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Describe a historical period you would like to know more

I definitely like to know more about the Song Dynasty of China. It's an old dynasty from about
one thousand years ago (Questioning Tone). I guess. And I'm super curious about it.
Actually, I'm fascinated by this period of Chinese history because of football. Although I'm not
a huge fan of football I heard a lot of things and rumors of our national football team.
Plus, the football world cup was the one of the biggest events in the world last year. At the
time, I had a funny discussion with my friends about where football was invented.

Some of them thought it was invented in England. But I insisted that it comes from Ancient
China. I looked it up and learned that football was a popular sport in the Song Dynasty. It was
called Cuju, which literally means "kick a ball" in ancient Chinese.

Anyway, I killed the debate but I started wondering why football was so popular in the Song
Dynasty. I was taught in history class that China was the richest country in the world during
that dynasty. But that's all I know about it. I'm curious about what made Chinese people 1000
years ago love football so much. So, I'd love to learn more. It would be fun to compare
football's popularity between the Song Dynasty and today.You know, Team China sucks. Less
and less kids play football nowadays.

Describe a speech experience that you had

Well, let me think about it! Oh, I remember that once I made a speech about Song Dynasty
and this experience really gave me a deep impression. The speech was an assignment for one
of my elected courses when I was a fresh man in college. I did it in front of 37 classmates so
I was quite nervous at first. But my meaningful speech aroused the interest and recognition
of other classmates. Such feedback really made me feel satisfied and proud. Most
importantly, it extremely improved my confidence for future speeches.

The reason why I choose this period of Chinese history as my speech topic is because my
interest of football. Although I'm not a huge fan of playing football, I heard a lot of things and
rumors of our national football team. And at the time, I had a funny discussion with my friends
about where football was invented. So, when I looked it up and learned that football was a
popular sport in the Song Dynasty, I decided to make a speech so that more people could
learn some new knowledge about football and that history period. During that time football
was called Cuju(蹴鞠), which literally means "kick a ball" in ancient Chinese. I also concluded
the comparison of football's popularity between the Song Dynasty and today in my speech.
Unlike today, football was highly popular in Song Dynasty in China. Even many nobilities and
the landed gentry loved football.
Describe another city you would like to stay in for a short


I think I would like to go to Yixing. it’s my grandpa’s home town and my ancestors lived
there for a long time. So that’s the main reason I want to visit.

Anyway, Yixing is one of the most beautiful and attractive cities in China. It has a really
good location because it's not only near shanghai the city I current live but also it is
surrounded by the mountains. Air there is so fresh. Plus, there are many great attractions in
the city. For example, it is considered one of the best bamboo forest in china. You can take
the cable car to enjoy the beautiful views and dig bamboo shoots by yourself in the right
season.I also want to go cycling around the mountain with my cousin. She lives in Yixing now.
She told me it's one of the best parts of the city. There's a long bike path at the foot of the
mountain. We can rent bicycles to ride along it. When we get tired, we can sit in on a nearby
restroom and enjoyed the warm sun. I bet I'll feel amazing.

I hope I can go there during the labor holiday. But I still have a job in Shanghai and
maybe I need to attend the ielts exam again in Shanghai too. So it may be just a short visit.
But my parents will move to Yixing after they retire form their work in the future, fingers
crossed, I'll probably move there too. Who knows, right?

Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in

the future
For me, I think I would like to go to Yixing. It’s my grandpa’s home town and my ancestors
lived there for a long time. However, I have never been there before. I think the first reason I
want to visit this place is my will to search the root and history of our family.

Besides, Yixing is one of the most beautiful and attractive cities in China. It has a really good
location because it's not only near shanghai the city I current live but also it is surrounded by
the mountains. Air there is so fresh. Plus, there are many great attractions in the city. For
example, it is considered one of the best bamboo forest in China. You can take the cable car
to enjoy the beautiful views and dig bamboo shoots by yourself in the right season. I also
want to go cycling around the mountain with my cousin, Snow Zhang. She lives in Nanjing
now. After research, she told me the riding trail is one of the best parts of the city. There's a
long bike path at the foot of the mountain. We can rent bicycles to ride along it. When we
get tired, we can sit in on a nearby restroom and enjoyed the warm sun. I bet I'll feel amazing.

I hope I can go there during the next National Day. But I still have a job in Shanghai and
maybe I need to attend the ielts exam again in Shanghai too. So,it may be just a short visit.
And I hope this 5-day-long trip could help me to know everything I am curious about.

Describe a car journey you had

Well, I’d love to talk about the car journey I had during the last Labor Holiday. Me and my
parents went to Yixing, a small city in the Jiangsu Province. The first reason I visited this little
town was that the air there was really fresh. It is called “forest oxygen bar”. As we all know,
nowadays, the pollution in big cities become more and more serious. In most time I live in
the big city so I just went there to breathe more fresh air. The cool air really relieved me from
stress and fast paced life. And I think it was definitely good for my mental and physical health.

What's more, Yixing is a beautiful city with lots of fun places to check out. It has one of the
best bamboo forests in China. We took the cable car to enjoy the beautiful view form above
and dug bamboo shoots by ourselves. The cuisines cooked with bamboo shoots were really
delicious! Me and my parents also went cycling around the mountain and tea garden. It was
one of the best parts of the city. There was a long bike path at the foot of the mountain. We
just rent bicycles and rode along it. When we got tired, we just sit in a nearby pavilion and
enjoyed the warm sun. That’s really felt amazing, and we all agreed that we would pay a visit
to this fantastic little town again!

Describe an adventure you would like to take in the future

I want to go on an adventure to Yixing, a small town in Jiangsu Province . Yixing is my
grandfather's hometown, but I have never been there before. Yixing is famous for its
numerous bamboo forests and steep mountains, and nowadays there are still many local
residents who live in the deep mountains. I hope I can learn the history of my family and how
different their life habit is comparing with ours through this adventurous trip.

I plan to embark on this trip with some of my relatives because I believe it will be a very special
and wonderful experience. We will face many challenges, such as difficult routes, the altitude,
and physical limitations. However, I believe these challenges can increase our trust and
cooperation spirit with each other. In addition, I believe that this experience will make us
cherish the importance of family and history more.

For me, choosing hiking exploration is because it is very exciting and challenging. I also hope
to discover my limits in this process and use these experiences to cultivate my own
perseverance and courage. In addition, I try to have a better understanding of the way of life
of the rural people in China, so that I can have more sympathy and stand others’ shoes.
Describe an important decision you made

Well, I’d like to talk about I finally made up my mind to go on an adventure to Yixing, a small
town in Jiangsu Province. Yixing is my grandfather's hometown, but I have never been there
before. Yixing is famous for its numerous bamboo forests and steep mountains, and
nowadays there are still many local residents who live in the deep mountains. So basically, I
know nothing about our family’s history, so does my sister Snow Zhang. At first, I was a little
bit scared because I didn’t know if I was strong enough to climb those mountains. Snow tried
her best to help me see past my worries. She said she would go in the front and protect me.
She also had contacted a few cousins who still live in Yixing to accompany us. She was quite
persuasive so I finally decided to carry out this adventure.

We will face many challenges, such as difficult routes, the altitude, and physical limitations.
However, I believe these challenges can increase our trust and cooperation spirit with each
other. In addition, I believe that this experience will make us cherish the importance of family
and history more.

For me, choosing hiking exploration is because it is very exciting and challenging. I hope I can
learn the history of my family and how different their life habit is comparing with ours through
this adventurous trip. In addition, I try to have a better understanding of the way of life of the
rural people in China, so that I can have more sympathy and stand others’ shoes.

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

Once I saw the air pollution caused by thick smoke at a river. It was several years ago around
2016 and the plan to construct beautiful villages still didn’t come up. I visited my grandpa’s
hometown Yixing in Jiangsu province during my summer vacation as usual. My sister lives
there too. So we toured the village together during our summer vacation.

The village has a really good location because it's surrounded by water, tea gardens and
mountains. There's also a long bike path alongside the foot of the mountain. My sister and I
rented bicycles to ride around there. We thought we could enjoy the beautiful views while
cycling on the path. But there were lots of people burning a large pile of garbage by the river.
The burning caused heavy smoke. And apparently, they burned tons of plastic waste. It
smelled so bad. We had to leave there as quickly as possible.

My sister said many tourists like the cycling trail there. Nowadays, lots of people have enjoyed
coming to this village. So the amounts of the garbage increased heavily and they piled up
along the road. The burning of garbage by the river was done by the local residents because
they want to get rid of the rubbish left by tourists. But I don't think anyone should simply set
fire to garbage. The air pollution is a big problem for the ecosystem there. It's so sad to see.

Nowadays regulations dealing with the garbage comes up and the amounts of rubbish bins
is increased. The town finally fix the situation. After all, the air quality is really important. It
affects everyone there.

Describe a noisy place you have been to

I would like to talk about one of the noisiest villages I have ever been. It was 3 years ago
around 2020.I visited my grandpa’s hometown Yixing in Jiangsu province during my summer
holiday as usual. My sister lives there too. So we toured the village together.

The village has a really good location because it's surrounded by water, mountains and Tea
Gardens. There's also a long bike path alongside the foot of the mountain. My sister and I
rented bicycles to ride around there. We thought we could enjoy the beautiful views while
cycling on the path. But I didn’t realize that there were so many Tik Tokers doing livestreams
near the path. Someone were dancing to loud TikTok Music. Some were selling the green
tea with loud voices. It was so noisy!

My sister said many tourists like the cycling trail there. Nowadays, lots of people have enjoyed
coming to this village. Therefore, many social media influencers come here to take pictures
and local people seize the opportunities to develop tourism economy by selling goods. So
the cycling path has become a crazy TikTok factory.

Anyway, they totally ruined my plan of having a peaceful cycling tour around the village. I left
there with my sister as quickly as possible.

Describe a place you have bee to where there were lots of people

I would like to talk about one of the most crowded villages I have ever been. It was 3 years
ago around 2020.I visited my grandpa’s hometown Yixing in Jiangsu province during my
summer holiday as usual. My sister lives there too. So, we toured the village together.

The village has a really good location because it's surrounded by water, mountains and Tea
Gardens. There's also a long bike path alongside the foot of the mountain. My sister and I
rented bicycles to ride around there. We thought we could enjoy the beautiful views while
cycling on the path. But I didn’t realize that there were so many Tik Tokers doing livestreams
near the path. Some of them were dancing to loud TikTok Music. Some were selling the green
tea with loud voices. The whole path was crowded with people.
My sister said tons of tourists also like the cycling trail there. Nowadays, lots of people have
enjoyed coming to this village. Moreover, many social media influencers come here to take
pictures and local people seize the opportunities to develop tourism economy by selling
goods. So, the cycling path has become a crazy TikTok factory.

Anyway, they totally ruined my plan of having a peaceful cycling tour around the village. I left
there with my sister as quickly as possible.

Describe an activity you enjoyed doing in you free time when you

when younger

One of my favourite activities as a child was cycling. When I was young i didn’t like any other
sports except riding a bike. And when I learned how to ride, my father bought me a beautiful
pink bicycle. I took it to everywhere and i rode most frequently during my summer holiday.

My sister, Snow Zhang, was the person who rode with me the most. Because we spent all of
our summer days together until we went to the college. We both like cycling. And Snow liked
to discover more unusual cycling trails in free time. She always persuaded me to ride
somewhere far and challenge ourselves on more difficult routes. It made cycling really fun.

Besides, in our hometown, there's a long bike path next to the bamboo forests and tea
gardens. We loved to have cycling races along it. We pretended that we were athletes and
always had so much fun cycling together. When we got tired, we rest in a nearby pavilion and
enjoyed the warm sun. It felt amazing.

So cycling was my favorite activity back then. I would ride around the village for an entire
afternoon until mosquitos attacked me too many times. I will never forgot those bike rides.

Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood

Well let me think about it. Okay for me I think it was really interesting and enjoyable that once
my cousin Snow Zhang inspired me to explore our hometown, a small but beautiful village in
Jiangsu Provenience. We were both young back then, I was only 10 years old and she was an
11-year-old kid. There's a long bike path next to the bamboo forests and tea gardens. We
loved to have cycling races along it. And Snow liked to discover more unusual cycling trails in
free time.

One time we were so curious about what is behind the deep forest , and there was no clear
path towards it. I doubted myself at first because I didn’t trust my riding skills. She tried her
best to help me see past my worries. She said she will go in the front and protect me. If the
road condition was not good we could jump off the bike and turn over immediately. She also
said i was good at cycling and i have rode a bike over 10 years i should trust myself. Thanks
to her compliment , i decided to give a try.

Luckily, i joined this adventure. It turned out that there was a clear creek and a huge field of
morning glories. The scenery is really beautiful. We bared our foot and jump into the cool
stream. Since then, there became our secret world, we can spend an entire afternoon hanging
out there.

Describe a game that you played in your childhood

One of my favorite activities as a child was called “pretending the athletes”. It means I will
pretend that I am an athlete and try to ride a bike as fast as I could. When I was young, I didn’t
like any other sports games except riding a bike. And when I learned how to ride, my father
bought me a beautiful pink bicycle, then I just took it to everywhere. So, I really play this game
quite often.

My sister, Snow Zhang, was the person who rode with me the most. Because we spent all of
our summer days together until we went to the college. So, in most of time, we play this game
together during our summer vacations. And Snow liked to discover more unusual cycling trails
in free time. She always persuaded me to ride somewhere far and challenge ourselves on
more difficult routes. We call it “the bold attempt version of pretending the athletes” and it
really added extra fun to cycling.

Besides, in our hometown, there's a long bike path next to the bamboo forests and tea
gardens. We also loved to play this game along it. When we got tired, we rest in a nearby
pavilion and enjoyed the warm sun. It felt amazing.

So the game of cycling was my favorite activity back then. I would ride around the village for
an entire afternoon until mosquitos attacked me too many times. I will never forget those
bike rides.

Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy

Well, for me i think my favorite routine is definitely cycling. I have been cycling for over 10
years . It is a great form of exercise. It is not a hard sport to learn. And when i could ride alone,
my father bought me a beautiful pink bicycle as a reward. I think since then i found my passion.

My sister, Snow Zhang, was the person who rode with me the most. Because we almost spent
all of our summer days together until we went to the college. We both like cycling. And we
liked to discover unusual cycling trails around the village during the summer holidays. We
always ride somewhere far and challenge ourselves on more difficult routes. It made cycling
really fun.

Besides, in shanghai, there's a long bike path next to the Huangpu River. It is a little bit far
away from my home. But Whenever it was a holiday I loved to have cycling races with my
friends along it. We pretended that we were athletes and always had so much fun cycling
together. When we got tired, we rest in a nearby pavilion and enjoyed the warm sun. It felt

Describe a new development in the area where you live

I'd like to talk about a bike lane that is specifically for cyclists, both amateur and professional.
It's a pretty long bike path along the Huangpu River. There are also lots of booths where you
can rent a road bike or take a short rest.

Its construction started maybe 4 years ago. And it was finally completed when I was a
sophomore. Actually, I've been keeping track of this project from the very beginning. When
it was finally built, I was so excited. I love cycling. I really like to cycle around the River in the
night. So, on the first day it opened, my parents and I rented bicycles to ride along the river.
We felt the soft breeze and enjoyed the moonlight on the water while riding, which was
fantastic. When we got tired, we just pull over the bikes and sit on a bench. It felt amazing.

Nowadays, tons of local people like the cycling trail there. And it's become a popular spot for
bike racing. I think the city did a good job on this development. It's a go-to place for many
people who want to do exercises or leisure activities. They can enjoy the fantastic night city
views while riding. It's too bad that I'm busy with work. I would go there every week if I could.

Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town

The shop I am going to talk about is called "Giant 捷安特" which sells bikes to people who
lives nearby. It is a popular bike shop located in the heart of the city, near a bike path along
the Huangpu River. The shop has a wide range of bikes, from mountain bikes to road bikes,
and everything in between. The shop is well-known for its high-quality bikes and excellent
customer service.

The shop is usually frequented(作动词,常出入于……) by cycling enthusiasts, both amateur

and professional. People who are passionate about cycling and want to buy a new bike or
upgrade their existing one often visit this shop. The shop also attracts families who are looking
for bikes for their children. The staff at Giant are knowledgeable and friendly, and they are
always willing to help customers find the perfect bike for their needs.
In my own opinions, I think this shop will be a hit in the future and its success can be owned
to 2 main reasons. First of all, their products are all in well-design, people could always buy a
bike in latest fashion in Giant. Secondly, the shop has a perfect location. In the south of the
shop is a biking pass which attracts a lot of cyclists who will be the potential customers. I
always hang out there. I hope one day I can buy myself a beautiful Giant bike too!

Describe an occasion when you spend time with a young child

I’d like to talk about something happened in this labor holiday. xxx days ago, was a national
holiday for Chinese people, we had a 5-day long vacation and my whole family went to a
beautiful village called Yixing to relax. My 8-year-old cousin went there too.

It turned out that we both like cycling and discovering some unusual cycling trails in free time.
when he learned how to ride, his father bought him a cool blue bicycle. He took it to
everywhere and he took it to Yixing too. So, I tried to persuade him to ride somewhere far
with me and challenge ourselves on more difficult routes. It made cycling really fun. Besides,
in Yixing, there's a long bike path next to the bamboo forests and tea gardens. We also tried
to have cycling races along it. We pretended that we were athletes and always had so much
fun cycling together. When we got tired, we rest in a nearby pavilion and enjoyed the warm
sun. It felt amazing.

What’s more Yixing has one of the best bamboo forests in China. Me and my little brother
took the cable car to enjoy the beautiful views above. We even dug some bamboo shoots by
ourselves. The cuisines cooked with these bamboo shoots tasted even more delicious!

Describe a piece of technology that you feel is difficult to use

Well, Bluetooth earphones are the most difficult tech-product I've ever used. I just bought a
pair of Bluetooth noise cancelling earbuds online two months ago. They're a pair of JBL brand
earbuds and cost me 1000 Yuan. But what I got wasn't worth the cost at all.

At the time, in order to prevent distractions, I bought a pair of noise cancelling headphones
on Taobao. It's the most popular online shopping portal. I compared several kinds and
ordered a well-reviewed model. They were supposed to be the best noise cancelling earbuds.

But I kept having issues connecting them to other Bluetooth devices. I've had to deal with lots
of different problems since I started to use it. Sometimes the smartphone's Bluetooth can't
find the device. Other times, the earphones suddenly disconnect. If you want to reconnect,
you have to turn it off and back on again. But these earphones don't have an on-off button.
You have to put both of them back in the earphone box and take them out again. This design
is so frustrating for me.

I was so disappointed and contacted customer service later. They promised me a product
exchange. But the new pair still has the same problems. So, I haven't used them in a long
time. Now i begin to use the headphones with cords again. Although they cannot cancel
noises a lot, at least i can have it connected all the time!

Describe an expensive gift that you would like to give someone when you

save a lot of money

I'd like to talk about how I saved up for a noise cancelling Bluetooth earphone last year. At
that time, my best friend lucy was obsessed with listening to her favorite music wherever she
wants. She also is not self-organized enough so she needs something to block out distracting
noises when she was dealing some works. I think a Bluetooth earphone was just a perfect
choice so I decide to give it to her as a birthday gift.

To be honest, as a student with no income, buying this was totally out of my budget! So, the
money issue was really a pain in neck. Eventually I decided to get a part-time job to make
some money. With my friend’s recommendation I was hired by a foreign as an admin assistant.
I need to book the conference room, plan for the activities, affix company seals on some
confidential documents. I was busy as a bee and even had to run to the washroom when I
wanted to use it. But I stuck to it for two months straight and earned enough money to buy
the earphone I wanted.

When my friend got the new phone, she was over the moon. And I was very proud of myself
that I could overcome this challenge. It was definitely a milestone in my life.

Describe an invention
Recently, I have been looking for some tech-products to prevent distractions while working,
and a pair of Bluetooth earphone is the perfect choice, so I’d love to talk something about
Bluetooth earphones.

Noise cancelling earbuds are a wireless audio device that allows us to listen to music, use
voice assistants without the need for wires, and help us to get a silent environment to work
or study in great efficiency. They are small, lightweight, and easy to carry around, making
them a popular choice for people who are always on the go.

When I use them, I need to pair them with my smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled device.
This is a simple process that involves turning on the earphones and putting them into pairing
mode, then searching for them on your device and connecting to them.

Once connected, I always use them to listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks on my way to
work. I can enjoy these wonderful art works without interrupting others. Overall, I think
Bluetooth earphones are a convenient and easy-to-use invention that has made listening to
music and taking phone calls on the go much more comfortable and hassle-free. While, there
may be a slight learning curve when it comes to pairing and using them, in most cases, I find
them really easy to use once I get the hang of it.

Describe a time you made a complaint about something and were

pleased with the result.

I'd like to talk about the time I complained about my experience with an online store. I just
bought a pair of Bluetooth noise cancelling earbuds online two months ago. They're a pair of
JBL brand earbuds and cost me 1000 Yuan. But what I got wasn't worth the cost at all.
I kept having issues connecting them to other Bluetooth devices. Actually I've had to deal with
lots of different problems since I started to use it. Sometimes the smartphone's Bluetooth
can't find the device. Other times, the earphones suddenly disconnect.

I was so disappointed and contacted customer service later. They promised me a product
exchange. I waited for a week but didn't get any updates. So I had to ask customer service
what was going on. But I still didn't get a response. It really frustrated me. So I filed a formal
complaint against this seller on the platform.

Eventually, the online shop's manager contacted me and apologized. They gave me a full
refund. Plus, they gave me a pair of new earbuds for free.

The result was good, so I didn't take any other action. But the whole thing was ridiculous. The
incident made me realize the importance of taking action. Sometimes you have to make a

Describe an advertisement you have seen that you did not like.

I'd like to talk about an ad that cheated me. It was from Taobao. It's the most popular online
shopping website. I buy almost everything on this website. So I never thought I'd be tricked
by an ad from Taobao.
Anyway, about two months ago, I saw an ad for Bluetooth noise cancelling earbuds. You know,
I was looking for something to prevent distractions from noise when I work. So I watched the
ad. It was actually a text and animation commercial. They said they were the best noise
cancelling earbuds. I was interested in the line "10 yuan flash sale". It means you can get them
for 10 yuan for a limited time.

I thought it was a super great deal, so I clicked on the ad and bought the earbuds. But I've
had to deal with lots of different problems since I started to use it. Sometimes the
smartphone's Bluetooth can't find the device. Other times, the earphones suddenly
disconnect. I was so disappointed and contacted customer service later. They promised me a
product exchange but I had to pay more. Then I realized that the advertisement was just
designed to attract more customers to their shop. It actually made people spend more money.
I was such a fool! So it's definitely the ad I hate the most.

Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

I'd like to talk about an ad that post some wrong information and cheated me. It was from
Taobao. It's the most popular online shopping website. I buy almost everything on this
website. So I never thought I'd be tricked by an ad from Taobao.

Anyway, about two months ago, I saw an ad for Bluetooth noise cancelling earbuds. It was
actually a text and animation commercial. They said they were the best noise cancelling
earbuds. On the advertising page, they also said this type earbuds have longer batteries which
could enable people to listen to music up to 20 hours without recharging them.

I thought it was a super great deal, so I clicked on the ad and bought the earbuds. But I've
found out that this ads really gave me an incorrect information since I started to use them on
a self-driving tour. Driving cars for a long time was so boring to me and I really have a special
taste of music. So, in order not to interrupt others I just used my earbuds to listen some music
I enjoy. When I used them continuously for about 3 hours it just suddenly disconnected and
out of juice. I tried to fully charged them by a power bank, it just powered off after another 3
hours. I was so disappointed and contacted customer service later. But they never gave me a
product exchange or refund. So, this has been my worst and most disappointing shopping
experience ever, and I've never bought anything expensive on the internet since then.

Describe a website you often visit

One of the websites that I visit regularly is Taobao just like amazon in us i think. It's the most
popular online shopping website. I buy almost everything on this website. Just a couple
months ago, I bought a pair of Bluetooth noise cancelling earbuds.
Anyway, I feel confident shopping on Taobao. I think it's the most trustworthy shopping portal.
For example, last month, I bought a product that didn't work on the site. The seller promised
me a product exchange. I waited for a week but didn't get any updates. So I filed a formal
complaint against this seller on the platform.

Eventually, the online shop's manager contacted me and apologized. They gave me a full
refund. Plus, they gave me a pair of new earbuds for free. You see, Taobao always sees things
from the customer's perspective. You don't need to worry about losing your money to bad
sellers. So it's a great shopping website for me.

Actually, even when I don’t plan to buy anything, I-can surf on Taobao all day. There are lots
of interesting ads on the homepage. Some of them are really funny. I especially love reading
people's reviews of the ads and products. They always make me laugh out loud. So, for me,
Taobao is an awesome shopping website that also helps me relax.

Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with
I 'm going to talk about an international student. I met them at a party about 3 years ago. At
the time, our college invited foreign students who also studied in our school to chat about
cultural differences and popular topics in China. As a member of the student union I was one
of the organizers of the event. After the event, all the participants had a meal together. I sat
at a table with a Japanese student.

Honestly, I felt a little stressed at first. I didn't know what to talk about. But he was very talkative
and hilarious. He told me some funny stories about himself. I remember he talked about
visiting a Chinese friend's home for the first time. He said he was served a mug of hot water.
Drinking hot water instead of coffee or cold water was confusing to him. He thought his friend
was poor. But later he learned that drinking hot water is normal in China. And we Chinese
think it is good for health.

I laughed out loud hearing his story because it was so funny from a Chinese perspective. I
also shared a lot of fun facts about Chinese culture with him. We had a great time chatting
that day. Getting to know him was a highlight of my day. It also helped me learn more about
the world. Sadly, we only met once. We haven't seen each other since.
Describe your favorite place in your house where you can


My family lives in an apartment with a really big balcony.I think it's the most relaxing place in
our home.

My mum built it just like a beautiful garden. She plants different kinds of vegetables, fruits
and flowers in flowerpots. Every summer, you can see radish, tomatoes, and flowers like
roses and tulips in it. Our balcony is full of colors and looks amazing. Just standing in it makes
me feel better. I also like to make dry flower bookmark with the flowers my mom planted.
It's so fun.

Plus, we added one deck chair to the balcony. I like to lie on it when the weather is nice. And
i will make myself a cup of tea and read a book or listen to some music. Whether I'm alone
or with some guests, this cozy balcony is a great place to hang out.

Honestly, I'm often stressed out by work. But when I sit in the balcony for a while, I feel so
much better. It helps me enjoy every day. So I really love this wonderful balcony. However, i
think a small yard is still better than a big balcony. I hope in the future I can afford to buy a
house with a yard.

Describe something that you did with someone or a group of


I’d like to share the story when i held a large scale basketball competition with my friends in
the same department of our student union. It was 3 years ago when i became the leader of
the sports department. We need to decide the number of players of each team, the
competition form and where should we held the competitions.

Although i had a role in the sports department and i can play some sports but i am quite not
familiar with the basketball. One of my friends, Chris, who was the basketball team leader in
high school really helped me a lot. He held several meetings to share some his ideas and
plans for the competition. He also said that participating in one real game can be helpful. So
we watched a lot of NBA competitions and organized a small competition inside student
union. From that we got some really amazing thoughts of the game.
Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something
One time i taught my brother how to organize a large-scale basketball competition on his
own. It was 3 years ago when he became a member of the sports department in the student
union. He needed to decide the number of players of each team, the competition format
and where should they hold the competitions.

Although he played basketball quite often, he didn’t know how to be an organizer. So he

asked me for help. I have held several games before, so i was happy to help him. I share some
tips about how to rent the sports place, how to advertise and attract people to take part in
the game, and some special formats designed for girls. I also told him it is important to gather
different experiences from other schools. So he visited some related students in other schools
nearby. And we got some really amazing thoughts and useful advice from the visit.

Since he was well-prepared, the competition turned out to be a great success. He said he
even earned some cheers from his teachers. He was super grateful to me for helping him with
the competition. Honestly, helping him gave me a great sense of accomplishment!

Then Chris helped me to attract game players, rent the game place, and most importantly,
designed a time-saving but also well-structured format.

Since we were well-prepared, the competition turned out to be a great success. We even
earned some cheers from our teachers. I really enjoyed the whole process. Actually, I haven't
had a chance to participate in a basketball competition since then. So, this experience was
really memorable.

Describe a person who you enjoyed working or studying with

I am going to talk about Chris, a friend from college. He was a top student who was always
happy to help others. That’s why i loved to work with him.

I was really impressed by him the first time we worked as a team. We needed to hold a
basketball competition on our own. We supposed to decide the different formats for boys
and girls, decide the place we have the games in the first meeting we had with the whole
student union. But I am totally lacking the ideas and experiences.

He said he was the basketball team leader in high school. Since he had plenty of experience
playing, he really helped me a lot. He held several meetings to share some his ideas and plans
for the competition. He also said that participating in one real game can be helpful. So we
watched a lot of NBA games and organized a small competition inside student union. From
that we got some really amazing thoughts of the game.
Since we were well-prepared, we did a good job. So we were grateful for Amy. Honestly, she
was way better than us. But she treated us like equals. She was so nice and humble. Actually
everyone in the sports department asked him for help when they had trouble with working.
He always does his best!

Describe something you remember about your first day at a new


Well, I remember the first day of my college so clearly. I really looked forward to starting this
new journey. And the first day really gave me a surprise!

I arrived at the university's gate on the registration day. There were a lot of booths. A group
of senior students were there as volunteers. After the paperwork was done, a senior student
was assigned to lead me to my dorm.

She gave me a tour of campus and some tips of how i can become a member of the student
union. She was so nice and patient. I mean, I had tons of questions. But she answered all of
them in detail. She even gave me her phone number in case I had more questions. And when
i began to add her in WeChat from her phone number, i found that her WeChat name is quite
like one of my old friend’s real names. And through the moments she posted i found that she
lives in the same hosing estate with me. Just when i was wondering, her friend came and
called her name from far away. It was quite a loud voice and i heard it clearly too. Turns out
that she really was my old friend! We used to play together but then she went to boarding
school for her middle school and senior heigh school so we never met again. And she lost
a lot of weight and became so pretty so i didn’t recognize her at all!

Since then, we become close friend again! She shared her learning experience with me and
led me to explore our beautiful campus. It was really a great day, on that day i had my good
friend back!

Describe an actor who you admire for playing a particular

character in a film/movie

I'd like to talk about Anne Hathaway. She was a famous Hollywood actor. Honestly, I think she
is one of the best actors of all tune.

I knew her from an old film called the princess diaries. The film was recommended by one of
my friends. She posted a list of good films to watch in her moments. And this movie was on
top of the list. So, I decided to watch it.

My first impression towards Anne from the movie is that wow she is so beautiful and cute.
The process of a normal teenager finally become a real princess was vividly showed by her.
The first excitation, followed with inadaptation, then the frustration, and finally the confidence
and successful change. At first i thought she could only play one type of role, but i was wrong.
She also can play a role in action movie like Batman, all the action scenes were perfect. She
can become a famous writer in Becoming Jane, she revealed the history and thoughts of the
famous writer Jane Austin.

Anyway, Anne’s perfect appearance and amazing acting just make the character of every role
she played more interesting and powerful. She showed that a good actor can play a variety
of characters and always surprise the audience. That’s why i admire her so much!

Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you

know well

Well, a few months ago, my friend Lucy shared some good news with me. She told me that
she passed a difficult exam called the Teacher qualification certificate examination. It's one of
the most difficult qualification exams in China. The pass rate is only about 26% every year. Plus,
you have to read and study lots of teaching related books. In fact, many people around me
failed the exam. Some of them didn't even finish it. So I really admire her for passing it.

Actually, Lucy and I are close friends. Our friendship has lasted over 6 years. I know how hard
she worked because we chat from time to time. She made a study schedule and tried her best
to stick to it for 3 months.

During those months, she didn't socialize at all. She took lots of online classes and studied
law for hours every day. To be honest, I've never seen anyone who could work that hard.

So, when she told me that she passed the exam by a lot, I was so happy for her. It was a great
sense of accomplishment for her. Plus, she finally becomes a real Chinese teacher in primary
school. That means I'm going to have a teacher friend! I'm very proud of her.

Describe something you did that made you feel proud

Well, I'm really proud of doing well on a pretty difficult exam. It's called the teacher
qualification certificate examination.
It's one of the most difficult qualification exams in China. The pass rate is only about 26% every
year. Plus, you have to study lots of teaching books. In fact, many people around me failed
the exam. Some of them didn't even finish it. Knowing that made me so stressed.

To prepare, I read about lots of different experiences of people who had passed the exam.
Their posts helped me a lot. Next, I made a study schedule and tried my best to stick to it for
half a year. During those 3 months, I didn't socialize at all. I took lots of online classes and
studied teaching history, teaching method for hours every day. To be honest, I didn't know I
could work that hard before I started preparing.

Anyway, I waited about two months to get the result. Fortunately, I passed the exam by a lot!
I was so excited. It was a great sense of accomplishment for me. I was so happy that I passed
such a difficult exam on the first try. I think all my hard work was worth it. So, I'm proud of
myself. If i can achieve a good score of the ielts test I will be prouder of myself haha!

Describe a time when you were late for something important

Once I completely forgot to meet some new colleagues at work. It was about one year ago. I
had just gotten a new job. I was invited to a team-building event for the company. At the
time, our city had a long bike path next to the Huangpu River. So the boss suggested meeting
at the North bund on a Saturday at 7 a.m. That way, we could rent bicycles to ride along the
riverbank. I thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know my coworkers better. So
I agreed.

But I forgot to add it to my calendar. So when the day came, I totally forgot our plan. In fact,
I was busy taking care of my mom because she was sick. I had to work as well as cook meals,
and do some laundries. I was super busy and tired. So, on that day, I just stayed in bed and
turn off the internet because i thought it was an normal weekend. But then, my boss called
and asked me where I was. Then I remembered the team-building event! I apologized right
away. Fortunately, I got there in about 20 minutes by a cab. Everyone was there waiting for
me. I was so embarrassed.

Anyway, since then, I always write down the things I'm going to do in my calendar. That way,
I won't make that mistake again.
Describe a time when someone gave you something that you

really wanted

Once, I had to ask a young lady to share some coins with me. And it seems to be awkward
but finally the touchiness are weigh over than the bad feelings. It happened last year when
I was on a trip to Macau. I needed to take a bus from airport to the hotel and i need coins to
pay the bus fee.

The one-way ticket is 6 mops. I thought i have brought the coins of RMB and we can use rmb
in Macau. However,the coins in my wallet was dollars which is left by my last trip to LA. And
you know nowadays Chinese seldom use cash because we have Alipay. So i never check which
coins i have. So I couldn’t get on the bus. It was really late and there was only one last bus. I
was really tired and i felt dizzy that day so i was desperate to find a bed and have some sleep.
So I asked a girl next to me if she could share one mop with me, because luckily i still got 5
yuan paper money in my wallet. Honestly, I would've understood if she said no. Because i
was a totally stranger to her. And what i asked is rude. But she seemed to notice I was very
anxious and tired. So she gave me a hand.

Finally, I managed to catch the last bus. So I really appreciated her. I talked with her for a long
time on the bus. We even became friends afterwards. I'm so lucky that I met her.

Describe an interesting old person you met

Well speaking of the interesting old person, I have to mention my grandpa. He is in his eighties.
Although we don’t live together now i still meet him quite often like once a week.

Even though he is a senior, he loves learning new things. He has lots of hobbies that help him
to enjoy life. I really admire him.

Since he retired, he has become a great cook and swimmer. He downloads the recipe from
the internet or follow the instructions in tv to test and make new dishes. He never gives up,
sometimes my grandma tells me he even cooks in the midnight if he comes up some good
ideas. Plus, my grandpa really enjoys swimming, especially in some lakes or open waters in
countryside. When i was about 16 years old we spent labor holiday in Yixing together. That’s
the first time i saw him swimming in a lake. I was really interested in it. So he gave me tons of
good tips, encouraged me to have a try and protected me when i decided to give a shot.
Swimming in a small lake is really fun. It was like an survival class and a courage test for me.
He said doing something unique is a good way to expand my horizons and relieve from daily
stress. So he even even encouraged me to learn more creative skills.
Anyway, I think my grandpa has a great life and really enjoys every day. All his hobbies and
life attitudes have made his life delightful. He is definitely a very interesting and lovely old

Describe an occasion when you get lost

I'd like to talk about the time I totally got lost in Macau with my friend lucy. About 3 months
ago, me and my friend Lucy planned to visit Macau to spend our spring festival holiday. Since
we went there by ourselves and we don’t have a tour guide, so we need to find out the
information about traffic route, and the location of some famous tourist attractions.

The first day of our journey went really well and smooth, however, some bad things happened
next day. It was really late and the sky turned dark when we finally decided to go back to our
hotel. The google map led us to a winding mountain road and it ended halfway up the
mountain. We were totally lost and we couldn’t find the right way. Both of us were anxious
and afraid because we were desperate to have some rest and there was no other passerby
could help us.

After about 15 minutes, we finally cooled down. We learned a gesture form the internet to
attract some moving vehicles in order to get some help. After giving thumbs up for 10 minutes,
we met a warm-hearted lady who pulled over her car. She showed us the right way patiently.
Moreover, she even gave us a ride to the hotel. We were so lucky and thanks to her our trip
ended up in a good way!

Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often

For me, personally, I would call myself a fan of T-shirts. I wear them really often because they
are so cozy and convenient that I can wear them in almost every situation. When I take a walk
with my parents, I just grab a t-shirt, when I need to go to the library, I grab a t-shirt, when I
want to go shopping, I grab a t-shirt too. I wear my T-shirts most often in summer days,
maybe up to 6 times a week.

T-shirts are basic items of different kinds of clothes. The 2 sleeves and other parts of a T-shirt
form the shape of T. There are countless kinds of different T-shirts, they vary from length to
the pictures printed on them. And I think it is exactly the picture and print on it make every t
shirt special and beautify. I will always buy a t shirt for the wonderful pictures on it. I can show
my attitude and hobbies through different printed t shirts. For example, if I wear a t shirt with
dog or cat it indicates that I am a pet person. And that’s why, in some cases, T-shirts can even
help me to make friends. T-shirts are easy to get and could be wore in multiple situations so
it will always be my first choice when I open my wardrobe.
Describe someone who moved to your community and brought

positive influence

When it comes to someone who really brought positive influences to our community, the
person I have to mention is aunt Jiang who lives on the first floor, downstairs. Aunt Jiang
moved here about 2 years ago after her retirement.

My mother and I visited her every Spring Festival. She has such a green thumb. She has all
kinds of plants and flowers, mostly succulents and roses in her yard. What impressed me most
was that Aunt Jiang keeps over thirty pots of succulent plants and a variety of orchids in
different colors. She made our community full of color, overflowing with vigor. The wonderful
smell of those flowers could also help people to relieve form heavy work and stress. Besides,
Aunt Jiang is literally a know-it-all about gardening. She's the go-to guy whenever other
neighbors have questions about gardening and plants. She's so professional. She can
patiently talk to you for a long time about any questions you throw her way. Plus, aunt Jiang
is very generous she often gives his gorgeous flowers to others as gifts. My mom once
received a nice pot with a succulent plant from her.

What she did really promote the relationships between neighbors. After she moving to our
community we began to visit each other and learned a lot of knowledge. We really appreciate
for everything she did.

Describe a popular person

When it comes to someone who is really popular, I will vote for aunt Jiang who lives in the
same community with me. Aunt Jiang moved here about 2 years ago after her retirement and
her home is downstairs below mine.

Aunt Jiang is an elegant lady who has such a green thumb. She has all kinds of plants and
flowers, mostly succulents and roses in her yard. What impressed me most was that Aunt
Jiang keeps over thirty pots of succulent plants and a variety of orchids in different colors. She
made our community full of color, overflowing with vigor. The wonderful smell of those
flowers could also help people to relieve form heavy work and stress. I think that’s the first
reason why she is so welcome among all neighbors. Besides, Aunt Jiang is literally a know-it-
all about gardening. She's the go-to guy whenever other neighbors have questions about
gardening and plants. She's so professional. She can patiently talk to you for a long time
about any questions you throw her way. Plus, aunt Jiang is very generous she often gives his
gorgeous flowers to others as gifts. My mom once received a nice pot with a succulent plant
from her.
What she did really promote the relationships between neighbors. After she moving to our
community, we began to visit each other and learned a lot of knowledge. We really appreciate
for everything she did.

Describe someone you know who often helps others

When it comes to someone who has been really helpful, I will vote for aunt Jiang who lives in
the same community with me. Aunt Jiang moved here about 2 years ago after her retirement
and her home is downstairs below mine.

Aunt Jiang is an elegant lady who has such a green thumb. She has all kinds of plants and
flowers, mostly succulents and roses in her yard. What impressed me most was that Aunt
Jiang keeps over thirty pots of succulent plants and a variety of orchids in different colors.
Aunt Jiang is literally a know-it-all about gardening. She's the go-to guy whenever other
neighbors have questions about gardening and plants. She's so professional. She can
patiently talk to you for a long time about any questions you throw her way. With the help of
Aunt Jiang, everyone who live in our community decorate their yards and balconies with
beautiful flowers. Now, our community is full of color, overflowing with vigor. The wonderful
smell of those flowers also helps people to relieve form heavy work and stress.

Most importantly, what she did really promote the relationships between neighbors. After she
moving to our community, we began to visit each other and learned a lot of knowledge. We
really appreciate for everything she did.

Describe a book that you read many times

Speaking of a book I have read many times, I have to mention the book Robinson Crusoe(鲁
宾逊 漂 游 记 ) . I also watched the movie version for about 3 times in different ages and
my favorite is the first film adaptation of it from the 1950s. Although is is a black-and-white
movie, the story is very close to the original novel.

Anyway, the first time I watched this book was actually in a Chinese class when I was in Primary
school. Our teacher asked us to watch the book and write a review of it. So my classmates
and I carefully watched the book.

It didn't let me down at the first time I read it and, to be honest, it never let me down. The
book tells the adventurous story of the protagonist, Robinson Crusoe. Long story short, the
young man is shipwrecked and castaway on a remote island. He tries his best to survive by all
means and manages to live on the island for over 20 years. He has challenges and is in danger
many times. But he overcomes all of them and learns to survive on his wits. He builds shelters,
raises goats, and even keeps cats, dogs and a parrot as pets.
Anyway, in the end, he's rescued and goes back to England in his fifties. What a story! The
book left a mark on me. I always wondered what I would do to survive if I became a castaway
on an island. Now I'd love to watch the book again. After all these years, I think I will definitely
have another new perspective on this classic book.

Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed.

Well speaking of a movie I watched recently and really let me down, I have to mention the
first film adaptation of the book Robinson Crusoe(鲁宾逊 漂 游 记 ) from the 1950s. I am
a big fan of the book, I had read it for about 3 times because I really admire the brave
protagonist, Robinson Crusoe.

The film of Robinson Crusoe has about 3 different adaptations, and I have watched other 2
version before I watching the black and white version from 1950s. It is highly recommended
by my friends lucy. You know, she has made a list of good films which deserve to watch and
this movie was on top of the list. So, I decided to watch it. However, the movie really made
me feel disappointed. Firstly, this film adaption only lasts 90 minutes, which means it cannot
describe the whole story, so the director just skip the opening and ending part of it. The
second reason why I don’t like it is because the meticulous narration seems to take away
everything that should have been represented by the movie, and it looks more like a
"storytelling" than a movie. Most importantly, in the middle of the movie the director tried to
display the inner activities of the character by a dream, and this footage really confused me.

So, to be honest I really can’t appreciate this movie, although my friend was extremely
complimentary about this film.

Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live

Well speaking of my ideal living place, I want to live in the penthouse of a high-rise. I hope
my home has a traditional Chinese interior design with many fine arts and calligraphy works
on the walls. Because I am a crazy fan of Chinese traditional art. Depending on it, I can spread
Chinese traditional culture to people who visits my home. And I also love cats. My father ran
a pet shop that was devoted to cats before he retired. Now we have three cats. I hope we can
have enough place for pet furniture and items for them.

Besides, if my home could be equipped with a big balcony that would be really wonderful.
Because I can have all kinds of plants and flowers, mostly succulents and pansies, in my home.
Maybe I will keep over thirty pots of succulent plants and a variety of orchids in different
colors in my balcony. I will also add one deck chair to the balcony. I would enjoy lying on it
when the weather is nice. And I will make myself a cup of tea and read a book or listen to
some music. Whether I'm alone or with some guests, this cozy balcony is a great place to
hang out.

Honestly, I'm often stressed out by work. But I think whenever I sit in the balcony for a while,
I would feel so much better. It helps me enjoy every day. I hope in the future I can afford to
buy an apartment like this!

Describe a job that you think is interesting

I'm a real plant enthusiast and I'm totally hooked on planting beautiful flowers and vegetables
in my own yard. However, I don’t want to be a normal gardener, instead, I want to be a
blogger who teach people how to grow plants.

When I first started using TikTok a few years ago, I was already aware of the profession of
gardening bloggers. Basically, they grow different flowers in their garden or just pruning their
plants into cute shapes, cultivating vegetables and creating some special food recipe,and then
share it all with their followers.

On the surface, this job looks pretty straightforward, but there are actually a lot of skills
required, like gardening, photography, videography, editing, writing copy, and more. I'm
hoping to hone some specialized skills, like grafting or cutting normal trees into unique
shapes, to really make my videos stand out and draw in more followers.
I'm absolutely loving this job because it's the perfect blend of my passions and work. It's like
a dream come true to be able to grow plants and make money at the same time. Instead of
being stuck in an office with a grumpy boss and a tense workplace environment, I can be
surrounded by nature. If I'm ever lucky enough to have a fan base, I can share my experiences
with them and make a good income. I'm so thrilled about this job, I don't think there's
anything else out there that could make me happier.

Describe a traditional festival in your country

Making dumplings is a traditional custom in China. During many important festivals, people
will honor the date by celebrating in this manner. Dumplings are an essential dish, found on
every dinner table in northern China during the New Year's festival. Making and eating
dumplings together, primarily in northern China, has become a fundamental activity for the
majority of families during the Spring Festival.

On the eve of the Lunar New Year, my family will gather to make dumplings. The tasks are
divided between the family. My mum will prepare the dumpling wrappers, my dad is
responsible for cutting vegetables, and my grandpa and I will just have a seat and form the
dumplings while watching TV. In China, we believe that dumplings contain our good fortunes
for the coming year. My mum will always choose one dumpling to hide a coin inside of. It is
thought that whoever eats the dumpling that contains the coin is the luckiest person and shall
be extremely fortunate in the following year. I adore this activity with all my heart. It brings
our family closer to each other. It is wonderful and delightful to eat dumplings which we have
made with our own hands.

Normally, we are very busy, and there are seldom opportunities for everyone to get together.
Perhaps what I cherish the most are not the dumplings, but rather the rare reunion.

Describe an unusual meal you had

I'd like to talk about a special meal I had at my grandpa’s house. Although we don’t live
together now,we still meet quite often. Like once a week.

Last spring festival, we had an unforgettable lunch together. Since then, I've been craving his
homemade meals. Nearly 2 years ago, my grandpa began to plant vegetables in his own yard.
Most ingredients he used on that day were the ones he grew on his own in the garden. And
they taste so tender and juicy! There were tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and so many other
vegetables in the yard.

That day, my grandpa just picked the vegetables directly from the garden and made them
into dumplings. The dishes were so tasty. My grandma also chose one dumpling to hide a
coin inside. It is thought that whoever eats the dumpling that contains the coin is the luckiest
person and shall be extremely fortunate in the following year. And on that day, I was the lucky
guy who ate the special dumpling!

So, this was definitely an impressive meal for me. I hope that in the future, I can make meals
for my grandparents instead! Besides, normally, we are very busy, and there are seldom
opportunities for everyone to get together. Perhaps what I cherish the most are not the
dumplings, but rather the rare reunion.

Describe a sports program you like to watch

Well for me, football games are my favorite sports TV programs. I can still remember the days
when I would watch it with my family as a child. Both my grandpa and father are big fans of
football. I'm pretty sure that it must have been at my home when I first watched a football
game, as watching it at dinner time has become something of a ritual in my family, though I
can't remember exactly how old I was back then.

Watching football competitions is one of my favourite childhood memories with my family,

so even after growing up, I would occasionally search for World cup matches online and
watch them on my own. I know some schoolmates who share my passion for this sport and
it's always brilliant to chat with them about it.

Unfortunately, there aren't many opportunities for us to gather for game-watching activities
as we all have our own business to attend to. Football is an adrenaline-pumping spectator
sport. I always enjoy watching these events, especially those that British and Brazilian national
teams attend. I never miss a football match at the World Cup. In some of the games, the two
sides can be so equally matched that the outcome would usually be decided by whoever
muffed first. The most thrilling moment is when a winner was finally declared, and I would
always cheer for a magnificent kick. I hope one day our national team can attend the world
cup game and let us enjoy a fantastic game!

Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

I really want to try surfing in the future. Surfing is a very popular water sport that requires
standing or lying and sliding on the waves. I will choose to try this sport in Hawaii because
there are one of the best surfing spots in the world.

Firstly, surfing is a challenging sport that requires mastering skills and a sense of balance. I
enjoy challenging myself, so I believe this will be a great opportunity for me to learn how to
exceed my limits. Secondly, surfing is a very exciting sport. When you stand on the board and
feel the waves pushing you forward, that feeling must be very exciting. I believe this will be a
very interesting experience, allowing me to fully experience the power and beauty of nature.
In addition, surfing is also a very healthy sport. It can exercise the body's balance, endurance,
and coordination. In this digital age, we often sit in front of computers and lack exercise.
Surfing allows me to go out and breathe fresh air, get in touch with nature, while also
maintaining a healthy body and mind.

In short, I believe that surfing will be a challenging and enjoyable journey, and I am looking
forward to the opportunity to try this sport in Hawaii in the future.

Describe something you would like to study in the future

For me, I really want to learn how to surf in the future. Surfing is a very popular water sport
that requires standing or lying and sliding on the waves. I will choose to learn this sport in
Hainan Island because there are one of the best surfing spots in the world and Hainan Island
has a lot of wonderful coach who can teach me surfing skills patiently.

I think learning surfing is not that easy. Surfing is a challenging sport that requires mastering
skills and a sense of balance. However, I enjoy challenging myself, so I believe this will be a
great opportunity for me to learn how to exceed my limits.
What’s more, surfing is a very exciting sport. When you stand on the board and feel the waves
pushing you forward, that feeling must be very exciting. I believe this will be a very interesting
experience, allowing me to fully experience the power and beauty of nature. In addition,
surfing is also a very healthy sport. It can exercise the body's balance, endurance, and
coordination. In this digital age, we often sit in front of computers and lack exercise. Surfing
allows me to go out and breathe fresh air, get in touch with nature, while also maintaining a
healthy body and mind.

In short, I believe that surfing will be a challenging and enjoyable journey, and I am looking
forward to the opportunity to try this sport in Hainan Island in the future.

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