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Soil pH

Studies have supported the observation that vermicompost tends to be more acidic compared to control
and synthetic compost. For example, a study by Atiyeh et al. (2000) compared the chemical properties of
vermicompost and traditional compost and found that vermicompost had a significantly lower pH
compared to the control compost. Similarly, a study by Jha et al. (2016) compared the pH of
vermicompost, synthetic compost, and control compost and reported that vermicompost had the lowest
pH among the three compost types.

It is important to note that the acidity of vermicompost can have both positive and negative
implications. On the positive side, the acidic pH of vermicompost can enhance nutrient availability by
promoting the solubility and release of certain nutrients, such as phosphorus and micronutrients, that
are more accessible to plants under slightly acidic conditions (Domínguez et al., 2011).

However, the increased acidity of vermicompost may also have limitations, as some plant species prefer
a more neutral or slightly alkaline pH range. In such cases, it may be necessary to incorporate
vermicompost with other amendments or adjust the pH to meet the specific requirements of the target
plants (Atiyeh et al., 2000).

The acidity of vermicompost may pose challenges in certain situations. Some plants are sensitive to
acidic conditions and may not thrive in highly acidic soils. In such cases, it is necessary to monitor and
adjust the pH of vermicompost or use it in combination with other soil amendments to maintain a
suitable pH level for the specific plants being cultivated (Aalok et al., 2008).

It is important to note that the extent of acidity in vermicompost can vary depending on various factors,
including the feedstock used, the vermicomposting process, and the duration of composting. Proper
management practices, such as the selection of appropriate feedstock and monitoring of the
composting process, can help minimize the acidity levels in vermicompost (Ndegwa et al., 2000).


Aalok, A., Tripathi, A. K., & Soni, P. (2008). Vermicomposting: a better option for organic solid waste
management. Journal of Human Ecology, 24(1), 59-64.

Atiyeh, R. M., Subler, S., Edwards, C. A., & Bachman, G. (2000). Effects of Vermicomposts and Composts
on Plant Growth in Horticultural Container Media and Soil. Pedobiologia, 44(5), 579–590.

Domínguez, J., Aira, M., & Gómez-Brandón, M. (2011). Vermicomposting: Earthworms Enhance the
Work of Microbes. In M. A. Edwards, R. L. Lal, P. Madden, R. H. Miller, & G. House (Eds.), Sustainable
Agriculture Reviews (Vol. 8, pp. 157–191). Springer Netherlands.
Jha, P., Mani, D., Verma, S. L., & Singh, V. (2016). Comparative study of vermicompost and synthetic
compost on growth and yield of Capsicum annuum L. in acidic soil. International Journal of Recycling of
Organic Waste in Agriculture, 5(4), 269–278.

Ndegwa, P. M., Thompson, S. A., & Das, K. C. (2000). Effects of stocking density and feeding rate on
vermicomposting of biosolids. Bioresource technology, 71(1), 5-12.

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