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Venanda Putri Utami – 181010650063 – 05SIGM001

The answer of part 1 :

1. A (Spied)
Reason : The sentence above uses the simple past tense. This can be seen from the
word "the civil war" that has occurred. In the answer choices :
B. Spying followed by an auxiliary verb (am, is, are, was, were).
C. A spy is an extension of the subject.
D. Was spied is used in passive sentences. But the sentence above begins with a
subject, not an object.
2. A (So named because it)
Reason : Two verb means we need a conjunction somewhere.
Part II :
8. B (Fan)

Reason : The subject of this sentence is "fan". Because “fan” is a countable noun,

the number “several hundred”, the form of “fan” should change to the plural, and the

keyword is a crowd of several hundred.

9. C (Romantic)

Reason : This is a word form error, a series of nouns listed together.

Part III :

1. B (One depelopment in music in the last century)

2. B (New)

3. D (American Novels)

4. C (Modern American Music)

Venanda Putri Utami – 181010650063 – 05SIGM001

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