. Current, that deputy cannot then switch to the Royalist Current.

• «The Revolution is not achieved; yet the Sans-Culottes The King’s Action (Legislative Only)
support is, and nothing was done for them.» Hanriot, Sans-
• «The King is the Nation’s servant, not its representative.»
Culotte leader, 7 Brumaire II (October 28th, 1793).
Robespierre, May 18th, 1790.

7.5 Political Phase During the Legislative, the Current controlling the King may
take a special action with him immediately after deputies have
7.5.1 Regime Change/Elections switched side. His possible actions depend on his Current:
At the beginning of the Political Phase, check to see if the pre- — Feuillant:
conditions for a regime change are met. This will depend on the (cost: 100 assignats)
present regime. When a new Political Regime is installed, any
imprisoned Personalities belonging to the Current controlling the The King adjusts the Gironde’s fame by –1. He may then option-
Government are automatically released. Likewise, any Personal- ally adjust the Coalition marker by –1 (move the marker to the
ities that are outlawed under the new regime and are present in previous box).
Paris are immediately arrested. This applies only during the turn — Royalist:
when the new regime is installed. If the Government’s fame is (cost: 50 assignats)
lower than 10, it is immediately adjusted to 10.
The King adjusts the Feuillant’s fame by –1. He may then option-
• «Me, a plot-maker! I ask to stand unclad before the People, ally adjust the Coalition marker by +1 (move the marker to the
I have incurred seven wounds in the front, and I have only next box).
one wound in the back: This is my alibi.» Westermann, April
3rd, 1794. Having a Law Passed
Whether or not the regime changes, there might be an election, (cost: 50 assignats for a Current or free for the Government) No
which will alter the number of deputies present in the assembly. Personality is required for this action. Depending on the current
The Legislative will have elections in turns 4 and 8 (see R.1.6). political regime, either the Government and/or the Currents can
Any Political Actions happen after any changes and/or elections. propose a law. In the latter case, only the Currents officially pres-
ent in the National Assembly can propose a law (i. e., their Dep-
7.5.2 Political Actions uties are not hidden nor is the Current outlawed). Each Current
Two Political Action types exist: convincing Deputies to switch can propose only one law per game turn. The Current must spend
side, and having a law passed. For the latter type, several laws 50 assignats to propose a law. The Government may propose laws
exist, with different effects (see the list in 13.0). Each Current, in for free. The same law cannot be proposed more than once per
turn order, attempts to convince Deputies to switch side. When game turn, unless specified otherwise.
all attempts are resolved, each officially present Current attempts Note: the list of possible laws is given in 13.0. That list contains costs,
to pass laws. but do not confuse with the costs for proposing a law. The costs
Note: only one dice roll is allowed per Political Action. The (modi- listed in 13.0 are the costs the Government must pay to put the law
fied) cost can only be paid once, see 7.2. in effect if the law passes. For example, if the Mountain proposes
Conscription (100 assignats), the Mountain must pay 50 assignats Convincing Deputies to Switch Side and then the vote is held. Only if the law then passes must the Gov-
(cost: 100 assignats) ernment pay 100 assignats to enforce the law. If the Government
This action is possible only during Legislative, Thermidor, Direc- cannot pay the costs, then it goes bankrupt (see The law,
torate and the First Republic. At least one Personality must be in in that case, will not go into effect.
Paris for this action. Each Personality (that has not already per-
formed a Regional Action this turn) may make a separate attempt. • A citizen: «So I had a part in the passing of this law?»
Père Gerard: «Certainly, you had a part in it, through your
This action attracts Deputies from another Political Current until
representatives.» Père Gerard’s Almanac, October 23rd, 1791.
the end of the turn. Only Deputies from a close Current can be
attracted: Deputies’ Votes
• Royalist: Feuillant or Marais Deputies Under the Legislative and Thermidor (HS), and the Directorate
• Feuillant: Royalist or Marais Deputies and the First Republic (OS), a vote is held once a law is proposed,
and the law is passed if the absolute majority votes «yes». Each
• Marais: Feuillant or Gironde Deputies
Deputy has one vote. The hidden Deputies freely vote in accor- power and controls the Government. Who will take the place of
dance to their original Current, not their «visible» Current. In the outgoing Current depends on the regime. For example, if the
case of a tie (Legislative), Louis XVI breaks the tie by voting the Gironde was controlling the Legislative Government and is ousted
same as the Current that is controlling him. During Thermidor by a vote non- confidence, the Feuillant controls the Government
(HS), and the Directorate and the First Republic (OS), the tie is (which still is the Legislative — no regime change). In all other
broken by the Current controlling the Government. regimes, there can be no criticism. Fame “Votes” 8.3 Deputies Who Have Switched Side

Under the Convention and the Terror (HS), and Wrath, Mercy,
and Prairial (OS), laws are “voted” on by rolling the dice and All the Deputies who have switched side are placed back in the
checking on the Action Resolution Table: National Assembly with their original Currents.

• Convention: use the fame of the Political Current that If due to modifiers a final events table result is below 2 or above
proposed the law. 12, consider the result to be a 2 or 12, respectively.
• Terror (HS) and Wrath, Mercy, and Prairial (OS): use the
Government’s fame. 9.0 MILITARY PHASE
For this vote, fame can be modified: There are four types of armies:
• the Marais player chooses any bonus or penalty from –2 • The French Revolutionary Army. These armies are con-
to +2 (including 0). trolled by the Government. They fight the allied armies and
• The player controlling the Commune chooses any bonus the Catholic and Royal armies. It comprises the 4 regular
or penalty from –3 to +3 (including 0) even if not officially army counters at the start of the game.
present. Volunteers can also be recruited (see laws 13.5.2 and 13.5.3).
• Each other Current present in the National
• The Catholic and Royal Army (French). These armies are
Assembly chooses any bonus or penalty from –1 to +1. controlled by the Royalist player.
All modifiers are cumulative. • The Coalition Armies (foreign), also called Allied
Armies. They obey special rules and no player controls them.
The Action Result Table gives the following results:
• The Commune of Paris. This army never leaves Paris. It
• «A» or «B»: The law is passed. appears when a player succeeds in raising the Commune
• «C»: The law is rejected. The Political Current (or the Gov- (see 7.4.4).
ernment) which has proposed this law has its fame immedi-
ately adjusted by –1. • «We walk, not to conquer, but to prevail, not to be swept
by the exhilaration of triumphs, but to stop striking as soon
Note that in some regimes, having Government-proposed laws fail as the death of an enemy soldier no longer benefits Liberty.»
can allow the Marais to immediately change the regime (see R.3.8.1, Billaud-Varennes, 1st Floréal II (April 20th, 1794).
R.5.8.1). If this happens, the Political Phase ends immediately after
the regime change. 9.1 Armies in Detail

8.0 PATRIOT’S PHASE • «The whole of Europe up to Moscow soon will be shaped
by a French, municipal and Jacobinist model.» Chaumette,
November 16th, 1792.
8.1 Justice
Each game turn, the fate of the imprisoned Personalities, except 9.1.1 Revolutionary Armies
Louis XVI, must be checked. For Louis XVI, see 11.4. The out- There are two types of revolutionary armies:
comes depend on the regime. If a Personality stays in prison, he • the four regular armies, which start the game on map,
will be judged again next turn. • the volunteer armies, which are raised through conscrip-
tion (see 13.5.2) and levies in mass (13.5.3). The Govern-
• «O Liberty, what things are done in thy name!» Manon
Roland, at the foot of the scaffold, 18 Brumaire II (November ment can have raised up to 16 volunteer armies at a time.
7th, 1793). The Government decides how the revolutionary armies
move. See 9.5.4.
• «This, then, is my reward?» Barnave, at the scaffold, No-
• «The state where we are is a real state of destruction, which
vember 30th, 1793.
can lead us to destitution and death. So, to arms! To arms!
Citizen, free men, fight for your freedom, fight for the whole
8.2 Debates and Criticisms of the Government human race’s freedom. Else, you will not deserve pity in your
dark hours.» Vergniaud, January 1792.
• «Tyrants are ripe.» Fauchet, February 17th, 1791.
In Legislative (HS) and Mercy, Directorate, and First Republic 9.1.2 Allied Armies
(OS) each game turn the Political Currents present in the National • «Military force has destroyed everything; only military
Assembly openly criticize the Government’s actions. Then, a vote force can rebuild everything.» Letter from Marie-Antoinette
of confidence is held. Each one votes «Confidence», «Disapproval» to her brother the Emperor, September 8th, 1791.
or «Abstention». The abstentions are not tallied, only the «Con-
fidence» and «Disapproval» votes. If there is an absolute majority • «If their majesties the King, the Queen and the Royal
Family ever have to suffer the smallest violence, the smallest
of disapproval, the Government is toppled, another Current grabs
outrage, if their safety, their preservation, their freedom is
not guaranteed, they (their Royal and Imperial Majesties) 9.2.1 Declaration of War by the Government
will exert an exemplary revenge that will be remembered
forever in history, by submitting the city of Paris to a military • «A people that has conquered its freedom needs a war to
conquest and occupation, and the insurgents, responsible consolidate it.» Brissot, December 16th, 1791.
for these crimes will, be subjected to the punishments they The Government, or a Current, declares war by passing the cor-
deserve.» Brunswick’s Manifesto, July 25th, 1792. responding law (see 13.5.1).
• «One more enemy for France is one more triumph for
9.2.2 Declaration of War by the Coalition
freedom.» Barère, March 7th, 1793.
• «Sire, you will not have to fight, the whole of France will
The allied armies represent foreign powers, friendly to the Royal- gladly submit to the just laws you will dictate; all the faithful
ists, who invade France. Once eliminated, they can never return French, all the repentant French, will pay homage to their
(unless using optional rule 15.1.2). The following armies enter the noble liberator.» Letter from Vaudreuil to Leopold II, Octo-
map during the reinforcement phase after war is declared: ber 31st, 1791.

a) Cobourg’s Austrian Army If the Coalition Track ( marker rises to 17 or more, the
Coalition declares war upon France — which then raises the Co-
b) Brunswick’s Army: This is the Prussian army led by Brunswick
alition Track to 20.
and the Emigrant Princes.
During the Legislative regime, place on the map only the allied
c) Wurmster’s Austrian Army
armies that are scheduled to enter in Lille, Metz and Strasbourg.
After war is declared, the following armies can only enter during As soon as the Convention or the Terror is installed, all allied
the reinforcement phase following the installation of the Conven- armies are eligible to be placed on the map (see 9.3.1).
tion or the Terror regimes (the underlined armies have additional
requirements, see 9.3.1): 9.2.3 Civil War with the Catholic and Royal Armies
d) Sardinian Army • «The illness which took him away was Faithfulness.» Mar-
quis de la Rourie’s epitaph, January 30th, 1793.
e) Spanish Armies (both of them)
When the Dissident Clergy marker rises to 17 or more, the Roy-
f) York’s Army: This is an Anglo-Dutch army, under the Duke alist is allowed to raise troops until the end of the game, even if
of York’s command. the marker falls below 17. As long as one of the three Catholic
g) English Mediterranean Fleet (functions the same as an army): and Royal armies is active on the map, France is in a state of «civil
It is under Admiral Hood’s command. war» (see also 7.4.2).

h) Quiberon Army: This is an army staffed with Emigrants, led • «God is with us. Who will be against us?» Motto of the
by the Count de la Puisaye, and transported on English ships. Vendée.

9.1.3 Catholic and Royal Armies

The Royalist player can raise up to three Catholic and Royal
9.3 Reinforcements Placement
Armies, friendly to the Allied Armies and hostile to all revolu- • «We will know how to die, we will all die!» Robespierre,
tionary armies: March 13th, 1793.
• «Armée catholique et royale» The players place the reinforcements using the following order:
• «Armée du centre»
1) The Royalist player places the Coalition reinforcements (9.3.1)
• «Armée du pays de Retz»
2) The Royalist player places the Catholic and Royal reinforce-
The Royalist can only raise armies once the dissident clergy
ments (9.3.2)
track has reached level III. These armies can only be raised in
the Vendée (Chôlet, Nantes, or Angers) while accompanied by 3) The Government places its reinforcements (9.3.3)
a Royalist general; see 9.3.2.
9.3.1 Coalition Reinforcements
Each army can be raised only once (unless using optional rule
During the reinforcement phase of the turn when war has been
declared, the following allied armies are placed in border regions,
• «If I go forward, follow me; if I go back, kill me; if I die,
as indicated on the map:
avenge me!» Henri de la Rochejaquelein, general of the a) Cobourg’s Austrian Army enters in Lille.
«Armée catholique et royale», April 13th, 1793.
b) Brunswick’s Army enters in Metz.

9.2 Foreign War c) Wurmster’s Austrian Army enters in Strasbourg.

When war is declared, the Coalition marker is placed in the «20» After war has been declared and the Convention or Terror has
box, and can move only during the random events phase. France been installed, place the following armies:
is in a state of “foreign war”. The war ends when there is no lon- d) Sardinian Army enters Marseille and stays there.
ger any Allied army in France, or when the Coalition marker is
adjusted to level I. Any Allied armies still on the map at this time e) Spanish Armies: The first Spanish army enters Montpellier, the
cease moving, but will fight if attacked. They will resume their other enters Toulouse. They do not move.
movement if the Coalition marker is ever adjusted back to level f) York’s Army enters Lille and stays there.
II or III.

After war has been declared and the Convention or the Terror The players move the armies using the same order as for the re-
has been installed, the following armies are additionally placed if inforcement placement:
Royalist player controls the indicated region(s):
1) Allied armies
g) English Mediterranean Fleet: If Marseille is controlled by the
2) Catholic and Royal armies
Royalist, this army lands in Marseille and stays there. Note: for
game purposes, there is no difference between fleets and land 3) Revolutionary armies
Note: Allied armies and Catholic and Royal armies are friendly to
h) Quiberon Army: If Brest and Nantes are controlled by the each other.
Royalist, this army lands either in Brest or in Nantes, and stays
If several friendly armies are present in the same region, they
there. The Royalist player chooses the place of the landing.
are stacked together. This does not prevent them from moving
In general, invading Coalition armies, on their first turn, are only separately to different regions. All movements must be executed
placed and do not move, because they do not yet have military before the first combat.
control of the area that they are in. They would be able to so move
if there had already been a civil war and the next region in their 9.5.1 Pinning
path were under the military control of the Catholic Royal party. If an Allied army and/or a Catholic and Royal army are present in
In addition, Coalition armies do not advance out of their area the same region as any revolutionary armies, the Royalist player
until the area is under friendly military control. can prevent the revolutionary army from leaving the region by
announcing at the start of the movement phase that they will
Once the dissident clergy track (see has reached level III,
have combat.
the Royalist player may raise Catholic and Royal armies for the
remainder of the game (even if the track subsequently goes be- 9.5.2 Allied Army Movement
low level III). They may be placed in Chôlet, Nantes, or Anger The allied armies move along the arrows printed on the map (see
(the three regions are collectively known as “the Vendée”). Addi- the errata at 3.2.1). They will not leave an area unless they have
tionally, one of the following personalities must be in the region taken control of the region (see 9.7.1). Allied armies and Catholic
where the army is to be placed: Charette, Chouan, Cathelineau, and Royal armies can usually move one region per tum. However,
or Cadoudal. they can move through any number of contiguous Royalist or
The new revolutionary armies may be placed in any region not Coalition controlled regions so long as they do not encounter any
controlled by the Royalist, nor occupied by an enemy army, nor revolutionary armies or non-Royalist revolts.
in revolt. If a regular army is destroyed, either as a combat result The armies move as follows:
or because of a lack of maintenance, it cannot be rebuilt. . There
are some exceptions listed in the random events. The volunteer a) Cobourg’s Austrian Army: The military objectives are:
armies, raised by laws (see 13.5.2 and 13.5.3), may be rebuilt any -> Amiens -> Paris -> Orléans -> Rouen.
number of times. b) Brunswick’s Army: Its objective is Paris.
• «No, we will not die; we will give death to all our enemies, c) Wurmster’s Austrian Army: Its military objectives are:
and we will crush them!» Marat, March 13th, 1793. -> Dijon -> Paris -> then Lyon through Dijon.

9.4 Army Maintenance 9.3.2 Catholic and Royal Reinforcements

9.3.3 Revolutionary Army Placement
• «What constitutes a republic is the total destruction of
d) Sardinian Army: Does not move, stays in Marseille.
everything opposed to it.» Saint-Just, 8 Ventôse II (February
26th, 1794). e) Spanish Armies: Do not move, they stay in Montpellier and
Cost: 100 assignats per army per game tum. Revolutionary armies Toulouse.
(regular and volunteer) are maintained by the Government — the f) York’s Army: Does not move, stays in Lille.
cost represents supply and ammunition.
g) English Mediterranean Fleet: Does not move, stays in Marseille.
If one or more armies cannot be maintained, they are removed
from the map (start by removing volunteers); if one or regular h) Quiberon Army: If other friendly armies control Paris, the
armies are not maintained and is thus eliminated, the Govern- Quiberon Army moves towards Paris, through Nantes -> Angers
ment is bankrupt (see Catholic and Royal armies are -> Tours -> Orléans.
maintained by the Royalist player. If they cannot be maintained,
9.5.3 Catholic and Royal Army Movement
they are considered permanently eliminated from the game (ex-
Catholic and Royal armies are normally restricted to the Vendée
ception: optional rule 15.1.1).
(the regions Angers, Chôlet, and Nantes). The only way they can
Allied armies and the Commune are always maintained at no cost. move out is if they are accompanied by a Royalist general (namely,
Charette, Cathelineau, Cadoudal or Chouan), and the armies can
9.5 Army Movement (and Coups) then move in the same way as Allied armies (see 9.5.2). The Roy-
alist decides where the armies shall move. The general(s) move
• «The armies are unshakable. Free men know only victory with the armies during Military Movement. Note that being
and scorn the dangers.» 1st Correze Volunteer Battalion, a general accompanying an army is the only way that Personalities
February 28th, 1793. can move from region to region during a game turn.
If playing the Open Scenario only, coups may be attempted before
any movement occurs. See 12.0.

9.5.4 Revolutionary Army Movement 9.7.1 Royalist and Coalition Control
The revolutionary armies (regular and volunteer) are moved by Allied armies, if left unopposed at the end of the Military Phase,
the Government. They can move through any number of regions, remove any previous non-Royalist control marker in a region and
provided they encounter no enemy army. As soon as a revolu- replace it with a Coalition control marker. Catholic and Royal
tionary army enters Paris, if the Commune of Paris is raised, the Armies do the same to non-Coalition markers and place a Roy-
Government states whether the army will suppress the Commune alist control marker. Thus, a region can be controlled by Catholic
or not by putting the army counter in the Paris box (indicating and Royal armies and Allied armies at the same time. In this case,
suppression) or in the Paris region (see 3.2.1). See 9.9.1 for Gov- the region has both a Royalist control marker and a Coalition
ernment suppression of the Commune. If the Government does control marker.
not state anything, it is assumed that the army does not suppress
Military control of a region by the Royalist implies political
the Commune.
control by this Current. However, military control by the Gov-
ernment does not imply political control (i. e., any Current can
9.6 Combat control a region when it is militarily controlled by Revolutionary
• «We have to stun like Lightning, and strike like Thunder!»
Carnot, February 1794. Only the Royalist can attempt an action in a region controlled
by the Coalition. In this case, a +2 bonus applies. He can attempt
A single combat roll represents the skirmishes, marches, coun-
to control such a region only through revolt. Royalist revolts can
termarches and set-piece battles that occur in a six- month pe-
occur even if the Allied army still occupies the region, and even
riod (a game turn), as well as the generals’ more or less brilliant
if this is Paris. This is the only way a revolt can occur in Paris.
Despite that the rule says that no action may be undertaken by
Combat occurs automatically when two enemy forces are present
anyone other than the Royalist in a Coalition-controlled region,
in the same region (unless Catholic and Royal armies hide in
the rule means to say that no regional action may be undertak-
the Vendée, see 9.8). The Government rolls for the revolutionary
en in such a region. Other actions such as arrests or convincing
armies and the Royalist rolls for all other armies. The attacker is
a personality are still permitted.
the side with more armies and rolls the dice (in case of a tie, the
revolutionary armies are considered the attacker). After seeing the If Paris is militarily conquered by the Royalist or by the Coalition,
die result, the attacker may increase or decrease the value of the the Government decides where the new capital will be located.
roll by 1 for each army they have in excess of the defender (in case So long as Paris is under Royalist/Allied control, the Commune
of a tie, no modifier is possible). Note that this is a modifier to of Paris can no longer be raised, and during the random events
the die roll, not to fame. phase the Commune segment is skipped.
Cross-reference the die result with the 13-14 column (always) on
• «Long live the Nation!» The Army of lawyers, shoe-makers
the Action Resolution Table: and tailors in Valmy, September 20th, 1792.
• «A»: one defending army eliminated
9.7.2 Revolutionary Control
• «B»: no effect
Any revolutionary army left unopposed in a region under Coali-
• «C»: one attacking army eliminated. tion control at the end of the Military Phase removes the Coali-
When multiple armies are stacked together and must take a loss, tion control marker (leaving any Royalist control marker, if pres-
the controlling player (either the Government or the Royalist) ent). Similarly, any unopposed revolutionary army may put down
decides which army is eliminated. If after combat there are still a revolt in its region and removes the revolt marker (note that
armies of both sides present in the region, nothing further hap- this does not constitute succeeding in a Government objective
pens in that region — no further combats, the armies cannot to suppress a revolt; that requires a Regional Action. See 6.4.1).
move again, and control of the region will not change (see 9.7).
9.8 Military Vendée
9.6.1 Royalist Spoils
If a Catholic and Royal army eliminates all enemy armies in a re- • «War at the borders is but a child’s game, compared with
gion without any Allied armies, the Royalist’s fame is immediately war against the Chouans.» Klebert, 1793.
adjusted by +1.
Waging war in a country they know like the backs of their hands,
and being helped by the population, the Catholic and Royal (not
9.7 Military Control of a Region Allied) armies have the following benefits:
• «Tell the Coalition powers that only one thread holds the Any Catholic and Royal army led by a Royalist general (i. e., Cha-
steel that hangs above the head of the Tyrant’s son, and that, rette, Cathelineau, Cadoudal or Chouan) can avoid combat in
if they advance one more step, he will be the first victim of a region of the military Vendée (Angers, Chôlet, and Nantes). If
the People.» Billaud-Varenne, September 5th, 1793. they do so, however, any Royalist control marker in that region
A region is under military control by the last side which had one is removed, and any revolutionary armies in that region are con-
or more unopposed armies in the region (i. e., there are no enemy sidered unopposed. Similarly, the Catholic and Royal army is not
armies in the same region). The control marker(s) can be changed considered “active” for purposes of determining civil war (see
at the end of the military phase. Since armies cannot move through 9.2.3). Note that a Catholic and Royal army cannot pin revolu-
enemy-controlled regions (see 9.5), in practice this means that tionary armies and then avoid combat (see 9.5.1).
each army can, at most, change the control of a region adjacent
to a region their side controlled at the start of the Military Phase. • «The Vendée does not exist anymore. I have crushed the
children under horse feet, and slaughtered women. I have no

prisoners on my conscience. I have exterminated everything.» A Current has a minimum income, equal to 100 assignats, plus
General Westermann, December 23rd, 1793. 50 assignats per Personality. Do not count dead Personalities, im-
prisoned Personalities (including Carnot if prisoner of war, see
9.9 Armies and the Commune R.3.9.3 and others) and exiles such as La Fayette and Lameth (see
random events for Convention). If a Personality has fled, because
• «If you strike, you must also strike this people, which has of a Personality Action (see and 7.3.2), he is still counted.
started ·the Revolution on the fourteenth of July, and which
Minimum income: 100 + (# Personalities) x 50
has consolidated it on the tenth of August, and which will
sustain it!» Tallien, August 31st, 1792.
10.2.2 Government’s Income
9.9.1 Commune vs. Government At the end of the turn, the Government gives all its money to the
As soon as a revolutionary army enters Paris when the Commune bank (not the spent assignats box!). Then, the Government re-
is raised, the Government player must state whether the army ceives 2500 assignats, minus the income from the regions current-
intends to suppress the Commune (if nothing is declared, assume ly in revolt, or controlled by the Coalition, or currently occupied
no suppression). As soon as a revolutionary army enters Paris by an unopposed Catholic & Royal army.
to suppress the Commune, the Commune increases its unrest. The Government’s minimum income is 500 assignats.
Place the Commune marker in the «20» box of the track. The
Government must resolve Combat and eliminate the Commune Bankruptcy
to suppress it. The regional political control is not modified. If, prior to the end of the turn, the Government is unable to fi-
nance an action (a law that has just been passed by the National
9.9.2 Commune vs. Catholic and Royalist/Allied Armies Assembly, or maintenance of a regular army), the Government is
As soon as Catholic and Royalist and/or Allied armies enter the bankrupt. The Current controlling the Government has its fame
Paris region, the Commune raises and fights this army. If revo- immediately adjusted by –5, and the Government’s fame is im-
lutionary armies are present, the Commune is allied to them. If mediately adjusted by –2. Only one bankruptcy per game turn
the Revolution side takes losses, the Government player decides is possible.
if the Commune is eliminated or if a revolutionary army is elim-
inated. Note: if the Commune is eliminated, it can be raised the 10.3 Fame Adjustment
following turn.
The players check the completion of each Current’s objectives
• «I warn you: If I draw the sword out of its scabbard, 1 will (6.4). The successful Currents have their fames adjusted by +1, the
put it back only when order is re-established.» Napoleon unsuccessful Currents have their fames adjusted by –1. If the Gov-
Bonaparte, 13 Vendémiaire IV. ernment has failed to achieve its objective, both the Government
fame and the controlling Current’s fame are adjusted by –1. If the
10.0 INTERPHASE Government has achieved its objective, its fame is adjusted by +1,
but not the controlling Current’s. A change in Current controlling
Government causes the Government objective to be ignored for
10.1 Economy Adjustment the turn. Note that the objective will have been accomplished
For every 1000 assignats (dropping fractions) spent during the earlier in the turn, and the effects need not necessarily still be in
turn, the Economy marker is adjusted by +1. This represents the place — but the adjustment happens at the end of the turn.
creeping and then galloping inflation that plagued the French
economy during the Revolution. Note: some laws or events can 11.0 KING LOUIS XVI
also adjust the Economy, see 13.0.
• «I do not bow before a section of the People, no more than
10.2 Income I bend before a King’s court. I do not bend my brow as a de-
spicable courtier in front of the sovereign’s influence which is
• «The food, necessary to Man, is as sacred as Life itself. around me. My Lord is the whole nation!» Lasource, 1792.
Everything required to keep it belongs to the whole society.
Only the surplus can be owned by individuals.» Robespierre, Louis XVI is a special Personality. He can neither leave Paris vol-
December 2nd, 1792. untarily, nor execute any action other than During the
Legislative, he can favor the Royalist or the Feuillant, depending
10.2.1 Currents’ Income on which Current controls him.
Each Current receives the income value of all the regions it con- He can switch side from one Current to the other just like any
trols. The Royalist player does not receive income for Coalition- other Personality. At the start of the game, Louis XVI is Feuillant.
controlled regions. Additionally, the Royalist receives money from
the Allies based on the Coalition Track (
11.1 The King’s Powers: Veto and the Royal Prerog-
• Level I: ative (Legislative)
The Royalist receives 50 assignats per game turn. Foreign
peace. • «When the King enters the Assembly room, all members
• Level II: will stand, their heads uncovered.» Decree of October 5th,
The Royalist receives 150 assignats per game turn. Foreign
peace. Louis XVI has some powers during the Legislative.
• Level III: • the King has a special action (see
The Royalist receives 100 assignats per game turn. Foreign
war has broken out (9.2).
• the Current that controls him can veto any anti-privilege Coalition marker: +5
law (see 13.2). In this case, the Commune marker is adjust- Dissident Clergy marker: +5
ed by +3, and the Dissident Clergy marker is adjusted by –3. Sans-Culotte’s fame: +3
• the same applies to the anti-clergy laws (see 13.3), except Mountain’s fame: +3
that In addition to Commune +3 and Clergy –3 the Current Gironde’s fame: –2
that controls the King loses 2 fame points. Feuillant’s fame: –2
• if a vote in the National Assembly is tied, the Current con- • «The kings used to harass Virtue in the reign of darkness;
trolling Louis XVI decides whether the law passes or not. we judge the kings before the whole universe!» Saint-Just,
• he can free imprisoned Royalists or Feuillants if the Cur- December 27th, 1792.
rent which controls him opts to. If Louis XVI is not sentenced to death, he remains in prison and
the following adjustments immediately occur:
11.2 The King Deposed (All Other Regimes)
Coalition marker: –5
When the regime changes from Legislative to Convention or Ter-
Dissident Clergy marker: –5
ror, the King is imprisoned in the Prison du Temple. He can be
Sans-Culotte’s fame: –3
tried by the National Assembly (see 11.4), and will stay in prison
Mountain’s fame: –3
until kidnapped (11.3) or executed (11.4).
Gironde’s fame: +2
• «We no longer wish to reign in innocence.» Saint-Just, Feuillant’s fame: +2
November 13th, 1792 If the King is not guilty, he can be tried again during some po-
litical regimes. The following restrictions are superseded if Lou-
11.3 Kidnapping the King is XVI has been «kidnapped» by the Royalist, and then recap-
tured; in such cases, a new trial automatically occurs the next
• «I would be so happy if, someday, I could be again in turn with a +4 bonus for Death, no matter which political regime
a position to prove to all this scum that I was not fooled by is installed.
them!» Marie-Antoinette to Fersen, September 7th, 1791
• Convention: the trial cannot be proposed if it has oc-
If there are ever unopposed Allied and/or Catholic and Royal curred already.
armies in Paris, the Royalist can immediately attempt to kidnap
• Terror (HS) or Wrath and Prairial (OS): The Government
the King. She rolls on the Action Resolution Table using her fame.
can propose the trial again as many times as it wishes.
Only one roll is allowed. The cost is 200 assignats during the Leg-
islative, and free in all other regimes. An «A» or «B» result is • Thermidor (HS) or Mercy (HS): the Government can
a success. propose a second trial the following turn(s) only if the Gov-
ernment voted «guilty» in the first trial. If so, the Govern-
If the attempt succeeds, the King is permanently controlled by ment’s Current must start by proposing the law and having
the Royalist, and cannot switch side to the Feuillant unless he is it voted. If the law is not voted, a new attempt can occur
captured back. The King may leave Paris if accompanied by an next turn. But if the trial is voted and results in no execution,
Allied army or by a Catholic & Royal army, or he can stay in Par- there will be no third or subsequent trial.
is. If the kidnapping attempt fails («C» result), or if the Royalist
does not immediately attempt to kidnap the King, Louis XVI is
automatically moved to the region where the provisional capital
12.0 COUPS
is located (see 9.7.1). If this region is subsequently conquered by (Open Scenario Only)
the Royalist side, another kidnapping may be attempted.
A Coup is a risky operation for the Current attempting it, because
11.3.1 Recapturing the King it puts Personalities in jeopardy and the probability of a success
If the armies escorting the King are destroyed, he is imprisoned is low. Yet, this is an interesting gamble that enables the Current
once more and his trial automatically occurs next turn (see 11.4). to grab power or to install a new regime.
In this case, the «Guilty» result has a +4 bonus, that is, the number Three types of coups exist: limited coups, popular coups, and mil-
of Deputies who vote «Guilty» is modified by +4. itary coups. A coup is attempted at the start of the Movement seg-
ment of the military phase (see 9.5). Depending on the political
11.4 The Trial of Louis XVI regime in effect, only some Political Currents can attempt a coup.

• «I say it reluctantly, but Louis must die, because the Fa- At least one Personality must be present to execute the coup. An-
therland must live!» Robespierre, December 3rd, 1792. other Personality of the same Current may help to increase the
probability of success. A coup is not an action as described in 7.0.
Louis XVI is imprisoned as soon as the political regime switch- Therefore, the same Personality may execute an action (such as
es from Legislative to Convention or Terror. He stays in prison raising the Commune of Paris) and then attempt a coup on the
during any following regime. same turn. Note: the cost of the coup can be paid only once; the
Proposing that the King be tried is the same as proposing a law Current is allowed only one dice roll.
(see This law can be proposed only during a provisional
political Regime, namely: Convention, Terror or Thermidor (HS) 12.1 Popular Coup
and Wrath, Mercy, and Prairial (OS). The deputies in the Assem- (cost: 200 assignats)
bly always vote on the King’s guilt as though it, itself, were a law A popular coup attempts to change the regime. The description
(Government breaks ties). The Feuillant must vote innocent. If of the regime indicates what coups are possible and by whom.
a majority find the King guilty, he is executed and the following At least one Personality belonging to the Current attempting the
adjustments immediately occur:
Coup must be in Paris, and the Commune must be raised. The 12.3 Military Coup
Current controlling the Commune (if there is one) must give per- (cost: 200 assignats)
mission for the coup attempt. The coup is resolved on the Action
Resolution Table with the Current’s fame. The Coup is successful Limitation: only one Military Coup may be attempted during a sin-
with an «A» result. gle turn; If a Popular Coup has been attempted, no Military Coup
is allowed during the same turn.
The fame is modified by +2 for each additional
• «Avenge Liberty by slaughtering the tyrants! Men of the
Personality taking part in the Coup. The other Currents, except Gironde, arise! Strike our Mariuses with Terror.» Vergniaud,
the Current controlling the Government, can choose to apply a –1 letter from June 7th, 1793.
fame penalty, provided they have at least one Personality in Paris.
The eligible Currents must immediately declare their reaction, in 12.3.1 Rally Attempt
game order, without any negotiation. The Current must have at least one non-outlaw Personality
Limitation: only one Popular Coup can occur during a game turn. stacked with a revolutionary army (the following Personalities
can never attempt a military coup: Marat (Mtn), Chaumette (Scu),
12.1.1 Popular Coup Failure Hébert (Scu), and Roux (Scu)). This army must be able to reach
Paris in the upcoming movement phase. The Personality will at-
• «By fleeing, I would have admitted I were guilty.» Vergni-
tempt to rally the army to his cause.
aud, June 2nd, 1793
The Current must get an «A» or «B» result to rally the army. There
If the Coup fails, the Personalities that took part are under ar-
is a +2 fame bonus for each non-outlawed Personality in excess of
rest. Their Current becomes outlawed. If they had been officially
the first. If more than one army is present in the region, the Cur-
present in the Government (i. e., their deputies not hidden), their
rent can attempt to rally several armies, with a –2 fame penalty
deputies are expelled from the assembly and the Current is no
per army in excess of one. No more than 3 armies can be rallied.
longer officially present in the government (note that this allows
If the rally attempt fails, nothing happens.
the Current to start revolts; see 7.4.2). Note that some regimes
allow some Currents (often Marais) to suffer reduced effects of If the rally attempt succeeds, the involved Personalities are im-
a failed coup. The Commune marker is adjusted by –3. mediately outlawed. The armies rallied are rebel armies, and the
Personalities involved in the Coup must stay with it.
12.1.2 Popular Coup Success
The regime is changed as indicated in the description of the re- 12.3.2 Rebel Army Movement
gime. The Commune marker is adjusted by +3. The rebel army moves before any other army, and marches upon
Paris. This army is enemy to any Allied or Catholic and Roy-
12.2 The «Limited» Popular Coup al army, except if the Coup is being attempted by the Royalist
(cost: 100 assignats) Current. If the rebel army did not begin the movement phase in
The Limited Coup is resolved with the same procedure as the the Paris region, the Government may move one or more other
Popular Coup (12.1), except for the following: revolutionary armies to intercept the rebel army and prevent the
• the cost is lower, Coup. These intercepting armies must be adjacent to the Paris
region. Note also that the Allied armies and the Catholic & Roy-
• there is no need for the Commune to be raised, al armies may prevent revolutionary armies from leaving their
• the effects are less drastic in both success and failure. region (see 9.5.1).
The purpose of a Limited Coup is not to install a new regime, but
to seize power; it is possible only during the Legislative (HS), the 12.3.3 Coup Resolution
First Republic or the Directorate (OS), and only the Currents The Commune is immediately raised (as neutral) when the rebel
listed in the Government section of the political regime can at- army enters Paris. For the Coup to succeed, the rebel army must
tempt a Limited Coup. Only one Limited Coup can occur per control Paris this turn, and win a combat over any other army
turn; moreover no Limited Coup can be attempted if a Popular present in Paris as well as over the Commune. As an exception
or Military Coup has been attempted during the same game turn. to the general rule, the combat is resolved at the end of the inter-
cepting armies’ movement.
Limited Coups occur after Justice and just before Critiques of the
Government. (Limited Coups being an essentially parliamentary Military Coup Failure
activity). If the Coup fails, the army immediately becomes loyal, and the
Personalities that took part in the Coup are under arrest. Their
12.2.1 Limited Coup Failure Current becomes outlawed. If they had been officially present in
The Personalities that took part in the attempt become outlaws the Government (i. e., their deputies not hidden), their deputies
and are arrested. The Current’s fame is adjusted by — 1, and it is are expelled from the assembly and the Current is no longer offi-
outlawed until the end of the next turn. Then the Current is again cially present in the government (note that this allows the Current
officially present in the National Assembly. However, the impris- to start revolts; see 7.4.2). Note that some regimes allow some
oned Personalities are still outlawed and imprisoned. Currents (often Marais) to suffer reduced effects of a failed coup.
The rebel army cannot be moved again this turn. The Commune
12.2.2 Limited Coup Success
marker is adjusted by +5.
The Current now controls the Government, and its fame marker
is adjusted by +1. The Current expelled from power has its fame Military Coup Success
adjusted by –1, but it is still officially present in the National As- The regime is changed as indicated in the description of the re-
sembly (it is not outlawed). gime. The Commune marker is adjusted by –5.

• «War to the Manorhouse, peace to the shack.» Cambon,
13.0 LAWS December 15th, 1792.

The cost of the laws represents the expenses to the government 13.2.2 Confiscation of Goods
that occur when the law is put in effect. The Government is bank- (cost: 100 assignats)
rupt if the law cannot be put in effect (see Most laws Coalition marker: +4
adjust markers on tracks. Any law can be proposed multiple times Dissident Clergy marker: +2
per turn except for «Procès du roi» which can be proposed only Commune of Paris: –3
once. Also note the proviso that Declaration de Guerre, Patrie en
Danger and Conscription can be accepted only once. Presumably 13.2.3 Safety & Abolition
they may be accepted a second time after peace has been restored. (cost: 50 assignats)
Government’s or Current’s fame: +1
13.1 Economy Laws Coalition marker: +2
(cost: variable) Dissident Clergy marker: +2
These laws lower the Economy marker, so often the Economy level Commune of Paris: –2
is lowered as well. The Government has to pay the cost before the
marker is lowered, however, with the doubling or tripling still in 13.3 Anti-Clergy Laws
effect. Example: the Economy marker is in the «17» box (i.e., level (cost: variable)
III). A Current pays 150 assignats (3 times 50) and proposes the During the Legislative, Louis XVI can veto these laws (see 11.1). If
law Freedom of Prices and Rents. This law is passed. The Govern- so, the Commune marker is adjusted by +3, the Dissident Clergy
ment has to pay 450 assignats (3 times 150), and then the Economy marker is adjusted by –3, and the Current that controls Louis XVI
marker is adjusted to the «10» box, that is, level II. If the Govern- has its fame adjusted by –2. These laws cannot be proposed during
ment cannot pay, it is bankrupt, and the marker stays in box «17». Thermidor or the Directorate.

Note that fame adjustments caused by laws occur to whoever pro- 13.3.1 Suppression Of Usages
posed the law in the first place — either the Government or a Cur- (cost: 50 assignats)
rent. Government’s or Current’s fame: +1
Coalition marker: +3
13.1.1. Maximum of Goods and Wages Commune of Paris: –3
(cost 100 assignats) Dissident Clergy marker: +3
Government’s or Current’s fame: –1
Economy marker: –5 • «You have to save any precious things the ship of the
Commune of Paris: +3 Church contains, and throw the remainder into the sea.»
Thomas Lindet, constitutional bishop and member of the
• «The only thing the Assembly can do about Food is to state Convention, November 30th, 1792.
that it must do nothing.» Roland, November 19th, 1792.
13.3.2 National Goods Sale
13.1.2 Freedom of Prices and Rents (cost: 100 assignats)
(cost: 150 assignats) Coalition marker: +2
Government’s or Current’s fame: –2 Dissident Clergy marker: +4
Economy marker: –7 Commune of Paris: –3
Commune of Paris: +3
13.3.3 Freedom of Religion
13.1.3 Assignats Containment (cost: 50 assignats)
(cost: 100 assignats) Government’s or Current’s fame: +1
Government’s or Current’s fame: –1 Coalition marker: +2
Economy marker: –4 Dissident Clergy marker: +2
Commune of Paris: +2 Commune of Paris: –2

13.2 Anti-Privilege Laws 13.4 Civic Laws

(cost: variable) (cost: 50 assignats)
Government’s or Current’s fame: +1
The Feuillant cannot propose these laws.
There is no one specific civic law, there are dozens of them. For
During the Legislative, Louis XVI can veto these laws (see 11.1). example, the law allowing divorce, the law abolishing slavery in
In this case, the Commune marker is adjusted by +3, and the the West Indies, the creation of a Natural History Museum, the
Dissident Clergy marker is adjusted by –3. These laws cannot be new Metric System, the new Republican Calendar, the vote for
proposed during Thermidor or the Directorate. women (this last did not pass), etc.
13.2.1 Anti-Emigrants Law • «This is the time where France has been regenerated, where
(cost: 50 assignats) the Love of Freedom is a victorious conqueror, is this not the
Government’s or Current’s fame: +1 time to propose a new calendar?» Lalande in the Moniteur,
Coalition marker: +3 May 17th, 1790.
Dissident Clergy marker: +3
Commune of Paris: –3

13.5 Military Laws 13.7 Trial of Louis XVI
(cost: variable) (cost: no cost)

13.5.1 Declaration of War • «I look for judges among you, and I only see prosecutors.»
(cost: 100 assignats) de Sèze, Louis XVI’s lawyer, December 26th, 1792.
France declares war on the European Powers Allied against the The law can only be proposed after Louis XVI is imprisoned
Revolution; depending on the current regime, some or all Allied (when the Legislative is replaced by the Convention or the Ter-
armies (9.1.2) will be placed during the following reinforcement ror). This law is a special one; it costs no assignats, and the vote is
phase (see 9.3.1). held in the National Assembly. There are also preconditions for
Government’s or Current’s fame: +1 proposing the law again. See 11.4.
Coalition marker: raise to 20
Dissident Clergy marker: +3 13.8 Outlawing Factions
(cost: 100 assignats)
• «I also want war, but in accordance to the Nation’s interest:
let us tame our enemies from within, and then we will When a Personality is declared outlaw, he is immediately arrested
march against our enemies from without, if such enemies if he is in Paris. If he is located in Paris in a subsequent turn, he
still exist…» Robespierre, December 18th, 1791. is not automatically arrested but there is a +5 bonus to the Gov-
ernment to arrest him.
• «We will be serene only when Europe, the whole Europe, is
aflame.» Brissot, November 26th, 1792. 13.8.1 Outlawing the Hébertists
During the Terror (HS) or Wrath (OS) only, the Government can
13.5.2 Conscription propose to outlaw the Hébertists (Hébert and Chaumette).
(cost: 100 assignats)
This law can only be proposed during a state of foreign or civ- 13.8.2 Outlawing the Merciful
il war. When this law is passed, the Government receives one During the Terror only, the Government can propose to outlaw
volunteer revolutionary army per turn during the reinforcement the «Merciful» (Danton and Desmoulins).
phase (9.3.3), until the end of the foreign or civil war — whichever
happens last. This law is in effect at the start of the next military 13.8.3 Outlawing the Terrorists
phase. Conscription cannot be passed again until it has ended During Thermidor (HS) or the Directorate (OS) only, the Gov-
due to peace. ernment can propose to outlaw the «Terrorists» (Barère, Billaud-
Varennes and Collot d’Herbois).
Coalition marker: +5
• “All the factious must die in a single blow.» Robespierre, 25
• «Remember the Roman Legions that followed Caesar.»
Ventôse II (March 15th, 1794).
Marat, October 25th, 1790.

13.5.3 Levée en Masse 14.0 VICTORY

(cost: 200 assignats)
This law cannot be proposed during the Legislative. This law The winner is determined by a three-step process at the end of 8
provides 3 additional revolutionary armies during the following game turns. This is assuming that the Royalist Current has not
reinforcement phase (9.3.3). Only one Levy in Mass is allowed won prematurely by installing the Vendémiaire; see R.11.
per game turn.
14.1 Victory Points
Government’s or Current’s fame: –1
Dissident Clergy marker: +3 Each Current tallies its Victory Points (VPs), with the following
• «It is not the alarm-cannon that you hear: it is the pas-de-
charge against our enemies. To conquer them, to hurl them 14.1.1 Royalist
back we need to dare, and again to dare, and without end to • 5 VPs for kidnapping the King 5 VPs for controlling Paris
dare!» Danton, September 2nd, 1792.
• 1 VP per fame point
• 1 VP per controlled region
13.6 Fatherland in Danger
(cost: 100 assignats) • 1 VP per region controlled by the Coalition
(note that the last two are cumulative — a region under joint Roy-
• «Everyone’s strength and goods are at the society’s dispos- alist and Coalition control is worth 2 VPs)
al.» Rabaut- Saint-Etienne, January 23rd, 1793.
This law can be proposed only if Paris is threatened, that is if an 14.1.2 Feuillant
Allied army or a Catholic & Royal army is in or adjacent to Paris. • 5 VPs for controlling Paris
This law allows the Currents to give money to the Government • 5 VPs if the political regime is still Legislative 1 VP per
(which in other times is forbidden). From now on, each time fame point
a new law is proposed by the Government, the officially present • 1 VP per controlled region
Currents have their fames adjusted by –1 if they opposed the law
• 1 VP per Deputy
(either by voting against, or giving a penalty to the law’s passage).
The law is in effect until the foreign war ends (if prompted by an
Allied army) or the civil war ends (if prompted by a Catholic and
Royal army).
14.1.3 Marais Revolution: The Gironde is the winner. The Legislative is still in
• 1 VP per fame point effect.
• 1 VP per controlled region 1 VP per Deputy
14.3.2 Convention (HS) and Federal First Republic (OS)
14.1.4 Gironde Reaction: The Marais is the winner. The current Political Regime
• 5 VP for controlling Paris is still in effect.
• 5 VP if the political regime is Convention (HS) or Federal Revolution: The Gironde or the Montagne is the winner, depend-
First Republic (OS) ing on who has the most VPs (Montagne wins tie). A Gironde
• 1 VP per fame point win means the Federal First Republic is installed or continues;
• 1 VP per controlled region a Montagne win means the Terror is installed.
• 1 VP per Deputy
14.3.3 Terror (HS) and Mercy, Wrath, Prairial or First Repub-
14.1.5 Montagne lic, One & Indivisible (OS)
• 5 VP for controlling Paris Reaction: The Marais is the winner. The Directorate is installed.
• 5 VP if the political regime is Terror (HS), or Prairial/First Revolution: The Montagne or the Sans-Culotte is the winner, de-
Republic, One & Indivisible (OS) pending on who has the most VPs (Montagne wins tie). The First
• 5 VP if the King has been guillotined or 1 VP per Deputy, Republic, One & Indivisible is installed or continues.
whichever is greater
14.3.4 Thermidor
• 1 VP per fame point
Reaction: The Feuillant or the Marais is the winner, depend-
• 1 VP per controlled region ing on who has the most VPs (Feuillant wins tie). If the Feuil-
lant is the winner, a  constitutional monarchy is installed; if
14.1.6 Sans-Culotte
the Marais wins, the Directorate is installed or continues.
• 5 VP for controlling Paris
Revolution: The Gironde is the winner.
• 5 VP if the Commune of Paris is raised
• 5 VP if the political regime is Terror (HS), or Wrath, Prai- 14.3.5 Directorate (OS)
rial or the First Republic, One & Indivisible (OS). Reaction: The Feuillant or the Marais is the winner, depending
• 5 VP if the King has been guillotined or 1 VP per Deputy, on who has the most VPs (Feuillant wins tie). If the Feuillant is
whichever is greater the winner, a constitutional monarchy is installed; if the Marais
wins, the Directorate is installed or continues.
• 1 VP per fame point
Revolution: The Gironde or the Montagne is the winner, depend-
• I VP per controlled region
ing on who has more VPs (Gironde wins tie). If the Montagne
14.2 Type of Regime wins, consult 15.4 as though the Terror had been in place to de-
termine the ranking of the other Currents.
14.2.1 Divine Right Monarchy?
If the Royalist has 25 VPs or more, the Divine Right Monarchy is 14.4 The Also-Rans
reinstalled and the Royalist is the winner. Once the winner is determined, the other Currents are ordered
as shown on the table below.
14.2.2 Reactionary vs. Revolutionary
Otherwise, the relative strength of Revolution and Reaction is For the Open Scenario (OS) political regimes:
determined by consulting the following table for each Current, • Federal First Republic: use Convention
except the Royalist. This gives either a majority for Revolution,
• Mercy, Wrath, Prairial, First Republic One & Indivisible:
or a majority for Reaction.
use Terror
CURRENT Less than 25 VP 25 or more VP • Directorate: use Thermidor
Feuillant Revolution Reaction Example:
Marais Revolution Reaction At the end of the game, the Political Regime is Thermidor. Each
Gironde Reaction Revolution Current tallies its VPs.
Montagne Reaction Revolution • Royalist: 13 VPs (fame 10 + 3 controlled regions).
Sans-Culotte Reaction Revolution The Royalist player has not reached his automatic victory level (25
VPs), so the victory determination continues.
14.3 The Winner • Feuillant: 15 VP (fame 9 + 4 regions + 2 Deputies)
The current Political Regime is taken into account to determine • Marais: 25 VP (fame 15 + 4 regions + 6 Deputies)
the winner. The explanation of which regime continues in effect or • Gironde: 23 VP (fame 12 + 6 regions + 5 Deputies)
is installed has no bearing on the outcome, it is merely historical
context. • Mountain: 21 VP (fame 11 + 5 regions + 5 for Louis
14.3.1 Legislative • Sans-Culotte: 27 VP (fame 15 + 5 for Paris controlled + 5
Reaction: The Feuillant or the Marais is the winner, depending for Louis executed + 2 regions)
on who has the most VPs (Feuillant wins tie). The Legislative is The relative strength of Revolution vs. Reaction is checked: Rev-
still in effect. olution has 2 Currents (Feuillant less 25, and Sans- Culotte more
WINNER REGIME Royalist Feuillant Marais Gironde Montagne Sans-Culotte
Royalist All - 5 6 6 6 6
Feuillant Legislative 3 - 2 4 5 6
Thermidor 3 - 2 4 6 5
Marais Legislative 4 2 - 3 5 6
Convention 6 5 - 2 3 4
Terror 6 3 - 2 5 4
Thermidor 6 2 - 3 4 5
Gironde Legislative 6 4 2 - 3 5
Convention 6 5 2 - 3 4
Thermidor 6 5 2 - 3 4
Montagne Convention 6 5 3 4 - 2
Terror 6 5 3 4 - 2
Sans- Culotte Terror 6 5 3 4 2 -

than 25), Reaction has 3 (Marais equal to 25, Gironde less than attempts to control new regions by a «plot». If a region is currently
25 and Mountain less than 25). Reaction has the edge over Rev- in revolt or controlled by the Coalition, the Marais cannot affect it.
When the Marais has to play its Regional Action Phase (during
A Reactionary Thermidor means that the winner is either the its normal turn order, 6.3), a player rolls two dice. The result is:
Feuillant or the Marais, depending on their respective
2: No new region is controlled
VP totals. The Marais has more VPs than the Feuillant, so the 3: Cahors is neutral
Marais is the winner. The other Currents are in the following or- 4: Tours is controlled by the Gironde
der: Feuillant (2), Gironde (3), Mountain (4), Sans-Culotte (5) 5: Limoges is controlled, and Angoulême is neutral
and Royalist (6). 6: Montpellier is controlled, and Toulouse is neutral
7: Nevers and Nîmes are both controlled
15.0 OPTIONAL RULES 8: Lyon and Limoges are both controlled
9: Lille is controlled, Cahors and Nîmes are neutral
10: Nîmes and Montpellier are controlled, and Tours is neutral
15.1 Army Return 11: Lyon and Marseille are controlled, and Nevers is neutral
12: Paris and Marseille are controlled, and Angoulême is neutral
15.1.1 Catholic and Royal Army Return
Note: If an above result causes a Marais-controlled region to turn
• «I fight in the King’s, name, for the King and for Monar-
neutral, ignore that part of the result. A region only goes neutral if
chy.» Charette, 1793.
it had been controlled by a Current other than the Marais.
If one or more Catholic & Royal armies have been eliminated,
they can be brought back into the game. At the very start of the Persuading Automated Deputies
Military Phase, the Royalist player rolls one die (regardless of Any attempt to cause Marais deputies to switch side suffers a –4
how many armies have been eliminated). If a «6» is rolled, one penalty (Marais deputies are elected as normal).
previously eliminated army becomes available, and the Royalist
can place it on the map during this Reinforcement phase or a sub- Changes to Laws
sequent one subject to the normal restrictions (see 9.3.2). The Current that controls the Government can propose two laws
during the Convention (HS) and the First Republic (OS). If the
15.1.2 Austrian and Brunswick’s Armies’ Return «Fatherland in Danger» law is in effect, the Marais gives half its
Same as 15.1.1 above, except that this rule applies to destroyed income to the Government.
Austrian (Wursmter and Cobourg’s armies) and Brunswick’s
armies. The Royalist player rolls twice: once for both Austrian Automated Voting
armies, and once for Brunswick. Each time a vote is held (for a law or for a trial), roll a die to know
the Marais’ vote.
15.2 Games with Fewer than 6 Players • 1-2: votes with the Government
• 3-4: abstains
15.2.1 Five-Player Game
Marais is not played, and its Personalities never appear in the • 5-6: votes against the Government
game. The Marais is automated. Die modifier: +1 during Terror (HS) or Wrath and Prairial (OS)
on a vote to outlaw the Merciful. Automated Regional Action Phase
The Marais can control regions, is involved during the Turn Order
Phase and the Regional Action Phase. Each game turn, the Marais

23 Changes in Government each town or county.» Constitution of September 3rd and
During Thermidor (HS), the Feuillant automatically controls the 14tll, 1791.
Government; during Directorate (OS), Marais is replaced by the
Feuillant. R.1.1 Entering the Legislative
The game begins in the Legislative. Once left, it will not come Automated Fame Adjustment
back during the game.
During the Fame Adjustment phase, roll on the 13-14 column of
the Action Result Table:
R.1.1.1 Upon Installing the Legislative
• «A»: the Marais’ fame is adjusted by +1. N/A. See game setup.
• «B»: nothing
• «C»: the Marais’ fame is adjusted by –1. R.1.2 Legislative Government
The Government is controlled by the Feuillant or the Gironde.
15.2.2 Four-Player Game
The Marais is controlled by the game system, exactly as 15.3.1. R.1.2.1 Currents Officially Present in the Legislative
The Mountain and the Sans-Culotte are played by the same player. Gironde, Marais and Feuillant are officially present in the Na-
They get the following Personalities: Danton, Robespierre, Saint- tional Assembly and may propose laws. Royalist, Mountain and
Just, Marat and Hébert. Sans-Culotte are not officially present in the National Assembly
The other Mountain and Sans-Culotte Personalities do not appear (they can start revolts).
in the game. When checking for victory, the player can choose to
apply either the Mountain criteria, or the Sans-Culotte criteria. R.1.3 Passing Laws in the Legislative
(proposed by the Government, 1-3 laws, no cost)
15.3 Ever-So-Slightly More Fair Euro-ish Variant
(proposed by the gamers of HSGC/NYNA) (proposed by the Currents, up to 1 per Current, 50 assignats)
During action resolution, reverse the normal fame adjustments, One vote, and absolute majority is required; each Current has
so that: one ballot per Deputy. In case of a tie, the King breaks the tie
subject to the decision of the Current that controls him (Feuillant
• a double «1» immediately adjusts the fame by +1 or Royalist).
• a double «6» immediately adjusts the fame by –1.
That way, a player must choose between a superior result and R.1.4 Legislative Law & Order
R.1.4.1 Legislative Outlaws
R.0 COMPENDIUM of The following Personalities are arrestable (but not outlaws): Marat
(Mtn), Chaumette (Scu), Hébert (Scu), Roux (Scu), Cadoudal
POLITICAL REGIMES (Roy), Cathelineau (Roy), Charette (Roy) and Chouan (Roy).

• «Citizen, you want a Revolution without Revolution?» R.1.4.2 Legislative Justice

Robespierre, December 5th, 1792. Each Current votes on the guilt of each prisoner, with one ballot
The various Political Regimes, either historical or hypothetical, per Deputy present in the National Assembly. The votes can be
are described in the following rules. Some of them are rarely seen «Guilty» (Personality remains in prison) or «Innocent» (Person-
in play. The succession of regimes is generally in accordance with ality is freed), nobody can abstain. This is an open vote. Majority
History, that is: Legislative -> Convention -> Terror -> Thermidor rule decides the verdict. In case of a tie, the matter is decided by
-> Directorate. When a Political Regime is replaced by another, ev- the Current that controls the King (Feuillant or Royalist). This
erything concerning the old regime is cancelled, unless specified Current can also free imprisoned Royalist or Feuillant Person-
otherwise. For example, the outlaw Currents are no longer outlaw alities.
except if the new regime outlaws them.
R.1.5 Legislative Criticisms of the Government
The first four regimes (Legislative, Convention, Terror and Ther-
midor) are the only regimes used in the Historical Scenario (HS, Each game turn, the Political Currents present in the National
see 4.1). The remaining regimes are only used in the Open Sce- Assembly openly criticize the Government’s actions. Then, a vote
nario (OS). of confidence is held. Each one votes «Confidence», «Disapprov-
al» or «Abstention». The abstentions are not tallied, only «Con-
fidence» and «Disapproval». If there is an absolute majority of
R.1.0 LEGISLATIVE disapproval, the Government is toppled, the opposite Political
This regime is the achievement of the ‘89 Revolution; the King Current (Feuillant/Gironde) grabs power and controls the Gov-
and the People were united at last to give birth to the first dem- ernment.
ocratic constitution in France. But it was only a façade; because Note: if the opposite Current is outlawed (for example, it has at-
there were two clergies, the first one «constitutional», the other tempted a coup which resulted in a failure), the vote of confidence
one «dissident» and faithful to Rome. Their mutual opposition is not held.
led to a break between the pious King Louis XVI and the French
People… R.1.6 Legislative Elections
• «To form the National Legislative Assembly, the active
Elections are held during turn 4 and turn 8 (every two years) at
citizen will meet every other year in primary assemblies in
the very beginning of the Political Phase (see 7.5.1).

Right Wing: R.1.8 Leaving the Legislative
• the Feuillant has 1 Deputy per controlled region.
R.1.8.1 Legislative -> Convention
Center: The Convention can be installed after a popular (R. or mil-
• the Marais has 1 Deputy per controlled or neutral region itary (R. coup by the Gironde. Also, the Convention can be
+1 Deputy for every two regions controlled by the Royalist installed at the start of the Political Phase (7.5.1) by the Current
(round down). controlling the Commune if the following two criteria are met:
• the Royalist has 1 Deputy for every two controlled regions • The Commune has been raised by the Gironde, Montagne,
(round up); these Deputies are hidden among the Marais. or Sans-Culotte; AND
Left Wing: • A Royalist and Catholic army is in Paris; or an Allied army
• the Gironde has 1 Deputy per controlled region +1 Depu- is in or adjacent to Paris; or 12+ regions are controlled by
ty for every two regions controlled by the Mountain (round the Royalist and the Coalition (a region controlled by both
down); the Royalist and the Coalition counts twice).
• the Mountain has 1 Deputy for every two controlled R.1.8.2 Legislative -> Terror
regions (round up) +1 Deputy for every two regions con- The Terror can be installed at the start of the Political Phase (7.5.1)
trolled by the Sans-Culotte (round down); these Deputies by the Current controlling the Commune if the following two
are hidden among the Gironde. criteria are met:
• the Sans-Culotte has 1 Deputy for every two controlled • The Commune has been raised by the Sans-Culotte (when
regions (round up); these Deputies are hidden among the the Commune level is II or III) or the Montagne (Commune
Gironde. level III); AND
R.1.7 Legislative Coups • A Royalist and Catholic army is in Paris; or an Allied army
is in or adjacent to Paris; or 12+ regions are controlled by
R.1.7.1 Legislative Limited Coups (see 12.2) the Royalist and the Coalition (a region controlled by both
the Royalist and the Coalition counts twice).
R. Feuillant
The Feuillant can attempt a limited coup to grab power if the • “Anyone proposing the reestablishment of a King or royal
Government is controlled by the Gironde. In case of a success, power in France, using this name or any other, will be sen-
the Feuillant controls the Government. In case of a failure, the tenced to death.» Buzor, December 4th, 1792.
involved Personalities are imprisoned in the Prison du Temple,
and the Feuillant is outlawed until the end of the next turn. R.2.0 CONVENTION
R. Gironde This political regime introduced the Republic, and was the result
The Gironde can attempt a limited coup against the Feuillant if of the mistakes of Louis XVI, and of the provocation caused by
they have previously executed a successful coup against the Gi- Brunswick’s Manifesto — which triggered an intense reaction in
ronde (see R. above), or if the Commune of Paris is cur- Paris. The Gironde thought they would prevail and install their
rently at Level III. «real» Federal Republic, but the turn of the events decided other-
wise. It was intended to be a provisional government.
R.1.7.2 Legislative Popular Coups
• «Together, the Middle-Class and the People have made
(see 12.1)
the Revolution, only together can they preserve it.» Pétion,
February 6th, 1792.
R. Gironde: Legislative -> Convention
The Gironde can attempt a popular coup. In case of a success,
the Gironde can choose either to control the Government while
R.2.1 Entering the Convention
still under the Legislative, or to install the Convention. The latter The Convention can be brought about by a Gironde coup (see
choice is allowed only if the Commune of Paris is raised, and if R.1.7.1 and R.1.7.3) or by the controller of the Commune when
the marker at level II (Commune controlled by Sans-Culotte) or Paris is threatened (see R.1.8).
level III (Commune controlled by Sans-Culotte, Montagne or Gi-
ronde). In case of a failure, the Gironde will suffer adverse effects R.2.1.1 Upon Installing the Convention
similar to those for the limited coup in R1.7.1 above (it will be When the Convention begins, if the Government’s fame is less
outlawed for one full turn only). than 10 it is adjusted to 10. King Louis XVI is immediately im-
prisoned. The Dissident Clergy and Coalition markers are imme-
R.1.7.3 Legislative Military Coups diately adjusted by +3. Note that additional Allied armies may be
(see 12.3) placed in the following reinforcement phase; see 9.3.1. An elec-
tion will follow the installation of the Convention; see R.2.6.
R. Gironde: Legislative -> Convention
The Gironde can attempt a military coup. If successful, they can R.2.2 Convention Government
install the Convention.
The Gironde control the Government.
R.2.2.1 Currents Officially Present in the Convention
The Gironde, Marais, and Montagne are official present in the
Government and may propose laws. The Royalist, Feuillant, and
Sans-Culotte are not, and may start revolts.

R.2.3 Passing Laws in the Convention • the Sans-Culotte has 1 Deputy per controlled region;
(proposed by the Currents only, 1 per Current, 50 assignats) these deputies are hidden among the Mountain.
Roll two dice, and cross-reference with the Current’s fame, using • «The Convention is an assembly of philosophers who are
the following modifiers: preparing the world’s happiness.» Manuel, 1793.

• the Marais can choose any bonus or penalty from +2 to –2

(including 0). R.2.7 Convention Coups
• the Current that controls the Commune can choose R.2.7.1 Convention Limited Coups None.
• any bonus or penalty from +3 to –3.
R.2.7.2 Convention Popular Coups
• each other Current officially present can choose any bo- (see 12.1)
nus or penalty from +1 to –1
Result: «A» or «B» the law is passed; «C» the law is rejected, and R. Montagne: Convention -> Terror/Mercy
the proposing Current’s fame is adjusted by –1. The Mountain can attempt a popular coup against the Govern-
ment to install the Terror (if France is in a state of foreign and civil
Note: no Deputies can switch side.
war) or the Mercy (if France is in a state of foreign or civil peace).
R.2.4 Convention Law & Order The Commune must be raised and its marker must be at level
I or higher if controlled by the Sans-Culotte, or at level II or III if
R.2.4.1 Convention Outlaws controlled by the Mountain.
The Royalist and the Feuillant are outlawed and arrestable (+5 to If the coup is a success, the Terror or the Mercy (depending on the
Government arrests in Paris), and the following Personalities are circumstances) is installed; the effects of the new regime are ap-
arrestable: Marat (Mtn), Chaumette (Scu), Hébert (Scu) and Roux plied immediately. In case of a failure, the Mountain is outlaw, etc.
R.2.7.3 Convention Military Coups
R.2.4.2 Convention Justice (see 12.3)
For every imprisoned Royalist Personality, the Government rolls
two dice and cross-references them with its fame: R. Montagne: Convention -> Terror/Mercy
• «A» or «B»: to the guillotine; As in R.2.7.2, above, except that the Commune need not be raised.
• «C»: stays in prison.
All other arrested Personalities:
R.2.8 Leaving the Convention
• «A» or «B»: stays in prison; R.2.8.1 Convention -> Terror
• «C»: released. By Mountain popular (R.2.7.2) or military (R.2.7.3) coup, see
See 11.4 for the trial of Louis XVI.
Alternately, if France is in a state of both civil and foreign war, the
R.2.5 Convention Criticisms of the Government controller of the Commune can install the Terror at the start of
the next political phase. The Commune marker must be at level
None. II or higher if controlled by the Sans- Culotte, or at level III if
controlled by the Montagne.
R.2.6 Convention Elections
An election is held when the Convention is first installed and then R.2.8.2 Convention -> Mercy (OS)
4 turns thereafter (2 years). As in R.2.8.1 above (including the coup options), except that the
controller of the Commune can install the Mercy if France is in
• the Royalist Current has no Deputies. a state of foreign or civil peace.
Right Wing:
R.2.8.3 Convention -> Federal First Republic (OS)
• the Gironde has 1 Deputy per controlled region +1 Dep-
If France is in a state of foreign or civil peace and the Commune
uty for every two regions controlled by the Feuillant (round
is either controlled by the Gironde or not raised, the Gironde
may propose a Constitutional Referendum at the start of the next
Center: Political Action Phase.
• the Marais has 1 Deputy per controlled or neutral region
• «In the Convention, there is one party where people have
+1 Deputy for every two regions controlled by the Royalist
extreme opinions, and whose feeble resources will lead to
(round up): Anarchy; there is another party, with smart, subtle, and
• the Feuillant has 1 Deputy for every two controlled especially very ambitious people.» Couthon, 1792.
regions (round up); these deputies are hidden among the
Marais. R. The Convention’s Constitutional Referendum
Left Wing: A referendum is required to install the Federal First Republic.
Usually, a referendum is successful because of the huge abstention
• Mountain has 1 Deputy per controlled region +1 rate. Each Current votes «Yes», «No» or «Abstain». The number
Deputy for every two regions controlled by the Royalist (round of ballots is equal to the number of controlled regions. The vote
down); is open, and the game order is used. The Current controlling the
Government always votes yes. If the number of «No» votes is 13

or less, the new Constitution is adopted and the Federal First R.3.4 Terror Law & Order
Republic is immediately installed.
Note: the regions where there is a revolt, an Allied army or a Cath- R.3.4.1 Terror Outlaws
olic & Royal army do not take part in the vote. Paris, however, The Royalist, Feuillant and Gironde are outlaw and arrestable (+5
always votes. to Government arrests in Paris), and Roux (Scu) is arrestable.

R.3.4.2 Terror Justice

R.3.0 TERROR For each imprisoned Personality, the Government rolls two dice
and cross-references them with its fame:
This regime was installed to deal with the problem of war, both
civil and foreign. This regime mixed «terror» and «public virtue». • «A» or «B»: to the guillotine;
But the tide of the events led the Committee of Public Safety to • «C»: stays in prison.
increasingly desperate actions, until the day when its political
«The Tree of Liberty would not grow, were it not watered by the
enemies would be too many … and it all ended in Thermidor.
blood of the kings.» Barère, January 17th, 1793.
• «What Marat was saying was excellent, but nobody was
listening to him. Do you really have to be dead to be right? R.3.5 Terror Criticisms of the Government
Let the Terror be the order of the day!» Rover, August 30th, None.
R.3.6 Terror Elections
R.3.1 Entering the Terror If the Terror follows the Convention, there is no election imme-
The Legislative and Mercy can lead to the Terror when Paris is diately; the old election schedule of the Convention is kept (i.e., 4
threatened if the controller of the Commune wishes under cer- turns after the Convention was established). If the Terror follows
tain conditions. Similarly, the Convention can lead to the ter- the Federal First Republic or the Legislative, hold new elections
ror during foreign and civil war if the Commune wishes it (see immediately and 4 turns thereafter.
R.2.8.1). Under the Convention, Mercy, and Federal First Repub- Elections in Terror follow the same procedure as the Convention
lic a Montagne coup can start the Terror. Finally, a Marais coup (see R.2.6). The right wing is empty, the center is the Marais (with
during the Federal First Republic can install the Terror. hidden Feuillant), and the left wing is the Montagne (with hidden
R.3.1.1 Upon Installing the Terror
When the Terror begins, if the Government’s fame is less than 10
it is adjusted to 10. King Louis XVI is immediately imprisoned.
R.3.7 Terror Coups
All imprisoned Montagne Personalities are freed. The Dissident
R.3.7.1 Terror Limited Coups (see 12.2)
Clergy and Coalition markers are immediately adjusted by +3.
Note that additional Allied armies may be placed in the following
reinforcement phase; see 9.3.1. R.3.7.2 Terror Popular Coups
Put a revolt marker in each region controlled by the Gironde. All (see 12.1)
Gironde deputies are removed from the national assembly.
R. Marais: Terror -> Mercy
R.3.2 Terror Government The Marais can attempt a popular coup against the Government
to install Mercy if France is in a state of foreign or civil peace, so
The Montagne control the Government. long as the Merciful have not been outlawed (see 13.8.2). The
Commune must be raised by the Sans-Culottes and its marker
R.3.2.1 Currents Officially Present in the Terror must be at level III.
The Marais and the Montagne are officially present; the Royalist,
Feuillant, Gironde, and Sans-Culotte are not and may start revolts. If the coup is a success, the Mercy is installed; the effects of the
new regime are applied immediately In case of a failure, use the
R.3.3 Passing Laws in the Terror limited coup rules for the Marais; the plotters are placed in the
(proposed by the Government only, 3 maximum, no cost) Roll Prison du Temple and the Current is outlawed until the end of
two dice, and cross-reference with the Government’s fame, using the next tum (see 12.2.1).
the following modifiers:
R. Sans-Culotte: Terror -> Wrath
• The Marais can choose any bonus or penalty from +2 The Sans-Culotte can attempt a popular coup against the Gov-
to –2 (including 0) ernment to install Wrath if France is in a state of foreign and civil
• The Current that controls the Commune can choose any war, so long as the Hébertists have not been outlawed (see 13.8.1).
bonus or penalty from +3 to –3 (including 0) The Commune must be raised by the Sans-Culotte and at level III.
• each other Current officially present can choose a +1 If the coup is a success, Wrath is installed; the effects of the new
bonus or a –1 penalty (including 0). regime are applied immediately. In case of a failure, the Com-
Result: «A» or «B» the law is passed; «C» the law is rejected and mune becomes neutral in addition to other consequences of
the Government’s fame is adjusted by –1. Note that when the Ter- a failed coup (Sans-Culotte is outlawed, etc.)
ror has failed two attempts at passing laws, the regime may change
at the Marais’ discretion; see R.3.8.
Note: no deputies can switch side.

R.3.7.3 Terror Military Coups R. The Terror’s Constitutional Referendum
(see 12.3) A referendum is required to install the First Republic, One & In-
divisible. Usually, a referendum is successful because of the huge
R. Marais: Terror -> Mercy abstention rate. Each Current votes «Yes», «No» or «Abstain».
The Marais can attempt a military coup against the Government
The number of ballots is equal to the number of controlled re-
to install Mercy if France is in a state of foreign or civil peace.
gions. The vote is open, and the game order is used. The Current
If the coup is a success, the Mercy is installed; the effects of the controlling the Government always votes yes. If the number of
new regime are applied immediately. In case of a failure, use the «No» votes is 13 or less, the new Constitution is adopted and the
limited coup rules for the Marais; the plotters are placed in the First Republic, One & Indivisible is immediately installed.
Prison du Temple and the Current is outlawed until the end of
Note: the regions where there is a revolt, an Allied army or a Cath-
the next tum (see 12.2.1).
olic & Royal army do not take part in the vote. Paris, however,
always votes.
R.3.8 Leaving the Terror
R.3.8.1 Terror -> Thermidor
R.3.9 Special Rules Under the Terror
Once two laws have been rejected, not necessarily during the
R.3.9.1 Terrorist Bonus
same turn (take in account the laws rejected during Wrath, if
The Government gets a +2 fame bonus to execute «Suppress a re-
this regime has been in effect), the Marais may install Thermidor
volt» or «Arrest» in the regions where at least one «terrorist» Per-
immediately after the second law has been rejected.
sonality is located (Billaud-Varenne, Collot d’Herbois, Barère).
Note: if the Marais player does not want to install Thermidor this
turn, they must wait until another law is rejected to be allowed to R.3.9.2 Mountain Lawmakers
install Thermidor. Robespierre and Saint-Just can each give the Government a +2
bonus for passing a law if they are in Paris and not outlawed. This
R.3.8.2 Terror -> Wrath bonus cannot be cumulative.
By Sans-Culotte popular coup (R., above. Otherwise, to
install Wrath, there are four requirements: -The Hébertists cannot R.3.9.3 Carnot as a General
have been outlawed (13.8.1); AND If not outlawed and the Marais agrees, Carnot can be sent to com-
mand one or more armies; in this case, he cannot attempt any
• France must be in a state of foreign and civil war; AND
action this turn. He must be placed with one or more revolution-
• the Commune of Paris is controlled by the Sans-Culotte ary armies and will move with them as they move. His command
and its marker is at level II or III; AND capability enables the Government to use an additional +1 or –1
• the Economy marker is at level III, OR a Catholic & Royal modifier to the die roll (applied after the roll, just like the bonus
or Allied army is in the Paris region (without controlling the for having more armies) when a battle is resolved. If all revolu-
city), OR if 10 or more regions are in Revolt and/or con- tionary armies are eliminated during the battle, there is a one in
trolled by the Royalist or the Coalition. two chance that Carnot is captured (he will be released when the
If these four conditions are fulfilled, the Sans-Culotte may install foreign peace is concluded).
Wrath at the start of the next Political Action Phase.
R.3.8.3 Terror -> Mercy
By Marais popular (R. or military (R. coup, above. This provisional regime ended the Terror, by removing Robespi-
Otherwise, to install Mercy, there are four requirements: erre — against whom the Marais and the Sans-Culottes had some
grievances and some reasons to seek vengeance — after the end
• The Merciful cannot have been outlawed (13.8.2); AND
of Hébert, Danton and their friends.
• France is in a state of foreign or civil peace; AND
• the Commune of Paris is not raised; AND • «Death to the tyrants!» Tallien to Robespierre, 9 Thermi-
dor II July 27th, 1794).
• no Catholic & Royal army or Allied army is adjacent to
Paris or within Paris.
R.4.1 Entering the Thermidor
If these four conditions are fulfilled, the Marais may install Mercy
at the start of the next Political Action Phase. The Marais can establish the Thermidor after two laws fail to pass
under the Terror and/or Wrath. The Marais can also establish the
R.3.8.4 Terror -> First Republic, One & Indivisible Thermidor with a coup during the Wrath or First Republic, One
There are two conditions to proposing the First Republic, One & and Indivisible.
R.4.1.1 Upon Installing the Thermidor
• France is in a state of foreign or civil peace; AND When the Thermidor begins, if the Government’s fame is less than
• the Commune of Paris is controlled by the Montagne. 10 it is adjusted to 10. All outlaw personalities (R.4.4.1) in Paris
If both conditions apply, the Mountain may propose a Constitu- are immediately arrested; release any previously jailed Feuillant,
tional Referendum to install the First Republic One & Indivisible Marais and Gironde Personalities.
at the start of the next Political Action Phase.
• «As I have already said, none but the dead do not come
• «No, we have not failed, I swear it upon the toppled throne back.» Barère, 16 Messidor II (July 4th, 1794).
and upon the raising Republic…» Robespierre, November
5th, 1792.

R.4.2 Thermidor Government R.4.7 Thermidor Coups
The Government is controlled by the Marais.
R.4.7.1 Thermidor Limited Coups None.
R.4.2.1 Currents Officially Present in the Thermidor R.4.7.2 Thermidor Popular Coups
The Marais, the Feuillant and the Gironde are officially present (see 12.1)
in the National Assembly. The Royalist, the Mountain and the
Sans-Culotte are not officially present in the National Assembly R. Montagne: Thermidor -> Prairial
(they can start revolts). The Commune must be controlled by the Montagne and its mark-
er must be at level III. France must be in foreign or civil war.
R.4.3 Passing Laws in the Thermidor If the coup is a success, Prairial is installed; the effects of the new
(proposed by the Government only, 3 maximum, no cost) regime are applied immediately. In case of a failure, Mountain
One vote, and the absolute majority is required; each Current has does not control the Commune anymore (the Commune is neu-
one ballot per Deputy. tral), and is outlawed, the plotters are placed in the Prison du
Temple, etc.
Note: Deputies can switch side.
R. Sans-Culotte: Thermidor -> Prairial
R.4.4 Thermidor Law & Order Same as R. above, except with the Sans-Culotte instead of
the Montagne.
R.4.4.1 Thermidor Outlaws
The Mountain or the Sans-Culotte is outlawed and arrestable R.4.7.3 Thermidor Military Coups
(depending on which Current was controlling the Government (see 12.3) None.
previously) as well as the Royalist (+5 to Government arrests in
Paris); previously outlawed Currents are no longer outlawed. The R.4.8 Leaving the Thermidor
following Personalities are also arrestable: Marat (Mtn), Chau-
mette (Scu), Hébert (Scu) and Roux (Scu). R.4.8.1 Thermidor -> Directorate
At the very end of the turn, there is automatically a Constitutional
R.4.4.2 Thermidor Justice Referendum to establish the Directorate. If it succeeds, the Di-
For each outlaw Personality currently imprisoned, the Govern- rectorate is installed at the beginning of the next turn’s Political
ment rolls the dice and uses its fame: Phase (7.5.1). If it fails, there is another Referendum next turn.
• «A» or «B»: to the guillotine;
R. Thermidor Constitutional Referendum
• «C»: stays in prison.
A referendum is required to install the Directorate. Usually, a ref-
Other Personalities: erendum is successful because of the huge abstention rate. Each
• «A» or «B»: stays in prison; — «C»: released. Current votes «Yes», «No» or «Abstain».
The number of ballots is equal to the number of controlled re-
R.4.5 Thermidor Criticisms of the Government gions. The vote is open, and the game order is used. The Current
None. controlling the Government always votes yes. If the number of
«No» votes is 13 or less, the new Constitution is adopted and the
R.4.6 Thermidor Elections Directorate will be installed at the beginning of the next Political
Two different things may happen, depending on the previous
regime. If Thermidor follows Terror or Wrath, the National As- Note: the regions where there is a revolt, an Allied army or a Cath-
sembly is not dissolved. New elections will be held according to olic & Royal army do not take part in the vote. Paris, however,
the original schedule, that is, 4 turns after the previous elections. always votes.
If Thermidor follows the First Republic, One & Indivisible, new
elections are held using the same procedure as during Convention R.4.8.2 Thermidor -> Prairial
(see R.2.6), and the next ones will be held 4 turns later. By Montagne (R. or Sans-Culotte (R. popular coup.

The Deputies from Mountain or Sans-Culotte (the Current that

was outlawed when Thermidor was installed) are put aside; the
Gironde Deputies return to the National Assembly (take those This political regime is an «all-out Terror», which could have fol-
who were put aside). lowed the Mountain Terror if the Sans- Culotte and Hébertist
There are no Royalist deputies. The right wing is the Feuillant, the leaders had not been eliminated by Danton and Robespierre.
center the Marais, and the Left Wing the Gironde (plus hidden
Sans-Culotte or Montagne, depending). • «There must be bread, because where there is no bread,
there is no law, no freedom, no Republic.» Roux, February
12th, 1793.

R.5.1 Entering Wrath

The Sans-Culotte can establish the Wrath during the Terror under
two conditions: a coup, or by controlling the Commune under
very specific conditions (see R.3.8.2).

R.5.1.1 Upon Installing Wrath R.5.7 Wrath Coups
When the Wrath begins, if the Government’s fame is less than 10
it is adjusted to 10. All outlaw personalities (R.5.4.1) in Paris are R.5.7.1 Wrath Limited Coups None.
immediately arrested; release any previously jailed Sans-Culotte
R.5.7.2 Wrath Popular Coups
Personalities. Marat switches side to Sans-Culotte (but can be
(see 12.1)
switched back by the Montagne). The Gironde and Mountain
Deputies are withdrawn from the National Assembly (and put
R. Marais: Wrath -> Thermidor
aside); the Sans- Culottes Deputies return to the National Assem-
The Commune must be controlled by the Mountain and its mark-
bly if they have been put aside.
er must be at level II or III. In case of a success, Thermidor is
The Dissident Clergy and Coalition markers are adjusted by +3. installed; the effects of the new regime are applied immediately.
In case of a failure, the Marais is outlawed; the plotters are placed
R.5.2 Wrath Government in the Prison du Temple… etc.
The Government is controlled by the Sans-Culotte. R.5.7.3 Wrath Military Coups
(see 12.3)
R.5.2.1 Currents Officially Present in Wrath
The Marais and the Sans-Culotte are officially present in the Na- R. Marais: Wrath -> Thermidor
tional Assembly. The Royalist, the Feuillant, the Gironde and As normal.
Mountain are not officially present in the National Assembly (they
can start revolts), and they all are outlawed.
R.5.8 Leaving Wrath
R.5.3 Passing Laws in Wrath R.5.8.1 Wrath -> Thermidor
(proposed by the Government only, 3 maximum, no cost) By Marais popular (R. or military (R. coup, above.
Roll two dice, and cross-reference with the Government’s fame, Otherwise; once two laws have been rejected, not necessarily
using the following modifiers: during the same turn (do not take in account the laws rejected
during Terror, if this regime has been in effect), the Marais may
• The Marais can choose any bonus or penalty from +2 install Thermidor immediately after the second law has been re-
to –2 range (including 0). jected.
• The Current that controls the Commune can choose any
Note: if the Marais player does not want to install Thermidor this
bonus or penalty from +3 to –3 (including 0).
turn, they must wait until another law is rejected to be allowed to
• each other Current officially present can choose a + 1 install Thermidor.
bonus or a –1 penalty (including 0).
Result: «A» or «B» the law is passed; «C» the law is rejected, and R.5.8.2 Wrath -> First Republic, One & Indivisible
the Government’s fame is adjusted by –1. Note that when Wrath If France is in a state of foreign or civil peace, the Sans- Culotte
has failed two attempts at passing laws, the regime may change may propose a Constitutional Referendum to install the First Re-
to Thermidor if the Marais wishes; see R.5.8.1. public, One & Indivisible (Sans-Culotte version) at the start of the
next Political Action Phase (7.5.1).
Note: no deputies can switch side.
R. Wrath Constitutional Referendum
R.5.4 Wrath Law & Order A referendum is required to install the First Republic, One & In-
divisible. Usually, a referendum is successful because of the huge
R.5.4.1 Wrath Outlaws
abstention rate. Each Current votes «Yes», «No» or «Abstain». The
The Royalist, the Feuillant, the Gironde and Mountain are all are
number of ballots is equal to the number of controlled regions.
outlawed and arrestable (+5 to Government arrest in Paris).
The vote is open, and the game order is used. The Current con-
trolling the Government always votes yes. If the number of «No»
R.5.4.2 Wrath Justice
votes is 13 or less, the new Constitution is adopted and the First
For each imprisoned Personality, the Government rolls two dice
Republic, One & Indivisible is installed immediately.
and cross-reference them with its fame:
Note: the regions where there is a revolt, an Allied army or a Cath-
• «A» or «B»: to the guillotine;
olic & Royal army do not take part in the vote. Paris, however,
• «C»: stays in prison. always votes.
• «You will show my head to the people; it is worth showing.»
Danton, to the Headsman, 16 Germinal II (April 5th, 1794). R.5.9 Special Rules Under Wrath

R.5.5 Wrath Criticisms of the Government R.5.9.1 Terrorists and Excessive Bonus

The Government gets a +2 fame bonus to execute «Suppress
None. a revolt» or «Arrest» in the regions where at least one «terror-
ist» (Billaud-Varenne, Collot d’Herbois, Barère) or “excessive” «
R.5.6 Wrath Elections (Hébert, Chaumette) Personality is located.
New elections are held 4 turns after the last elections, and use the
R.5.9.2 Sans-Culotte Lawmakers
same procedure as during Convention (R.2.6). The right wing is
Hébert and Chaumette can each give the Government a +2 bo-
empty, the center is the Marais (with hidden Feuillant), and the
nus for passing a law if they are in Paris. This bonus cannot be
left wing is the Sans-Culotte.
R.5.9.3 Carnot as a General R.6.4 Mercy Law & Order
If not outlawed and the Marais agrees, Carnot can be sent to
command one or more armies; in this case, he cannot attempt R.6.4.1 Mercy Outlaws
any action this turn. He must be placed with one or more rev- The Royalist is outlawed and arrestable (+5 bonus for Government
olutionary armies and will move with them as they move. His arrest in Paris), and the following Personalities are arrestable:
command capability enables the Government to use an additional Marat (Mtn), Chaumette (Scu), Hébert (Scu) and Roux (Scu).
+1 or –1 modifier to the die roll (applied after the roll, just like
the bonus for having more armies) when a battle is resolved. If R.6.4.2 Mercy Justice
all revolutionary armies are eliminated during the battle, there is For each outlaw Personality currently imprisoned, the Govern-
a one in two chance that Carnot is captured (he will be released ment rolls the dice and uses its fame:
when the foreign
• «A» or «B»: to the guillotine;
• «C»: stays in prison.
Other Personalities:
This political regime is a moderate Terror, which could have fol- • «A»: to the guillotine; — «B»: stays in prison;
lowed the Mountain Terror; it did not occur, because Danton and
Camille Desmoulins were eliminated by Robespierre. • «C»: released.
• «By slaughtering Marie-Antoinette, you raise her!» Mme
• «I ask for saving the blood of men.» Danton, 2 Frimaire II de Staël, October 1793.
(November 22nd, 1793).

R.6.5 Mercy Criticisms of the Government

R.6.1 Entering Mercy
Each game turn, the Political Currents present in the National
A Montagne coup can install Mercy in the Terror, Convention, Assembly openly criticize the Government’s actions. Then, a vote
or Federal First Republic. A Marais coup can install Mercy in of confidence is held. Each one votes «Confidence», «Disapproval»
the Terror or Federal First Republic; the Marais can also install or «Abstention». The abstentions are not tallied. If there is an
Mercy during the Terror if there is peace. The controller of the absolute majority of disapproval, the Government is toppled; the
Commune can also install Mercy under the Convention. opposite Political Current (Mountain or Marais) grabs power and
controls the Government.
R.6.1.1 Upon Installing Mercy
When the Mercy begins, if the Government’s fame is less than 10 Note: if the opposite Current is outlawed (for example, it has at-
it is adjusted to 10. All outlaw personalities (R.6.4.1) in Paris are tempted a coup which resulted in a failure), the vote of confidence
immediately arrested; release any jailed previous outlaws and any is not held.
Personalities of the current Government’s Current. Danton and
Desmoulins switch side to Marais (but can be switched back by R.6.6 Mercy Elections
the Montagne). Put back any Gironde deputies in the assembly
that were put aside. R.6.6.1 Mercy Elections Following the Convention or the
R.6.2 Mercy Government No new elections are held immediately — keep to the schedule
established by the previous regime (i.e., 4 turns after the previous
The Government is controlled by the Mountain or the Marais. elections). Use the procedure for elections under the Convention
in R.2.6.
R.6.2.1 Currents Officially Present in Mercy
The Marais, the Gironde, the Montagne are officially present in R.6.6.2 Mercy Elections Following the First Republic
the National Assembly; the Royalist, the Feuillant and the Sans- New elections are held at the beginning of the Political Phase
Culotte are not (they can start revolts). and 4 turns thereafter. Use the procedure for elections under the
Convention in R.2.6.
R.6.3 Passing Laws in Mercy
(proposed by the Government only, 3 maximum, no cost) Roll R.6.7 Mercy Coups
two dice, and cross-reference with the Government’s fame, using
the following modifiers: R.6.7.1 Mercy Limited Coups None.
• the Marais can choose any bonus or penalty from +2 to –2 R.6.7.2 Mercy Popular Coups
(including 0). (see 12.1)
• the Current that controls the Commune can choose any
R. Montagne: Mercy -> Terror
bonus or penalty from +3 to –3 (including 0).
The Montagne can attempt a popular coup against a Marais Gov-
• each other Current officially present can choose any bo- ernment to install the Terror. The Commune must be controlled
nus or penalty from +1 to –1 (including 0) by the Sans-Culotte or the Montagne and its marker must be at
Result: «A» or «B» the law is passed; «C» the law is rejected, and level III. In case of a success, the Terror is installed or reinstalled;
the Government’s fame is adjusted by –1. the effects of the new regime are applied immediately. In case of
Note: no deputies can switch side. a failure, the Commune becomes neutral, and the Montagne is
outlawed; the plotters are placed in the Prison du Temple… etc.

R.6.7.3 Mercy Military Coups R.6.9 Special Rules Under Mercy
(see 12.3)
R.6.9.1 Terrorists and Excessive Bonus
R. Marais: Mercy -> Directorate The Government gets a +2 fame bonus to execute “Suppress
The Marais can attempt a military coup against the Government a revolt» or «Arrest» in the regions where at least one «terror-
(controlled either by the Mountain or by the Marais) to install the ist» (Billaud-Varenne, Collot d’Herbois, Barère) or “excessive” «
Directorate. If the Marais is controlling tile Government, use a +2 (Hébert, Chaumette) Personality is located.
bonus when rallying the army.
If the coup is successful, the Directorate is installed; the effects R.6.9.2 Mercy Lawmakers
of the new regime are applied immediately. No Constitutional Danton and Desmoulins can each give the Marais Government
Referendum is necessary in this case. In case of a failure, use the a +2 bonus for passing a law if they are in Paris. This applies only
rules of limited coups for the Marais; the plotters are placed in if they are not outlawed and their Current agrees.
the Prison du Temple and the Current is only outlawed until the
R.6.9.3 Carnot as a General
end of the next turn (12.2.1).
If not outlawed and the Marais agrees, Carnot can be sent to com-
R. Montagne: Mercy -> Terror mand one or more armies; in this case, he cannot attempt any
The Montagne can attempt a military coup against the Marais action this turn. He must be placed with one or more revolution-
Government to install the Terror. ary armies and will move with them as they move. His command
capability enables the Government to use an additional +1 or –1
In case of a success, the Terror is installed or reinstalled; the ef- modifier to the die roll (applied after the roll, just like the bonus
fects of the new regime are applied immediately. In case of a fail- for having more armies) when a battle is resolved. If all revolu-
ure, the Commune becomes neutral if it had been controlled by tionary armies are eliminated during the battle, there is a one in
the Montagne, and the Montagne is outlawed; the plotters are two chance that Carnot is captured (he will be released when the
placed in the Prison du Temple… etc. foreign peace is concluded).

R.6.8 Leaving Mercy R.7.0 DIRECTORATE

R.6.8.1 Mercy -> Terror This political regime was installed after Thermidor, when a new
By Montagne popular (R. or military (R. coup, constitution favoring the middle-class was enacted. Fearing the
above. executive «Committees» and their effects, the power was given to
Otherwise, there are two conditions: five «Directors» chosen by the National Assembly. This difficult
period saw many coups… until the last one, which put Bonaparte
• France is in a state of foreign and civil war; at the head of the state.
• The Commune of Paris is raised and its marker is at least
level II if controlled by the Sans-Culotte or level III if con- • «The Rights of Man within the Society are Freedom, Equal-
trolled by the Montagne. ity, Safety and Property.» First Article of the Declaration
of the Rights and Duties of Man and Citizen, August 22nd,
If both conditions apply, the player controlling the Commune 1795.
of Paris can decide to install the Terror at the start of the next
Political Action Phase. R.7.1 Entering the Directorate
R.6.8.2 Mercy -> Directorate A Constitutional Referendum can install the Directorate under
By Marais military coup (R., above. Otherwise; holding Mercy (if the Government wishes to propose it) or the Thermidor
a Constitutional Referendum to establish the Directorate can hap- (automatically). A Marais military coup can start the Directorate
pen if the Government wishes at the end of the turn under any of under Mercy.
the following conditions:
R.7.1.1 Upon Installing the Directorate
• The Commune is not raised and its marker is at level I; When the Directorate begins, if the Government’s fame is less
• France is in a state of foreign and civil peace; than 10 it is adjusted to 10. All outlaw personalities (R.7.4.1) in
• Montagne has been outlawed because of a failed coup. Paris are immediately arrested; release any jailed previous out-
laws and any Personalities of the current Government’s Current.
R. Mercy Constitutional Referendum Elections are held immediately upon entering the Directorate as
A referendum is required to install the Directorate. Usually, a ref- per R.7.6.
erendum is successful because of the huge abstention rate. Each
Current votes «Yes», «No» or «Abstain». The number of ballots is R.7.2 Directorate Government
equal to the number of controlled regions. The vote is open, and
the game order is used. The Current controlling the Government The Directorate Government is controlled by a partnership be-
always votes yes. If the number of «No» votes is 13 or less, the tween the Marais and one of Feuillant, Gironde, or Montagne
new Constitution is adopted and the Directorate will be installed (if the Montagne was not outlawed in the previous regime). The
at the beginning of the next Political Phase. Government is controlled by 2 Currents, to simulate the fact
that the executive power was shared by five different «Directors»
Note: the regions where there is a revolt, an Allied army or a Cath- which caused many conflicts within the Government. This can be
olic & Royal army do not take part in the vote. Paris, however, temporarily superseded by a limited coup; see R.7.7.1.
always votes.
When entering the Directorate, the Marais’ first partner is which-
ever Current (from among the eligible Currents) won the largest
number of Deputies in the election. In case of a tie, the Marais R.7.6 Directorate Elections
decides from amongst the tied Currents.
Elections are held when the regime is installed, and then four
R.7.2.1 Currents Officially Present in the Directorate game turns later (two years).
The Marais, Feuillant, and Gironde and Montagne (if the Mon- Right Wing:
tagne was not outlawed in the previous regime) are officially pres-
ent in the National Assembly. The Royalist, Sans-Culotte, and the • The Feuillant has 1 Deputy per controlled region. Center:
Montagne (if the Montagne were outlawed in the previous re- • The Marais has 1 Deputy per controlled or neutral region
gime) are not and may start revolts. +1 Deputy for every two regions controlled by the Mountain
(round down);
R.7.2.2 Directorate Decision-Making • The Royalist has 1 Deputy per controlled region +1 Dep-
All Government decisions must be agreed upon by both Currents. uty for every two regions controlled by the Sans-Culotte
If no agreement can be reached, both Currents roll a die, and the (round down); these deputies are hidden among the Marais.
Current with the higher roll makes the final choice. Non-out- Left Wing:
lawed Currents not controlling the Government (Gironde and/or
Feuillant and/or Montagne) can give a +2 bonus to either Current • The Gironde has 1 Deputy per controlled region;
controlling the Government in turn order. Re-roll ties. • Mountain and the Sans-Culotte each have 1 Deputy for
every two controlled regions (round up); their Deputies are
R.7.2.3 Directorate Government Objectives hidden among the Gironde.
Fame adjustments for government objectives are made to both
Currents controlling the Government. R.7.7 Directorate Coups

R.7.3 Passing Laws in the Directorate R.7.7.1 Directorate Limited Coups

(see 12.2)
(proposed by the Government, 3 maximum, no cost) One vote,
and the absolute majority is required; each Current has one ballot Note: in the Directorate, limited coups occur immediately prior to
per Deputy. any Political Actions (7.5.2).
Note: Deputies can switch side. The Gironde, Feuillant, or Montagne (if not outlawed) can attempt
a limited coup to grab sole power. In case of a success, the Current
R.7.4 Directorate Law & Order now controls the Government, alone, for one turn (subsequently,
the Current shares the power with the Marais normally). In case
R.7.4.1 Directorate Outlaws of a failure the involved Personalities are under arrest, and they
The Royalist is outlawed. If the Montagne was outlawed in the are placed in the Prison du Temple, and the Current is outlawed
previous regime, it is still outlawed (+5 for Government arrests until the end of the next turn (only).
in Paris). The following Personalities are also arrestable: Marat
(Mtn), Chaumette (Scu), Hébert (Scu) and Roux (Scu). R.7.7.2 Directorate Popular Coups
(see 12.1)
R.7.4.2 Directorate Justice
Each Current votes, with one ballot per Deputy present in the R. Montagne: Directorate -> Prairial
National Assembly. The votes can be «Guilty» or «Innocent», no- The Commune must be controlled by the Montagne and its mark-
body can abstain. This is an open vote. The Personality is judged er must be at level III. If the coup is a success, Prairial is installed;
according to the absolute majority. In case of a tie, the matter the effects of the new regime are applied immediately. In case of
is decided by the Government. If guilty, the Personality stays in a failure, the Mountain is outlawed, etc.
prison; otherwise he is released.
R. Sans-Culotte: Directorate -> Prairial
The Commune must be controlled by the Sans-Culotte and its
R.7.5 Directorate Criticisms of the Government marker must be at level II or higher. If the coup is a success, Prai-
Each game turn, the Political Currents present in the National rial is installed; the effects of the new regime are applied immedi-
Assembly openly criticize the Government’s actions. Then, a vote ately. In case of a failure, the Sans-Culotte is outlawed, etc.
of confidence is held. Each one votes «Confidence», «Disapproval»
or «Abstention». If there is an absolute majority of disapproval, R. Royalist: Directorate -> Vendémiaire
the Government is toppled. The Commune must be controlled by the Royalist (see special rule
R.7.9.1) and it must be at level II or III.
The Marais is never removed from Government, but its partner
must be replaced by one of the eligible Currents (Feuillant/Gi- If the coup is a success, Vendémiaire is installed; the effects of
ronde/Mountain if not outlawed). The National Assembly votes the new regime are applied immediately. In this case, it means
again to determine the new partner; the old partner’s deputies that the game ends prematurely and the Royalist wins. In case of
do not get a vote. a failure, the Royalist is outlaw… etc.
Note: if all other possible partners of the Marais are outlawed (for Note: The Royalist is allowed only one coup attempt for the entire
example, as a result of failed coups), the vote of confidence is not duration of the Directorate.
R.7.7.3 Directorate Military Coups
(see 12.3)

R. Montagne: Directorate -> Prairial R.8.4 Prairial Law & Order
If not outlawed, the Montagne can attempt a military coup. If
the coup is a success, Prairial is installed; the effects of the new R.8.4.1 Prairial Outlaws
regime are applied immediately (see XI-C4). In case of failure, the Royalists, Marais, Feuillant, and Gironde are all outlawed and
Montagne is outlawed, etc. arrestable (+5 to Government arrests in Paris).

R.7.8 Leaving the Directorate R.8.4.2 Prairial Justice

For each imprisoned Personality, the Government rolls two dice
Only by coup. See R.7.7 above. and cross-reference the result with its fame:

R.7.9 Special Rules Under the Directorate • «A» or «B»: to the guillotine;
• «C»: stays in prison.
R.7.9.1 Royalist and the Commune
The Royalist may raise and suppress the Commune at a –4 penalty. R.8.5 Prairial Criticisms of the Government
R.7.9.2 The Two-Headed Directorate
Government decision-making is done by consensus between the
Marais and a partner; see R.7.2. R.8.6 Prairial Elections
R.8.6.1 Prairial Elections Following Thermidor
R.8.0 PRAIRIAL No new elections are held immediately — keep to the schedule
established by the previous regime (i.e., 4 turns after the previous
Also known as the “Second Terror”. This is a provisional govern-
elections). Use the procedure for elections under the Convention
ment, typically lasting one turn. The uprising was meant to re-
in R.2.6. The right wing is empty, the Montagne is the center, and
install the Terror after the Directorate, which had excluded the
the Sans-Culotte is the left wing.
People from the National Assembly. But this plot was discovered,
and it failed…
R.8.6.2 Prairial Elections Following the Directorate
New elections are held at the beginning of the Political Phase
R.8.1 Entering Prairial and 4 turns thereafter. Use the procedure for elections under the
The Montagne or Sans-Culotte can install Prairial with a coup Convention in R.2.6. The right wing is empty, the Montagne is
under the Thermidor or the Directorate. the center, and the Sans-Culotte is the left wing.

R.8.1.1 Upon Installing Prairial R.8.7 Prairial Coups

When the Prairial begins, if the Government’s fame is less than
10 it is adjusted to 10. All outlaw personalities (R.8.4.1) in Paris R.8.7.1 Prairial Limited Coups None.
are immediately arrested; release any previously jailed Govern-
R.8.7.2 Prairial Popular Coups
ment Personalities. Set aside all Feuillant, Marais, and Gironde
(see 12.1)
deputies. Put back any previously set aside Montagne and Sans-
Culotte deputies. The Dissident Clergy and Coalition markers R. Royalist: Prairial -> Vendémiaire
are adjusted by +3. The Commune must be controlled by the Royalist (see special
rule R.8.9.1) and its marker must be at level III; France must be
R.8.2 Prairial Government in foreign or civil war.
The Government is controlled by the Montagne or the Sans- Cu- If the coup is a success, Vendémiaire is installed; the effects of
lotte, depending on who performed the coup. the new regime are applied immediately which means that the
game ends prematurely and the Royalist wins. In case of a failure,
R.8.2.1 Currents Officially Present in Prairial the Commune becomes neutral and the Royalist is outlawed, the
The Montagne and Sans-Culotte are officially present; all the rest plotters are placed in the Prison du Temple… etc.
are not.
R.8.7.3 Prairial Military Coups
R.8.3 Passing Laws in Prairial None.
(proposed by the Government only, 3 maximum, no cost)
Roll two dice, and cross-reference with the Government’s fame, R.8.8 Leaving Prairial
using the following modifiers: R.8.8.1 Prairial -> The First Republic, One & Indivisible The Gov-
• the Current that controls the Commune can choose any ernment automatically holds a Constitutional Referendum at the
bonus or penalty from +3 to –3 (including 0). start of the political phase following the installation of the Prairial.
If it is successful, the First Republic, One & Indivisible is installed.
• each other Current officially present can choose any bo-
The version (Montagne or Sans-Culotte) corresponds to which
nus or penalty from +1 to –1.
Current held the Referendum.
Result: «A» or «B» the law is passed; «C» the law is rejected, and
the proposing Current’s fame is adjusted by –1. R. The Prairial Constitutional Referendum
Note: no Deputies can switch side. A referendum is required to install the First Republic, One & In-
divisible. Usually, a referendum is successful because of the huge
abstention rate. Each Current votes «Yes», «No» or «Abstain». The

number of ballots is equal to the number of controlled regions. R.9.3 Passing Laws in the Federal First Republic
The vote is open, and the game order is used. (proposed by the Currents, 1 per Current, 50 assignats)
The Current controlling the Government always votes yes. If the One vote, and the absolute majority is required; each Current has
number of «No» votes is 13 or less, the new Constitution is ad- one ballot per Deputy.
opted and the First Republic, One & Indivisible is immediately Note: switching side is allowed for the Deputies.
installed. Note: the regions where there is a revolt, an Allied army
or a Catholic & Royal army do not take part in the vote. Paris,
however, always votes.
R.9.4 Federal First Republic Law & Order
R.9.4.1 Federal First Republic Outlaws
R.8.8.2 Prairial -> Vendémiaire
The Royalist is outlawed and arrestable (+5 to Government arrests
By Royalist popular coup (R., above.
in Paris), and the following Personalities are arrestable: Marat
(Mtn), Chaumette (Scu), Hebert (Scu) and Roux (Scu).
R.8.9 Special Rules Under Prairial
R.9.4.2 Federal First Republic Justice
R.8.9.1 Royalist and the Commune Each Current votes, with one ballot per Deputy present in the
The Royalist may raise and suppress the Commune at a –4 penalty. National Assembly. The votes can be «Guilty» or «Innocent», no-
body can abstain. This is an open vote. The Personality is judged
R.8.9.2 Montagne Government Bonuses according to the absolute majority. In case of a tie, the matter is
A Montagne Prairial Government gets all the bonuses under the decided by the Government. If found innocent, the Personality is
Terror listed in R.3.9. released from prison; otherwise they remain in jail.
R.8.9.3 Sans-Culotte Government Bonuses
A Sans-Culotte Prairial Government gets all the bonuses under R.9.5 Federal First Republic Criticisms
Wrath listed in R.5.9. of the Government
Each game turn, the Political Currents present in the National
R.9.0 FEDERAL FIRST REPUB- Assembly openly criticize the Government’s actions. Then, a vote
LIC of confidence is held. Each one votes «Confidence», «Disapproval»
or «Abstention». If there is an absolute majority of disapproval,
This republic is based on «Federalism», and has its roots in the the Government is toppled; the opposite Political Current (Gi-
United States Constitution; each department is equal to all other ronde or Marais) grabs power and controls the Government.
departments, and the state is decentralized («Paris is but 1/83th Note: if the opposite Current is outlawed (for example, it has at-
of France»…). It is supported by the local middle-class. tempted a coup which resulted in a failure), the vote of confidence
This is the Gironde’s project, for a «rich, free and prosperous is not held.
France». This political regime was being prepared by the Gironde,
but the bad fortunes of the war led to their downfall. This project R.9.6 Federal First Republic Elections
was a template for a middle- class democratic republic.
Elections are held when the regime is installed, and then, four
Note: as long as France is at war, installing this regime is rather game turns later (two years).
dangerous (see Counter-Revolution events).
Right Wing:
• The Gironde has 1 Deputy per controlled or neutral
R.9.1 Entering the Federal First Republic
region + 1 Deputy for every two regions controlled by the
The Gironde can propose a Constitutional Referendum to install Feuillant (round down) and the Mountain (round down).
the Federal First Republic during the Convention. Center:
R.9.1.1 Upon Installing the Federal First Republic • The Marais has 1 Deputy per controlled region +1 Deputy
When the Federal First Republic begins, if the Government’s for every two regions controlled by the Royalist (round
fame is less than 10 it is adjusted to 10. All outlaw personalities down);
(R.9.4.1) in Paris are immediately arrested; release any previously • The Feuillant and the Royalist each have 1 Deputy for
jailed Government Personalities. The Dissident Clergy and Coali- every two controlled regions (round up); their Deputies are
tion markers are adjusted by +3. If Bordeaux is not controlled by hidden among the Marais.
the Gironde, it immediately becomes neutral. Only the Gironde Left Wing:
can control Bordeaux. • Mountain has 1 Deputy for every two controlled regions
(round up) + 1 Deputy for every two regions controlled by
R.9.2 Federal First Republic Government the Sans-Culotte (round down);
The Government is controlled by the Gironde or the Marais. • The Sans-Culotte has 1 Deputy for every two controlled
regions (round up); these deputies are hidden among the
R.9.2.1 Currents Officially Present in the Federal First Repub- Mountain.
The Gironde, Marais, Mountain are officially present in the Na- R.9.7 Federal First Republic Coups
tional Assembly. The Royalist, the Feuillant and the Sans- Culotte
are not officially present in the National Assembly (they can start R.9.7.1 Federal First Republic Limited Coups
revolts). (see 12.2)

The Marais can attempt a limited coup to grab power if the Gov- R.9.9 Bordeaux in the Federal First Republic
ernment is controlled by the Gironde. In case of a success, the
Marais now controls the Government. In case of a failure the The region of Bordeaux can only be controlled by the Gironde;
involved Personalities are under arrest, and they are placed in otherwise, it is neutral.
the Prison du Temple, and the Marais is outlawed until the end
of the next turn (only). The Gironde can attempt a limited coup R.10.0 FIRST REPUBLIC,
against the Marais if the latter Current has already toppled the ONE & INDIVISIBLE
Gironde with a previous limited coup. Apply the same results as
above for the Marais. The other Republican ideal opts for a France «One & Indivisible»,
where the central state, in Paris, would prevail. It is supported
R.9.7.2 Federal First Republic Popular Coups by the People, and the state takes an active part in the country’s
(see 12.1) affairs. This is the Mountain’s and Sans- Culottes’ project (with
a more extremist position for the latter). The constitution of this
R. Montagne: Federal First Republic -> Terror political regime was approved by the National Assembly, but it
The Mountain can attempt a popular coup to install the Terror if was never applied — first because of the dangers of the war, and
France is in a state of foreign or civil war. The Commune must then, after Thermidor, it was forgotten. This constitution was the
be controlled by the Sans-Culotte (marker at level II or III) or most «democratic» constitution France has ever known…
the Montagne (marker at level III). If the coup is a success, the
Terror is installed and the effects of the new regime are applied Note: as long as France is at war, installing this regime is rather
immediately. In case of a failure, the Mountain is outlawed, etc. dangerous (see Counter-Revolution events).

• «When the Government violates the People’s Rights, the sa-

R. Montagne: Federal First Republic -> Mercy
cred right of insurrection is, for the People and for each part
The Mountain can attempt a popular coup to install the Mercy of the People, the most sacred right and the most necessary
if France is in a state of foreign and civil peace. The Commune duty.» Article 35 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and
must be controlled by the Sans-Culotte (marker at level II or III) Citizen, June 24th, 1793.
or the Montagne (marker at level III). If the coup is a success, the
Mercy is installed and the effects of the new regime are applied R.10.1 Entering the First Republic,
immediately. In case of a failure, the Mountain is outlawed, etc.
One & Indivisible
R. Marais: Federal First Republic -> Mercy or Terror The First Republic, One & Indivisible can be established by a Con-
If the Mountain has attempted and failed one of the coups above, stitutional Referendum; the Montagne can propose it during the
the Marais now is allowed to attempt a similar coup, with similar Terror, and the Sans-Culotte can do it during Wrath.
R.10.1.1 Upon Installing the First Republic, One & Indivisible
In case of a success, the Marais can choose either to simply grab
When the First Republic, One & Indivisible begins, if the Gov-
power (as in 9.7.1 above), or to install a new political regime of
ernment’s fame is less than 10 it is adjusted to 10. All outlaw
Terror or Mercy. This last option is allowed only if the Commune
personalities (R.9.4.1) in Paris are immediately arrested; release
of Paris controlled by the Sans-Culotte (marker at level II or III)
any previously jailed Government Personalities. The Dissident
or the Montagne (marker at level III). In case of a failure, the
Clergy and Coalition markers are adjusted by +3. If Paris is not
Marais will suffer the same penalties as in 9.7.1 above (it will be
controlled by the Montagne and Sans- Culotte, it immediately
outlawed for I turn only). It can attempt a new coup when it is
becomes neutral. Only the Montagne or Sans-Culotte can control
no longer outlawed.
Paris (see R.10.9.1).
R.9.7.3 Federal First Republic Military Coups
R.10.1.2 First Republic, One & Indivisible Variants
(see 12.3)
The regime will either be the Montagne Variant (see 10.9.3) or
the Sans-Culotte Variant (see 10.9.4), granting a special power to
R. Montagne: Federal First Republic -> Terror
the indicated Current. This variant will only change after certain
The Mountain can attempt a military coup to install the Terror if
limited coups (see R.10.7.2).
France is in a state of foreign or civil war. If the coup is a success,
the Terror is installed and the effects of the new regime are ap-
plied immediately. In case of a failure, the Mountain is outlawed, R.10.2 First Republic, One & Indivisible
etc. Government
The Government is controlled by Montagne or Sans-Culotte.
R. Montagne: Federal First Republic -> Mercy
The Mountain can attempt a military coup to install the Mercy R.10.2.1 Currents Officially Present in the First Republic, One
if France is in a state of foreign and civil peace. If the coup is & Indivisible
a success, the Mercy is installed and the effects of the new re- The Sans-Culotte, the Marais, and Mountain are officially present
gime are applied immediately. In case of a failure, the Mountain in the National Assembly and can propose laws. The Royalist, the
is outlawed, etc. Feuillant and the Gironde are not officially present in the National
Assembly and can start revolts.
R.9.8 Leaving the Federal First Republic
Only by coup. See R.9.7 above.

R.10.3 Passing Laws in the First Republic, One & R.10.7 First Republic, One & Indivisible Coups
(proposed by the Currents, maximum 1 per Current, 50 assig- R.10.7.1 First Republic, One & Indivisible Limited Coups
nats) (see 12.2)

One vote, and the absolute majority is required; each Current has The Sans-Culotte or Montagne can attempt a limited coup to grab
one ballot per Deputy. power if the Government is controlled by the other Current and
the Government’s Current does not control the Commune. In
Note: switching side is allowed for the Deputies. case of a successful coup, the Government changes hands. In case
of a failure the involved Personalities are under arrest, and they
R.10.4 First Republic, One & Indivisible Law & are placed in the Prison du Temple, and the Current is outlawed
Order R.10.4.1 First Republic, One & Indivisible until the end of the next turn (only).
R.10.7.2 Switching Variants of First Republic,
The Royalist and the Feuillant are outlawed and arrestable (+5 to One & Indivisible
Government arrests in Paris). In case of a successful coup, the First Republic now becomes the
variant associated with the Government if that Current controls
R.10.4.2 First Republic, One & Indivisible Justice the Commune and its marker is level II or III.
Each Current votes, with one ballot per Deputy present in the
National Assembly. The votes can be «Guilty» or «Innocent», no- R.10.7.2 First Republic, One & Indivisible Popular Coups
body can abstain. This is an open vote. The Personality is judged (see 12.1)
according to the absolute majority. In case of a tie, the matter is
decided by the Government. If the prisoner is found innocent, he R. Marais: First Republic, One & Indivisible -> Ther-
is released; otherwise he stays in prison. midor
The Marais can attempt a popular coup against the Government
R.10.5 First Republic, One & Indivisible Criticisms to install Thermidor if the Commune is not raised.
of the Government In case of a success, Thermidor is installed; the effects of the new
Each game turn, the Political Currents present in the National regime are applied immediately. In case of a failure; the involved
Assembly openly criticize the Government’s actions. Then, a vote Personalities are under arrest, and they are placed in the Prison
of confidence is held. Each one votes «Confidence», «Disapproval» du Temple; the Marais is outlawed for one turn (as if the coup was
or «Abstention». If there is an absolute majority of disapproval, simply a limited coup). The Marais can attempt a new coup when
the Government is toppled; the opposite Political Current (Moun- it is no longer outlawed.
tain or Sans-Culotte) grabs power and controls the Government.
This does not change the variant of the First Republic, One & R.10.7.3 First Republic, One & Indivisible Military Coups
Indivisible that was established at the start of the regime (see (see 12.3)
R.10.1.2); only certain limited coups can do that (see R.10.7.2).
R. Marais: First Republic, One & Indivisible -> Ther-
Note: if the opposite Current is outlawed (for example, it has at- midor
tempted a coup which resulted in a failure), the vote of confidence The Marais can attempt a military coup against the Government
is not held. to install Thermidor. In case of a success, Thermidor is installed;
the effects of the new regime are applied immediately. In case of
R.10.6 First Republic, One & Indivisible Elections a failure; the involved Personalities are under arrest, and they are
Elections are held when the regime is installed, and then every placed in the Prison du Temple; the Marais is outlawed for one
other turn (i. e., once per year). turn (as if the coup was simply a limited coup). The Marais can
attempt a new coup when it is no longer outlawed.
Right Wing:
• The Marais has 1 Deputy per controlled region + 1 Deputy R.10.8 Leaving the First Republic, One & Indivisible
for every two regions controlled by the Feuillant (round Only by coup. See R.10.7 above.
• The Feuillant, the Royalist and the Gironde each have 1 R.10.9 Special Rules Under the First Republic, One
Deputy for every two regions controlled (round up); their & Indivisible
Deputies are hidden among the Marais.
Center: R.10.9.1 Paris
• Mountain has 1 Deputy per controlled or neutral region Paris can only be controlled by the Montagne or the Sans- Culotte.
+1 Deputy for every two regions controlled by the Gironde Otherwise it is neutral.
(round down).
R.10.9.2 Marais and the Commune
Left Wing: The Marais may raise and suppress the Commune at a –3 penalty.
• The Sans-Culotte has 1 Deputy per controlled region +1 Given R.10.9.1 above, if the Marais raises the Commune it will
Deputy for every two regions controlled by the Royalist be neutral.
(round down).
R.10.9.3 Montagne Variant
While in the Montagne variant, the Montagne no longer has a –2
penalty to raise or suppress the Commune.
R.10.9.4 Sans-Culotte Variant Game Designers:
While the Commune is raised in the Sans-Culotte variant, the
• Olivier Marce
Sans-Culotte has a bonus to limited coup attempts and to passing
laws it proposes. This bonus is equal to the level of the Commune • Jean-Marie Rosa
track. • Jean-Philippe Caillat
• Charles-Jean Gerard
R.11.0 VENDÉMIAIRE • Robin Goyon
• Lionel Ruelle
• «I advise my son, if he is unfortunate enough to become
• Jean-Pierre Coureil
the King, to consider having one purpose only, the happi-
ness of his people; to forget any hateful or vengeful feeling,
including feelings caused by what I am enduring now; to
understand that he can provide happiness to his people only
by reigning inaccordance with the laws, but at the same time,
that he can have these laws applied only if his authority is
sufficiently asserted; and that, failing that, if he is bound by
his actions but does not inspire respect, he is a burden more
than an asset.» Louis XVI’s Will, 1793.
The Royalists were able to regain their position during the Di-
rectorate, and they even nearly had the majority in the National
Assembly during elections. But the Directors cancelled some elec-
tions, the Royalists reverted to the use of force… and they failed
because of betrayal… This is a provisional Royalist regime backed
by a Royalist-controlled Commune.

R.11.1 Entering the Vendémiaire

The Vendémiaire is entered from the Directorate (R. or the
Prairial (R. as a result of a popular coup by the Royalists.

R.11.1.1 Upon Installing the Vendémiaire

The game ends immediately, with the Royalist as the winner. Lou-
is XVII is installed on the throne, except if his death has been
rolled during a previous random events phase; in this case, his
uncle Louis XVIII is the new King.
© Azure Wish Edition — 1995
SAR.L capital 50.000 F
Siege: 16 rue Bachaumont F-75002 Paris


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