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Blood of the Lioness

An Adventure at the Battle of Snow Plain

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Blood of the Lioness Adventure Summary

The PCs have been summoned to the Akodo War Col-
Blood of the Lioness is a military-themed adventure lege, located in the Castle of the Swift Sword, to gather
for the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game in information regarding a dispute over a diamond mine
which the player characters (PCs) have the opportunity (see Player Character Motives on page 3). The mine
to experience firsthand the struggles of war, honor, and is situated in Unicorn territory, but the Scorpion claim that
sacrifice alongside the formidable Lion Clan. Serving as the Unicorn promised them the rights in exchange for the
the Right Hand of the Emperor and revered as some Scorpion’s aid during the Battle of Snow Plain in 820, over
of the Empire’s most accomplished warriors and histori- three hundred years ago. The PCs are told to report to
ans, the Lion are often viewed as an unstoppable force. Kitsuki Kāgi, the appointed magistrate who will render a
During the course of this adventure, however, PCs will judgment on the claim.
hear and experience conflicting stories about a critical In Part One, the PCs arrive at the Castle of the Swift
battle in the Lion’s past, and the truths they discover Sword several days before Kitsuki Kāgi, and set about
could change how the past is understood and how the uncovering what they can about the conflict to inform an
future unfolds. The sourcebook Fields of Victory is an official Imperial decision on the matter, though the mount-
excellent resource for those interested in expanding this ing tensions in the Lion Clan may prove difficult to over-
adventure or continuing it after its conclusion. come (see The State of the Lion on page 7). It feels as
We recommend that the game master (GM) read though the entire castle is watching as the PCs launch into
through the entirety of Blood of the Lioness before their investigation, and they soon discover that accounts of
running the adventure for a group of players. It may the winter of 820 include contradictory details.
be helpful to create a relationship map that depicts the Seeking the truth, the PCs locate the official record
connections between the characters of parts one, two, of the conflict in the Ikoma Hall of Scribes and find
and three. We also recommend that the GM talk to the themselves thrust into a vision of the battle. This vision
players ahead of time about how they will be playing plays out as part of the adventure but may not actu-
other characters for a portion of the adventure. ally change history (see Living in the Past, below). In
Part Two, the PCs play active roles in the Battle of Snow
Past Selves and Plain through this vision and can discover the truth,

alter egos although what they do with that truth is up to them. Part
Three returns the PCs to the present, where they use
In Part Two, the players take on the roles of other charac- what they’ve learned to prevent or ignite further conflict
ters for a short time before returning to their usual PCs, between the Unicorn, Scorpion, and Lion. The PCs’ new-
and the GM should forewarn the players (without spoilers found knowledge may also compel them to right other
as to how or why) that this will happen before the adven- wrongs, appease disgruntled ancestors, or set out on
ture begins. (See also How to Start a Campaign on new adventures seeking further knowledge.
page 282 of the core rulebook.) The GM doesn’t need to
explain the nitty-gritty details, just that it will be an inset
story, important to the players’ usual characters but not
Living in the Past
strictly about them. The GM should not ambush the play- The nature of the vision in Part Two is left up to the
ers with a character-swap in the middle of the adventure, GM. For groups that want to portray a more grounded
as this can rub many players the wrong way. setting, the vision can be considered a shared spiritual
When Part Two arrives, the GM should discuss with experience in which the PCs’ actions do not “alter” the
the players whether they would rather use premade timeline. In this case, the players should be presented
characters (see The Advisors on page 12) or make up with agency over the characters they are controlling in
their own unique historical characters for this part. Some the past, but their usual PCs are not actually making
players might relish the chance to try a new school or different decisions from their past counterparts. Such
roleplay a character concept wildly different from their visions of past or future are uncommon, to be sure,
normal character. To reinforce the theme of ancestry, the but not unheard-of in Rokugan. For groups interested
players might consider whether and how their two char- in more deeply exploring the supernatural elements of
acters could be related. If using the rules for Legacies Rokugan, the PCs may be mentally transported to the
from the Blood of the Lioness online supplement, the past, and can thus make different choices than their past
GM can also tell the players that they have a chance to counterparts, “altering” details in the time at which the
acquire a Legacy, a special new advantage linking their PCs exist. The GM can also leave this matter ambigu-
historical character to their contemporary one. ous. For instance, if the PCs’ actions “alter” a known fact

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


about the past, can they be certain that the fact wasn’t Generic Motives
simply recorded incorrectly? To ensure that this adven-
One reason a PC who is not a Crane or Unicorn might
ture is playable either way, any changes the players cause
be invited (or sent) to the Castle of the Swift Sword
in the timeline should be minor and optional, but even
could be to have their tale (or the tale of their daimyō
small changes might affect the adventure’s conclusion.
or another official in their clan who is too busy to go)
Whatever type of vision the GM describes, an ele-
recorded by the talented scholars of the Ikoma Hall of
ment of mystery is encouraged, and while inside the
Scribes. Similarly, a PC might be summoned to lend their
vision, the PCs should feel like their actions and words
expertise on a particularly niche subject currently being
make a difference. In the vision, the PCs witness events
researched or recorded by the Ikoma. If the PCs accom-
that Lion ancestors lived through, which is itself a mys-
plished something noteworthy in a previous adventure
tical experience. How the PCs perform in Part Two has
or game session, this can serve as a way to highlight
personal consequences in terms of gaining XP, honor,
their successes and deepen the emotional stakes of vis-
and glory, even if they cannot change the past. How-
iting the castle.
ever, the most important consequences of the vision
take the form of secrets that are uncovered and informa-
tion that is gained, which can be used to affect the final Crab Clan
outcome in Part Three. PCs of the stalwart Crab Clan may be sent to the Castle
For the sake of clarity, the PCs’ foray into the past is of the Swift Sword to search for historical documents
referred to as a vision throughout this text, whatever the that might uncover outstanding food, armament, and
GM decides it really is. personnel agreements with the Lion or other clans
(which could help reinforce the Wall). Alternatively, their
Player Character lord could see the Scorpion-Unicorn dispute as the per-
Motives fect opportunity to align the Crab with the Unicorn or
the Scorpion (whatever makes sense for the
If the PCs played through the In the Palace of the Emer- GM’s story and the group’s playstyle) in
ald Champion adventure and became Emerald Magis- hopes of securing favorable trade
trates, they have been sent to the Castle of the Swift deals to support the nev-
Sword at the behest of the acting Emerald Champion, er-ending battle against
Agasha Sumiko, to help arbitrate the Unicorn-Scorpion the Shadowlands.
dispute. Champion Agasha expects them to inquire
about the Battle of Snow Plain and scour the Lion’s Crane Clan
historical records for anything that might shed light on
the truth and prevent unnecessary bloodshed. If the With tensions high
PCs are not Emerald Magistrates, players may make up in the Castle of the
their own motives for traveling to the Castle of the Swift Swift Sword (see
Sword together with their GM, or they may choose from The State of the
the following suggestions, most of which are designed Lion on page 7),
to be appropriate for a particular clan. Crane Clan PCs must
tread carefully and
Cooperation and Competition wear politeness like
a suit of armor. Invitations
If the PCs are not working together as Emerald Magis- are difficult but not impossible
trates or for another Imperial entity, the conflict between to secure, especially if the lord of
the Scorpion and Unicorn in Part Three lends itself to one of the PCs calls in an outstand-
potential divisions in the party. When helping players ing favor owed to the Crane by the
incorporate their motives in this section, the GM should Lion, who are nothing if not good for
consider whether the group wants its playstyle to be their word. Crane Clan samurai may
cooperative or competitive. If the former, the GM should be sent to the War College to uncover
try to align the PCs’ motives from the outset. See also additional evidence to strengthen the
Conflicting Duties on page 294 of the core rulebook. Crane Clan’s claim to the Osari Plains,
Having PCs with wildly different motives can be such as through genealogies and
difficult, but GMs should remember that communicat- old titles.
ing with their players and working out those motives
together can make gameplay and integration of the dif-
ferent player characters much easier.

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Dragon Clan Minor Clans and Others
A Dragon PC may travel to the Castle of the Swift Sword Minor Clan and non-clan PCs might be sent to support
For this adventure, for myriad reasons, many of which could pertain to that the efforts of one of the Great Clans, above. For example,
GMs may wish to use PC’s ninjō. Alternatively, the PC’s lord could assign them a Falcon or Mantis might help the Crab, a Deer might
the optional rules for a specific task, such as to scout potential nuptial matches help the Dragon or Crane, and a Badger might help
subskills on page 143
to boost the dwindling Dragon numbers, to seek out the Lion or Unicorn. Imperial family characters could be
of the core rulebook.
The subskills for the information on the Perfect Land Sect, or to search for given the same duty as Emerald Magistrates. Some of the
Martial and Scholar skill clues concerning the past life of an ise zumi, a monk of generic motives listed on page 3 may also work for
groups, particularly the Togashi Order. such characters. Rōnin and other outsiders could simply
those for the Fitness be independent operators, hired for their unique skills
and Government skills,
are well suited for this Lion Clan to assist one side or another, or they might already be
experience. Adding friends or confidantes of one or more other PCs.
subskills in the midst of A Lion PC may be sent to the Castle of the Swift Sword

Part One:
an ongoing campaign to investigate the matter of the Unicorn and Scorpion
is not recommended. If dispute, particularly if Scorpion or Unicorn PCs are also
the GM wishes to use at the castle. It is important to the Lion that they main-

The Official Record

subskills, they should
tain their image of being bastions of historical record
make sure the players
know before they keeping, and any suggestion that their records are
begin the character incomplete or incorrect would be unacceptable. A Lion
creation process. PC may be charged with ensuring that whatever truth is The adventure begins with the PCs arriving at the Castle
discovered, it is one that will not tarnish the Lion’s name. of the Swift Sword, the home of the Akodo War Col-
lege, in the early afternoon. In the default version of this
adventure, the PCs are assumed to be Emerald Magis-
Phoenix Clan
trates. For groups with different motives, see Conflict-
Given Akodo Toturi’s betrothal to Isawa Kaede, the Phoe- ing Motives on the next page. As magistrates, the PCs
nix Clan’s relationship with the Lion is relatively positive. are tasked with investigating the history of the Battle of
The length of Kitsu Phoenix PCs may be sent to the Castle of the Swift Sword Snow Plain by researching all available written records
Yayoi’s tour depends to work on strengthening this newfound bond, such as by and utilizing the oral traditions of the Ikoma. By the end
on how eager the PCs
working in the military library, collaborating with the Kitsu of their review, they should have enough evidence to
seem to be to explore
the castle with a guide. shugenja on spiritual or ancestral research, or assisting determine whether the Scorpion Clan has a legitimate
See Castle of the Swift with the tending and reconstruction of shrines. Both clans claim to the diamond mine in Unicorn territory.
Sword on page 5 take great pride in their spiritual expertise, however, and
and Akodo War College
on page 6, along
the fundamental difference in their dispositions can give A Warm Welcome
with the poster map rise to misunderstandings and rivalries.
As the PCs walk through the massive gates of the castle,
included with this
they are greeted warmly by one of the Kitsu daimyō’s
adventure, for more Scorpion Clan
information on the advisors, Kitsu Yayoi. Read or paraphrase the following:
castle grounds. GMs The purpose of a Scorpion PC at the castle is clear: the
should feel free to A lithe man in fine robes bows and hails you as you
findings of the investigation must turn out favorably for
gauge their players’ approach the front gates. “Greetings, honored guests.
interest in the tour the clan. The truth is subjective, and any Scorpion PC
I am Kitsu Yayoi, and I will be helping you settle in
and can cut directly is almost assuredly present to manipulate events. Addi-
this evening. The daimyō sends her regrets, but she is
to meeting Atsushi tionally, such a PC may be tasked with keeping an eye
when they feel it is unable to meet with you until the morning to discuss
on any points of tension for the Lion, such as interactions
narratively appropriate access to the more restricted areas of the libraries. For
between Crane, Unicorn, and Lion characters.
to move the group to now, though, I will be happy to show you the grounds.
the college.
I imagine you are hungry, too.”
Unicorn Clan
Like the Crane, the Unicorn are not welcome in Lion lands Yayoi chats pleasantly with the PCs, shows them to
in the summer of 1123 (see The State of the Lion, on their quarters, and lets them know a meal is being pre-
page 7, for more information). With this in mind, any pared and should be ready soon. He insists on showing
Unicorn PC would likely need the backing of an Emerald them the grounds, as a good host should, and politely
Magistrate to visit the castle. Alternatively, Unicorn PCs inquires about the PCs’ journey as they walk.
could be sent as attachés in advance of the official dele- When the PCs inquire about Kitsuki Kāgi, the mag-
gation to settle the diamond mine dispute in favor of the istrate to whom they are to report, (or if they do not do
Unicorn Clan. Their mission would be to help ensure the so before the end of the scene), Yayoi explains the situa-
diamond mine remains under Unicorn control. tion. Read or paraphrase the following aloud:

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


We have received word that Kitsuki Kāgi, the magistrate

Present Characters
who will be rendering the final judgment, has been DRILL SERGEANT
waylaid by unseasonable rains, and does not expect to
arrive for several days. Shosuro Aishi and Ide Tsubame, Below is a list of the primary NPCs encountered Akodo Atsushi can be
represented by the
the representatives of the Scorpion and Unicorn, are in Parts One and Three for quick reference. For
Loyal Bushi profile on
traveling with him. However, he sends word that you a list of characters from Part Two, see Histori- page 312 of the core
should begin your research and await his arrival. cal Figures on page 10. rulebook, with the
addition of the Large
Any PC with 1 or more ranks in Government knows $ Akodo Atsushi (see right margin), a drill Stature distinction
that this is a rare opportunity for the PCs to influence sergeant and teacher at the War Col- (page 108 of the core
rulebook). They are
the results, as the magistrate will likely want to render lege. Gruff and dutiful.
towering, powerful,
judgment quickly, having arrived late. By beginning their $ Ikoma Ichigo (page 11), an energetic and gruff. They resent
research early, they will have the chance to prepare any being asked to serve
and proud member of the Ikoma Bards.
arguments they wish to present, and find historical tes- as a tour guide and
Detail-oriented and charming. would much rather be
timony supporting the outcome they desire without the
$ Kitsu Ayako (page 6), skilled librar- training subordinates
supervision of the magistrate, who will certainly have his
or rereading Akodo’s
own biases and goals. ian and Taigen’s adopted daughter.
Leadership. Atsushi is
As the group is crossing the parade grounds on its Soft-spoken and helpful. aware of their ancestor
tour, read or paraphrase the following: $ Kitsu Taigen (page 8), an elderly Akodo Aoi and of Aoi’s
basic connection to the
historian and Ayako’s father. Wise and Battle of Snow Plain.
At the far end of the courtyard, a group of warriors
eager to share his vast wealth of koan, or
follows the orders of its towering drill sergeant. Atsushi possesses Aoi’s
paradoxical riddles.
Abruptly, the sergeant’s shouting ceases. They bow tenugui (a thin cotton
to their students, ending the lesson. Your guide leads $ Kitsu Takeko (page 11), the young hand towel used as a
Kitsu daimyō and a talented shugenja. sweatband) but does
you toward the drill sergeant, smiling and gesturing
not wear it or know its
to the gruff Lion samurai. “Atsushi-sama, a moment Distracted but kindhearted.
historical significance.
of your time. We have guests,” he begins, introduc- $ Kitsu Yayoi, one of the daimyō’s advisors. If a Matsu or an Akodo
ing each of you in turn. Akodo Atsushi salutes you Friendly and amicable. is present in the party,
Atsushi may make a
warily before Yayoi continues, “Please show them
remark about the cur-
the library at the War College, sergeant. You are very rent tensions within the
familiar with the War College, after all!” something else), they are invited to meet with the Kitsu Lion (see The State of
the Lion on this page).
daimyō, Kitsu Takeko, the next day. To reject this request
The sergeant is Akodo Atsushi (see the margin note Atsushi is completely
would require the PC to forfeit glory equal to three times supportive of Akodo
on the right side of this page). Atsushi is surprised by
their glory rank and be removed from the castle. Toturi’s role as the new
the task and considers it outside the scope of their
Yayoi still insists on showing any PCs who don’t Lion Clan Champion
duties but would dare not disobey. The PCs may make and would revel in the
immediately reject the daimyō’s invitation around, and
a TN 2 Sentiment check (Air 1, Earth 3) to notice opportunity to argue
everything plays out as described in the default adven-
Atsushi’s veiled frustration and the possible reason for about it with someone.
ture. When the PCs meet with Takeko, however, she
it. If the PCs offer to find the way themselves, Atsushi
indicates that she would like to ask a favor of the group.
appreciates the effort even though Yayoi cheerily insists.
She would like the PCs to investigate the Battle of Snow
If a PC comments on Atsushi’s hesitance, they politely
Plain issue for her, and in exchange she is happy to allow
deny it but remember the PC’s remark. At the end of
the PCs to propose their trade deals, let them access
this exchange, Atsushi takes the PCs to the War College.
information (within reason), or otherwise allow each to
Alternatively, if the PCs somehow manage to convince
come closer to fulfilling whatever task they have received.
Yayoi to let Atsushi remain on the parade grounds, the

Castle of the
sergeant is quietly thankful, and the PCs responsible
for convincing Yayoi are each awarded 1 honor for the
Bushidō tenet of Compassion (Jin). Swift Sword
The Castle of the Swift Sword rests above the Drowned
Conflicting Motives Merchant River and the Plains of Bloodied Honor, loom-
If the PCs have conflicting motives or arrive separately at ing over the landscape as a bastion of Lion might. The
the Castle of the Swift Sword, they are similarly greeted castle is jointly operated by the Kitsu and the Akodo,
by Yayoi in an amicable fashion. Regardless of the PCs’ two families that are very different but generally comple-
motives (seeking information, favors, intelligence, or ment rather than compete with each other. The castle is

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


the seat of the Kitsu family and acts as the home of the
Kitsu daimyō when she is not fulfilling her duties else-
Adopted by Kitsu Taigen,
Ayako has always felt like
where. The Akodo family’s presence stems from their
maintenance of the prestigious Akodo dōjō, the Akodo
an outsider. Given her
War College, where the traditions of the Akodo Com-
peasant background, she The history of Rokugan is not an exact record of
has never been trusted mander School and Akodo Soldier School are passed the past, but instead a narrative woven together
with Kitsu secrets, and on. The secret Golden Lantern Dōjō is also located on from the accounts of individuals with agendas,
when she showed inter- the premises, but is known only to its students. ideals, and imperfect knowledge. As such, the
est in becoming a shrine Both families keep records in the castle and work
keeper, she was told she official histories stored in the High Histories of
together to ensure that the clan’s past, military and
would have to study else- the Ikoma (the Ikoma Libraries in Sacred Watch
where. Instead, she chose otherwise, is remembered. Within the castle’s walls lies Palace; see page 21 in Fields of Victory) and in
to become a librarian the Tomb of the Five, rumored to possess the blessed the Akodo Military Library often differ in some
and maintains records bones of the Kitsu family founders. The Ikoma Hall of
within the Akodo Military respects from the events they record. Some dif-
Scribes, a smaller but well-maintained offshoot of the
Library. This means she fer vastly from the truth, and for this reason the
has never had anyone Ikoma Libraries of Kyūden Ikoma, is also located there, PCs encounter a moral dilemma in this adven-
recognize—much less so the castle is an important center of learning and his- ture. They have a choice: they can preserve
investigate—her unusual tory for the Lion and the Empire as a whole. It is the harmony and say they agree with the official
abilities. She is of peasant perfect place for the PCs to search for answers.
lineage, and is unaware account of the battle, or they can attempt to
correct its falsehoods. For most Rokugani samu-
Akodo War College
of her direct ancestry
going back to the ancient rai, truth itself is not what is valued most, but
kitsu. She has felt sug-
rather peace, harmony, and political influence.
gestions of Yū’s presence The Akodo War College takes up more than half of
before, and it is thanks However, this social convention is just that—a
the space within the vast, sprawling Castle of the Swift
to Yū’s intervention that convention—and an individual might choose to
Sword. Built like a castle within a castle, it has its own
Ayako was noticed by break it due to their personal convictions.
main keep and defenses, though these are rarely used
Taigen in the first place, In the official scroll describing the events of
which ultimately led for more than educational purposes. Within the main
the battle, at least one crucial detail is left out:
to his adoption of her. building, screens are moved to make rooms larger or
Small-statured, young, Kitsu Yū invoked the spirits of her ancestors,
smaller depending on the needs of the teachers. The
and soft-spoken, she is who charged forth into battle beside the Lion
outside spaces are set up for training in summer and
used to being overlooked Clan soldiers.
by most other than her autumn with equipment such as archery targets. These
father. She does not spaces are cleared in the winter and made ready for war
know that Kitsu Yū is her games in the spring. Unless the PCs’ visit must happen
ancestor, nor that Kitsu in another season, such as if this adventure is being stand on display. Only one figure moves, a slight and
Yū possessed the capacity
played as part of a larger campaign, it is early summer. hesitant young woman dressed in scholar’s robes.
for ancestral summoning:
a trait from their shared As the group enters the college proper, read or para- “Welcome to the library,” she says, bowing. “I am
leonine yōkai ancestors phrase the following: Kitsu Ayako. It is a pleasure to meet you. Daimyō
that she also possesses. Takeko sent word of your arrival, and I am grateful to
Inside the college, you pass through long halls and pris-
assist you however I can.”
tine rooms. In some, there is nothing but silence as stu-
dents sit in meditation. In others, the clack of wooden Each PC with at least 1 rank in Theology must make a
bokken (practice swords) and chorused answers are TN 3 Theology (Void) check. A PC who succeeds notices
testament to the training within. a visible, shimmering shape hovering near Ayako; a PC
who fails still senses the presence of a spirit but does not
The PCs pass through the halls (page 8) before
perceive it near Ayako. The figure fades just as the PC
they reach the military library, where Atsushi leaves them
glimpses it. A PC may spend  from this check to sense
in the care of Kitsu Ayako (see left margin).
that the spirit does not seem hostile. An additional  

The Military Library

may be spent to briefly hear the creak of armor as the spirit
moves. This is Kitsu Yū, though Ayako is both unaware of
When the PCs reach the military library, read or para- her presence and oblivious to Yū’s connection to her (see
phrase the following: the left margin for more information on Kitsu Yū).
Ayako (see page 6) is at the PCs’ disposal. If the
Your guide leaves you at the door of the library, a PCs explain their task to her, she directs them to the
series of rooms that holds not only scrolls but also library’s information on the Battle of Snow Plain. A single
maps of battlegrounds and dioramas of battle scroll gives the official account of the battle. Relay the
scenes. Suits of armor worn by storied Lion generals following if a PC looks at this information:

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


$ The Lion Clan once ruled over the lands of Snow (see page 11), but she cannot take the PCs there until KITSU SHUGENJA
Plain, but when the Unicorn Clan returned in they have had their meeting with the daimyō.
the year 815 from its long journey across other In the meantime, Ayako suggests taking the PCs to The Kitsu family is
lands, the Emperor gave the plain and several visit the Ikoma Hall of Scribes. She shows them another renowned for its well-
kept secrets and unique
other territories to the Unicorn. scroll, which lists Ikoma Hideri as the historian assigned
bloodline. While all the
to Matsu Sakura’s army when she set out. Hideri’s members of this family are
$ Five years later, in 820, the Lion had grown so
account should be there. dedicated to remember-
bitter about the loss of territory that they insti-
ing their ancestors and
gated the Battle of Snow Plain with the aim of
retaking that land. Exploring the Library keeping records of the
past, some of their number
serve an even more revered
$ To reclaim the Lion’s lost lands and repay Before the PCs leave the military library, they may explore it
purpose. Those shugenja
the blow to the clan’s pride it represented, a further, such as to look for more information about the bat- who carry the blood of the
renowned Lion general, Matsu Sakura, con- tle that Ayako may have missed or to search for informa- lionlike creatures known
fronted the Unicorn general, Shinjo Kamu, but tion on subjects or characters relevant to other adventures. as the kitsu are capable
his tactics surprised her. Sakura had prepared If the PCs have taken part in any notable battles, the of communing with the
blessed ancestors of Yomi
to face mounted warriors but instead faced foot records of those battles should be here, and if asked,
and even serving as medi-
soldiers. The Unicorn had unexpectedly sought Ayako is happy to help the PCs find them. The GM may ums for those spirits. Even
aid from the Scorpion in exchange for rights use this opportunity to seed further adventures; perhaps rarer is the gift of being
to several defunct mines. With the Scorpion’s a detail of a battle is incorrect or incomplete. As the PCs able to summon ancestor
spirits into the Realm
advice and assistance, the Unicorn were able to look around, read or paraphrase the following:
of Mortals. The most
defeat the overconfident Matsu. powerful manifestations
As you take in the carefully organized rows of scrolls,
of such an invocation
This scroll is signed by a Kitsu by the name of Yū. It is you notice a printing room that adjoins the library. An allow these summoned
the contents of this scroll that keep Yū from resting (see older man chimes in from nearby: “They are making ancestral spirits to fight
A Restless Spirit on page 9). copies of Akodo’s Leadership . Ayako, will you intro- alongside the Lion Clan
in battle. The abilities of
If the PCs ask about Kitsu Yū, Ayako explains that duce me to our guests?”
these shugenja are innate,
there may be information about her in the Kitsu archives though they must be nur-
tured like any gift. Family
members born without
these abilities are typically

The State of the Lion barred from accessing the

most sensitive records and
artifacts the Kitsu possess,
In the summer of 1123, when this adventure takes $ The new Lion Clan Champion, Akodo Toturi, which are locked away in
place, the tensions among the clans are rising. Sev- is betrothed to Isawa Kaede of the Phoe- the Kitsu Tombs.
eral events have the Lion Clan on edge and eager nix Clan. Phoenix PCs are likely to be met
for a fight. Game masters can incorporate these ten- with less suspicion than PCs of other clans
sions and events into their game if they wish. Alter- because of this.
natively, GMs can set this adventure in a time of their $ Factions are forming within the Lion. DIAMONDS IN
own choosing or ignore these events altogether. Some members believe the fearsome and ROKUGAN
battle-tested Matsu Tsuko would be a bet-
$ Doji Satsume has died, and the office of the
ter Lion Clan Champion, while others are Diamonds are rare in
Emerald Champion is vacant. Ruby Champion Rokugan, so the mines that
relieved that the more level-headed Akodo
Agasha Sumiko is serving as acting Emerald hold them are particularly
Toturi is champion. valuable. Some shugenja
Champion. The Lion believe that by having
one of their own earn the title, they would not $ The Unicorn Clan Champion, Shinjo Altan- claim diamonds are
especially effective for use
only gain the upper hand over the Crane Clan, sarnai, has broken off her engagement to during rituals, but the
but also humble them in a very public arena. Ikoma Anakazu. The Lion have taken the Scorpion covet the mines
village of Hisu Mori and the nearby fortress as a source of wealth and
$ The previous Lion Clan Champion, Akodo
in retaliation. Because of the tension and thus political advancement.
Arasou, was slain by Doji Hotaru, and the Conversely, the Unicorn
ongoing skirmishes between the Unicorn and
Lion are looking for retribution. As a result value diamonds for their
Lion, most Unicorn have difficulty traveling in strength and ability to cut
of this hostility, most Crane are barred from
Lion lands as well. For suggestions on how to other materials.
Lion lands without an Imperial sanction. See
incorporate a Unicorn PC into this adventure,
Player Character Motives, on page 3,
see Player Character Motives on page 3.
for suggestions on how to incorporate Crane
PCs into this adventure.

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Ayako introduces Kitsu Taigen, her father (through another small ill omen appears before them. Once these
INSTRUCTOR adoption, though she would not mention this), to the conditions are met, read or paraphrase the following:
PCs. Taigen is old, wise, and helpful. He asks the PCs if
This aged instructor they would like to visit the castle’s ancestral shrine with As soon as you place the offering, the candle flickers.
can be represented by Suddenly, a woman in heavy armor appears behind
him after they are finished in the library. To refuse his
the Seasoned Courtier the altar, clutching her katana with one hand and a
profile on page 313 of request would violate the Bushidō tenet of Courtesy
(Rei), and so a PC must forfeit honor equal to their honor fresh wound in her side with the other. She looks
the core rulebook, with
the addition of the Sage rank to refuse. Ayako happily joins them if they go. almost real, but you can see the wall through her,
template and Detached and she does not seem to see you with her glowing
demeanor (see page 310 golden eyes—the eyes of a great hunting cat. She
of the core rulebook). The Halls
opens her mouth to speak, and then she vanishes.
Often found in the mili-
tary library, he was once When the PCs leave the military library after meeting
Ayako, read or paraphrase the following: A successful TN 3 Sentiment (Void 1) or TN 4 Theol-
a bard but now teaches
military history and ogy (Void 2) check reveals that the spirit has something
knows the records better When you leave the library, the halls feel strangely to say but is unable to. Ayako says the spirit is Kitsu Yū,
than anyone. In fact, he cold, as though a chill wind has just passed through. but she does not know why she knows this. This allows
knows there’s more to
A purple banner ripples in the breeze as you pass. the PCs to recognize her in Part Two. Taigen is startled by
the Battle of Snow Plain
than the official version, this vision, and he tells the PCs he will stay in the shrine
The halls of the Akodo War College are decorated with to pray and try to commune with the spirit once again.
though he’s never uncov-
ered the whole truth. He banners won from opposing armies. The banner that moves
is a Unicorn banner. If the PCs investigate, they discover it
is a descendant of Matsu
Golden Lantern Dōjō
Sakura. He adopted bears the Shinjo family crest. A successful TN 3 Culture
Ayako because he sus-
check (Water 2, Fire 5) identifies it as dating from the Bat- This dōjō is unique in Rokugan, as it only trains Kitsu
pected her ancestry, and
her ancestor, Kitsu Yū, tle of Snow Plain. Lion and Unicorn characters reduce the TN shugenja in the secret technique that Kitsu Yū discovered
saved the honor and life of this check by 1. The presence of this banner is strange, at Snow Plain in 820 (see Historical Inconsistencies,
of his own. He does not since history claims the Lion lost, and normally they only dis- page 6), as the PCs will learn in Part Two. While the
think it possible for the play opposing clans’ banners from battles they won. If none main dōjō for Kitsu shugenja teaches the techniques for
history to be changed
of the PCs notice this, Taigen offhandedly comments on the mediumship, the students of the Golden Lantern Dōjō
and Yū’s disgrace lifted,
however. inconsistency (something he noticed many years ago). learn to fight and how to summon the spirits of their
None of the NPCs can explain the oddity of the ban- ancestors to fight alongside them as a ghostly army. Kitsu
If Taigen is asked about
ner’s presence, but the PCs learn about the banner in who have mastered the Ancestral Summons invocation
Ayako, a successful
TN 2 Courtesy check Part Two, and may even be responsible for claiming it. are rare, but a single such shugenja can turn the tide of
(Earth 3, Fire 3, Void 1) Depending on how the GM is running the adventure, a battle.
earns his good faith, the PCs could change history by failing to claim this ban- The dōjō itself is quite unremarkable; when not in
and he offhandedly
ner in Part Two, in which case it could be absent when use, the inside appears to be no more than a large empty
mentions that Ayako is
his adopted daughter. they return (see Living in the Past, page 2). room, like any training area in the castle. When the few
She once requested to If the PCs are concerned about the strange presence students are present, the shōji screen doors and win-
become a shrine keeper drawing their attention to the banner, they may seek dows are kept closed. On auspicious nights, when the
for the Kitsu but was advice (see A Restless Spirit on page 9). training grounds are empty, the dōjō’s students attempt
refused. She became a
to summon the honored spirits of the dead, who appear
librarian instead so she
could stay and help her Ancestral Shrine as phantasmal troops patrolling the grounds.
aging father.
If the PCs honor Taigen’s request and go the ancestral
Alternatively, the PCs can The Golden Lantern Technique
shrine to pray with him, they will likely make their way
discover that Ayako is
Taigen’s adopted daugh- there after finishing their work in the library. This simple The Ancestral Army invocation is included for GMs and
ter and learn about her shrine near the Golden Lantern Dōjō is maintained by players who would like to enrich their adventures by
rejection by the Kitsu the Kitsu students and is open to all visitors. having one or more PCs study at the Golden Lantern
shugenja by speaking Once inside the shrine, the PCs must make a TN 1 Dōjō and learn its technique. Only Lion Clan characters
with Ayako and succeed-
Courtesy check or TN 1 Culture check to realize they can take the following invocation, as the Kitsu family is
ing at a TN 3 Courtesy
check (Fire 2). are expected to place an offering of sake or rice on the very secretive about its arts.
altar, in addition to lighting a candle. Any PC with rank 1
or greater in Theology automatically knows an offering
is required, and any Kitsu NPC can inform them of the
preferred offering if asked. If a PC fails to present an
offering, the kami of the shrine bristle at the slight, and
that PC receives 2 strife as a chill runs down their spine or

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Ancestral Army    Rank 1, Kitsu Family

Akodo’s Leadership

A powerful invocation that can only be learned at

Ancestral warriors use
Golden Lantern Dōjō which allows some gifted Kitsu the Loyal Bushi profile
This important text is required reading for
shugenja to call forth ancestor spirits. However, these (page 312 of the core
every Lion student, bushi and courtier alike. At
ancestors will only answer the call of a warrior who seeks rulebook) with the
the GM’s discretion, a non-Lion character who following alterations:
to live up to their ideals, and will swiftly abandon any
spends a downtime activity studying Leadership
who refuse to comport themselves with the dignity of They are Minion
and succeeds at a TN 4 Composition or Cul-
their station. Additionally, the technique takes a toll the NPCs. If they become
ture (Void) check to understand the manuscript Incapacitated, they vanish.
longer the warriors are manifest, and risks leaving the
may purchase the following distinction for 3 XP: Their physical and super-
shugenja exhausted and defenseless after they depart.
Student of Akodo (Void) natural resistances are
Activation: Once per scene as a Support action, you equal to your honor rank
Types: Interpersonal, Mental
may make a TN 3 Theology (Water) check targeting (instead of being deter-
Effects: The following apply to a character with
one position at range 1. When you activate this invoca- mined by their armor).
the Student of Akodo distinction:
tion, you must stake 5 honor upon behaving properly in They are Otherworldly
You have studied the famous text known
the presence of your ancestors. beings, and can pass
as Akodo’s Leadership, which has given you
Effects: If you succeed during a narrative scene, intrigue, through solid objects,
an insight into Lion culture. You can identify float, and perform other
or skirmish, you summon a number of ancestral war-
the proper purpose of all Rokugani battlefield ghostly phenomena at
riors (see Ancestral Warriors, on this page) equal to your the GM’s discretion.
weapons, even if you are not personally pro-
school rank to aid you in battle. These characters fight
ficient in their use, and you know about most Ancestral warriors will
for you for a number of rounds equal to your honor rank,
common military maneuvers and engagements, never voluntarily forfeit
plus one additional round per bonus success, taking their honor; if a request you
especially those preferred by the Lion Clan.
turns immediately after yours. When this effect ends, the make of them would
When making a check to understand the
ancestral warriors return to the afterlife. If you forfeit honor cause them to forfeit
Lion Clan mindset or strategy (such as a Cul- honor, they vanish
while this effect persists, it ends immediately instead, and
ture [Void] check to intuit the correct way to instead.
you also lose your staked honor. After this effect ends,
broach a difficult subject to a Lion Clan char-
receive fatigue equal to your bonus successes.
acter of higher status or Tactics [Void] check to
If you succeed during a mass battle, you sum-
predict what strategy a Lion Clan general will A RESTLESS SPIRIT
mon reinforcements to your army, increasing its strength
employ), you may reroll up to two dice.
and discipline by two times your school rank (if you did not Throughout the PCs’
have an army, it creates one with strength equal to your investigation, a presence
watches their work. This
school rank times two and discipline 40). This effect per-
sists for a number of rounds equal to your honor rank plus Ikoma Hall of Scribes is the spirit of Kitsu Yū,
who has waited genera-
your bonus successes. When this effect ends, the ancestral When the PCs visit the Hall of Scribes for the first time, tions for an opportunity
warriors return to the afterlife, and your army’s strength read or paraphrase the following: to correct the records of
and discipline decrease accordingly (if you no longer have the Battle of Snow Plain.
She cannot communi-
an army as a result, your army counts as being routed, as You enter a vast hall, silent but for the whisper of a
cate directly, but she
described on page 279 of the core rulebook). If you for- scroll being unrolled with reverence and your own tries to capture their
feit honor while this effect persists, it ends immediately footsteps echoing on the wooden floor. A wooden attention in small ways.
instead, and you also lose your staked honor. After this tile in the center depicts the Ikoma family crest. The She flaps the Unicorn
Kitsu, Akodo, and Matsu crests mark the paths to the banner as they pass
effect ends, receive fatigue equal to your bonus successes.
it when entering the
wings of those families. A scholar bends over a scroll War College, rattles the
New Opportunities at the far end of the room, but there may be others armor in the library, and
hidden among the shelves or in the adjoining rooms. sweeps a scholar’s scroll
+ (Narrative Scene, Intrigue, or Skirmish): Up to one onto the floor in the
of the ancestors you summon this way per  spent this Ayako can inform the PCs that this is where the Hall of Scribes (see left).
Ikoma keep records from across the Empire, accounts of Any PC with 2 or more
way appears at a location at range 0–3 of you instead.
ranks in Theology or the
 + (Narrative Scene, Intrigue, or Skirmish): Up to one battles, courts, and stories bards learned on their trav- Sixth Sense advantage
of the ancestors you summon per   spent this way may els. Separate wings are devoted to the histories of the suspects a restless spirit.
be a specific individual, using any appropriate human (or Kitsu and Akodo, but these are closed to casual visitors. The PCs may attempt
other ancestor, such as a kitsu) profile with combined  Many of the scrolls were written by Ikoma Bards, who to contact the spirit by
visiting the ancestral
and  threat rating no greater than your honor rank.  commit themselves to recording events. If the PCs have
shrine (see page 8),
 + (Mass Battle): One cohort in your army per  already been to the military library, they know of Ikoma which any Kitsu NPC
 spent this way gains one of the following abilities: Hideri, who was present at the Battle of Snow Plain. Any asked about the matter
Cavalry, Siege Specialists, Infantry, Archers, Mystics (see records she made about the Battle of Snow Plain should advises them to do.
page 280 of the core rulebook). be in the Hall of Scribes, but there is nothing to find.

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Ayako knows the scholar at the table. They are Ikoma Barracks
Ichigo, a bard who spends countless hours there and is
As the PCs investigate currently poring over details of famous events so they can The barracks are large communal living areas for the
the Battle of Snow retell them by heart later. The scroll Ichigo has on the table soldiers-in-training. If the PCs visit the barracks, the
Plain, they come across bushi can be represented by the Loyal Bushi profile from
is a map of Snow Plain. They had heard of the dispute over
the names of several
the mines and were curious to see where they were. This page 312 of the core rulebook, without armor or weap-
historical figures:
is an excellent opportunity for the GM to show players the ons. A pair of bushi are playing Go on a travel set. The
In the Akodo Military confident winner, Hanna, challenges the PCs, offering
poster map of Snow Plain provided with this adventure.
Library, the PCs read
Ichigo is very willing to help the PCs, though when the the Go set as a prize if any PC can beat her. Any PC can
about Matsu Sakura,
a Lion general, who is name Hideri is mentioned, a TN 2 Sentiment (Water 1, take up this challenge but must name the item they will
described as rash and Fire 3) check reveals the bard’s slight reluctance. If the PCs give the bushi if they lose. The PC must succeed at a
prideful in the official ask, Ichigo admits that Ikoma Hideri is their ancestor, and as TN 3 Games (Air 1, Earth 5) check to win.
records. Matsu Hisoka If the PCs ask anyone in the barracks about the Bat-
she failed to record the details of Snow Plain, she is a dis-
was her husband.
grace to the family. Ichigo takes the PCs to where any record tle of Snow Plain, the bushi tell them what they have
Shinjo Kamu is men-
tioned as a Unicorn would be, but there is none. Hideri failed to record the learned in their lessons: that General Matsu Sakura’s
general who required battle, and so the details are lost. Ichigo offers the PCs an pride allowed the enemy to use her expectations against
Scorpion assistance her, and that is why the Unicorn won. Sakura anticipated
account of the version of the battle they have been taught.
to win the battle. This
Read or paraphrase the following aloud when the mounted samurai, not infantry, and she did not take the
document is signed by
Kitsu Yū. PCs are ready to hear the Ikoma’s tale: terrain into account. The students learn these things so
that they will never make the same mistakes.
In the Ikoma Hall of The Ikoma stands before you, head bowed and arms If Atsushi invited the PCs, they share a meal of rice
Scribes, the PCs learn
wide. Those that are in the Hall of Scribes, students, and sake, and Atsushi tells them that they had an ances-
that although Ikoma
Hideri was the historian teachers, and even a few servants, gather around to tor at Snow Plain, Akodo Aoi. Aoi wrote prodigiously,
tasked with recording listen. Softly, the Ikoma begins, but soon the crowd and Atsushi has read their many letters, but oddly
the events of the battle is swept away in the tale. never wrote anything about the battle, even if asked,
as it happened, she
Tears run down the Ikoma’s face as they speak of as though it was forbidden to discuss. Atsushi believes
left no records behind.
Hideri’s descendant, the Unicorn stealing the Lion’s land; then, they look there is more to the battle than the college teaches.
Ikoma Ichigo, is ashamed fierce as the army marches forth, and frightened
of her, as she failed in
this task.
when describing the battlefield. They make no men- A Fitful Night
tion of the Scorpion, but the Unicorn gain victory,
In the Kitsu archives, As the sun sets and the PCs retire to their guest quarters, a
and a caricature of General Sakura losing her temper
the PCs learn that Kitsu heavy tiredness falls over them. Each PC may make a TN 4
at her defeat causes a fight to break out in the audi-
Yū fought at the Battle Fitness check (Earth 2, Fire 5) to shake off the weari-
of Snow Plain. She is ence, students backing away from a bristling pair of
ness. If they fail, that night they are plagued with images
the restless spirit they young Lion clan samurai.
of blood, hooves, and snow. They do not remove strife or
encounter in the castle
(see page 9). Finding fatigue as usual, and awaken with the Exhausted condition
her peculiar death poem (see page 272 of the core rulebook). If a PC succeeds, they
Exploring the Hall of Scribes
plunges the PCs into the sleep normally and may spend   on their check to rec-
vision of Part Two.
The PCs have plenty of time to explore the Hall of Scribes ognize the armor and eyes of Kitsu Yū in their dreams.
further if they wish to (for information on what the Hall
of Scribes may offer, see Historical Inconsistencies on Meeting the Daimyō
page 6). Ayako is eager to help the PCs find any gene-
alogy or record they might wish to see, and this offers the After the PCs sleep, read or paraphrase the following aloud:
GM an opportunity to reveal Lion ancestors in the PCs’
You awaken to the sound of bushi drilling outside. After
pasts, creating a personal link. If any of the PCs are of the
you dress, you discover a messenger waiting politely
Akodo or Kitsu family, they are invited to explore the rele-
outside your room with a summons to the dining hall.
vant wings of the library. Here they might find mention of
an ancestor who disappeared in a particular location but When the PCs arrive at the dining hall, they are
was never found, or one who fought at Snow Plain. greeted by the young, gentle-looking Kitsu daimyō,
The GM may wish to make Yū’s presence felt by hav- Takeko. Any PC may make a TN 2 Government (Earth)
ing her spirit rustle papers or knock scrolls from shelves, check to recall that Takeko has only recently become
as well as sweeping the map from the table. A TN 1 The- head of the Kitsu family and is renowned for her potent
ology check confirms that these happenings appear to connection with the kami, specifically fire kami. Any
be related to the other odd occurrences (see A Restless Lion PC automatically knows this. Read or paraphrase
Spirit on page 9). the following:


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


“Greetings, honored guests. I am pleased to have Shortly after arriving, Ayako finds a scroll by Kitsu Yū. KITSU TAKEKO
the fortune of your presence. I wanted to make She unrolls it to see a strangely worded death poem.
sure I met with you personally before you were too As soon as Ayako reads this aloud, she and the PCs are The Kitsu family daimyō
engrossed in your research about the dispute in drawn into Part Two (see page 11). can be represented by
the Scholarly Shugenja
question. Please, have some tea. It is a blend Kitsu
profile on page 314 of
Taigen grows himself.” Exploring the Archives the core rulebook, with
the addition of the Spir-
This meeting should be relatively brief, as the daimyō Until Ayako finds Yū’s poem, the PCs may search for any itualist template and
has many other matters to attend to. She is amicable, but information they wish, including a poem by Tadahisa the Assertive demeanor
she is the Kitsu daimyō for a reason; though she is young, for the guard outside. Memorizing that poem requires (see page 310 of the
core rulebook). Takeko
she is intelligent and cunning. Should a PC make a request a TN 2 Composition check (Earth 1, Water 3), and suc-
is small woman with
of her, she is open to speaking about such matters (within cessfully reciting it back requires a TN 2 Performance striking red hair, golden
reason) after their investigation has concluded. She makes check (Fire 1, Air 3). Successfully doing so earns the eyes, and a feline
no veiled suggestions that the investigation should go one gratitude of the guard to the PCs, along with an award grace. She genuinely
way or another, but any Lion PC (or any PC who succeeds of 1 glory. wants the PCs to feel
welcome, regardless of
at a TN 2 Government check [Fire 1, Earth 4]) knows
their affiliation.
that if the investigation should reveal that the Imperial Yū’s Scroll
histories may be inaccurate, this would disturb one of the Takeko is not only a
When Ayako finds Yū’s scroll, read or paraphrase daimyō, but also a
things Rokugani society values most: harmony (see Histor-
powerful shugenja.
ical Inconsistencies on page 6). She also mentions the following:
The young woman has
that after they have uncovered all that they can, she will a natural affinity for
Ayako breaks the seal, unrolls the scroll, and reads:
convene a gathering of representatives of each clan. When fire in addition to her
“I gave my name and lost my honor in the snow, abilities to serve as a
her meeting with the PCs is over, Takeko encourages the
medium to the ances-
group to go to the Kitsu archives to further their research. The sting is in the words that children learn.
tors. As a young girl,
Come spring, the world changes again.” she was fostered by an
Kitsu Archives As the final word leaves Ayako’s lips, she gasps, her Ikoma family.
eyes focusing on something behind you, something
Some records in the Kitsu archives are accessible only to
only she can see. Her eyes glow with golden light,
Kitsu shugenja, and the PCs aren’t permitted entrance
and her hair falls loose and flutters as though a fierce
without an escort, so Kitsu Ayako accompanies them.
wind has passed through the room.
When the PCs arrive, read or paraphrase the following:
At first you feel nothing, then a whisper of wind IKOMA ICHIGO
Two guards stand outside an otherwise unassuming touches your skin, and a distant moan like a voice
door. Ayako presents one with the scroll bearing echoing on a mountainside reaches your ears. The This sensitive, bard
the signatures that grant her permission to enter. air grows cold, and the image of a vast plain flickers can be represented by
the Seasoned Courtier
He nods, but before he opens the door he speaks before your eyes as the room fades, then falls away, profile on page 313 of
softly to Ayako: “You are lucky to be granted access. leaving you standing under a wide grey sky. the core rulebook, with
I have petitioned several times for permission to the addition of the Artist
find and read my father’s poetry, but have been template and the Shrewd

Part Two: The Vision

refused.” He pauses, then continues, “Should you demeanor (see page 310
of the core rulebook).
have time, would you find the poems and memorize Ichigo is keen to recite
one for me? He was Kitsu Tadahisa.” Ayako refuses, the story of the Battle of
though apologetically. In this part of the adventure, the PCs experience the Snow Plain. They tell it as
Battle of Snow Plain in 820, enabling them to witness a tale against folly, princi-
The PCs may offer to find a poem for the guard, gain- the events for themselves. Whether what the PCs do pally the folly of Sakura,
ing his gratitude (see Exploring the Archives, right). thinking she could win
and say during the vision affects Rokugani history is up
despite the odds. Ichigo
Once the PCs pass through the heavy, bronze-hinged to the GM (and might even be ambiguous, if the GM may be convinced to
door, read or paraphrase the following: wishes to run it this way, as many “changes” could also work on a new version in
be attributed to errors in the historical record), but the Part Three.
Steps lead down into a lamplit room. It’s cramped, consequences of their experience become apparent
though paths go on some way through the shelves when completing their mission in the present (see Liv-
and stacks, disappearing into the gloom. Ayako ing in the Past on page 2). Major events during the
leads you as though she knows the way, although she vision are inevitable, but PCs should feel like their deci-
has never been here before. You pass locked cabi- sions still make a difference.
nets of fragrant pine and towering stacks of books.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)

historical characters, while others might enjoy
the complexities of roleplaying one character
guiding another through “past” events. The
GM and players should talk this over at the start
of Part Two and decide on the method that will
be best for the group or individuals.
The GM should inform the players that,
whether or not the past can be changed, the
lives, hopes, and dreams of these individuals are
now in their hands. Below, find a premade set
of ninjō , giri, and brief backstories for some
historical counterparts (or players can make
up their own characters who were members of
Sakura’s inner circle, if they prefer).
Alternatively the GM can have each player
make up a full new character for Part Two (with
the same XP as their current character). Discuss
this with your group and decide on the option (or
options) that will be the most fun for everyone.
Lion Identities The Advisors
In Part Two, the PCs inhabit the bodies and minds of
Players whose contem- warriors who fought at the Battle of Snow Plain. Narra- The following are possible advisors that PCs may take
porary PCs are enemies on during the course of Part Two.
tively, each character inhabits a figure similar to them-
of the Lion Clan might
be reluctant to follow selves, perhaps even a relative, if they had one at the $ Matsu Sugi is a veteran bodyguard of Sakura.
Sakura’s order to meet battle, or maybe a past life. Mechanically, they use their
Their ninjō is simply to survive this military
at her tent, especially if normal character sheet, and are armed and armored
they haven’t fully gotten campaign and enjoy a quiet retirement at a
with historical Lion versions of their usual attire. The PCs
into the headspace of monastery. Their giri, however, is to keep Sakura
their historical character. can immediately recognize each other, as well as Ayako,
alive at any cost.
If necessary, remind them even though they wear different faces.
that they are playing the In terms of memory and personality, the contempo- $ Akodo Heihachi is a magistrate with a sharp
historical characters as rary characters experience a strange double-existence, intuition and is an old friend of Kitsu Yū. Their
much as they are their ninjō is to find a chance to express their true
with their contemporary selves existing in parallel with
contemporary characters
their historical counterparts. Each contemporary charac- (romantic or platonic) feelings to Yū. Their giri is
at the moment, and that
their contemporary PCs ter witnesses everything the historical counterpart expe- to root out any Unicorn spies in the camp.
will have the chance riences, but generally the historical counterpart is the $ Ikoma Tsurayui is a recent addition to Sakura’s
to capitalize on any
main actor and unaware of the contemporary character. retinue who is just past their gempuku, and who
knowledge they acquire
here soon. This means that most of the time, the player is roleplay- was, sent by the Clan Champion, Ikoma Kojima,
ing the historical character and their contemporary PC to assist as a scribe. Their ninjō is to travel to
is in the “back seat,” witnessing it. However, if a player foreign lands and someday write the greatest
feels that their contemporary character would interfere, travelogue of a generation. Their giri is to spy on
their character may “nudge” their historical counterpart, Sakura for Kojima.
prompting them to do something they otherwise might
$ Kitsu Ryōma is a member of the Kitsu with a
not or act on future knowledge. The scope of this action
weak connection to the spirits, or perhaps none
is subject to GM’s discretion, but generally, small devia-
at all, who has been sent to serve on the front
tions should be allowed (sparing a single foe due to clan
lines. Their ninjō is to win glory in battle despite
loyalty, pursuing a topic of interest to the contemporary
their family’s dismissal of their abilities. Their giri
PC rather than the historical PC’s own goals, or commu-
is to serve without making a scene that would
nicating with another contemporary PC even if the con-
shame their family.
versation would make no sense to the historical PCs),
but major shifts in character should not (for example, $ Matsu no Shion Yui is from the Shion vassal fam-
changing loyalty completely to match the contemporary ily of the Matsu and is a lifelong companion of
character’s clan affiliation, betraying the Lion Clan). Sakura and the twin of Nori. Their ninjō is to help
Some groups might find it more immersive to totally Sakura succeed and climb the ranks of the clan.
ignore their contemporary characters while playing the Their giri is to help the Shion family flourish.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Matsu no Shion Nori is also a member of the

Kitsu Yū, Ancestral Summoner

Shion vassal family, a lifelong companion of Sakura,

and Yui’s twin. Their ninjō is to see Sakura achieve ADVERSARY CONFLICT RANK:  3  3
happiness. Their giri is help the Shion flourish. Kitsu Yū is older than Ayako and is naturally more con-
fident and self-assured. She is a strong, honorable, and

Clan Motives
devout warrior who is respected by her fellow soldiers.
Ayako feels out of place as an armored combatant, but
The motives of the involved clans in 820 are somewhat what she doesn’t learn until later is that Yū sometimes felt
different from those in the present: similarly. Yū is a descendant of the Kitsu family but has
showed no ability as a shugenja and does not know of her
$ The Lion wish to drive the Unicorn out of the abilities until the spirits answer her cries on Day 3. After
Snow Plain and reclaim that area. Ever since the praying to her ancestors during the battle, she is as sur-
Emperor returned nearly half of the Lion’s land prised as anyone when Lion Clan ancestor spirits appear
to the Unicorn upon their return to the Empire, to fight alongside her. Though she won’t live long enough
the Lion have struggled not only with the slight to see it, her discovery at Snow Plain leads to the creation
of having their territory taken, but also with the of the Golden Lantern Dōjō, where Kitsu shugenja study
plight of having significantly less arable land. To the Ancestral Summons invocation in secret.
combat these issues, the Lion Champion, Ikoma
Kojima, has sent General Matsu Sakura to drive
the Unicorn out. 65 HONOR ENDURANCE
The Unicorn are trying to prove themselves as
2 3
45 GLORY 15
a Great Clan with a place in Rokugan, a clan 3 2
capable of protecting the territory so recently 39 STATUS 3 FOCUS
returned to them by the Emperor.
$ The Unicorn have appealed to the Scorpion to
+1, +1, –2
step in, and the Scorpion have agreed to negoti-

ate between the Unicorn and Lion. However, the ARTISAN 3 MARTIAL 3 SCHOLAR 3 SOCIAL 2 TRADE 1
Scorpion’s primary goal is to claim the wealth of

diamonds in the mountains around Snow Plain.

This goal is a closely guarded secret. Favored by Spirits: Untapped Potential:

 Scholar; Spiritual  Social; Mental, Spir-
Paragon of Courage: itual
Overview of the Battle  Social; Mental, Virtue
The battle progresses over four days:


$ On Day 1, the PCs are invited to advise Matsu Katana: Range 1, Damage 4, Deadliness 5/7,
Sakura before the first encounter on the bat- Ceremonial, Razor-Edged
tlefield, and they have the opportunity to
Gear (equipped): Lacquered armor (Physical 4, Cere-
lead units.
monial, Cumbersome, Wargear), wakizashi, knife
$ On Day 2, a snowstorm makes fighting difficult,

and Sakura attempts a surprise attack. The Uni-


corn are forewarned, and Sakura asks the PCs to ANCESTRAL SUMMONS (INVOCATION)
discover a spy in the camp. Once per game session as a Support action, the
$ On Day 3, the sky clears, Unicorn reinforcements shugenja may attract numerous ancestral spirits to fight
arrive, and the fighting continues, until Kitsu Yū’s at her side. In a skirmish, these are treated as six Loyal
mysterious powers surface. Bushi (see page 312 of the core rulebook) who have
physical resistance 10 and are Otherworldly beings. In
$ On Day 4, Sakura uses Yū to help her claim final
a mass battle, increase the strength of her army by 20.
victory over the Unicorn, but an Imperial emis-
These effects persist until Yū becomes incapacitated or,
sary arrives and changes the course of history.
if she does not, until the end of the scene.
Kamu challenges Sakura to a duel, but a trusted
advisor takes her place. Then the vision ends.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Snow Plain The Lion Camp

Situated in northwestern Rokugan, the Snow Plain gets The Lion have brought tools and materials to build tem-
its name from the thick snowfall that settles every winter. porary fortifications, but in the meantime the camp has
The rest of the year, cold winds chill the air. In the years tents only for the samurai, while most soldiers sleep on
before the Unicorn returned, the Lion took control of the cold ground. Guards and common soldiers can be
the plain from the Scorpion. The Scorpion had quietly represented by the Trained Ashigaru profile on page 314
mined the mountains while neglecting the plain itself, of the core rulebook. A jinmaku (war curtain) around the
but the Lion farmed the land, turning it from open plain camp provides some shelter from the cold wind, and
into productive paddies. The Lion were disgruntled and hibachi (fire pots) offer some heat and light at night. Hast-
insulted when the Emperor granted their established ily made wooden fences line the perimeter of the camp,
farms to the Unicorn. As far as the Lion are concerned, with one entrance, which is always guarded. Watch fires
the Snow Plain is not only wasted on the Unicorn, but dot the perimeter outside of the fence, and scouts main-
does not truly belong to them in the first place. tain watch at the highest points they can find.
In 820, as the Lion army approaches the Snow Plain Sakura has brought many troops to feed, and rice
from the southeast, the Unicorn fortify their position in is cooking in several large cooking pots. The current
the northwest near the rice paddies, with the mountains supplies will only last a handful of days without strict
at their back. This involves creating barricades around rationing. Sakura’s victory must be swift.
their temporary camp. A narrow pass through the moun- The strategy tent, the largest, is in the center of the
tains behind them offers an escape route if necessary, camp, guarded at all times by yōjimbō, while ashigaru
THE CHILL OF guards watch the perimeter of the camp. They have a
SNOW PLAIN but Shinjo Kamu is unwilling to back down.
supply of water and can replenish it from the streams
nearby but must leave the camp to do so.
Each morning, each
PC must make a TN 2
The Landscape The Lion have set up several portable shrines where
Fitness (Earth) check or The plain is flat, allowing for good visibility when there samurai can purify themselves after battle, and priests
receive 1 fatigue and
is no snowfall. The ground is boggy in places, perfect to tend these. The camp’s medical tent houses the ryor-
1 strife because of the
cold. The TN for this for growing rice but not so good for setting up camp ishi, peasant medics who tend to the wounded brought
check increases by 1 or maneuvering troops. Because of the placement of there after battle. If necessary, the priests and ryorishi
each morning. the respective camps, most of the encounters occur can be represented by the Humble Peasant profile on
between the two, in the center of the plain. page 313 of the core rulebook, with the addition of the
Sage template (see page 311 of the core rulebook).
The Abandoned Mines
The Unicorn Camp
In the northeast are several empty mines the Scorpion
once excavated for diamonds. However, there is also a The Unicorn camp is smaller but better fortified than
TREASURES secret, untapped mine left still rich with resources. If the the Lion encampment. Its mass of tents is surrounded
OF THE PAST PCs explore the empty mines, a successful TN 4 Skul- by a wooden barricade and spiked trenches, with watch
duggery check (Air 2, Earth 5) reveals a small forgotten fires outside of the primary defenses. The Unicorn have
Any weapons or items
the PCs find during the cache of diamonds, hidden there years ago. The PCs constructed several watchtowers, and archers stand vig-
vision are left behind may be able to use the knowledge of this cache to their ilant at all times. Used to a nomadic lifestyle, the Uni-
when they return, though advantage in the past, or after they return to the present corn have brought enough supplies to outlast the Lion.
at the GM’s discretion,
(see Living in the Past on page 2). They also have a good source of water in the nearby
these could be hidden
somewhere for retrieval The untapped diamond mine, hidden deeper in the mountain streams.
in the future, such as in mountains than the others, is known only to the Scor-
an empty mine or under
rocks. This encourages
pion in the year 820, and they have concealed its loca-
tion. The PCs know of the mine because it is an issue
Day 1
the PCs to return later Once the PCs have been drawn into Ayako’s vision at the
in the present, but if they try to find it in the mountains
to the site of the battle, end of Part One, read or paraphrase the following aloud:
where the GM may seed during the vision, they only find open, empty, and aban-
further adventures. doned mines.
Around you, soldiers are assembling a camp: ashi-
The Scorpion don’t gain access to the mine in the
garu are erecting tents, and Lion bushi are barking
vision, and they endeavor to keep its existence secret.
orders, setting up patrols, and establishing guard
It is important the mine remain undiscovered by
positions. A war curtain flaps and snaps in the wind,
other clans, so that it remains a point of contention in
the crest of the Lion painted in bright yellow upon
the present.
the hemp.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)

You look down and see that you are dressed
like everyone else, in Lion colors of yellow and
brown. Ayako is with you, but she wears the
armor worn by bushi of times past. She looks
as surprised as you, when a tall Matsu general
marches past, demanding you follow her for a
meeting at her tent.

Kitsu Ayako quietly tells the PCs that the woman is

Matsu Sakura, the general who lost the battle at Snow
Plain. Ayako is unsure of what is happening, but she
and the PCs seem to be in the past somehow. Inform
the players of the historical counterparts to their PCs,
and that their characters can observe and interject as
described in Living in the Past (see page 2).
Though the PCs look different, they still recognize
one another, and know implicitly that they are inhab-
iting the bodies of historical figures, Sakura’s advisors
(see Lion Identities on page 12). Ayako knows this
because the spirit of the body she inhabits, Kitsu Yū, is
still with her. While Ayako plays the part of Yū, the spirit Medical Tent
of Yū is there to guide her.
If the PCs visit the medical tent, they also meet a medic
Ayako is represented by the profile for Kitsu Yū (see
by the name of Akodo Kamayoko. Kamayoko seems ami-
page 13) as she channels Yū’s personality and skills.
cable and helpful, but what the PCs do not know is that
The GM may temporarily increase the PCs’ status to
she is actually a spy, Shosuro Yasu. The real Kamayoko
50 to reflect their current positions as advisors, and MASS BATTLE ZONES
is gone, and the replacement looks and sounds enough
the NPCs recognize the PCs as familiar faces, treating
like her that no one has thought anything of it (see Spy Battle zones are an
them accordingly.
in the Camp on page 23). optional rule found on
Ayako, hereafter referred to as Yū, suggests the PCs
Kamayoko seems rather busy, tending to several pages 118–121 of Fields
follow Sakura’s instruction to meet them in her tent. If of Victory that GMs can
injured bushi. If questioned about the missing medi-
the PCs insist on exploring the camp first, Yū voices her add to their mass battles
cal supplies, she frowns and says she hadn’t noticed to more precisely track
disapproval and goes on to the tent without them.
supplies being used faster than normal. A successful the position of cohorts,
TN 3 Sentiment check (Fire 5, Water 2) reveals that fortifications, terrain, and
In the Lion Camp Kamayoko seems a little on edge. If the PCs push for leaders within the field.
To help GMs who wish
If the PCs explore the camp, they may find the following more information, she begs their forgiveness as another
to use the battle zone
locations and encounter the following NPCs. injured bushi is brought into the tent. Should the PCs fail rules for this adventure,
the check or simply not push further, no bushi appears. the map in that book
includes battle zone
Ikoma Hideri’s Tent
delineations and names
Individual Goals for each zone. However,
Hideri kneels outside the entrance to her tent, playing a
if the GM prefers to run
haunting tune on her bamboo flute. She plays with her Yū helps guide the PCs through the vision, but she is not
the mass battle more
eyes closed and does not notice the PCs unless they without her own motives. Her desire is to ensure the past abstractly (as mass
speak to her. Alerted to their presence, she ceases to is remembered correctly, or at least that as many people battles are presented in
play and apologizes, showing them proper deference as as possible learn the truth. Her guilt and regret ties her to the core rulebook), that is
also a valid option.
her superiors. She can answer questions about the camp the Mortal Realm, and until she finds peace, she will not
and its inhabitants. She mentions that things have been be able to pass on to Meido, the Realm of Waiting.
strained lately because medical supplies have been going The contemporary PCs may decide to learn all they
missing, but the general has been too engrossed with the can about the battle, merely observing and playing
issues at the front line to investigate it thoroughly. along, in order to facilitate their success in the present.
If the PCs do not encounter Hideri here, she men- However, depending on their allegiance in the present,
tions the medical supplies when they do meet her, they may wish to attempt to pursue personal agendas
prompting them to look into the matter and potentially or sow the seeds of a future victory. Whatever their
unearth the camp’s spy, the fake Akodo Kamayoko (see goals, success is rewarded with experience. See Player
Shosuro Yasu on page 21). Rewards on page 31.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


ENDURING HONOR Playing Sakura’s Advisors Matsu Sakura, Lion General

Whether the PCs can The PCs have the opportunity to influence the actions of ADVERSARY CONFLICT RANK:  4  2
change the past in Part Matsu Sakura, the Lion general. While all of the historical
Sakura is a tall, muscular woman whose eyes miss noth-
Two or not, any honor PCs are trusted by Sakura, the current level of their influ-
gained or forfeited ing. She has led her army well in the past but has not
ence depends upon maintaining her trust, and they can
during the vision remains had the chance to gain any famous victories until now.
when they return to track their progress in this endeavor over the four days
Sakura’s parents were both Matsu, but she trained at the
the present. Ayako of the battle by gaining (or losing) momentum points
Akodo War College. Channeling her natural Matsu feroc-
shares in the vision with toward the following ongoing social objective:
them, and though her
ity has made her an effective and accomplished general.
personality is temporarily
overwhelmed by Yū’s, she Maintain the General’s Favor SOCIETAL PERSONAL

remembers everything in
Depending on their performance during the campaign, 70 HONOR ENDURANCE
Part Three.
Sakura will trust the PCs to a lesser or greater degree,
3 2
represented through this ongoing social objective. 2 4
Momentum points are accrued and lost at fixed points 60 STATUS 3 FOCUS
during the adventure, or when the GM deems the PCs
to have done something that would win (or lose) Saku- +2, –2
ra’s trust. This ongoing social objective remains active
for the entirety of Part Two rather than resolving within


a single scene or being achieved permanently. All

characters start with 4 momentum points toward this


ongoing objective. Experienced General: Fear of Failure:

 Martial; Interpersonal  Martial; Mental
$ Any PC who has 8 or more momentum points
is trusted absolutely, and reduces the TN of all Famously Ferocious:
Social skill checks they make targeting General  Social; Fame, Interpersonal
Sakura by 1.

Any PC who has 4 to 7 momentum points is

Katana: Range 1, Damage 4, Deadliness 5/7,
in good standing, and can generally make
Ceremonial, Razor-Edged
suggestions to General Sakura that she will
weigh seriously. Gear (equipped): Lacquered armor (Physical 4, Cere-
MATSU HISOKA $ Any PC who has 1 to 3 momentum points is out monial, Cumbersome, Wargear), wakizashi, knife

of favor. While they are still tolerated in her com- ABILITIES

Hisoka can be repre-

pany, she expects them to redeem themselves

sented by the Loyal Bushi THE GENERAL’S EYE
profile on page 312 of before they presume to give her advice. To make
While Sakura is the commander of her army, the leader
the core rulebook. He a suggestion to Sakura, a character must stake 5
willingly defers to Sakura
of each cohort who can see her reduces the TN of their
honor and 5 glory on a successful outcome.
in all things, as she is Attack action checks and Movement action checks by 1.
not only his wife but his $ Any PC with 0 momentum points is dismissed
superior officer. He only
offers her advice when
from General Sakura’s service, and assigned to Meeting with Matsu Sakura
one of her subordinates or sent away from the
asked and otherwise is If the PCs did not go straight to the general’s tent, Matsu
battle entirely.
quiet and contemplative.
He attended the Akodo
Hisoka, who is Sakura’s husband, and Yū are already pres-
War College and now is a ent, and though Sakura does not censure the PCs, they
general in his wife’s army. Ancestral Summons (Invocation) each lose 1 momentum point from the Maintain the Gen-
She respects and trusts eral’s Favor ongoing social objective (see above). If the
him, and invites him to Once per game session as a Support action, the
PCs do go straight to the tent, they precede Hisoka, and
attend her meetings. He shugenja may attract numerous ancestral spirits to fight
sometimes notices things each gains 1 momentum point instead. As the PCs enter,
at her side. In a skirmish, these are treated as six Loyal
she misses, and he often read or paraphrase the following:
provides an unusual per-
Bushi (see page 312 of the core rulebook) who have
spective on problems. physical resistance 10 and are Otherworldly beings. In Matsu Sakura waits quietly in her tent, offering nods
a mass battle, increase the strength of her army by 20. as her advisors enter. She then speaks, “The clan
These effects persist until the end of the scene, or until champion needs us to reclaim the Snow Plain so the
Yū becomes incapacitated. land can be farmed and the starving fed. The Unicorn


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


general Shinjo Kamu has refused to abandon the The Outcome PERSONAL HISTORIES
plain, so he must be defeated. I believe we should
attack at noon, but I would seek your thoughts, first.” If the majority of the PCs favor an immediate attack, In Part Two, the PCs
Sakura takes that option. Otherwise, she is willing to wait, encounter a number of
“Attack at once; do not give them a moment to NPCs from the history
but only for a few hours, to see if the Unicorn will attack
rest,” Hisoka says confidently. they learned about in
first. This gives the PCs time to explore the camp if they
Part One (see Historical
“Wait, and let the Unicorn come to us,” Yū sug- haven’t already (see In the Lion Camp on page 15). Figures on page 10).
gests. “This gives us time to prepare and observe. Sakura wants to ensure her troops fight today. As it turns Over the course of the
Our camp is still being erected.” The general listens out, the Unicorn do not make the first move, so the Lion vision, they discover that
silently, then turns her eyes on you, waiting for the attack in the afternoon if Sakura did not opt to attack the truth about these
characters differs from
opinions of her other advisors. immediately. Each PC is expected to lead a cohort in this
recorded history:
battle (and they are the only leaders on the Lion side).
Matsu Sakura (page
Offering Advice The First Sparks 16) was a virtuous and
victorious general.
Some of the following advice might affect Sakura’s If she sends her army into the field in the morning Kitsu Yū (page 13)
actions and the outcome of the battle, while some merely (immediately after the meeting), Sakura is surprised to was a loyal bushi with
alters her perception of the PC giving the advice. Sakura’s face unmounted Unicorn, and the boggy paddies make untapped potential as a
responses to some possible advice are given below, and shugenja, and is Ayako’s
the Lion’s maneuvers difficult. The boggy paddies count ancestor.
the GM can adapt these to fit the PCs’ ideas. If the PCs as Entangling terrain (see page 267 of the core rule-
have no advice for Sakura, Yū and Hisoka can argue these book) for the unprepared Lion army. Read or paraphrase Ikoma Hideri (page 20)
points between them as they try to sway her. In this case, was a meticulous
the following: chronicler of history and
Sakura then puts the decision to a vote to allow the PCs
courageous during battle,
input, whereas if the PCs speak for one side or the other, The general assembles the troops to march on the staying behind to witness
Sakura is swayed by their words and makes her decision Unicorn. She gives a brief speech in which she pre- everything. Her work was
based on their input. When making a suggestion like the pares her warriors to face mounted warriors, telling lost through no fault of
ones listed here, a PC may also make a TN 2 Courtesy her own.
them to keep moving, to approach not directly but
check (Air 1, Earth 4); if they succeed, they gain 1 addi- at an angle, and to focus on taking the horses down. Matsu Hisoka (page 16)
tional momentum point, plus 1 per 2 bonus successes, or was a loyal soldier and
cancel out up to that many they would lose with an idea If instead the Lion wait to attack, scouts inform the husband of Sakura.
Sakura rejects (to a minimum loss of 0). Sakura that the Unicorn have prepared to defend but Shinjo Kamu (page 18)
appear to be on foot and armed with spears. The scouts was betrayed by the Scor-
The Unicorn know the lay of the also inform her about the state of the ground. Read or pion and was granted
paraphrase the following: victory only through
land and have the advantage; we Imperial intervention,
should let them come to us. The general waits until after noon, then assembles which bruised his pride.

the troops to march on the Unicorn. She gives a Shosuro Amane

Sakura nods, respecting this opinion, and the PC gains
brief speech in which she praises her scouts for dis- (page 19), the Scorpion
1 momentum point toward the Maintain the General’s emissary, did make a deal
covering that the Unicorn are on foot and armed
Favor objective, with a bonus point granted if they sup- with the Unicorn, but the
with spears, and the ground is boggy. She tells her
port this opinion by warning her about the difficulty of Scorpion did not help
warriors to mirror the Unicorn soldiers and find firm maintain the peace as
fighting on the boggy ground of the rice paddies or
ground that way. promised.
offer other helpful commentary.
A shinobi called Shosuro
The first clash amid the boggy terrain constitutes
Yasu, who is imper-
If we wait, our soldiers will grow cold one round of the mass battle. General Sakura names sonating the medic
and weary; they would prefer to fight! the army’s strategic objective for the round as Test Their Akodo Kamayoko, was
Mettle (see below), and sends her leaders into the field responsible for the death
Sakura nods and agrees. The PC gains 1 momentum of Ikoma Hideri, but her
in descending order of favor (the most favored leader
point toward the Maintain General’s Favor objective. name has been kept out
acting first, and so forth). The Unicorn army is pursuing of the histories.
the same objective. Sakura has the initiative in the first
We should wait. Then, if the Unicorn round, and nominates to have one of her leaders (one
do not attack, we invade their of the PCs) act first.
camp under cover of darkness.
Sakura responds: “Would you have me forsake my Test Their Mettle
honor? We will not creep in at night, like cowardly rats.” The commander calls for the army to launch probing strikes
The PC loses 2 momentum points from the Maintain to determine the measure and determination of the foe.
General’s Favor objective.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


How to Achieve It: After a leader performs a success- filled with spiked staves – carefully avoided by the Uni-
ful Attack or Scheme action against an enemy leader’s corn formation in their approach and withdrawal – claim
During the first three cohort, they accrue 1 momentum point toward this stra- the lives of numerous soldiers. While relatively few sol-
days of the battle, Yū tegic objective. After a leader wins a clash against an diers fall into the several foot deep holes concealed by
occasionally experi-
enemy leader (see page 263 of the core rulebook), they foliage, panic begins to spread throughout the ranks,
ences dizziness and
headaches. The GM accrue 2 momentum points toward this strategic objec- and the advance breaks as the formation falters.
should pepper the battle tive, and 1 momentum point toward the Maintain the
with descriptions of this General’s Favor ongoing objective. The Lion army suffers 6 attrition and receives
happening to alert the Fulfilled When: This strategic objective is fulfilled after 12 panic.
PCs that something is If the army stops its advance, read or paraphrase the
the army accrues momentum points equal to Shinjo
wrong with Ayako, Yū,
Kamu’s focus (7, in this case). following aloud:
or both. If asked, Yū
says she feels like she Upon Completion: When a leader completes this objec-
Sakura shouts for scouts to step forth, and these skilled
is being watched, and tive, the commander of the army learns the number of
that she is experiencing trackers quickly reveal the Unicorn army’s intended
enemy leaders and cohorts, the enemy army’s strength
strange visions of tower- trap: pits filled with spikes, carefully seeded around
ing soldiers that get pro- and discipline, and each enemy leader’s identity and
the battlefield and hidden with foliage. Sakura turns
gressively more lifelike ranks in Martial skills.
to Hideri: “You were correct, I see. I suppose it’s a vari-
as the days go on. At the end of the first round, read or paraphrase the
ation on their famed feigned retreat on horseback.”
Ayako and Yū are both following aloud:
beginning to commune Hideri nods. “The way they used those pit traps is
with their ancestor Suddenly, the forest of spears begins to draw back unusual It’s a tactic most common for close-in defen-
spirits. The spirits are across the marsh – not in a panic, but in a slow, delib- sive fighting, quite at odds with the flexible tactics the
drawn to them. A PC erate withdrawal, as if reacting to some unseen signal. Unicorn use in the open field. And their ruse required
may make either a TN
You see Matsu Sakura questioning the historian Ikoma near-perfect coordination. Perhaps the Unicorn
3 Medicine check (Fire
2, Earth 5) or TN 2 Hideri on a nearby hilltop, her muddy scholar’s robes learned its efficacy firsthand when fighting the Crab
Theology check (Fire 1, an odd sight before the sea of shining lacquered Clan when they forced their way through the Kaiu
Earth 4). If the PC suc- armor and glinting spear tips. As you approach the Wall. Or perhaps it was not their commander’s idea at
ceeds, they determine pair, you catch the end of their conversation, Hideri’s all…” She trails off, lost in thought.
that the cause of Yū’s
voice steady despite her harried appearance.
discomfort is spiritual.
A PC who succeeds on “…this tactic is attested to in Kuni Kagetsugu’s
the Theology check
account of the skirmish at the Ridge of Bones. If Shinjo Kamu, Unicorn General
may spend   to
recognize this ability the Unicorn appear to be in retreat, then what they ADVERSARY CONFLICT RANK:  4  3
as ancestral summon- desire is that we pursue. We should hold our posi-
General Shinjo Kamu is in charge of the Unicorn forces at
ing, a rare invocation tion, and move cautiously across this terrain.”
jealously guarded by Snow Plain. The hatred he has for the Lion is even stron-
the Kitsu family. If the If the Lion army succeeded in its strategic objective ger than his desire to keep the plain. Kamu is a proud
PC tells Yū this, she is and traditional man who prefers battle to diplomacy. He
for the round, Matsu Sakura realizes that Shinjo Kamu
more prepared for what believes the plain is his clan’s by right, since the Emperor
happens on Day 3 (see is a cunning opponent, and takes Hideri’s advice. If
the Lion army failed in its strategic objective, however, granted these and other lands to the Unicorn once their
Yū’s Intervention on
page 26). Sakura underestimates Kamu, and orders her forces to return to Rokugan was made official. However, his orders
advance in pursuit. Any PC may make a TN 4 Courtesy from the Unicorn Champion were to keep the peace as
check (Air 2, Earth 6) to attempt to dissuade her; if the much as possible and avoid further enmity. Therefore,
PC succeeds, Sakura halts the army’s advance, and that he asked the visiting Scorpion, Shosuro Amane, to help
PC gains 1 momentum point toward the Maintain the negotiate peace. This he soon regrets, as the Scorpion’s
General’s Favor ongoing objective. If the PC fails, that apparent benevolence quickly becomes suspect.
PC loses momentum points in the Maintain the Gen-
eral’s Favor ongoing objective equal to their shortfall
instead, and Sakura does not halt the army’s advance. 65 HONOR

If the army advances heedlessly, read or paraphrase

2 3
the following aloud: 4 3
Sakura calls for the advance. “Grant them no respite!
Wars are lost when commanders fail to seize victory at +2, –2 VIGILANCE
the time it presents itself, and now is that time.” As the DEMEANOR - GRUFF

pursuing Lion forces move across the boggy terrain,


screams start to echo across the sodden valley. Pit traps


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Indomitable Will: Quick to Anger:

 Social; Mental,  Social; Interpersonal


Scimitar: Range 1, Damage 4, Deadliness 5,

Durable, Razor-Edged

Gear (equipped): Cavalry armor (Physical 3, Wargear),



While Kamu is present in the battle, his army removes 3
panic at the end of each round.

The Generals Converse SHOSURO AMANE

$ TN 3 Martial Arts (Air) check to learn a target’s
After the initial round of the battle, the Unicorn force physical advantages and disadvantages and
Shosuro Amane can
withdraws to a hilltop at the edge of the plain beyond, ranks in Martial skills. be represented by the
overlooking the boggy paddies. Seasoned Courtier pro-
$ TN 2 Sentiment (Air) check to determine a tar-
Sakura halts her army when she spies the Unicorn, file on page 313 of the
get’s demeanor.
who stand already in formation, ready to fight again. core rulebook, with the
This time, Shinjo Kamu rides out on his magnificent $ TN 3 Sentiment (Air) check to discern a tar- addition of the Trickster
template (page 311 of
mare, with a Scorpion beside him on a small Rokugani get’s honor.
the core rulebook) and
pony, and an honor guard of five imposing warriors $ TN 4 Tactics (Fire) check to conjecture how a the ninjutsu techniques
walking alongside them carrying long spears. They stop character will behave in the next round of the Skulk and Silencing
in the center of the hilltop, and the Scorpion dismounts. Stroke (see page 226
mass battle.
of the core rulebook).
Sakura walks out to meet them, indicating that the PCs
They are ambitious,
should join her. Read or paraphrase the following aloud: The PCs are now able to recognize Shinjo Kamu and opportunistic, and sly,
Shosuro Amane. If the Lion Clan army succeeded in its even for a Scorpion.
The Unicorn general does not dismount, but frowns strategic objective in the first round, the PCs also recog- They came to the Snow
down on Sakura. She holds her head high and ignores nize the five members of the honor guard as the enemy Plain to negotiate for
the insult, instead demanding that Kamu withdraw access to the mountains.
leaders. Whether or not they know these are the enemy
Hopeful that the old
from the plain. The Unicorn abruptly refuses, but the leaders, they make suitable checks to learn their charac- diamond mines had not
Scorpion speaks, introducing themselves as Shosuro teristics, as listed above. all been exhausted, they
Amane. They have been brought along to negotiate had made inquiries and
peace, but as neither general is willing to back down, learned that one, single
Seizing the Hilltop forgotten mine still con-
there will be no peace today.
tains diamonds worth
As the battle moves toward the plain, the Unicorn
excavating. Granted
To interfere with this exchange between generals forces attempt to contain the Lion within the swamp, the opportunity to
(grievously slighting their commanding officer, Sakura, holding the hilltop against them. The hilltop counts intervene between the
by doing so) a PC must forfeit 10 honor and 10 glory, as a fortification occupied by Moto Ghazan’s cohort. Unicorn and Lion, they
and that PC loses 3 momentum points from the ongo- do not care who wins as
With the earthworks the Unicorn have prepared and
long as they manage to
ing Maintain the General’s Favor objective. However, the the advantage of the hilltop, it has difficulty value 7, manipulate the situation
PCs can take this opportunity to size up both Kamu and reduces attrition suffered by the cohort occupying it by such that they can claim
Amane, making a skill check to learn something about 2, and counts as Elevated terrain for the cohort inside. the mineral-rich mine
either one or the wider situation. Some examples include: Moto Ghazan’s cohort Reinforces at this position, and for the Scorpion. Apart
from this, their priority
other Unicorn cohorts harry the Lion army from the hill-
$ TN 1 Culture (Water) check intuit a target’s is to keep the still-useful
top (with the Assault or Challenge) action, trying to pull mine a secret so that
reputation and interpersonal advantages
the PCs away from the key position and into the nearby even if they fail to claim
and disadvantages. it now, it remains safe
patches of forest, which count as Obscuring terrain (see
$ TN 2 Government (Earth) check to understand until their clan can
page 267 of the core rulebook).
exploit it.
the political ramifications of the Scorpion back- The next two rounds of the mass battle proceed
ing the Unicorn here. as follows:


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


$ Round One: Sakura orders the strategic object especially quickly, the GM can run more rounds, while if
of Capture a Position on the hilltop (see page they are moving slowly, the GM can run fewer rounds, but
This dedicated historian 277 of the core rulebook), while Kamu orders his they should try to tell the players roughly how many rounds
is the ancestor of army to Draw Them In (see page 227 of the core they will have to work with at the start of each day. After
Ikoma Ichigo and can
rulebook). Sakura opts to act first. the final round, armies return to their camps to recuperate.
be represented with
In the evening, after the day’s main encounter,
the Seasoned Courtier $ Round Two (if the Lion successfully capture
profile on page 313 Sakura calls another meeting to review and plan. This
the hill in Round One): Sakura orders her forces
of the core rulebook, allows the PCs to influence her key decisions and remain
to Grind Them Down and Kamu orders his army
with the addition of aware of areas of the battle they may not directly expe-
the Artist template. A to Capture A Position on the second round (see
rience. The armies also resupply, the Lion removing 5
wispy, scholarly woman, page 277 of the core rulebook). Sakura opts to
she has a precise panic and 5 casualties and the Unicorn removing 10
act first.
memory but also records panic and 10 casualties by default.
everything she sees $ Round Two (if the Unicorn still hold the hill At night, the PCs may pursue other goals. For
on scrolls in her tent. after Round One): Sakura maintains the Capture instance, they can lead clandestine attacks (run as skir-
She is traveling with a Position objective on the hilltop while Kamu
Sakura’s army to record mishes), attempt assassination or subterfuge, scout the
orders his troops to Grind Them Down (see page terrain, create traps, and more. Many abilities found in
her battles for posterity.
She does not take part 277 of the core rulebook) . Sakura opts to act first. Fields of Victory can be used here, to give the PCs an
in the fighting, but advantage in the battle. They can also pursue their histor-
rouses the troops before After two rounds of fighting here, whichever side does
ical or contemporary characters’ personal agendas, relat-
each battle, reminding not control the hill calls for a tactical withdrawal. If the
them of their ancestors’ ing to their ninjō or giri. However, excessive activity at
Unicorn forces withdraw, they fall back onto the plains
struggles and victories. night can lead to a PC suffering the Exhausted condition
and break away as Sakura grants her army time to tend
She admires Sakura and (see page 272 of the core rulebook) at the GM’s discretion.
is proud to serve her, to the wounded and set up their new camp at the hill-
but she does not see top position. If the Lion forces withdraw, they retreat to
war as the highest art, their previous camp (and the Unicorn do not attempt to Key Positions
as many Lion do. She
pursue from their entrenched position). It will either be Controlling Snow Plain need not be a matter of rout-
plays many instruments
but always carries her midafternoon or well into evening by this point in the bat- ing the enemy army. While this is certainly one way to
flute. This instrument tle, depending on when Sakura launched her initial attack. achieve victory, it is probably the hardest. Much more
has been handed down After the battle, each army is able to recover a small achievable is making it impossible for the other force
through her family and amount: the Lion army removes 5 panic and 5 casualties,
is her pride and joy. The to stay in the field by controlling a number of key posi-
and the Unicorn army removes 10 panic and 10 casual- tions. These key positions grant benefits that make it
Scorpion assassinate her
on the fourth day of ties (owing to its better access to supplies). much easier for an army to stay in the field, and each
the battle. side should attempt to disrupt or control the key posi-
The Battle Rages On tions vital to the other. After an army successfully com-
pletes the Capture a Position strategic objective to hold
From here, the mass battle becomes somewhat more
a key position and then keeps control until the end of
open-ended. The PCs are Sakura’s advisors, after all, and
the day, it counts as holding that position. Positions can
they can influence not only the tactics in the field, but
also be seized via night raids (which should be run as
also the overall strategy. While the Lion have the initial
skirmishes), by trickery, or even by diplomacy; the GM
advantage of numbers, the Unicorn are better supplied,
should give the PCs the creative freedom to try different
and worse, they need only put up enough resistance to
things in their role as leaders of the army.
keep the plain in contention for three more days, as they
If either army ever controls all of the strategic positions
know that an Imperial envoy is on the way, and have
listed here for a full day (that is, it controlled them at the
reason to believe the conflict will be ruled in their favor.
start and end of the day), the GM should have the Impe-
The Lion, meanwhile, are extended beyond their supply
rial envoy arrive early, moving to Meeting the Imperials
lines, and thus face their own time pressure, as Sakura
(see page 26). The GM may have to adapt some parts of
knows she cannot keep her army in the field indefinitely.
the story to accommodate the swift and decisive victory.
Each of the next three days should be structured
roughly the same way as the last one was:
At dawn, the PCs are expected to meet with Sakura The Swaying Willow Pass
and discuss strategy before facing the enemy. They can This ancient pass is the main supply route of the Unicorn;
use this time to attempt to guide her strategy for the day, holding the pass at the end of the day (or destroying it
and determine which key positions they should capture. somehow) reduces the panic and casualties that this army
From morning to evening, the armies then fight removes per day by 5 each (to a minimum of 0). It is Enclosed
three rounds of a mass battle. If these rounds are moving terrain, and the river is Difficult and Dangerous terrain.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


The Hill over the Paddies

Blood of the Lioness This hill is the conflict point for the first day, and contin-
ues to be an important position, as it acts as an access
Matsu Sakura’s forces are a loyal cadre that
point to Crystal Pass, keeping the Lion out of the plain
draws its proud lineage back to one of Matsu’s
or keeping the Unicorn from attacking the pass.
original followers, and Sakura leads them with
a boldness that inspires incredible loyalty from
her warriors. Unicorn War Camp
Strength: 55 The Unicorn War Camp is the closest fortification in the
Discipline: 45 area (although not the only one). It is a fortification with
Leaders: The army has at least five leaders. If there difficulty value 12 that reduces attrition suffered by the
are five or more PCs, only the PCs serve as leaders. cohort within by 2. On days when the Unicorn believe
If there are fewer than five PCs (or a PC is killed or the Lion will try to take it, it is occupied by Shinjo Gan-
rendered unable to lead during the battle), NPCs sarnai’s cohort.
fill in in the following order: Matsu Hisoka, Kitsu
Yū, Matsu Sakura, loyal bushi (see page 312 of the
core rulebook). Replacement leaders are assigned
The First Night and
as needed at the start of the round. Strange Visitors
Sakura always nominates the PCs to act in
As the general’s advisors, the PCs have a tent to sleep
order of descending favor based on the Main-
in, near Sakura’s own. Assuming they are in their tent
tain the General’s Favor objective (with the
(and not out and about pursuing other agendas), their
most favored PC acting first, and so forth). In
sleep is disturbed by a noise outside the tent. Read or
a tie, the character with higher glory acts first;
paraphrase the following aloud:
in a tie again, the GM should randomize the
result. She nominates an NPC (or herself, if she You wake to the sound of urgent voices outside your
is leading a cohort) to act in an order deter- tent. It could merely be soldiers arguing; perhaps
mined by the GM after all PCs have acted. one guard is late to relieve another.
Pride of Champions (Army Ability): After a
leader in this army wins a challenge, the Blood The PCs may instead move to the edge of the tent
of the Lioness removes 5 panic. to listen, but it’s difficult to make out the voices. After a
PC makes a successful TN 2 Skulduggery check (Air 1, Shosuro Yasu, who is
Earth 4), read or paraphrase the following aloud: impersonating Akodo
Kamayoko, can be
Village of Snow Plain You recognize two voices. One is pinched and represented with the
frustrated, and the other voice is soft and much Loyal Bushi profile on
The Village of Snow Plain is responsible for harvesting page 312 of the core
the lands of Snow Plain, and this well-run country town more subdued. rulebook, but with
was doing quite well for itself until war knocked at its the abilities replaced
PCs who were successful may spend   to rec- with the four ninjutsu
doorstep. The side that controls the village removes an
ognize Akodo Kamayoko’s voice, if they met her in the techniques on pages
additional 5 panic and casualties at the end of each day 226 and 227 of the
medical tent. If the PCs fail this check, they must leave
(at the start, the Unicorn control it). If the village were to core rulebook and the
the tent to hear anything.
be destroyed, neither side would gain this benefit. The Ambitious demeanor.
If the PCs leave their tent, read or paraphrase the Working as a messenger,
village itself is Entangling terrain, and the roads leading
following aloud: spy, and even assassin
up to (and through) it are Open terrain. on occasion, she can
As you exit your tent, you see the movement of a fade into the shadows
Crystal Pass shadow, but then it’s gone. Standing nearby is Akodo like a ghost. Yasu obeys
Kamayoko, from the medical tent. She informs you Amane without question
The Crystal Pass is the main supply route of the Lion; if because she knows they
that she found a suspicious person snooping around work for the good of
the Unicorn army controls the pass (or somehow closes
the general’s tent as she was on a walk to clear her the family and the clan,
it), the Lion army reduces the panic and casualties it
head after tending to several injured bushi. She even when she doesn’t
removes per day by 5 each (to a minimum of 5). It is entirely understand
attempted to interrogate the intruder, but they fled
Enclosed terrain, and the mountains that surround it are their schemes.
before she could get a good look at their face.
Dangerous and Entangling terrain.
The PCs may attempt to pursue the figure, but if they
search near the general’s tent, they can find no sign that
an intruder was in the area.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


A successful TN 2 Sentiment check reveals that

The Army of Ten
Kamayoko seems flustered and upset, while a successful
The following NPCs
count as school rank 3
TN 4 Skulduggery check performed as a Scholar skill
reveals that the PCs’ appearance seems to have made
Thousand Needles
for ability purposes. Each
her nervous. The PCs may be suspicious of Kamayoko
NPC also has access to a Shinjo Kamu’s army, called the Ten Thousand
Unicorn warhorse (see and decide to investigate her (see Spy in the Camp on
Needles for the forest of spears that it bris-
page 327*). page 27).
tles at its foes, is a specialist force within the

Day 2
Moto Ghazan: Skillful Unicorn Clan’s armies, using infantry tactics
Rōnin with Warrior adopted upon their return to Rokugan.
template, choose Pelting Strength: 50
Hail Style () and Pin At the start of the new day, read or paraphrase the
the Fan (). Replace following aloud: Discipline: 40
School of the Wolf with Leaders: The army has five leaders, whom Shinjo
Swirling Desert Wind As the second day dawns, snow begins to fall thick Kamu refers to as his Five Pillars: Moto Ghazan,
(see page 84*). and fast. You cannot see from one tent to the next; Utaku Norio, Shinjo Gansarnai, Iuchi Gerel, and
Utaku Norio: Loyal Bushi even nearby figures become ghostlike grey shad- Ide Nanashi. If a leader is killed or rendered
with Warrior template, ows. You can, however, hear the heavy movement of unable to lead (such as by being knocked uncon-
choose Iron Forest Style bushi drilling, presumably to keep from succumbing scious), they are replaced with a loyal bushi at the
() and Heartpiercing
to the bite of the cold. start of the next round (see page 312 of the core
Strike (). Replace both
abilities with Swirling Des- rulebook). See The Five Pillars in the left margin
ert Wind (see page 84*). During the second day, all terrain counts as Obscur- for how to construct their profiles. Kamu always
ing terrain during the heavy snowfall (see page 267 of nominates his leaders to act in the order in which
Shinjo Gansarnai: Loyal
the core rulebook). A PC may perform TN 3 Tactics they are listed above (with any replacement lead-
Bushi with Warrior tem-
plate, choose Flowing check (Fire 1, Air 4) as a Scholar skill to realize that the ers acting last, in an order determined by the GM).
Water Strike () and increased cold means the Lion’s food supplies will last Forest of Spears (Army Ability): After a cohort
Striking as Water (). even less time than expected, unless the army sends in this army performs a Reinforce action, any
Replace both abilities some forces to scavenge or hunt for food. If a PC brings
with Born in the Saddle
enemy cohort that attacks it this round treats all
this up with Sakura, she agrees with their assessment, terrain as Dangerous terrain (see page 267 of
(see page 85*).
and that PC earns 1 momentum point toward the Main- the core rulebook).
Iuchi Gerel: Skillful tain the General’s Favor ongoing objective.
Rōnin with Investigator
template, choose Tactical
Assessment () and Morning Meeting Let us attack as quickly as we can,
Lightning Raid (). causing their army to panic!
Replace School of the Sakura has been informed about the night visitor, either
Wolf with Heroic Charge by the PCs or by a bushi who overheard the exchange. The PC gains 1 momentum point toward the Maintain
(see page 86*). If the PCs were unaware of the intruder in the night, the General’s Favor social objective. If Sakura takes this
Ide Nanashi: Loyal Bushi Sakura informs them briefly now. However, the bulk of advice, approaching quickly and loudly means the Lion
with Socialite template, the meeting is given to discussing problems caused by fall into the Unicorn’s trap and must increase the TN of
choose Slippery Maneu- the snow. Read or paraphrase the following aloud: all checks they make during the battle by 1.
vers () and Rallying
Cry (). Replace both
General Sakura addresses you: “The snow falls
abilities with Heroic We should march in silence
unseasonably early, and we cannot assume more
Charge (see page 86*).
supplies will reach us, so we must work with what
and take them by surprise!
*All page references in
time we have. I intend to conclude this battle quickly The advisor gains 1 momentum point toward the Main-
this margin reference the
core rulebook. and establish our garrisons here before the full force tain the General’s Favor social objective. Approaching
of winter arrives. We must use the cover of the snow quietly and slowly means the Lion do not fall so quickly
to mount a surprise attack on the Unicorn. Now, how into the Unicorn’s trap.
can we ensure our victory?”
Hisoka dissents. “Such an attack carries too much Hisoka is right; we should
risk.” Yū frowns and says, “We cannot wait forever, wait. If we reduce the soldiers’
Hisoka. The general is right: we must act soon.” rations, we can last longer.
The general waits for the PCs’ advice. As on the first Sakura has already said she wants to attack soon. The PC
day, they may make a check to deliver it more effectively loses 1 momentum point from the Maintain the General’s
(or offset their losses). Favor social objective, unless the PC backs up their opin-
ion with a practical reason such as “marching our army in


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


poor visibility leaves us open to ambush” or “marching against Ide Nanashi (see page 22) plus one Loyal Bushi
in the extreme cold weakens our bushi before we even (see page 312 of the core rulebook) riding a Unicorn
reach the enemy.” However, after the attack, all PCs who warhorse (see page 327 of the core rulebook) per PC. After the failed attack,
advised waiting gain 1 momentum point toward the A number of Sakura’s staff are killed, and the confusion Sakura becomes con-
vinced there is a spy in
Maintain the General’s Favor social objective, as Sakura throws the army into chaos. If the PCs are able to kill Ide
her camp who revealed
sees the wisdom of their words in retrospect. Nanashi, the Lion army suffers 10 panic, but if she slips her position to the
away (or the PCs are not present to oppose her), the enemy, and she asks the
However we proceed, we should make army suffers 20 panic instead. Sakura suffers superficial PCs to find them. She
does not tell any PC who
for [a particular key objective]. injuries in the battle if the PCs are not present.
has fewer than 5 points
toward the Maintain the
Sakura approves of this idea, and the PC gains 1 After the Attack General’s Favor objective.
momentum point toward the Maintain the General’s If any PC has fewer than
Favor social objective. After the crushing ambush, Sakura asks all who are able to 2 points, she actively
get the wounded to the medical tent. This gives the PCs a suspects that PC to be a

The Decision chance to earn her favor and save lives. Any PCs with the possible spy.
Medicine skill may help treat the wounded. Kamayoko is If the PCs suspect
Sakura decides to attack, even if the PCs are against it. present at the medical tent, but she is constantly on the Kamayoko (secretly Sho-
Whether the army charges or marches quietly depends move tending to soldiers, which gives the PCs little time suro Yasu) or have already
on the advice given above, and which side the PCs favor. suggested something was
to question her. Any PCs who would like to help may make
amiss with her actions,
As on the first day, the PCs act as leaders of the army, a TN 2 Medicine (Earth) check to stabilize a patient, and Sakura asks the PCs to
and Sakura chooses the strategic objective for each bonus successes may be spent to get them back on their find her and bring her to
round. Unless the PCs persuade her to pursue a different feet. Sakura walks among the wounded and is witness Sakura’s tent.
overall strategy, she begins by calling for her leaders to to the PCs’ efforts, which gain them 1 momentum point
Capture a Position (see page 277 of the core rulebook), toward the Maintain the General’s Favor objective.
and maintains that objective until the PCs succeed. She
picks the first position suggested by a PC, or defaults to
the Unicorn War Camp if no PC suggests one. After the
Night 2
position has been captured, she declares Grind Them During the night, the wind howls like yōkai in the snow.
Down as the objective for any remaining rounds. Read or paraphrase the following aloud:

The snow continues to fall thick and fast, and the sol-
Betrayed diers have little shelter against the cold. Rations have
Akodo Kamayoko’s impersonator is eavesdropping out- been halved, and as the night falls, the wind rises. Its
side of the tent and slips away as soon as the decision howling keeps everyone awake, and soldiers spread
is made. She carefully makes her way to the outskirts of the word that some evil spirit wants them to fail.
the camp and is greeted by a disguised Unicorn scout.
While sleep is difficult even if the PCs have managed
She informs the scout of the incoming attack.
to capture some sort of fortification in which to weather
The first PC to leave the tent after the meeting may
out the storm, the PCs may suggest lighting fires, sing-
make a TN 3 Survival (Water) check as a Scholar skill. If
ing songs, or providing entertainment in the form of
they succeed, they notice Kamayoko walking down the
Ikoma Hideri’s stories: anything to increase morale. Any
path in a hurry. If they follow her, they catch sight of the
one PC may make a TN 4 Performance check (Fire 2,
disguised Unicorn scout just as they vanish in the snow,
Air 5) to help boost the army’s morale. If no PC suc-
though they appear to be wearing Lion colors. A TN 3
ceeds at this check, the army receives 5 panic overnight;
Design (Air) check using a Scholar approach lets a PC
otherwise, it removes panic equal to the PC’s ranks in
know that the person departing is wearing Lion colors,
performance plus bonus successes.
but the shades aren’t quite right. The PCs cannot follow
Other night activities are significantly hindered, and
the scout due to the low visibility.
any PC who undertakes activities that expose them to
the freezing night must make a TN 3 Fitness (Earth 1,
Ambush in the Snow Fire 4) check or suffer the Lightly Wounded condition
Three rounds of the mass battle proceed normally, but for the ring they used as they become frostbitten.
after the third round, something unexpected happens:
using the cover of the snow, a small unit of Unicorn cav- Day 3
alry lead by Ide Nanashi slips through the Lion Clan lines
However the PCs spent the night, on the morning of the
and attacks Sakura and her command staff directly. If the
third day, read or paraphrase the following aloud:
PCs are with Sakura, they can participate in this skirmish


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)

helpful idea, and Sakura dismisses it. If a PC actually can do
this (and succeeds in their attempt), they gain 3 momen-
tum toward the Maintain the General’s Favor objective.

The Unicorn have surely

suffered the same hardships as
we have. Let us attack now!
The PC loses 1 momentum point from the Maintain the
General’s Favor objective. Sakura points out that they
have no idea how the Unicorn fared overnight, unless
they send a scout.

On the morning of the third day, The Outcome

the snow has ceased to fall, but it leaves a white Unless the PCs’ advice is unanimous, Sakura takes the
landscape that glistens in the sunlight. The Unicorn advice of the PC with the most points toward Maintain
will have the advantage today, knowing the lay of the General’s Favor . In the case of a tie, she is swayed
the land better than the Lion. Each step you take by Yū’s opinion. After Sakura makes her decision, Yū
sinks deep into the freezing snow, and you have to retires to a shrine to pray to her ancestors, and any PCs
be wary of falling into hidden drifts. who have been given tasks to perform prior to the battle
may undertake them.
All areas of the Snow Plain counts as Dangerous ter-
rain throughout the day, due to the thick snow and bitter
cold (see page 267 of the core rulebook). The Order of Battle on Day 3
If the Lion do attack immediately, the freezing weather
Morning Meeting causes 5 attrition and panic to the Lion Clan army imme-
diately. The Unicorn Clan army seems far less affected by
In the morning, Sakura takes her advisors around the
the cold, and Ikoma Hideri correctly identifies this as the
snow-covered camp to assess the previous day’s dam-
work of the enemy leader Iuchi Gerel. As such, unless the
age. Read or paraphrase the following:
PCs convince her to pursue a different objective, Sakura
Sakura walks with her head high, her face inscrutable as orders the Cut Off the Head objective against Gerel. If any
she surveys the camp. Ashigaru are hard at work clear- PC manages to kill Gerel or remove her from battle, the
ing drifts of snow from around the tents. The sky is clear Unicorn army also immediately suffers 5 panic and attrition
and pale, but there will be more snow to come. “Now as the effects of the cold begin to wear on their forces.
that the snow has stopped, we could attack,” she says. If the Lion army does not attack, the Unicorn army
seizes the moment to attempt to either retake any posi-
“I believe the troops need time to rest after the night
tions lost the previous days or strike at the Crystal Pass
we have had,” Yū warns her.
to cut off the Lion Clan’s supplies.
Hisoka shakes his head and rebuffs her. “The sol- After three rounds of the mass battle, the PCs notice
diers are cold, and our supplies dwindle. We must that Kitsu Yū’s unit has been surrounded in the swirling
act while they still have some energy left.” winds. Read or paraphrase the following aloud:
Sakura stops walking, and she turns to you. You see
As the battle lines and the falling snows part, you
the weight of the night under her eyes.
spot a familiar figure surrounded by spear-wielding
General Sakura must decide whether to attack now, Unicorn infantry. Bloodied and injured, Kitsu Yū holds
while no snow is falling, or to allow the soldiers a respite, her ground against overwhelming odds.
hoping the snow continues to hold off. In this matter, she
takes Yū’s advice, unless the PCs persuade her otherwise.
Prayer to the Ancestors
We could ask the kami to prevent Kitsu Yū is surrounded on the battlefield. If the PCs rush
snow from falling again today… to her side, they can fight a skirmish against waves of
Loyal Bushi with  conflict ranks such that they are
Unless the PC can actually succeed at this (such as if they
roughly equal to the party rank in strength. This skirmish
are a shugenja or other spiritualist), it is not an especially
goes on for several rounds, with more and more enemies


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


arriving until Lion Clan ancestor spirits arrive on the bat-

tlefield. Any PC who rushed to Yū ‘s side is awarded 5 Day 4 WHAT IF THE LION
honor and 5 glory for risking their life heroically. At dawn on the fourth day, the Unicorn army approaches
If the PCs do not move to help Yū, skip ahead to the with Kamu at its head. There is no time for a morning If the Lion Clan army
is ever on the brink of
summoning of the kitsu spirits. meeting; the Lion army must assemble at once. collapse or a rout (due
The effectiveness of these spirits depends on how Sakura throws everything she can at this final bat- to its panic or casualties
the PCs handled Yū’s discomfort and visions over the tle, intending to claim victory or die trying. She asks the growing too high), the
past three days (see Eyes of the Kitsu on page 18). bushi PC she trusts the most to keep Yū safe in their unit, GM should have Kitsu
Read or paraphrase the following aloud: Yū’s miraculous interven-
so that Yū can focus on exploring and mastering the new
tion occur earlier than
spirit-summoning technique. Unless she is convinced to planned, giving the Lion
All the sounds of battle—the cries, the clash of metal,
pursue a key objective or other plan by the PCs, her Clan army the ability to
the crunch of bones and skulls—seem to fade. Spec- remain in the field. See
strategic objective is Seize the Enemy’s Banner, to cap-
tral forms sweep through the snows, congregating page 26 for details.
ture Kamu’s uma-jirushi, the banner erected on a pole
around Kitsu Yū.
attached to his mount. This is the purple banner the PCs
If the PCs were able to warn Yū that she is an Ances- saw in the Akodo War College in Part One (see page
tral Summoner, she is more mentally prepared and 6). The Unicorn army is pursuing the Grind Them
embraces the bond she has with the ancestors. Read or Down objective, and maintains this objective for the
paraphrase the following aloud: entire battle today. Sakura opts to make the first move.

The battlefield around Yū swells with the ghostly Seize the Enemy’s Banner
forms of samurai. After a palpable pause, the dozens
of soldier moving toward Yū quickly fall back. The The commander calls for the army to capture the enemy
Lion do not cheer, but stand back. Shaken, Yū falters, commander’s banner, symbolically asserting superiority
and as soon as she drops her sword arm, the figures over the other force.
around her start to fade, the ancestral spirits of the How to Achieve It: After a leader performs a suc-
Lion Clan becoming nothing but dust upon the air. cessful Attack action against an enemy leader’s
cohort, they accrue 1 momentum point toward this
If the PCs did not help Yū realize what was going on, strategic objective.
she is unprepared to have her prayer answered. Read or Fulfilled When: After the army accrues momentum
paraphrase the following aloud: points equal to the enemy commander’s focus (6, in
this case), one leader may enter a clash that is resolved
Chaos ensues. Spirits of armored Lion Clan samurai immediately against the enemy commander (see page
swarm the field, slashing and cutting into everything 263 of the core rulebook). If the character wins the
in their path. Yū struggles to focus herself and the clash, they seize the enemy commander’s banner, and
spirits, but she is overwhelmed. A spear strikes Yū, then this objective is completed. If the character loses
and she collapses. the clash, up to one other character may attempt a clash
against the commander.
The battle over, Sakura orders the Lion army back to
Upon Completion: When a leader completes this
camp. The sight of spirits on the battlefield has incited
objective, the enemy army suffers 20 panic.
fear in both sides, as this phenomenon is something no
Once the battle begins, read or paraphrase the
one has ever seen before. Kitsu Yū has demonstrated
following aloud:
abilities so different from everything the Lion soldiers
are familiar with, and whispers through the camp ask if The Lion troops assemble rapidly for one final all-out
the power was unfamiliar foreign sorcery, or worse. Yū attack. Ikoma Hideri walks among them, reminding
retires to a small camp shrine to ask her ancestors for them of all Sakura has done for them. Sakura has no
guidance. If the PCs follow her, she tells them that she time for a speech but stands with Yū at her side, prom-
is amazed. Yū is overwhelmed by the accidental invoca- ising the soldiers that she will have Lion bushi both
tion of her ancestors, while Ayako realizes that Yū and living and dead fighting alongside her, in a battle that
the spirits are her ancestors, too. Yū explains that she will go down in history. Beside her, Yū looks terrified.
is afraid of how the army, and history, will see her now.
If the PCs attempt to help Yū or simply wish to raise
morale, assuring the troops that Yū is not some evil sor- The Final Battle
cerer sets their minds at rest. Either way, this calms the
troops and impresses Sakura. Each PC involved gains 1 The mass battle proceeds until the PCs capture the
point toward the Maintain the General’s Favor objective. enemy banner (or a key position, if they were trying to
take one of these instead), or for 6 rounds.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)

Meeting the Imperials
The Imperial envoy, Miya Momoka, can be repre-
sented with the Seasoned Courtier profile on page
313 of the core rulebook. She is accompanied by ten
Seppun Honor Guards. Upon her arrival, Momoka
stops the fighting. She sends a guard to each gen-
eral to demand they send their warriors back to their
respective camps and meet her on the battlefield in
a makeshift tent. Each general is allowed to bring a
small escort, and Sakura takes her advisors with her.
Sakura and Kamu must show respect to Momoka,
though their hatred for each other makes it difficult
for them to be in such close proximity. If the Lion
made an attempt on Kamu’s life during the night, he
taunts Sakura for this now. Momoka has a message
direct from the Emperor, which she reads out loud.
Read or paraphrase the following aloud:

Yū’s Intervention Momoka speaks crisply: “The Emperor has decided the
Unicorn shall keep this land. The Unicorn must claim the
At some point during the battle, when things look dire
victory, to show the other Great Clans that the Unicorn
for the army overall (if its panic or casualties grow dan-
are here to stay. However, he will not let the Lion starve.
gerously high) or for a particular PC (such as if they are
They will be reimbursed with all food from Snow Plain
injured in a clash, become Compromised, or similar),
for one decade, which will be supplemented by half of
read or paraphrase the following aloud:
all food produced from the Osari Plains for five years.
The thunder of battle roars around you, and you
Momoka explains that the Unicorn will be recorded
see a wall of spears – the Ten Thousand Needles –
as the victors—that is the price the Lion must pay to
advancing relentlessly. Your vision swims, for despite
receive this gift. Sakura cannot refuse such a generous
the gains you have made, your foes seem implaca-
SCORPION offer, from the Emperor no less, though it means her
INTERFERENCE ble. Suddenly, the roar of battle is overwhelmed by
hard-won victory will be forgotten by history. A mes-
a still louder roar and the Unicorn soldiers begin to
Shosuro Amane wants
senger is sent to Ikoma Hideri immediately, to have
break into a retreat around you. Ghostly shapes rush
the battle recorded as her alter her accounts of the battle.
past you and charge into the Unicorn forces.
a Unicorn win that was Kamu is not satisfied with the solution. He feels
accomplished due to
The Lion Clan army immediately removes 15 panic such a lie dishonors him and is not happy about hav-
Scorpion aid, so that
and 15 casualties. ing to give so much to the Lion after they have done
when memories have
faded in the future, the such damage to his clan. He is angry, and he chal-
lenges Sakura to a duel to prove who is the greater
Scorpion can claim the The Envoy’s Arrival
diamond-rich mine. Even warrior. Momoka allows this, and even seems to
if the PCs arrange for After the PCs succeed in their strategic objective, the welcome it as entertainment. However, seeing that
Amane’s downfall after
Imperial Envoy arrives: Sakura is wounded, Momoka gives both generals time
the fire, the Scorpion
has already passed the to recover from the battle before they return to duel.
record Yū signed on to
A loud whistle cuts across the battlefield, and sud-
denly, the clashing armies draw back. Riding toward
Shosuro Yasu, who has
been impersonating you, you see a group of green-clad travelers bear-
Death of a Historian
Akodo Kamayoko. She ing the banner of the Chrysanthemum. A hush falls When the Sakura and her advisors return to camp to
will ensure history
remembers the battle as
across the bloodied snow. prepare for the duel, the camp is in uproar. Read or
Amane wished. When paraphrase the following aloud:
back in the present
As Sakura must meet the Imperial emissary imme-
with the scroll, any diately after the battle, she has no time to visit the A tent is ablaze, and huge flames lick the sky. Bushi
Ikoma historian NPC can ryorishi. If a PC has the Medicine skill, they may offer and servants alike stand aghast, already mourning
authenticate the docu- to bind her wound by making a TN 2 Medicine (Earth) Ikoma Hideri, who is believed to be inside…
ment for the PCs so that
check. That PC is awarded 2 honor if they succeed.
it may be used in court
If any PCs desires to continue to fight, they must The PCs may attempt to rescue Hideri from the
as testimony on behalf
of Ikoma Hideri. forfeit 7 honor and 7 glory to do so. flames. She was knocked out and left to burn, so she


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


needs to be carried out of the tent. A successful TN 3 momentum points toward the Maintain the General’s HIDERI’S LOST SCROLL
Fitness check (Earth 2, Fire 4) enables a PC to enter, Favor objective to represent her. If a PC is chosen to
find Hideri, and remove her without sustaining harm. represent Sakura, they gain a further 6 honor for taking If the PCs attempt to
Any PC who makes the attempt but fails suffers the her place—regardless of the outcome of the duel. rescue Hideri or search
through the remains of
Burning condition (see page 272 of the core rulebook). When the duel takes place, read or paraphrase the
the tent after the fire,
Alternatively, the PCs may attempt to quench the following aloud: they have the opportu-
flames in time to save her. Some people are running to nity to discover a scroll
the nearest stream, where they will have to break the ice Shinjo Kamu stands ready to draw his scimitar and in a case that seems
to get to the water. The PCs might lead them in throwing strike. His stance appears relaxed, but there is no untouched by the blaze,
mistaking the fierce determination in his eyes. The as though it was an act
snow on the fire instead, and a TN 4 Command or Per-
of forbearance by the
formance check (Fire 4, Air 5) rallies enough people to seasoned Unicorn general does not look at his oppo-
kami of fire. If they do
put it out in time to get to Hideri. nent’s face but at his target, his opponent’s heart. not, Yū instead discov-
The PCs may be able to rescue Hideri, but she has ers the scroll and shows
To defeat Kamu, the PC must fight to the death. For the PCs. If inspected,
inhaled a lot of smoke and only lasts long enough to
dueling rules, see page 258 of the core rulebook. When the PCs discover the
bemoan the loss of her scrolls. This was the Scorpion’s document is the true
one of the duelists lies dying, Yū apologizes to the PCs,
purpose in having Shosuro Yasu, who was masquerading telling of the Battle
taking responsibility for reading the scroll aloud at the
as Akodo Kamayoko, set the fire (see Scorpion Interfer- of Snow Plain, signed
Kitsu family archives and dragging them into this vision. with Hideri’s personal
ence on page 26), but Hideri did not see her assailant.
Read or paraphrase the following aloud: chop. Depending on
The PCs receive 3 honor for attempting to save her, and
whether or not the PCs
if they wish, they may take the flute she was playing when The world begins to collapse around you, falling away are able to affect the
she was attacked and was still clutching when she died. into shadow. You look at Yū, and she steps aside from future (see Living in
When Hideri dies, or when her burned body is found the Past on page 2),
Ayako, the ghostly form separating from the young
they can either hide the
in the remains of the tent, Yū asks to speak to the PCs librarian. The ghost shakes her head sadly. Blood scroll case somewhere
alone. She tells them that the Scorpion Amane came begins to spread around her feet. “I do not remember to gather when they
to her after meeting with Sakura the night before and how I die, but I am not given the opportunity to right return to the present
promised to help keep what happened to Yū out of the the lie that became truth here.” She lifts her hand to her (or they can have Yū do
histories. She signed an account of the battle, one that so), or, alternatively, the
side as blood pools there. “Please, hold my truth when
GM can allow the PCs
didn’t include her, and told the Scorpion where Hideri you return to the castle. Promise me.” The vision fades. to take the document
was so they could plant the document. She realizes now back to the present
that they wanted to know where the historian’s tent was As the last breath from either Kamu or the PC is with them.
so the Scorpion could have Yasu burn it. drawn, the vision fades.
When back in the pres-
If the PCs look for the Scorpion in one of the aban- ent with the scroll, any

Part Three: The Truth

doned mines, they find Amane there, but the shinobi Ikoma historian NPC can
Shosuro Yasu has already gone and taken the document authenticate the docu-
ment for the PCs so that
Yū signed. The PCs may to bring Amane back to Sakura
it may be used in court
to face justice or let them go. Amane will not resist, say- Once the PCs have returned to the present from the
as testimony on behalf
ing little. If the PCs manage to bring Amane to the Lion vision, they must decide how they’ll handle the informa- of Ikoma Hideri.
camp, Sakura demands that the Scorpion be executed tion they discovered throughout Part Two. Depending on
for causing Hideri’s death. Then, it is time for the duel their affiliations and personal motivations, the way each
against Kamu. PC approaches the final intrigue may differ. Whether they
change history while in the vision or not, experiencing the
The Duel battle firsthand may have made them see the past differ-
ently. In this section, the PCs will participate in an intrigue
The duel is to the death, as the angry Unicorn general will that determines how their new information changes his-
accept nothing less. Sakura speaks to her advisors alone. tory, and which of the Great Clans benefits from it!
With her sword arm damaged, she is in no position to
accept this duel herself. She is angry and frustrated. Kitsu
Yū asks to be Sakura’s champion and fight for her honor.
Yū feels guilty for allowing the Scorpion to manipulate her When the PCs find themselves back at the Castle of the
and wants this opportunity to make amends to Sakura. Swift Sword, Ayako reminds them that while a Kitsu fam-
Instead of accepting, Sakura appeals to the PCs. ily audience, attuned and familiar with spiritual matters
She would rather not choose Yū, whose newfound abil- like the one the PCs experienced, might readily accept
ities have yet to be explored. If any PC offers to duel the experience they have shared, most samurai would
in her place, they gain 1 honor for their willingness. If treat their tale with suspicion and a raised brow.
multiple PCs offer, Sakura chooses the PC with the most


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


STATUS AND TRUTH After the Vision During the arbitration intrigue, each piece of written
testimony a PC acquires is worth 1 momentum point
In Rokugani law, the The PCs have three days before Kitsuki Kāgi arrives to toward their chosen social objective, plus 1 momentum
correct party is generally act on any information they gained in the vision. During point per bonus success on their check to acquire it.
the one of higher status. this time, they can persuade characters at the Castle of
Evidence and witness
the Swift Sword to testify to Kitsuki Kāgi in support of Forge Written Testimony
testimony matter only if
they support the social a particular position. Because PCs have their own alle-
hierarchy. However, this giances and goals (even if they are magistrates), party A PC could also use their firsthand knowledge to create
does not mean that the opposition may occur at this point in the adventure. an extremely convincing fake document that supports
law is without complexity. GMs are encouraged to embrace this drama and con- their position. To intentionally falsify such a document,
In a case such as this,
flict, as clans vying for control, power, and their version the PC must forfeit honor equal to half their honor rank
there is no clear, single
piece of evidence that can of the “truth” is a centerpiece of Rokugani culture. plus the status rank of the person who they claim wrote
say “this party owns the During this time, the PCs may pursue narrative scenes, the document, and must stake an equal amount of glory
mine” incontrovertibly. intrigues, and downtime activities that strengthen the ver- on passing this document off successfully. Creating the
Both sides have only document requires a TN 3 Composition (Air) check. If
sion of events they want to present to Kitsuki Kāgi. The
tangential testimony
PCs can accomplish one downtime activity and one to the character succeeds, the forgery is convincing to any
that implies their clan
should own the mine. And two narrative scenes or intrigues per day, such as: NPCs who scrutinize it. A PC can uncover the forgery
because of that, Kitsuki using a TN 3 Composition or Government (Fire) check.
Kāgi’s interpretation
Gather Witness Testimony During the arbitration intrigue, each piece of false
of what the testimony
written testimony a PC acquires is worth 1 momen-
presented actually
A PC could undertake an intrigue to persuade an NPC tum point toward their chosen social objective, plus 3
means – and which parts
actually apply to who at the castle to weigh in on their side of the argument momentum points per bonus success on their check to
owns the mine – matters when Kitsuki Kāgi arrives. If multiple PCs are pursuing acquire it. However, if it is exposed during the arbitra-
a great deal. this goal to different ends, the GM should track each tion, the PC who used it loses all momentum points (in
PC’s progress with each NPC as an ongoing Appeal to addition to their staked glory).
a Person objective (see page 255 of the core rulebook)
that lasts multiple scenes. If the position runs counter to Other Clever Plots
the NPC’s clan loyalty or priorities, increase the momen-
tum points required to win over that NPC to that posi- The PCs can also undertake other options to prepare
tion by 3. If multiple PCs are trying to appeal to the same for the arrival of the magistrate. For instance, they could
NPC to take different positions, the PC who achieves the research Kitsuki Kāgi’s own family history using the archives
objective and has the most momentum points over the to find suitable blackmail or bribery material, or they could
amount required is successful. A PC might even try to find out about Shosuro Aishi and Ide Tsubame to find ways
discredit another’s witness with the Discredit Someone to get one or the other to relinquish their claim. The GM
objective (see page 255 of the core rulebook). should entertain other plausible creative options.
During the arbitration intrigue, each witness a PC During the arbitration intrigue, each other plan to
convinces to weigh in on their side of the arbitration build favor with the arbitrator or claimants should award
adds a number of momentum points toward that PC’s 1 or more momentum points toward the PC’s chosen
chosen social objective equal to their status rank. social objective.

Acquire Written Testimony Rendering Judgment

A PC could look for more written research to back up After three days, the PCs are informed that the repre-
their position, especially now that they are armed with sentatives from the Scorpion and Unicorn have arrived
firsthand knowledge of the events. As a downtime activ- along with Kitsuki Kāgi This includes Shosuro Aishi, a
ity, a PC may make a TN 3 Scholar skill check to prepare descendant of the Scorpion emissary Shosuro Amane
documentation for their argument. Each PC can only use in the vision, and Ide Tsubame, an ambitious young
each ring once this way. If a PC succeeds, they find his- Unicorn courtier and descendant of Shinjo Kamu. Aishi
torical documents that help to substantiate the details recently discovered a letter hidden by her ancestor that
they saw in the vision – old scrolls that had been ignored, included details of the diamond mine, and so started
commentary on the battles that was viewed as incorrect all the current trouble. Tsubame believes that if she can
but they now know to be accurate (or simply useful to negotiate a win for the Unicorn, her clan might consider
their position), or even firsthand records of seemingly giving her greater responsibility. Aware that the situa-
mundane details (supplies, casualty reports, personal tion is about to escalate, the acting Emerald Champion,
letters) that offer bits of credence to their position. Agasha Sumiko, has sent a deputy, Kitsuki Kāgi, to arbi-
trate negotiations between the two emissaries.


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Running the Intrigue Kāgi rules in favor of putting the mine under CHOOSING SIDES
Imperial control.
A few hours after he arrives, Kāgi summons the PCs and How the PCs choose to
$ Another Faction: Requires 24 momentum
any NPCs who have anything to say about the issue of use the knowledge they
points. After this objective is completed, Kāgi have gained over the
the diamond mine to a meeting to present their cases.
rules in favor of the chosen Great Clan, Minor course of the adventure
The room is sparse, although tea is served at various
Clan, other faction, or even an individual. determines whether they
intervals during the arbitration, which can take several succeed in their mission
hours. Kāgi is open to being persuaded that either the or start a war, and who
Unicorn or Scorpion should own the mine, but he has gains the diamond mine.
Appeal to Aishi or Tsubame to If any PCs are Unicorn
also been given permission to place the mine under
Drop Their Clan’s Claim or Scorpion, their duty
Imperial control if no clear decision can be made.
necessitates siding with
At the start of the arbitration meeting, the GM Based on the Appeal to a Person or Group social objec- their own clan. To do
should ask each PC what their social objective is for this tive (see page 255 of the core rulebook), any PC or otherwise, they must
intrigue. This social objective will be treated as an ongo- group of PCs attempting this objective must accrue 18 forfeit 5 glory. They make
an enemy of their clan’s
ing social objective until the arbitration ends, regardless momentum points toward it to succeed via the Persuade
representative, however,
of how many scenes it takes to resolve. action targeting Aishi or Tsubame and various revela- and an ally of the opposi-
The PCs can choose from one of several social objec- tions of testimony they gathered during preparation. tion. See Player Rewards
tives for this scene, and all PCs can pursue the same After this objective is completed, Aishi or Tsubame relin- on this page.
objective or they may pursue separate agendas. Some quishes their clan’s claim to the mine.
sample objectives the GM should offer the PCs are:
Discredit Aishi, Tsubame,
Appeal to Kāgi to Rule in Favor of… or Someone Else
Based on the Appeal to a Person or Group social Based on the Discredit Someone social objective (see
objective (see page 255 of the core rulebook), any PC page 255 of the core rulebook), any PC or group of PCs
or group of PCs attempting this objective must accrue attempting this objective must cause Aishi or Tsubame
momentum points toward it to succeed via the Persuade to become Compromised. After this objective is com-
action targeting Kāgi and various revelations of testi- pleted, Aishi or Tsubame loses up to 8 momentum
mony they gathered during preparation. The number of points they have acquired so far. However, they are not
momentum points varies as follows: removed from the scene, and can continue trying to
accrue momentum points.
$ The Unicorn or the Scorpion: Requires 16
momentum points. After this objective is com-
NPC Objectives
pleted, Kāgi rules in favor of either the Unicorn
or Scorpion based on the outcome. The NPCs are pursuing the following social objectives
$ Imperial Control: Requires 14 momentum in this scene:
points. After this objective is completed,

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Shosuro Aishi: Aishi is pursuing the Appeal to Kāgi $ “Shinjo Kamoko, niece to Shinjo Kamu, wrote
to Rule in Favor of the Scorpion objective, and any PCs of his considerable ire toward the Scorpion
Aishi can be represented also pursuing this objective may join her in doing so, in several of her later letters. Would he really
with the Seasoned combining their momentum points into a single pool. have given the mine to the Scorpion if he hated
Courtier profile on page
Ide Tsubame: Tsubame is pursuing the Appeal to them?” (Air)
313 of the core rulebook,
with the addition of Kāgi to Rule in Favor of the Unicorn objective, and any $ “Where was this Scorpion claim to the mine for
the Trickster template PCs also pursuing this objective may join her in doing so, the last few centuries? What could be sparking
(Ambitious demeanor). combining their momentum points into a single pool. their need for it now besides treachery?” (Fire)
She is a tall, elegant
Kitsuki Kāgi: Kitsuki Kāgi pursues multiple objec-
woman with expensive $ “Surely, this is a chance to put the bloody wars
tastes. She dreams tives in sequence during this scene. First, he pursues
the Discern Someone’s Qualities objective targeting of the past behind us and unite as a single,
about wearing diamonds
retrieved from the Ide Tsubame, then he pursues the same objective tar- peaceful Rokugan.” (Void)
Unicorn mines. She is as geting Shosuro Aishi. If the PCs join with him in these
greedy for expensive silk
objectives, he will share any information he uncovers
as she is for information Shosuro Aishi’s Arguments
and is only happy when in the process (such as the advantages, disadvantages,
she’s wearing finer robes demeanor, and skills of these characters). If he com- Shosuro Aishi then makes the following points, each of
than everyone around pletes both of these objectives, he begins to pursue the which gains 1 momentum point for the Scorpion cause
her. This isn’t something
same objective targeting the PCs. unless refuted by a PC. Assuming the PC does not have
she has to worry about in
present company. status greater than the courtier, the PC must stake glory
Multi-day Arbitration equal to their glory rank to contest Aishi’s arguments.

Kāgi does not intend to let anyone leave the conference $ “Without the assistance of my clan, the Unicorn
hall until the decision is made. However, the PCs (or NPCs) would not have won the Battle of Snow Plain at
might want to take a break to remove strife, gather new all. The mine was given as a gift in gratitude for
Ide Tsubame can be
testimony, or make alliances and change tactics. As an this help, and to refute that now dishonors our
represented with the action during the intrigue, any character may make a TN 3 ancestors who fought for the plain.” (Earth)
Seasoned Courtier pro- Courtesy check (Earth 1, Water 4) to convince Kāgi to
file on page 313 of the
$ “I have here my ancestor’s letter detailing the
call for a respite. Each PC and NPC may then undertake
core rulebook, with the positioning of the mines that were discovered
one downtime activity or narrative scene (or simply rest).
addition of the Socialite and dug by the Scorpion. If the Scorpion dug
template (Assertive However, as Kāgi is under significant pressure to render
the mine, surely we owned it.” (Water)
demeanor). She has judgment quickly, increase the TN of this check to call for
studied the customs a reprieve by 2 each time a character succeeds at it. $ “Why have the Unicorn never worked in it all these
and traditions of all the years? Wouldn’t they use a mine they owned?” (Air)
clans, and she considers
perfect manners and a Managing the NPCs $ “You’re born of the Lion Clan, aren’t you
display of impeccable during the Intrigue Kitsuki-sama? The Matsu family, if I’m not mis-
taste to be necessary taken? It seems like it can be only fate that you
parts of her job. She is When Tsubame and Aishi make their checks to persuade
would be allowed to make the decision over
a practical woman who Kāgi, the GM can deliver the following talking points, reading
would prefer to be out whether the Unicorn shall once again presume to
or paraphrasing them as necessary. The GM can also have
riding, and preferably seize territory they willingly abandoned…” (Fire)
hunting, but she puts these NPCs address the PCs’ points instead, trying to cast
her duty to her clan doubt on the testimony they have offered with insinuations $ “I am sure you will make the wisest choice.” (Void)
before all else. or counter-testimony from a source of comparable status.
The GM can roll for NPC uses of the Persuade action
(using the ring listed with the talking point and the charac-
The Decision Is Made
ter’s Social skill ranks), or simply grant the NPC a number In any outcome, at least one clan is left disappointed.
of momentum points equal to the listed ring to save time. War might yet be prevented, however. One or both
disappointed courtiers can be convinced the decision
Ide Tsubame’s Arguments was made fairly and correctly. This could spark further
conflict, someday even leading to war, but the PCs can
Ide Tsubame can make the following points:
also attempt to smooth things over. If the PCs can offer
$ “We won the Snow Plain from the Lion, and no something of value to the losing party, be it knowledge
other clan can claim a right to it.” (Earth) of their ancestors they previously lacked, a valuable alli-
ance, or some other consolation, they can potentially
$ “The Snow Plain belongs to the Unicorn, so
keep the matter from escalating—if this is something
there should be no doubt the mine also belongs
they even desire, based on their own interests!
to the Unicorn.” (Water)


Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)


Conclusion and Epilogue Player Rewards

Player characters’ success is not dependent on fulfilling the

Once Kitsuki Kāgi makes a decision, he tells the PCs that acting Emerald Champion’s mission exactly. If the PCs have Kitsu Ayako has been
affected by the experi-
their task is complete. Shosuro Aishi and Ide Tsubame been virtuous and dutiful, and have achieved their goals, ence of the vision and is
return to their respective clans, and Kāgi writes a let- they receive appropriate rewards. Each PC gains 3 XP for now deeply connected
ter to the acting Emerald Champion letting her know completing the adventure, with the following additions: to her ancestor Yū and
how the PCs fared and what the clan representatives’ wants nothing more than
$ 5 glory: For successfully determining the out- to make the true history
reactions to his decision were. If Aishi or Tsubame return
come of the Imperial investigation in Part Three of the Battle of Snow
home disappointed and unpersuaded, they may encour- Plain known. Her abilities
age their champion to seize the mine by force. (see page 28). are like Yū’s, and she
If the players wish to continue the adventure, Kitsuki $ 3 honor: For attempting to make peace or could learn the Ancestral
Kāgi entrusts the PCs with the letter to acting Emerald Summons invocation. If
choose peaceful solutions.
she becomes a shugenja,
Champion Agasha Sumiko. During the PCs’ journey,
$ 2 honor: For promising Yū to help spread the she will be a powerful
news reaches them that Akodo Toturi has won the right one, and indebted to
truth and attempting to do so; if a PC promised
to serve as Emerald Champion. If desired, the GM can the PCs.
to do so and did not try to keep that promise,
redirect the PCs to Toshi Ranbo, where Akodo Toturi
they instead lose 2 honor.
is visiting, or to Otosan Uchi, where political tensions
are coming to a head. The PCs could also run into the $ If Kitsu Ayako becomes a shugenja, the PCs gain
Army of the Rising Wave and have to contend with the the advantage Ally [Kitsu Ayako] (Water).
Dragon. If one or both clans are likely to send an army $ If the PCs revealed everything they knew to
to the plains surrounding Toshi Ranbo, the Emerald Kitsuki Kāgi, they impressed him, and he writes
Champion sends the PCs with a detachment from an a favorable report to the acting Emerald Cham-
Imperial Legion behind them to keep the peace, which pion. The PCs are awarded an additional 5 glory,
is its own adventure. and gain the advantage Ally [Kitsu Kāgi] (Water).

Riley Miller
RPG MANAGER Sam Gregor-Stewart Jason Glawe
EXPANSION GRAPHIC DESIGN Sebastian Koziner Roger Ashton-Winter, Cady Belicki, Joe Belicki, Howard
GRAPHIC DESIGN Joseph D. Olson Brandon, Martin Brimacombe, Ernie Brow, Lucinda Charles,
COORDINATOR Stephen Calomino, Lachlan Conley, Nicole Conley, Sam Davies,
Zak Estrada, Jon Ferenczy, Jim Friedman, Adam Fry, James
Gibson, Marty Hehman, Matthew Hehman, Stephen Hehman,
FRONT COVER ART Mauro Dal Bo Laura Heilman, Sean Holland, Ian Houlihan, Brian Lewis, James
BACK COVER ART Nele Diel “Jamie” Lewis, Fraoncois Martinez, Michael Molyneaux, Tom
Nys, John Pope, Dan Pritchard, Kyle Pritchard, David Robotham,
INTERIOR ART Karol Rybaltowski, Tony Somerville, Jon Stachon, Marie Stachon,
Francesca Baerald, Marius Bota, Joshua Cairos, Erik Strijbos, Joris Van der Vorst, John Vilandre, Kris Van
Lin Hsiang, Pavel Kolomeyets, Polar Engine, Andreia Ugrai Beurden, and Thomas van den Berg

©2021 Edge Studio under licence of Fantasy Flight Games. Legend of the Five Rings, the L5R logo, and the white FFG
logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight. Games. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are registered trademarks of
Fantasy Flight Games. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. Published
by Edge Studio - Asmodee Group. 18 rue Jacqueline Auriol, Quartier Villaroy, BP 40119 Guyancourt Cedex, France.
ISBN: 8435407637634 SKU: ESL5R15EN Printed in Lithuania
For more information about the world of Rokugan and Legend of the Five Rings, visit us online at
Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)
Recover or rewrite the
history of the Battle of
Snow Plain.
The Battle of Snow Plain is remembered
as a bitter defeat for the Lion Clan at the
hands of their northern neighbors, the
Unicorn Clan. A group of samurai is sent to
research this historic battle and scrutinize
the official accounts, but studying the past
is not as simple as it seems, especially when
the ancestors are involved.
Step onto the battlefield and charge into
the fray with Blood of the Lioness. This
adventure for the Legend of the Five
Rings Roleplaying Game tests the mettle
of scouts, soldiers, shugenja, and scholars
alike. Yet in order for your players to achieve
victory, they must first face the past.
Blood of the Lioness includes:
$ A 32-page book with a complete
adventure for the Legend of the Five
Rings Roleplaying Game.
$ A double-sided fold-out poster map
depicting the lands of the Lion Clan,
the Castle of the Swift Sword, and the
battlefield of Snow Plain.
$ More than 40 tokens to represent the
warriors and leaders of the battlefield,
including army cohort tokens to represent
Lion and Unicorn forces.

ISBN : 8435407637634

Jason Italiano (Order #39293419)

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