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Account Application


The information contained in your account application indicated to us that your current status can be described by at least one of the
following conditions:
- Your annual income is less than $25,000 USD
- Your net worth is less than $50,000 USD
- You are under 21 years old
- You are retired
- You have less than 1 year or no commodity futures trading experience
I/We have considered the financial risks involved in trading commodities futures with regard to my/our personal situation and I/We wish
to proceed with opening an account. I/We fully understand the nature of commodity futures trading and I/We realize that I/We can sustain
a total loss of any deposit funds. I/We acknowledge that any funds that I/We commit are purely risk capital, and loss of my investment
will not compromise my/our standard of living, retirement plans or prior obligations to others.

Name Zaineb Abbad

User Id Google:111032887233785107609:NTB
Datetime Signed Jul 2, 2023, 2:43:08 PM

Submitted By: Google:111032887233785107609:NTB Jul 2, 2023, 2:41:03 PM Page 1 of 1

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