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Budapest had a decline in the percentage of its food budget spent on restaurant meals from 1970 to
2000, but a rise in the percentage of its food budget spent on home cooking. Charts from 1970
indicated that 90% of families in Budapest spent their income on home cooking, with only 10% going
to restaurants. The proportion of meals prepared at home fell by 5% in 1980, but the proportion of
money spent on restaurant meals rose by 5%. 65% of money was spent on eating out, but 35% of it
was spent by families cooking at home. Although in 2000, the proportion of money spent on
restaurants and home cooking were equal.

In 1970, the proportions of sit-down restaurants and fast food restaurants were equal. However, sit-
down restaurant dinners were more expensive in 1980 than fast food meals. Fast food meals were
more expensive than seated restaurant meals in 1990. And whereas there were 45 sit-down
restaurant dinners in 2000, there were 90 fast food meals.

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