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06 Important Life Lessons Learned From 2022

2022 It was not a wild ride…

The world didn’t collapse. 
The economy got worse little…
but it was under control….
The virus didn’t attack many human beings last year…
Social media showed life is better for others…
But the reality was completely different….
That’s the first lesson from 2022….
So, Here are the top 06 things I learned along the way… 
that can help you to make your year better.

Focus on tiny improvement

One of the resolutions was to look good… 
by eating healthy food and…
going for runs 4-5 times weekly...
I know most people in my social circle are struggling to lose weight….
I also had some kind of goal…
My goal was to hit at least 70kg.
I didn’t reach 70 but I reached 72kg… and 
I am super happy with my progress and…
learned what healthy food is….
what is intermittent fasting, what side effects of sugar on our body, and many more things…
I learned about what small things can do in the long run…
Focus one step at a time… 
One workout, one meal, one page…
Whatever it is just a 1% improvement….
That we need…

Delegate your workload

Delegation is hard to do if you’re a perfectionist. 
When I got more work…
Such as editing the reels, shorts, my YouTube videos,…
And the recording uploading… everything…
I was working extremely busy and thinking to delegate but…
I was unsure if it was the right time or…
I could handle the workload,...
especially in my side projects….
I quickly learned if someone else can do a better job than me in less time…
just delegate the task….
Believe me; it’s a life-changing experience….
I can understand everyone learns the hard way…
We know the metaphor of never giving up….
But sometimes….
Even after giving our 100%...
we need to understand that…
it’s not working out….
Maybe it’s not for us, or maybe there is another way to handle it…
Here is a great thing I learned… 
leave the task for a few days, weeks…
or even months, then start again…
When I was trying to record, edit, and upload my YouTube videos…, 
I missed uploading many times…
I had no videos for some weeks….
But still, I almost hit my goal…
You have to know when is the right time to quit… pause…

I am proud to say that I spent quality time reading last year…
I love structural reading…
 therefore, I focused on biographies, business failures/successes stories…
and mental wellness books….
That was one of the goals to read for at least 1 hour every day…
And I did it…
Missing here and there one or two days are fine…
But, not reading at all for weeks is not worth it…
Because the book you don’t reads won't help…

No cell phone in bed

I don’t take my phone to bed anymore…
and also do not check my phone first thing in the morning….
I remember when I was taking a phone with me in the bedroom,...
I was literally on the phone scrolling until midnight….
Try to avoid taking your phone to your bedroom…
instead, buy a good physical alarm clock….
Give time to the person you are with….
Talk to the friend or partner with whom you are out for dinner…
Stop using that phone when you are with someone or…
When you are going to bed….
And you will feel the difference…
Be yourself
And this is very important….
Don’t pretend to be someone you are not…
especially when you meet someone new…
and try to impress them to get a job, relationship, and/or simply in a social circle…
Always show your genuine personality to other people because…
you never know… 
which part of your personality impresses the person….
Just be yourself!...

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