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Para-linguistic Features refers to the non-variable elements of the communication that often
used in spoken language. These features include voice, gestures, body language, facial
expression, volume and other non-verbal cues.
In Favor of using these features:
These Para-linguistic features are very crucial for enhancing the message to be communicated
well. These features convey emotions, feeling, attitude, emphasis and intentions. The words
alone are not enough to communicate the message better but rather these features add some
real meaning to the message. These features add layer to the communications. They add
depth to our communication. The language of the body and gestures expresses the joy, anger
and moods.
A conversation without these features would just look like words floating in the air which are
empty of expressions, emotions, feeling, attitude and so on so forth. Without these features
the communication thrives in misinterpretations, leads to astray, emotions are lost, intentions
are misunderstood and thus the communication is damages.
In short, these gestures are necessary for the effective communication. Let these features
accompany our words to make meaningful communication.

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