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Recipient: editor@dailystar.

Subject: Request for publishing a letter
Dear Sir,
I am sending the following letter for publishing in the
‘Letters to the Editor’ column of your esteemed
newspaper, The Daily Star. I will be grateful if you
publish the letter as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Md Nishan Biswas


Why no advanced hospital in Magura?

The people of Magura have been struggling with this issue for
years now. Despite being a district town, Magura’s lack of an
advanced hospital is causing immense suffering to the people of
the area, particularly those who require specialized medical
attention. Patients are forced to travel long distances to other
towns or cities to receive proper medical care, which is both
time-consuming and expensive.

It is imperative that the government and concerned authorities

take immediate action to address the issue. The people of
Magura deserve access to quality healthcare services, and an
advanced hospital would go a long way in ensuring that. It is
time that we prioritize the healthcare needs of our citizens and
towards building a hospital that can cater to the medical needs of
the people of Magura.

I urge the concerned authorities to take this matter seriously and

work towards finding a solution. The people of Magura are
eagerly waiting for the government’s response on this matter. I
hope that this issue receives the attention it deserves and the
necessary steps are taken to solve this problem.

Md Nishan Biswas

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